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OK I get it now


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So some of Trump's tax records are out and we now know that he has paid NO federal taxes in 11 of the last 18 years... and when he does pay it amounts to no more than $750...must be nice to be a billionaire and pay peanuts in taxes....of course he has said that those who pay taxes are 'dumb'....I'm sure he doesn't mean all of his supporters;)

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Who cares? graspin at straws man

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The IRS is investigating him for not paying enough tax but he would just get a large fine not jail for it....so not illegal but wrong and maybe immoral(big surprise since he has no morals)....of course you could say that about most of the rich....I know it's foolish these days but I still think that our leaders should set a good example for those they serve instead of trying to screw us for every penny that they can get....

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So here's a fun game.

Trump supporters, name 5 things that you think that Biden brings to the table that would be great.

Biden supporters, name 5 good things that trump has done since he has been president.

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3 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

It doesn't bother you that your billionaire buddy pays less tax than you do? Most likely because he has broken every rule in the IRS rulebook... You have definitely been drinking the kool-aid....

I wouldn't call him my buddy, if you hadnt been paying attention I was all about Jorgenson/Cohen 2020, but by voting time he may very well be my best friend, and No, I really don't care about his finances, I care about my own, what I care about is the cities in my country being burned to the ground, lawlessness, I guess your making this a topic of accountability? well I see an entire lets say genre of people(so I'm not deemed a racist, like I care) who have taken my country to the brink of civil war because they refuse to take accountability for their own actions, my ancestors came here from Ireland, my grandma and grandpa, and faced extreme prejudice, my other grandparents were stuck in internment camps during ww2, I never one time heard either of them complain about anything, so under the scope of things, I'd have to say the presidents taxes are pretty minimal on shit I give a fuck about at the moment, of course not to be a dick.

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53 minutes ago, CureTheSane said:

So here's a fun game.

Trump supporters, name 5 things that you think that Biden brings to the table that would be great.

Biden supporters, name 5 good things that trump has done since he has been president.

heres the thing buddy, there aren't any good thing Biden brings to the table, he cant even remember his name, he is a tool for the democrats, he's been in the government for 40 years, he's worthless, the left doesn't even want him to be president, they just don't want Trump, and I sincerely believe, on the record, this entire charade the left has carried out this year, while elaborate and pretty well coordinated, has buried them, they started way to early, now most Americans are fed up with it, and doing everything I said would happen, Americans don't just get ran over, especially not by traitors to their own country, I predict Trump and not by a little, fuck I'm ready to go vote for the fucker, and I said I wouldn't, but things aren't the same, and this is not the America I want to live in.

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 Other than 'trying' to fix the trade imbalance with China which he has failed at.....Trump has been useless...just another crook who makes Nixon look like Mother Teresa....as for 'cities burning to the ground' that has got to be the biggest ridiculous overstatement of the year...the cities that are burning are in California and that is because of mother nature....

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This video is about my neighborhood 3 blocks in back of my house, this is what the fuck I care about, and it was Antifa, and another group of liberals from SLC



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1 minute ago, Dead Planet said:

 Other than 'trying' to fix the trade imbalance with China which he has failed at.....Trump has been useless...just another crook who makes Nixon look like Mother Teresa....as for 'cities burning to the ground' that has got to be the biggest ridiculous overstatement of the year...the cities that are burning are in California and that is because of mother nature....

Yeah so I think I know what to worry about, and which city do you live it?? sorry I forgot, seriously, because I know NONE!! of the shit thats happening where I live is even hinted at on any of the national news, and it's getting worse, I love how you guys dismiss all the actually important shit going on and bring up shit like China, why the fuck would we care about China? there are far larger issues at hand right now, and when you hate someone, your never going to acknowledge their victorys, and Trump has plenty, matter of fact, I hated the puke when he was elected, he has earned my respect, and i'm not even a Republican.

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4 minutes ago, CureTheSane said:

Yeah, as I thought, neither side is prepared to look at the other side in any other way than hate and resentment.

I actually thought about it and couldn't really come up with anything for Biden. Maybe Healthcare? 

Also, to think that not all politicians are in it for their own benefit, whatever side, is laughable. 

As for Trump's taxes, there is nobody here who would not take advantage of legal strategies to pay less tax. Yes, he's a billionaire, but how do think he bacame one? Smart financial advice. If there was anything illegal about what he's done tax wise, the Dems would've been all over it by now. I can't wait for the first debate. Trump will destroy Sleepy Joe.

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3 hours ago, Darkstone said:

I actually thought about it and couldn't really come up with anything for Biden. Maybe Healthcare? 

Also, to think that not all politicians are in it for their own benefit, whatever side, is laughable. 

As for Trump's taxes, there is nobody here who would not take advantage of legal strategies to pay less tax. Yes, he's a billionaire, but how do think he bacame one? Smart financial advice. If there was anything illegal about what he's done tax wise, the Dems would've been all over it by now. I can't wait for the first debate. Trump will destroy Sleepy Joe.

I mean I don't fucking know anything about Biden.
All we hear here are rump this Trump that.
And you know what they say about any press...

Anyway, I refuse the believe that Biden does not have at least 5 goals, policies, morals, whatevers, that most people can't agre with.
They either are
1. So pro-Trump (or the less likely anti-Biden) that they refuse to even explore what Biden is on about and where he stands on all things that peple will be voting for, or
2. Simply voting with emotion and gut feelings, influenced by the media, that they aren't interested in hearing what he has to say (the way most people vote in elections)

You could apply the same arguments for those who refuse to accept that Trump has done some good things.

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7 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

I mean I don't fucking know anything about Biden.
All we hear here are rump this Trump that.
And you know what they say about any press...

Anyway, I refuse the believe that Biden does not have at least 5 goals, policies, morals, whatevers, that most people can't agre with.
They either are
1. So pro-Trump (or the less likely anti-Biden) that they refuse to even explore what Biden is on about and where he stands on all things that peple will be voting for, or
2. Simply voting with emotion and gut feelings, influenced by the media, that they aren't interested in hearing what he has to say (the way most people vote in elections)

You could apply the same arguments for those who refuse to accept that Trump has done some good things.

Thats just it bro, all the left does is ridicule and dog on Trump, they don't actually make any proposals over what or how they would've done it better, that's just it, man I'm a lifetime Libertarian, I had no stock in any of this shit until they started destroying cities and calling me racist if I don't buy in, that's not how I do shit, and that's now whats going to float in this society, not with the people who count, ya know if anything I was a little more left leaning Libertarian, because I am extremely liberal on many social issues, or so I thought, if anything this has pushed me to the right in ways Ive never believed possible, and I'm not happy about it, but I'm even more unhappy with how these bozos act, nobody can say anything good about Biden because there's sincerely nothing to say, I challenge you to go look around the internet, you come back here and tell us what Biden's strategy's are, if you can find 5 I will make your own personal thread about it, because I live here, and cant even give you 1, not cause I hate him, I don't, I just don't know that he's even proposed any, that's his problem, he's a talk box for these far left groups, he has no plan, other then get elected and let the radical left impose their agenda through him, and I aint letting that happen on my vote.

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1 hour ago, Leykis101 said:

Thats just it bro, all the left does is ridicule and dog on Trump, they don't actually make any proposals over what or how they would've done it better, that's just it, man I'm a lifetime Libertarian, I had no stock in any of this shit until they started destroying cities and calling me racist if I don't buy in, that's not how I do shit, and that's now whats going to float in this society, not with the people who count, ya know if anything I was a little more left leaning Libertarian, because I am extremely liberal on many social issues, or so I thought, if anything this has pushed me to the right in ways Ive never believed possible, and I'm not happy about it, but I'm even more unhappy with how these bozos act, nobody can say anything good about Biden because there's sincerely nothing to say, I challenge you to go look around the internet, you come back here and tell us what Biden's strategy's are, if you can find 5 I will make your own personal thread about it, because I live here, and cant even give you 1, not cause I hate him, I don't, I just don't know that he's even proposed any, that's his problem, he's a talk box for these far left groups, he has no plan, other then get elected and let the radical left impose their agenda through him, and I aint letting that happen on my vote.

I can empathize ....you used to trend a bit left and have been pushed to the right and I used to trend a bit right but trump has pushed me to the left...lol...I think we can agree on one thing all politicians/politics are full of shit....

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OK, so I clicked on one link from Google and saw on that page 5 issues that I was able to in principle agree with

A national test and trace programme for covid
Restore America's reputation... and maybe take on China
Expand Obamacare
Universal pre-school, expand free college
Abortion rght to choose

Not sure why this is seen as being so hard...

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Dead Planet -no offense buddy (cuz I think you're probably a swell guy) but do you have sh!t for brains? ....all you do is post CNN talking points in your posts.The same kinda useless effing group-think slop that can be read on Huffington Post,Daily Beast  (aka Daily Bitch) and Salon...



We have to live here-YOU DON'T period

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8 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

I can empathize ....you used to trend a bit left and have been pushed to the right and I used to trend a bit right but trump has pushed me to the left...lol...I think we can agree on one thing all politicians/politics are full of shit....

Actually I'm a Libertarian, my party believes in the constitution, and as small of a Government as possible, we believe the Government should have as little interaction in peoples lives as possible, basically we believe people should be able to do whatever it is they want to do without any hangups, as long as it is within the realm of the law, doesnt impose on anyone elses way of life, and does not hurt anybody. We are for minimal taxes, less Government assistance programs, secured borders, and everything should operate as it was intended, with the Government there only to do their job and to worry about international relations.

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6 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

OK, so I clicked on one link from Google and saw on that page 5 issues that I was able to in principle agree with

A national test and trace programme for covid
Restore America's reputation... and maybe take on China
Expand Obamacare
Universal pre-school, expand free college
Abortion rght to choose

Not sure why this is seen as being so hard...

Because none of those are his own ideas, and may I add, Ive never heard him express any of those in any talk he's given(not been many) since he has been hiding in his basement almost this entire time, has done very few press conferences, only tonight participated in a debate, they keep him under lock and key since he tends to go rogue and start spouting some of the most asinine insane shit you ever heard someone say.

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So he didn't invent health care, or schooling, or working relationships with other countries, or the right to choose, or a covid action plan.
Hate to break it to you, but everything is taken from evenyone else.
Peace in the middle east wasn't Trumps idea, but he made it happen.

Biden stands for these things, regardless of whether he created them, stole them, wants to expand on them, etc
This is what you are looking at when you decide to vote.

You can be 90% of the population and vote based on how you feel after being brainwashed by the media.
or you can look at the issues, the political stand points and who is going to be best for your country moving forward.

I'm sounding like a Biden supporter, which I am not.
I had to google what he stands for as he gets no press over here.
I would say that what I have said above is more applicable to all the Trump haters than anyone else.
they are the ones so brainwashed by his caricature of himself, is tweets, the late show hosts and press in general, that they have missed all the good he has done.

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9 hours ago, Metal T said:

Dead Planet -no offense buddy (cuz I think you're probably a swell guy) but do you have sh!t for brains? ....all you do is post CNN talking points in your posts.The same kinda useless effing group-think slop that can be read on Huffington Post,Daily Beast  (aka Daily Bitch) and Salon...



We have to live here-YOU DON'T period

As opposed to getting all my slop from right wing sources like Fox News? There are no or few unbiased sources of news these days so it would appear everyone is full of shit when it comes to the 'talking points'.....

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14 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

 since he tends to go rogue and start spouting some of the most asinine insane shit you ever heard someone say.

sorry are you talking about Biden or Trump?? :lol:

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