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Radio host "Mr. Anti-Vax" dies of Covid

Rob Babcock

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2 hours ago, Geoff said:

Stop the world, my lord and saviour Jesus Fucking Christ - I want to get the fuck off.   

Oh you dont got to worry about that G-Off, you dont need Jesus either, ima take care of that request, and the world will stop, and you'll be yelling for jesus.

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2 minutes ago, Leykis101 said:

Oh you dont got to worry about that G-Off, you dont need Jesus either, ima take care of that request, and the world will stop, and you'll be yelling for jesus.

Not sure I've ever been as aroused as I am right now. 

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3 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

Yeah, why dont you send me a clip from a credible news source?? with a credible journalist? send me something from Reuters, or RT, or even PBS, you just sent me a news clip from the 2nd most uncredible left wing opinion station in the US, I dont insult your intelligence and send you shit from Newsmax do i? Mr. Planet, we may go back and forth but have you seen me post something we argue about from Newsmax as my evidence? NO! cause I would never insult your intelligence, and I dont watch newsmax cause it's to the right what msnbc is to the left, fake news, I am going to try to down load my friend Nickis facebook vid that she shot after getting her shot, or ask her if I can post her name here so you can watch it, trust me she's far more credible then Brian (I was fighting in the middle of a combat zone) williams.

BTW wise ass's, it doesnt make you magnetic, FYI, god you guys really are retards, what did I say? did I say it fucking magnetizes you? if your going to misquote me, at least make it interesting.

Are you sure that the magnet isn't picking up on the metal plates in your head?.....:lol:

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I don't know what the big deal is about getting vaccinated.

I remember being in grade school and everyone was lined up to get vaccinated for rubella.

No big deal but now it's become political


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45 minutes ago, nyoilers said:

I don't know what the big deal is about getting vaccinated.

I remember being in grade school and everyone was lined up to get vaccinated for rubella.

No big deal but now it's become political


For once I agree with you.

Now, don't let that be the new normal...;)

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1 hour ago, nyoilers said:

I don't know what the big deal is about getting vaccinated.

I remember being in grade school and everyone was lined up to get vaccinated for rubella.

No big deal but now it's become political


Unfortunately, the last several decades have shown that governments/politicians can't be trusted and now that mistrust has been (foolishly IMO) extended to health and science ....

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19 hours ago, Geoff said:

I just don't get it, I really don't. Are the masks mandatory? Or vaccinated people are making a conscious choice to wear them, even though they have had the vaccine, regardless of what one thinks of said vaccine? 

I mean, you don't put a helmet on but then decide not to go for a bike ride in case you get hit by a car. You don't put sunscreen on but then sit inside shivering in fear instead of going to the beach in case you get skin cancer. What the actual fuck has happened to people's minds? Do we just live in a petrified society now, whether you live in a prison like Australia, or a relatively free country - does it not even matter anymore? It's now considered normal to be vaccinated against something, but still live in complete fear of it? Even though the odds of actually dying from the thing you're vaccinated against were only ever somewhere below 2% anyway, before vaccinations? And well below 2% for most age groups... somewhere well below 1% for most people. 

Not having a go at anyone in particular, kind of, but I just don't understand it. I have worn a mask for a few months because we get a $5000 fine if we get caught not wearing one. If they lifted those fines tomorrow, the mask would be gone forever. For every idiot swearing masks save lives, there will be a thousand other experts saying they do fuck all. I prefer those guys.

Do humans not like oxygen anymore? Is walking around inhaling your own recycled breath all day now considered the norm? An essential part of every day life?

Stop the world, my lord and saviour Jesus Fucking Christ - I want to get the fuck off.   

Yes currently in Washington/Oregon (I live in Washington, work in Oregon) both states have mandated everyone wear masks anywhere in public. Be it stores or on the street.


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1 hour ago, martinsane said:

Yes currently in Washington/Oregon (I live in Washington, work in Oregon) both states have mandated everyone wear masks anywhere in public. Be it stores or on the street.


Wow, thank christ for the vaccine and all the, uh, freedom it brings. 

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4 hours ago, Geoff said:

Wow, thank christ for the vaccine and all the, uh, freedom it brings. 

all free here in UK. 

only 'asked' to wear on public  transport but tbh its not enforced in any way.

but mate what do expect in the US. that can hardly be described as a vaccinated country - half of them are refusing it 😉

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1 hour ago, Glen said:

all free here in UK. 

only 'asked' to wear on public  transport but tbh its not enforced in any way.

but mate what do expect in the US. that can hardly be described as a vaccinated country - half of them are refusing it 😉

the vaccination rate is a big part of it. as here in the U.S. we are still unfortunately seeing a large number of hospitalizations and deaths, with that said the two states mentioned (Washington & Oregon) actually have about 60% of the population fully vaccinated, which probably equates to about 70% of the eligible (12 and over) residents, I may be mistaken but I don't believe those numbers are that much different than the UK's

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  • My Little Pony

Canada is over 80% vaxxed. Still have to wear masks in my province, though. And in a couple weeks we'll have to show proof of vaccination to get into a lot of places. So, yeah, total freedom over here. 

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Well heres what I think, a great word ive learned from my sweet pregnant girlfriend is Bullocks, When my own government cant keep their storys straight, right or left, it gives me the same feeling I had when my parents were trying to indoctrinate me at 6yrs old, when the voice in your head tells you something isnt right, you should always listen to it, Biden has just been caught lying at a mind blowing level, so you all want me to just take his word for this shit, nah, I had corona, they aint sticking me, theres zero proof that vax works, matter of fact quit the opposite, people are spreading and dying, so whats the point? cloth facemasks, really, you do know that virus enter your eyes as much as your nose, so why arent we wearing goggles, I'll tell you what, i'll believe they really want to stop this "pandemic" when we all wear hazmat suits, then i'll buy it.

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15 hours ago, KarpetRydOFunk said:

Canada is over 80% vaxxed. Still have to wear masks in my province, though. And in a couple weeks we'll have to show proof of vaccination to get into a lot of places. So, yeah, total freedom over here. 

So how do they explain that and get people to go along with it? In all seriousness, what is the point of actually getting the vaccine if you still need to walk around with a dildo strapped to your forehead? Or whatever that other equally effective thing they make us do is...

55 minutes ago, Leykis101 said:

Well heres what I think, a great word ive learned from my sweet pregnant girlfriend is Bullocks, When my own government cant keep their storys straight, right or left, it gives me the same feeling I had when my parents were trying to indoctrinate me at 6yrs old, when the voice in your head tells you something isnt right, you should always listen to it, Biden has just been caught lying at a mind blowing level, so you all want me to just take his word for this shit, nah, I had corona, they aint sticking me, theres zero proof that vax works, matter of fact quit the opposite, people are spreading and dying, so whats the point? cloth facemasks, really, you do know that virus enter your eyes as much as your nose, so why arent we wearing goggles, I'll tell you what, i'll believe they really want to stop this "pandemic" when we all wear hazmat suits, then i'll buy it.

We have to wear the goggles at work. I'll wear the mask because I don't want to risk the $5000 fine, but no way in the manner of all fucks am I going to add more layers to the stupidity unless I'm faced with another $5000 fine.  

Anyway, like you say, what is the actual point in anything anymore? If the new face of freedom is still wearing a mask, then how can that possibly be something to look forward to? 

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21 minutes ago, Geoff said:

So how do they explain that and get people to go along with it? In all seriousness, what is the point of actually getting the vaccine if you still need to walk around with a dildo strapped to your forehead? Or whatever that other equally effective thing they make us do is...

We have to wear the goggles at work. I'll wear the mask because I don't want to risk the $5000 fine, but no way in the manner of all fucks am I going to add more layers to the stupidity unless I'm faced with another $5000 fine.  

Anyway, like you say, what is the actual point in anything anymore? If the new face of freedom is still wearing a mask, then how can that possibly be something to look forward to? 

Well G-Off, Im a bit of a dick, i'll tell you what id do if they tried fining me, id say thanks for the fine, then i wouldnt pay it, then they would put a warrant out for my arrest, I would turn myself in, and sit in jail for 5 days, be out in 2 cause the jails arent letting short timers stay cause of covid, then i'd do it again, they will never get a dollar out of me for this bullshit, im already paying for the illegals that are pouring into our country bringing it with them, fuck that, guess im bullheaded, but I thought if you want to chance the vax thats your prerogative, ive never talked down on someone for taking a vax they really no nothing about, but the other side doesnt practice what they preach, to quote the dead milkmen you know I practice what I preach, I want to die with clorox within reach.

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39 minutes ago, Geoff said:

So how do they explain that and get people to go along with it? In all seriousness, what is the point of actually getting the vaccine if you still need to walk around with a dildo strapped to your forehead? Or whatever that other equally effective thing they make us do is...

We have to wear the goggles at work. I'll wear the mask because I don't want to risk the $5000 fine, but no way in the manner of all fucks am I going to add more layers to the stupidity unless I'm faced with another $5000 fine.  

Anyway, like you say, what is the actual point in anything anymore? If the new face of freedom is still wearing a mask, then how can that possibly be something to look forward to? 

goggles lol. are you joking. ??

Your government has seriously gone bonkers 

The cloth masks are to prevent spread not to stop you getting it, everyone knows that right?

Only medical grade masks - proper ppe- will prevent you getting it.


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2 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

Well heres what I think, a great word ive learned from my sweet pregnant girlfriend is Bullocks, When my own government cant keep their storys straight, right or left, it gives me the same feeling I had when my parents were trying to indoctrinate me at 6yrs old, when the voice in your head tells you something isnt right, you should always listen to it, Biden has just been caught lying at a mind blowing level, so you all want me to just take his word for this shit, nah, I had corona, they aint sticking me, theres zero proof that vax works, matter of fact quit the opposite, people are spreading and dying, so whats the point? cloth facemasks, really, you do know that virus enter your eyes as much as your nose, so why arent we wearing goggles, I'll tell you what, i'll believe they really want to stop this "pandemic" when we all wear hazmat suits, then i'll buy it.

100% agree.

Just for the record, if you're gonna become a pseudo Brit, the term is "Bollocks". It has nothing to do with cattle. ;)

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1 hour ago, Glen said:

goggles lol. are you joking. ??

Your government has seriously gone bonkers 

The cloth masks are to prevent spread not to stop you getting it, everyone knows that right?

Only medical grade masks - proper ppe- will prevent you getting it.


It doesn't matter what masks are meant to do what. Whats the point in getting vaccinated if you still need to fuck around with masks? The possibility I may be allowed out of my house again one day was second only to getting rid of these stupid fucking masks, when I went to get vaccinated. 

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16 minutes ago, Geoff said:

It doesn't matter what masks are meant to do what. Whats the point in getting vaccinated if you still need to fuck around with masks? The possibility I may be allowed out of my house again one day was second only to getting rid of these stupid fucking masks, when I went to get vaccinated. 

you don't have to wear them in the UK, but it is encouraged on public transport. 

but then we have a semi sensible government not a leftist moron like Biden or a crazy house like the Oz lot ;)


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59 minutes ago, Darkstone said:

100% agree.

Just for the record, if you're gonna become a pseudo Brit, the term is "Bollocks". It has nothing to do with cattle. ;)

I thought it was Sandras last name, and I just fucking learned it, I know spanish too, doesnt mean I can spell it, lol,

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2 minutes ago, Glen said:

you don't have to wear them in the UK, but it is encouraged on public transport. 

but then we have a semi sensible government not a leftist moron like Biden or a crazy house like the Oz lot ;)


Glen Ive had it with all your Bollocks, Better dusty?

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Your all gay

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16 minutes ago, Leykis101 said:

I thought it was Sandras last name, and I just fucking learned it, I know spanish too, doesnt mean I can spell it, lol,

Sorry mate, I didn't mean to go all "Karpet grammar Nazi" on you.


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2 minutes ago, Glen said:

you don't have to wear them in the UK, but it is encouraged on public transport. 

but then we have a semi sensible government not a leftist moron like Biden or a crazy house like the Oz lot ;)


What I don't understand, though, is one of my favourite content creators on youtube released a video from NYC today (probably shot a couple of weeks ago) and there's not a sign of masks (except when he went on the subway) and no social distancing. He showed a lot of NYC, and for the most part it looked to be headed back towards some kind of normal.

But then one of the other dudes I follow, who lives in Florida, I think, which I thought had lived in relative freedom, was at a school covering a demonstration because some fucking morons want the children to wear masks as school. And then above, masks are mandated in another two states, and in Canada. 

Is the UK the only place on earth actually giving this thing a proper crack? 

Like I keep saying, I don't understand the world's desire to keep this thing in the limelight. Get whoever wants to be vaccinated vaccinated, then shut the fuck up about it. Daily deaths and cases will definitely, 100% occur, in numbers far smaller than other ailments and other methods of death, and we just move on. It doesn't need to be the sole focus of life on earth.  

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