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Unexpected Metal Moment

Fat Freddy

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A new "Unexpected Metal Moment" for ya...


One day last week I came home from work and my 6-year old immediately asked me if we could go play upstairs, as is his daily habit. So I head upstairs with him, the baby, and the dog in tow, and while the kids raced their toy trucks up and down the hallway I went in my bedroom and put VH1 Classic on the TV just for background noise. The show "One Hit Wonders" was playing (side note: who the hell is the blonde chick who hosts that show, and where has she been my whole life? She's frickin GORGEOUS!) and it happened to be the "metal" episode, so the first video that came on was Loudness' "Crazy Nights." I of course went "Woot, cool!" and stood there gettin' my air guitar on for a moment. My 6 year old came in to see what I was watching and went "Daddy, this ROCKS right?" I sez "You darn right it does!" and then both he and the baby danced around the room (the 6 year old also jumped up and down, threw the devil horns and chanted "WOO!" at random, which was freakin' hilarious) while I air guitared for the rest of the song. It was so friggin cute. :lol:

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A new "Unexpected Metal Moment" for ya...


One day last week I came home from work and my 6-year old immediately asked me if we could go play upstairs, as is his daily habit. So I head upstairs with him, the baby, and the dog in tow, and while the kids raced their toy trucks up and down the hallway I went in my bedroom and put VH1 Classic on the TV just for background noise. The show "One Hit Wonders" was playing (side note: who the hell is the blonde chick who hosts that show, and where has she been my whole life? She's frickin GORGEOUS!) and it happened to be the "metal" episode, so the first video that came on was Loudness' "Crazy Nights." I of course went "Woot, cool!" and stood there gettin' my air guitar on for a moment. My 6 year old came in to see what I was watching and went "Daddy, this ROCKS right?" I sez "You darn right it does!" and then both he and the baby danced around the room (the 6 year old also jumped up and down, threw the devil horns and chanted "WOO!" at random, which was freakin' hilarious) while I air guitared for the rest of the song. It was so friggin cute. :lol:



You are obviously training them in the correct manner, in the ways of 'Metal' young man :headbanger:

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A new "Unexpected Metal Moment" for ya...


One day last week I came home from work and my 6-year old immediately asked me if we could go play upstairs, as is his daily habit. So I head upstairs with him, the baby, and the dog in tow, and while the kids raced their toy trucks up and down the hallway I went in my bedroom and put VH1 Classic on the TV just for background noise. The show "One Hit Wonders" was playing (side note: who the hell is the blonde chick who hosts that show, and where has she been my whole life? She's frickin GORGEOUS!) and it happened to be the "metal" episode, so the first video that came on was Loudness' "Crazy Nights." I of course went "Woot, cool!" and stood there gettin' my air guitar on for a moment. My 6 year old came in to see what I was watching and went "Daddy, this ROCKS right?" I sez "You darn right it does!" and then both he and the baby danced around the room (the 6 year old also jumped up and down, threw the devil horns and chanted "WOO!" at random, which was freakin' hilarious) while I air guitared for the rest of the song. It was so friggin cute. :lol:


You are father of the year!!! :beerbang:

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A new "Unexpected Metal Moment" for ya...


One day last week I came home from work and my 6-year old immediately asked me if we could go play upstairs, as is his daily habit. So I head upstairs with him, the baby, and the dog in tow, and while the kids raced their toy trucks up and down the hallway I went in my bedroom and put VH1 Classic on the TV just for background noise. The show "One Hit Wonders" was playing (side note: who the hell is the blonde chick who hosts that show, and where has she been my whole life? She's frickin GORGEOUS!) and it happened to be the "metal" episode, so the first video that came on was Loudness' "Crazy Nights." I of course went "Woot, cool!" and stood there gettin' my air guitar on for a moment. My 6 year old came in to see what I was watching and went "Daddy, this ROCKS right?" I sez "You darn right it does!" and then both he and the baby danced around the room (the 6 year old also jumped up and down, threw the devil horns and chanted "WOO!" at random, which was freakin' hilarious) while I air guitared for the rest of the song. It was so friggin cute. :lol:



Now, see. THIS is what a camcorder is for!! To capture moments like this, post em on You Tube!!!!! :tumbsup:

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If I put some of my son's more "metal moments" on Youtube, I would more then likely have Child Services knocking on my door.


My 7 year old just keeps getting more and more metal... His favorite 2 CDs right now are Dream Evil and DIO. Every morning on the way to school I better have one of these two in the car.


Just a few months ago his favorite 2 were Autograph and Britny Fox.... But if you ask him, he still says Joan Jett is his very favorite.


He'll be 8 years old next month and has been asking for a set of drums... "A real set" he keeps telling me.

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If I put some of my son's more "metal moments" on Youtube, I would more then likely have Child Services knocking on my door.


My 7 year old just keeps getting more and more metal... His favorite 2 CDs right now are Dream Evil and DIO. Every morning on the way to school I better have one of these two in the car.


Just a few months ago his favorite 2 were Autograph and Britny Fox.... But if you ask him, he still says Joan Jett is his very favorite.


He'll be 8 years old next month and has been asking for a set of drums... "A real set" he keeps telling me.


It's moments like these I wish I knocked up my wife!!! Or anyone's for that matter :whistle:

I did get my nephew into AC/DC & DAMONE, does that count? :unsure:

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  • 8 months later...
  • 2023 Gold Donors

I had one a while back.......


Went to a local ffj (fast food joint) :P & after orderin' (an ordeal in itself with some places) there were two teenage fembod's in what seemed to be a semi-bushwackin' hidin place 'round the corner of the menu......once I moved 'round & they spotted me, they moved in :lol:......only to hand me a promo flyer for 10% off my next order (which was kinda cool).....but......& here's where/when the metal moment occurred.....the buggerettes ;) gave me a rather unique combination of looks ( :(:shocked: & :help:) when they heard some of the tunes that I had cranked! :guitbannana: Perhaps they were a tad concerned as what was bein' amped outta my player? I was listenin' to some Talisman......maybe they didn't like the lyrics to the song...but WTF? Ok.....the song was Dangerous, but c'mon.......it's not like I was crankin' out some Sabbath or Alice Cooper! :headbanger:

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Cool thread...


I'll share a moment from about a month or so ago at the local Walmart.

I'm standing in the check out line with my wife and I notice 2 guys looking at me and commenting back and forth.

They see that I had noticed them and they start making their way towards me.

At this point I'm thinking are they seriously going to try to kick my ass in a Walmart?

They arrive and one says "Dude, love your shirt!"

I'm wearing an L.A. Guns shirt with the design of the front cover of their debut.

I said cool, thanks.

The other one says "We're from L.A.!"

At this point I'm like fuck me these guys just wanted to say they like my shirt because it has their home city initials on it? :blink:

So then they said "where did you get the shirt, at one of their concerts?"

I'm thinking whew, they do know what the shirt is about. I'm like "yeah, years ago."

As we finish checking out I said to my wife, "see, there are lots of people who like the music I listen to."

She rolls her eyes and as we head out the doors they drive by and smiling and wave from their car.

My wife rolls her eyes at me again.

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Cool thread...


I'll share a moment from about a month or so ago at the local Walmart.

I'm standing in the check out line with my wife and I notice 2 guys looking at me and commenting back and forth.

They see that I had noticed them and they start making their way towards me.

At this point I'm thinking are they seriously going to try to kick my ass in a Walmart?

They arrive and one says "Dude, love your shirt!"

I'm wearing an L.A. Guns shirt with the design of the front cover of their debut.

I said cool, thanks.

The other one says "We're from L.A.!"

At this point I'm like fuck me these guys just wanted to say they like my shirt because it has their home city initials on it? :blink:

So then they said "where did you get the shirt, at one of their concerts?"

I'm thinking whew, they do know what the shirt is about. I'm like "yeah, years ago."

As we finish checking out I said to my wife, "see, there are lots of people who like the music I listen to."

She rolls her eyes and as we head out the doors they drive by and smiling and wave from their car.

My wife rolls her eyes at me again.


Sounds like what happened to me about 8 years ago..

I was walkin' through a mall by Lake Worth Florida with my wife. I was wearing one of my wife's favorite shirts (She hates all my concert shirts), so that day I picked one of her favorites (MOTORHEAD). Some guy was putting painting the outside of one of the stores. Looks at me and said "Dude!! Motorhead Rocks!!" and then started to sing "THE ACE OF SPADES, THE ACE OF SPADES" My wife thought I was the only one who knew who they were...


I sometimes feel that their brains are smaller than squirrels!!! :explode:

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Haven't been around the board in a long while so it's good to be back.....


I have Metal Moments all the time because all I wear is tour shirts. I just went to see KISS in Boston a couple weeks ago with my 10 yr. old daughter and my best friend, I wore my Saxon shirt from the 1999/2000 Metalhead Tour (saw Saxon with UDO at the infamous Station Nightclub here in RI) and my UFO hat from the You Are Here Tour. My daughter was wearing my old KISS Revenge Tour shirt. There were a ton of people who stopped us with either a horns up for the Saxon shirt or a "Schenker rules" for the UFO hat but the best one was when some guy comes up and asks my daughter what she thought of the Revenge Tour. He was dead serious too. My daughter was born 6 years after that tour!


Another Metal Moment was when I saw the Anvil movie at a small theater in Providence at the end of May. I'm standing in the lobby with my orange Alice Cooper Halloween tour shirt from 2001 and quietly singing the entire Forged In Fire record to myself from my iPod. A group of 6 young kids, maybe 11-13, come in with one of their moms and they descend on me. Have I ever heard of Anvil? Wear did I get the Alice shirt? Have I seen any other Metal bands in concert? That last one was my favorite! I did what any self-respecting 37 yr old Metalhead would do.....with 20 mins before the movie, I gave the quickest Heavy Metal lesson with examples from my iPod. I went thru Anvil, to the NWOBHM, to the LA Glam scene and on and on. After the movie, the kids descended again for weblinks and band names to check out. Very cool to help out young people searching for good music!

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  • 11 years later...

Not sure this is the thread I was after, but something interesting anyway. My wife has been watching the new series Nine Perfect Strangers, with Nicole Kidman, and I must admit I've been struggling to keep my eyes off the screen when it's on. In fact, it's the kind of show I'd usually watch and one my wife would not normally watch. Interesting show, but invokes thoughts you'd rather not allow into your head as a parent. Anyway, we were watching the last episode today and the show ended in a hauntingly touching fashion with a sweet melody which at first I was thinking, man, what is that sweet haunting tune, and I quickly then realised it was none other than 'Silent Lucidity' by Queensryche. It took me that long to place it as I found it so incredibly surprising. Don't really know the history of the song and if it was actually a hit back in the day, but seemed really surprising to me. Perfectly suited to the occasion, ending the series. 

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  • My Little Pony
2 hours ago, Geoff said:

Not sure this is the thread I was after, but something interesting anyway. My wife has been watching the new series Nine Perfect Strangers, with Nicole Kidman, and I must admit I've been struggling to keep my eyes off the screen when it's on. In fact, it's the kind of show I'd usually watch and one my wife would not normally watch. Interesting show, but invokes thoughts you'd rather not allow into your head as a parent. Anyway, we were watching the last episode today and the show ended in a hauntingly touching fashion with a sweet melody which at first I was thinking, man, what is that sweet haunting tune, and I quickly then realised it was none other than 'Silent Lucidity' by Queensryche. It took me that long to place it as I found it so incredibly surprising. Don't really know the history of the song and if it was actually a hit back in the day, but seemed really surprising to me. Perfectly suited to the occasion, ending the series. 



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18 hours ago, nyoilers said:

It was probably their biggest song released in the USA

Cool. I assumed it'd be something like 'Best I can,' not that I'd really know at all. I pulled up the video on youtube last night and noticed it had... hold on, let me check... almost 41 million views. Mind officially blown.


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20 hours ago, KarpetRydOFunk said:



lol, creep. I'd recommend it if you like kind of creepy stuff. I didn't see the whole thing and it seemed to take quite a while to get started, but not bad. Watch before you have kids, lol. 

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  • 2023 Gold Donors
1 hour ago, Geoff said:

Cool. I assumed it'd be something like 'Best I can,' not that I'd really know at all. I pulled up the video on youtube last night and noticed it had... hold on, let me check... almost 41 million views. Mind officially blown.

It had kind of a Pink Floyd vibe to it.

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4 hours ago, Geoff said:

Cool. I assumed it'd be something like 'Best I can,' not that I'd really know at all. I pulled up the video on youtube last night and noticed it had... hold on, let me check... almost 41 million views. Mind officially blown.


One of the greatest ballads ever written. Also my favourite album. I think it had the following singles: Jet City Woman, Empire, Silent Lucidity, Best I Can and Another Rainy Night Without You. Silent Lucidity was the big hit. If I remember right they played it live at the Grammy's the next year. Still an amazing album and incredible song.

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18 hours ago, auslander said:

One of the greatest ballads ever written. Also my favourite album. I think it had the following singles: Jet City Woman, Empire, Silent Lucidity, Best I Can and Another Rainy Night Without You. Silent Lucidity was the big hit. If I remember right they played it live at the Grammy's the next year. Still an amazing album and incredible song.

Yeah, I don't want to speak this too loudly, but it's actually the only Queensryche album I like, and like it I do. But, I should say that I've been meaning to revisit 'Operation MIndcrime' for at least a decade, and will definitely do it hopefully kind of soon. 

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On 9/25/2021 at 9:03 PM, auslander said:

One of the greatest ballads ever written. Also my favourite album. I think it had the following singles: Jet City Woman, Empire, Silent Lucidity, Best I Can and Another Rainy Night Without You. Silent Lucidity was the big hit. If I remember right they played it live at the Grammy's the next year. Still an amazing album and incredible song.

 Right, their biggest hit to date. 

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5 hours ago, Geoff said:

Yeah, I don't want to speak this too loudly, but it's actually the only Queensryche album I like, and like it I do. But, I should say that I've been meaning to revisit 'Operation MIndcrime' for at least a decade, and will definitely do it hopefully kind of soon. 

Please do. One of the best metal albums of all time. 

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20 minutes ago, AlphaMale said:

I love the whole album. Every tune. Even the musical segways. All of it magnificently done.

mini review time. Just main songs.

Revolution Calling 7/10

Operation Mindcrime 7/10

(both OK but just standard songs)

Speak 5/10 

(don't like this much - points for the solo)

Spreading The Disease 7/10

(again ok but weak chorus)

The Mission 6/10

(bit of a nothing song, nice solo)

Suite Sister Mercy 4/10

(annoying and overlong)

The Needle Lies 6/10

From here on is where it picks up and ends with 3 v good songs imo

Breaking the silence 8/10

Don't believe in love  8.5/10

Eyes of a stranger 9/10


I make that 67.5% 

call it 7/10 for the concept.

Decent but not the greatest of all time imo. 

But hey its just my opinion - I get that plenty out there love it and that's all good as well.

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    • I was a pretty big fan. Nature Of The Beast is a killer song. Saw them with Dave Gleeson from the Screaming Jets singing and he did an amazing job, but pretty sure they have a new singer now  I recently went through the two most recent albums before this one and there were a couple of ok tracks, but mostly mid. Fun fact: I saw the Angels a couple of years before Doc died at the Middle hotel in Ferntree Gully and they seemed to hate each other. Pretty sure Doc said nothing to the crowd all night. Fun fact 2: when they were building the transit bar in Melbourne, a mate and I found a service elevator that went to the roof, which was under construction. After peeing off the roof, which is always fun, we realised that we could clearly hear the music 5 or 6 floors below from a DJ I think. He was playing Am I Ever Gonna See Your Face Again. We started yelling down the No Way Get Fucked, Fuck Off bit thinking we were hilarious. Then soon we noticed people looking up, and for some reason they seemed to be clearly hearing us. Another mate then called us to tell us security were on the way up the stairs so we took the service elevator down and managed to laugh it off. Stoopid drunk story I guess, but fun days.
    • Cheeky, getting your artwork in there. I wonder how you did that.  I like the vocal track on #1 and that'd be my pick. I personally don't dig the female versions of songs, because I'm not a female (yet?) and as these are songs written by ourselves I personally feel the best interpretation is an AI dude voice taking the place of your dude voice. 
    • Yeah, that's great but this is obviously an accomplished musician probably completely in control of this output... not done with Suno, I'd bet. There's definitely dudes out there who are perfectly capable of doing their own music, like this dude, but for whatever reason might not be able to put a project together, again, for whatever reason... but this definitely feels a lot more like AI feeling in the missing gaps for someone otherwise in complete control of what he wants.  Either way, it is very cool indeed.  As Darkstone says, I'm not sure paying is the way to get the best results. I'm also not saying it isn't, especially with other platforms that are not Suno. I think already knowing what you're doing, musically, is the best way to get best results, personally. Suno, for example, is just perfect for someone who might enjoy writing lyrics but is not in any way shape or form an accomplished (or even adequate, lol) musician.  But yeah, it's pretty cool for some fun. I'm not sure if you checked out my links above. Keeping them pretty quiet due to lyrical content, lol, but you might dig some of the stuff in my links. 'As the moment passes by' and 'I'll wait for you' are two of my personal faves. Along with 'Faith to fall.'
    • Yeah, musically it's what you want, but vocally... Maybe Alex should take some vocal lessons from Ken Tamplin. ;}
    • Your Eyes - Darkstone (2024) Two versions of my song number 6     https://suno.com/song/e8c1e85b-21ee-4d35-a64b-e786f00944d2   https://suno.com/song/9144c77a-bd7c-49c1-9508-f724d0832fdb
    • Yep, although I was never a massive fan.
    • Yes, celebrating their fifty years. There only two original members left in the band. Dusty might agree with me the Angels died when the original singer passed away.
    • It's just not the same without the Doc though...
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