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Erik Gronwall is now the new singer of Skid Row

Captain Howdy

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Announced by the man himself on FaceBook

Ladies and gents. I herby declare the circle of all fucking circles complete. You’re looking at the new singer of @officialskidrow #skidrow #erikgronwall
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I know Solinger was with them a long while, but including him, Erik will be the 4th singer in the last 6 or 7 years, and they have not even released anything other than one remake (from what I remember) since 2014, and still have not done anything about what was supposed to be Vol.3 of the United world rebellion set. If this sees them return to a more classic style, and Erik brings them more attention, then maybe it is not so bad, but going on how they have treated people in recent years, I don't see this lasting. They always take every opportunity to shit on Bach, but the way they got rid of Solinger (RIP) after all the years he spent with them, just shows that Bach was not the only douche in the band and they are probably just as guilty as him for why it fell apart.

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And just saw this on Wikipedia page for the band:

"In a February 2022 interview with The Music Universe, Sabo confirmed that the band's sixth studio album is expected to be released on September 16 (his 58th birthday), and added its single will be released "around the second [or] third week of March."


They also said a few years ago that vol.3 would be a full album, and be out in 2019 and that never happened, so going on this news from Erik, I doubt this album release will happen anytime soon. I don't see Erik just slotting into the band and recording the vocals (like Durbin did on that Quiet Riot album that was already recorded with previous singer)  for an album he has no creative input in.

Edited by Captain Howdy
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46 minutes ago, Y&TForever said:

Wow…that’s awesome!  Wish he was still in H.E.A.T. though….

Happy for him, but SR is old news and rather him in H.E. A.T

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2 minutes ago, The Rocker said:

Happy for him, but SR is old news and rather him in H.E. A.T

Same here.

Nice move for him to gain exposure and make Skid Row relevant again.  I mean, I know I skipped seeing them a few years ago for $20 and they were literally 10 minutes from my house.  I wouldn't skip them again though!

Hopefully they put out some great new music and can have a nice run with Erik.

But I agree, I'd much rather see him in H.E.A.T or even another new melodic rock band.  But I think a reason Erik left H.E A.T was just that he was tired of banging his head against the wall and not really getting anywhere.  This move probably gives him much more opportunity.   

Maybe Skid Row will play some H.E.A.T songs in their set lol.  H.E.A.T definitely has a better catalog of songs IMO.

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I'm not at all excited by this. I love Erik but Skid Row is basically dead.

I will give it a chance but I just don't expect much and agree this ain't gonna last long. Maybe just as long as Harnell stayed. 

Edited by AlphaMale
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1 hour ago, tts42572 said:

 But I think a reason Erik left H.E A.T was just that he was tired of banging his head against the wall and not really getting anywhere.  This move probably gives him much more opportunity.   


I get the feeling that although the split was amicable, Erik wanted to grow and go in new directions with the band, and the rest of the band wanted to go back to their more "classic" sound, hence the whole blurb about their last album being a throwback to the first two albums. That might have made Erik feel somewhat alienated.

And lets face it, his latest release shows he was probably feeling somewhat restrained creatively and he got to do something he could never do with H.E.A.T. (although obviously working with Jona still, so the split does seem genuinely amicable).

Going on New Horizon's sound, and the early EG era H.E.A.T. albums, I could easily see him wanting to return Skid Row to a sound somewhere between their debut and Slave.

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Did anyone else hear about this?

SKID ROW Fans Blast ZP THEART For Poor Vocal Performance at Oklahoma State Fair: "Totally Destroying Legacy Of The Band" » Metal Wani

SKID ROW is celebrating the 30th anniversary of its classic second album, “Slave To The Grind”, by performing it in its entirety.

Fan-filmed video footage of SKID ROW‘s September 25 performance on the Chickasaw Country Entertainment Stage at the 2021 Oklahoma State Fair can be seen below.

Skid Row fans have expressed disappointment over singer ZP Theart’s vocal performance.

Here’s what the fans said:

“ZP sounds at least as good as ‘21 Bach”

“Holy out of key barman”

“This guy just having a bad day? Or…does he always sound this off…”

“Embarrassing. Where did they find this dude? Totally destroying the legacy of a once decent band.”

“If there was a category called “heavy metal lounge singer,” I think this guy would be a perfect fit for it. Not a lot of fire in that performance.”

“embarrassing what this band has become. unfortunately, Sebastian is just as bad. so dave Sabo enjoy playing fairs and clubs the rest of your life.”

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These guys really seem to be jerks. They were rehearsing with Tony Harnell before they fired Solinger. They were such dicks, Harnell said fuck this and bolted. Then they get ZP Theart. 6 years with him (he just performed with Skid Row the other night), to today's announcement. 

So I guess ZP's vocals on the new CD will all be replaced with Erik's.

What a colossal mess. 

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Being a CD/album lover it is hard for me to appreciate the new reality which is that new music really doesn't matter as far as income for artists. Spotify has killed that for good. 

My point is, legacy bands make their $ from touring. They can make a whole truckload of cash from touring their classic sound. 

So, for a working musician, trying to make a living, it makes a huge amount of cents (sorry) to join a legacy band with a large, established brand and just tour constantly singing the old hits to a crowd who are 90% wanting to reminisce about the old days.

Edited by auslander
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3 hours ago, AlphaMale said:

I'm not at all excited by this. I love Erik but Skid Row is basically dead.

I will give it a chance but I just don't expect much and agree this ain't gonna last long. Maybe just as long as Harnell stayed. 

The only reason Erik might last longer is he is a fanboy for the band, Harnell was one of their peers back in the day.

I think for him it was just a job, for Erik it's kinda his dream.

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Just now, Captain Howdy said:

The only reason Erik might last longer is he is a fanboy for the band, Harnell was one of their peers back in the day.

I think for him it was just a job, for Erik it's kinda his dream.

Yeah, I see both sides.

I think no matter what happens, one thing Erik will do is increase his exposure in the USA.  And if it doesn't work with Skid Row for whatever reason, he'll be able to launch a solo career or find another lead gig.

I think Skid Row kind of needs him though.  I mean, this is probably their last chance.  If they can't make some headway with Erik, then they might as well hang it up.  It's really a golden opportunity for both sides.

I do struggle seeing the fit though and wonder how long it can possibly last.  I feel like "real" bands that are successful generally have common bonds that bind so to speak.  It's tough to see how a band like Skid Row is going to take kindly to Erik becoming the face of the band.  He definitely will feel like a hired gun and hard to see it being a long term thing.

I guess we'll see. 

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1 hour ago, AlphaMale said:

These guys really seem to be jerks. They were rehearsing with Tony Harnell before they fired Solinger. They were such dicks, Harnell said fuck this and bolted. Then they get ZP Theart. 6 years with him (he just performed with Skid Row the other night), to today's announcement. 

So I guess ZP's vocals on the new CD will all be replaced with Erik's.

What a colossal mess. 

From what I remember, Solinger originally claimed to have quit, and rather than let it go at that, Bolan did an interview saying he was lying and that they let him go via a phone call (not even face to face like men) and announced Harnell the same day, but that they had been working with Tony for months.

Tony left less than a year later as he said he was sick of being ignored and disrespected, but several years later he said despite the issues he had with the other band members, he regrets quitting.

All that said, as I mentioned before, Seb has always been open to a reunion but the other three say they won't work with him and have always painted him as the villain, yet their actions since have shown them to not be so squeaky clean. Hell, when Seb did the anniversary tour for the debut album he asked them to join him, and they once again refuse. Rob Affuso though did join him, but won't have anything to do with Skid Row .. that to me is very telling that maybe Seb is not entirely to blame in all this. We all know he is a loud mouth and cocky as hell, but other bands have put differences aside and it has worked.

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5 minutes ago, tts42572 said:

Yeah, I see both sides.

I think no matter what happens, one thing Erik will do is increase his exposure in the USA.  And if it doesn't work with Skid Row for whatever reason, he'll be able to launch a solo career or find another lead gig.

I think Skid Row kind of needs him though.  I mean, this is probably their last chance.  If they can't make some headway with Erik, then they might as well hang it up.  It's really a golden opportunity for both sides.

I do struggle seeing the fit though and wonder how long it can possibly last.  I feel like "real" bands that are successful generally have common bonds that bind so to speak.  It's tough to see how a band like Skid Row is going to take kindly to Erik becoming the face of the band.  He definitely will feel like a hired gun and hard to see it being a long term thing.

I guess we'll see. 

I think the thing is, Erik is probably a far bigger name right now than Skid Row. Yes they are a legacy band, but without Seb they have struggled to retain a fanbase. I reckon H.E.A.T. albums sold more copies world wide than the last few Skid Row releases.

I do think the biggest benefit they have with him is vocally he can probably match Seb vocally, which not many can do. He will be just as good at the classic ballads as he will at the harder Slave material.

They have certainly picqued my interest in the band again.

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I'm a bit different to most here.

ST was great obviously
STTG was much heavier but after some listens it has some killer stuff.
After that they went off the cliff.
I've tried stuff post STTG with Bach and other singers with an open mind. i like to think I am open to changes (love post Jani Warrant, post Jack Great White etc), but in the end, shit music is shit music.
Having a good and in vogue singer ain't going to polish a turd, so hopefully he cam help with the songwriting and they can put out something good. I'll give it a listen.

Bach has made some gresat songs post SR, mostly ballads for me, not sure what that means.

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