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27 minutes ago, Geoff said:

Too hard to get through to you, scholar. Just too painful. But on an interesting note, you're even more doom-laden than our trusty prime minister of panic, who estimated he's only saved 30,000 lives. You think we'd be at 50,000 fatalities. 

Let's just round it up to 80,000, ay? Only the most unrealistic and drastic statistic will do when it comes to all things covid. Australia is the least desired country on earth to be in at the moment, but we saved 80,000 lives so it's all okay. Everything is just fine.

I've never trivialised the stupid thing, just tried to balance your completely disproportionate fear and panic with reason. You talk like this virus kills the amount of people that survive it, and I look at the actual numbers for what they are. Your tunnel vision for the virus has stripped you of all sense of perspective and I just try to remind you there's a lot more to the world than just covid-19. But there's no point. As long as you pour every single resource into this single thing, absolutely nothing at all else matters. I mean, who gives a fuck about kids, ay? Not going to go through everything I've gone through page after page in this thread, but fuck absolutely everything (but covid). Do nothing, fear everything. Destroy everything in the name of covid. Everything's just fine. 

here you go again with the fear and panic. 😴

gets boring.

The only fear and panic I've read throughout this whole thread is about perfectly safe vaccines. Fact.

stats are stats - if you choose to ignore them then thats up to you. 

I simply judge our deaths in ppn to our population and compare to yours. Roughly a third. What part of that is difficult to understand?

You seem to think that Australia would somehow have been immune to the virus if you'd just left everything open and not locked down? News for you mate. You wouldn't have been.

I get that lockdowns are harsh and yours has been harsher than most - I've acknowledged that - but at least those kids you refer to have still got fathers/mothers and grandparents. 

There are millions of kids in the UK right now that haven't got a father, mother, grandparent, aunt, uncle, you name it, as a result of this virus.

& I also get that these people can be lost through other causes as well, but COVID deaths can and have been avoided through taking measures such as lockdowns etc and in my opinion that has been worth doing. 

As I said before every person in the UK who lost someone or who died will be looking back thinking what more could have been done? Did our government fail in their response. They will have that forever. Be glad you are not one of them. 

Hopefully now the vaccines have been rolled out lockdowns will be a thing of the past. Fingers crossed eh.

Certainly in the UK there seems to be no desire in going back to lockdowns but it hasn't been ruled out completely. Case numbers are still pretty high, but deaths are manageable now (although over 100 a day is still v sad), and hospitalizations are on a downward projection.


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14 minutes ago, Glen said:

The only fear and panic I've read throughout this whole thread is about perfectly safe vaccines. Fact.

No mate, there has been fear and panic all through this thread. I don't really care about the vaccine thing myself, to be honest. I only wish it had been a choice, to take it or not. Not even saying I wouldn't have got one eventually (and not saying I would have). I don't know, and don't care enough about the subject to dwell on it. The fact is, most of us have it now in Australia and the place is still completely fucked. The vaccines haven't fixed anything. We keep getting promised things are going to change, but it keeps getting harder to believe. 

18 minutes ago, Glen said:

stats are stats - if you choose to ignore them then thats up to you. 

But this is the complete opposite to what I was just saying to you. I haven't ignored the stats. I've seen the 98% survival rate before vaccines, and the something stupid like 99.7% survival rate post vaccines. So who's ignoring what? They don't look like numbers worthy of shutting down and destroying a whole country to me. Like I keep saying, it's like we're seeing the same stats but you're reading them backwards and I'm reading them as they actually are. 

20 minutes ago, Glen said:

I simply judge our deaths in ppn to our population and compare to yours. Roughly a third. What part of that is difficult to understand?

Everything about it is impossible to understand. Australia isn't the UK. Australians aren't British. What happens in the UK, or any other country in the world, doesn't just automatically happen in Australia, proportionate to other populations around the world. How is that difficult to understand? Just consider this little fact alone for one moment-

Australia is about 32 times bigger than United Kingdom.
United Kingdom is approximately 243,610 sq km, while Australia is approximately 7,741,220 sq km, making Australia 3,078% larger than United Kingdom.

24 minutes ago, Glen said:

You seem to think that Australia would somehow have been immune to the virus if you'd just left everything open and not locked down? News for you mate. You wouldn't have been.

I have never once said we'd be immune to the disease, or anything along those lines. You have completely missed my point (and glossed over Dan's point above) from the very start. 

For the sake of the argument, I have no idea in the world how many people would have died in Australia if we'd never locked down and left everything open. Do I think 30,000 people would have died? Honestly, fuck no. Do I think 50,000 would have died - no. Do I know, or do you know or will we ever know? Of course the fuck not. So it's just stupid to speculate.

But I never said anything about just staying completely open through the whole thing. There was a time at the start of this where the whole world locked down while we figured it out. No, I didn't like it, but it happened and you could kind of understand parts of it to a degree while we figured it out. What I have never, ever once supported is locking down areas that have never had a single covid case, locking thousands of Australian citizens out of our country (and they still are to this date), or out of their homes in their home states (as thousands still are today). I haven't supported a million things that have happened since day one, particularly around children, schools and sport etc. I could go on for hours, but I never once said everything should have just been open all the time. I even said before I could understand targeted lockdowns at times, but have always vehemently opposed locking down entire states for the sake of a handful of cases in known areas. All I've said from the start is that the response has been ridiculously and grossly disproportionate. But you never want to hear that. You just want to belt out the 6pm news viewpoint lockdown everywhere and everything and #getvaccinated. Just really one dimensional views, and I never look at anything one dimensionally.  

36 minutes ago, Glen said:

I get that lockdowns are harsh and yours has been harsher than most - I've acknowledged that - but at least those kids you refer to have still got fathers/mothers and grandparents. 

And the ones that have lost mothers, fathers and grandparents in this period saw them for the last time about two years ago. I can't even imagine losing someone to covid or much more likely, one of the other million ways people die, and being told by your government that you're not allowed to see your parent for the last time before they pass. If you had the choice, would you take that risk of catching covid to see a loved one for the last time before they passed? I sure as fuck would. And I would expect to be allowed that choice too. 

40 minutes ago, Glen said:

There are millions of kids in the UK right now that haven't got a father, mother, grandparent, aunt, uncle, you name it, as a result of this virus.

& I also get that these people can be lost through other causes as well, but COVID deaths can and have been avoided through taking measures such as lockdowns etc and in my opinion that has been worth doing. 

As I said before every person in the UK who lost someone or who died will be looking back thinking what more could have been done? Did our government fail in their response. They will have that forever. Be glad you are not one of them. 

I'm going to say it again because it has to be said. But firstly, 138,000 people have died in the UK with covid. So millions of kids is a bit of creative license, no? I get where you're going, but it seems a bit of a stretch to me. 

But anyway, yes, covid deaths could have been avoided with more lockdowns. And you know it's coming, so say it with me. Car accidents could be avoided with lockdowns too. So could skin cancer. Take all the steps I said last night and you'll take a massive chunk out of heart disease deaths. Locking people inside their homes all the time would undoubtedly prevent a whole array of deaths. A lot of deaths are preventable if you take extreme measures. But this is all getting off track again and this is where we get derailed. 

You wanted your government to be more like ours but by your own admission you are happily living the covid free life and partying like it's 2019 today. You wouldn't be doing that if you got your wish and had our government. Our government is doing what it's doing and you have a nation living in misery, being compared to North Korea and China. 

I think anyone who loses anyone to any method of death will dwell on what could have been forever. I refuse to accept that this is an outcome of covid deaths and covid deaths alone. 

55 minutes ago, Glen said:

Hopefully now the vaccines have been rolled out lockdowns will be a thing of the past. Fingers crossed eh.

Certainly in the UK there seems to be no desire in going back to lockdowns but it hasn't been ruled out completely. Case numbers are still pretty high, but deaths are manageable now (although over 100 a day is still v sad), and hospitalizations are on a downward projection.


Anyway mate, for what it's worth I do know you mean well. We obviously don't agree on the whole thing and it's frustrating for all involved, but yes, we can all hope lockdowns are a thing of the past. Sadly, in Australia, there's still a hell of a long way to go before life after lockdown looks even remotely appealing. For what it's worth, NSW is "no longer in lockdown." Except I can't see my parents up the coast, in this state. And I still can't speak to someone with clear words without my Freedom Mask wrapped around my face. Kids are finally going back to school over the next few weeks, just in time for term four to end. And I think most of them have to wear masks too. Sports planning to come back soon, but every single thing "coming back" has conditions  attached to it as if no one is vaccinated and as if it's March 2020. Idiots are celebrating "freedoms" that have no association whatsoever with the word Freedom, yet this is the country we've become. 

Anyway, I do hope things change and one day we can look back on this as one big unforgivable mess that people are held accountable for, but who knows? I, do not. 

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I read your post for what its worth but still think you are missing most of the points I am desperately trying to make. 

So im going to not bother replying.

Looks like further restrictions are being lifted on Monday so good luck with it all. 


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56 minutes ago, Geoff said:


You wanted your government to be more like ours but by your own admission you are happily living the covid free life and partying like it's 2019 today. You wouldn't be doing that if you got your wish and had our government. Our government is doing what it's doing and you have a nation living in misery, being compared to North Korea and China. 

except this bit. I will respond to this.

I would have preferred our government to be more like yours at the start yes. We ballsed up spectacularly. Probably the worst death rate in the whole world, including the even the US.

The only reason we are open is because we had vaccinated virtually our whole population before Australia had even started.

Why is that? 

When you reach your targets you will be open too. Although to say we are living COVID free is a joke. Unless of course you mean 30 000 cases a day and over 100 deaths a day is COVID free? 

Restriction free yes (mainly), COVID free no.

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14 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

Yeah the restrictions, lockdowns, masking, vaccinations etc have been a real pain in the ass for everyone. But I haven't heard a better option for dealing with this virus. Should we have done nothing and just let the virus rampage through the world killing off the weak and unfortunate among us? Yes our personal liberties have been fucked over but shouldn't we sometimes just think of others and not just ourselves and do the right thing.....or have we gone back in time to when the weak must perish so the strong can survive....

Well, the world is supposedly overpopulated :) 

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16 hours ago, auslander said:

So the idiots who used deception to get into the police state of WA to watch the grand final were given 10 months jail time (3 months to be served)! People can steal cars, sell drugs, beat someone up, and get no jail time at all. Yet the media are gleefully so pleased with this ridiculous sentence. FFS Australia is insane right now.

This was what was actually said: "If they had covid (they didn't) they could have infected thousands (they didn’t) and could have led to many deaths (no-one died)"

Yeah, that's pretty harsh, but kind of funny.

Sad thing is that those who broke all kinds of rules and brought copvid into my state from other states were not penalised at all because they cooperated with contact tracers etc.
And some of these knowingly travelled with covid.

But still, those two dudes got to see their team win the flag. Imagine if they'd lost, that would have really sucked lol

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8 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

Yeah, that's pretty harsh, but kind of funny.

Sad thing is that those who broke all kinds of rules and brought copvid into my state from other states were not penalised at all because they cooperated with contact tracers etc.
And some of these knowingly travelled with covid.

But still, those two dudes got to see their team win the flag. Imagine if they'd lost, that would have really sucked lol

One those two is crying is business is struggling, he didn't say he bought $ 4.8 million mansion this year

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1 hour ago, auslander said:

She might be a liar, but that Jen Psaki is sexy as hell. I love that Skully (X-Files) redhead look.

Redheads are psycho bro. Let me tell you. You don't want to fuck with that. 


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43 minutes ago, Darkstone said:

Had my second shot yesterday. 

The castration is complete.

Good on ya, mate. Now you can do, uh, nothing. Just like before you were vaccinated. :(

But of course your "freedom day" is tomorrow, isn't it? Where you're finally free to do, uh, nothing. Just like before your freedom day. :(




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16 minutes ago, Geoff said:

Good on ya, mate. Now you can do, uh, nothing. Just like before you were vaccinated. :(

But of course your "freedom day" is tomorrow, isn't it? Where you're finally free to do, uh, nothing. Just like before your freedom day. :(






Now the talk is all about boosters. 

Will they be mandatory? 

Are we looking at annual mandatory injections?


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52 minutes ago, Darkstone said:


Now the talk is all about boosters. 

Will they be mandatory? 

Are we looking at annual mandatory injections?


I'd have to assume so, at least for a while until the idiocy all dies down a bit... which we can still surely hope it will, one day? Many years from now?

I just wonder how they're going to incentivise people to get the booster. I'd say well over 50% of people have probably had the jab against their will, and I can't see all these people lining up for round three. 

If we have our pathetic excuse for freedom back by the time the booster shots come around, how will they force us to take it again? I assume there will be a push for the things that only fully vaccinated people can do now, to be for booster shot people only. And then the OG two shot people will be discarded from society along with the unvaccinated? Who knows, but a lot to look forward to. Or maybe that's why our "freedom" looks so pathetic now? Maybe they're waiting for the booster shots before they kindly offer something that looks more genuinely like "freedom." But of course they won't be able to grant actual proper freedom in 2022, because then what have they to offer in 2023 for the fourth shot? Or 2024, and so on.

I did see a story from the UK today with people panicking about the case numbers rising again (easy fix - stop counting the stupid fucking things!) and some health person concerned about the public's lack of interest in booster shots. They even mentioned the possibility of some restrictions returning, though it didn't seem to be the way they wanted to go. Amazingly, in this story, I only saw them mention the increased case numbers... but not if that translates to more casualties.

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4 minutes ago, Mr.AOR said:


It would be amusing if it wasn't an actual possible reality. I've seen a few of this guy's things and they're pretty funny... but again, even though they're done as comic skits, they're not altogether separate from what we're headed towards. 

This one particularly (apologies, as I think it's been posted)-


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As Geoff said, freedom day tomorrow, as we have got to 70% double vaxxed.
Will be at 80% around 30 Oct and 90% 10 Nov

But the 'freedoms' are pretty limited
I mean the curfew is gone.
But all retail still closed, masks outside and inside, shitloads of people leaving their jobs because they won't get jabbed.
We supply a wholefoods store and they have lost more than half (22) of their staff .

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17 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

As Geoff said, freedom day tomorrow, as we have got to 70% double vaxxed.
Will be at 80% around 30 Oct and 90% 10 Nov

But the 'freedoms' are pretty limited
I mean the curfew is gone.
But all retail still closed, masks outside and inside, shitloads of people leaving their jobs because they won't get jabbed.
We supply a wholefoods store and they have lost more than half (22) of their staff .

Woken to sound of Harley's at 1 minute pass 12 , the local bikies were off to the local bar.

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13 hours ago, Geoff said:

I'd have to assume so, at least for a while until the idiocy all dies down a bit... which we can still surely hope it will, one day? Many years from now?

I just wonder how they're going to incentivise people to get the booster. I'd say well over 50% of people have probably had the jab against their will, and I can't see all these people lining up for round three. 

If we have our pathetic excuse for freedom back by the time the booster shots come around, how will they force us to take it again? I assume there will be a push for the things that only fully vaccinated people can do now, to be for booster shot people only. And then the OG two shot people will be discarded from society along with the unvaccinated? Who knows, but a lot to look forward to. Or maybe that's why our "freedom" looks so pathetic now? Maybe they're waiting for the booster shots before they kindly offer something that looks more genuinely like "freedom." But of course they won't be able to grant actual proper freedom in 2022, because then what have they to offer in 2023 for the fourth shot? Or 2024, and so on.

I did see a story from the UK today with people panicking about the case numbers rising again (easy fix - stop counting the stupid fucking things!) and some health person concerned about the public's lack of interest in booster shots. They even mentioned the possibility of some restrictions returning, though it didn't seem to be the way they wanted to go. Amazingly, in this story, I only saw them mention the increased case numbers... but not if that translates to more casualties.

Well it's not really surprising that case numbers are increasing as its pretty much proven that the efficacy of both vaccines wan to around 70% max after around 6 months.

I'd say the boosters are going to be essential if the UK wants to avoid another lockdown.  Sad as that is.

Cases and deaths are creeping up again. 

Poxy virus can do one. 😡🤬

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"Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer said ministers were letting the "security wall against the virus... crumble" and the booster programme was "stalling".

But Prof Jeremy Brown, an adviser to the government on vaccines, said Sir Keir's criticism was "not an accurate description of what's going on".

"The problem at the moment [is] the people coming to hospital with severe Covid and ending up in intensive care and dying are those who've not had any vaccines," he told BBC Radio 4's PM programme.  "

(BBC news report 21.10.2021)



mmm. interesting 🤔

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12 minutes ago, Glen said:

Well it's not really surprising that case numbers are increasing as its pretty much proven that the efficacy of both vaccines wan to around 70% max after around 6 months.

I'd say the boosters are going to be essential if the UK wants to avoid another lockdown.  Sad as that is.

Cases and deaths are creeping up again. 

Poxy virus can do one. 😡🤬

They need to stop reporting case numbers. Report hospitalisations and deaths. Case numbers are irrelevant.

Unless the hospitalisations become overwhelming for the system then lockdowns should be avoided. Part of the issue we are having is because we locked down. It has meant the period of greatest efficacy for the vaccines has been wasted. And now that it has been finally opened up, the vaccinated are more at risk as their vaccines have become less effective. The so-called health experts have succeeded in dragging this out.

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