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4 hours ago, Geoff said:

I'd love to have seen it. What was it about? 

60 Minutes Australia did a story about the biggest cash grab in Australian history where a ton companies took taxpayer money during the pandemic that they did not need as they were still making plenty of money...yet the government is not trying to recoup that money from those companies but is going after regular citizens for any small overpayment...I'm pretty sure this sort of shit has and is happening in Canada as well...

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It happened everywhere. Companies that made profits during the pandemic got government money that went straight to shareholders and executives. Also people who didn't actually need the assistance (heck, one could argue that I fall into that category since I continued to work from home).

Normally these types of mercenary corporate behaviors would make my blood boil, but these were not exactly ideal circumstances. Governments rushed programs into existence as a quick fix; there wasn't time to fully think through the terms, conditions, and mechanics of these programs. Government bureaucracies are incompetent and inefficient under the best of circumstances; the urgency just made it worse.

Here in the U.S., there was an income level phaseout range for individuals over which the government asssistance reduced and ultimately disappeared. I'm not sure whether other countries had similar constraints in place. I also don't know the full requirements of the PPP loans available to business here in the U.S. I know that in order to NOT have to repay the money, a certain percentage of those proceeds had to be used for employee wages within a certain date range, but it gets complicated and I'm sure there are ways to game the system.

I will say that going after pensioners to repay overpayment while ignoring business entities who received same is fucking evil. But that's the governemnt for ya.

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Ive always said I wish id known about the pandemic b4 hand, i wouldve bought stock in 3M

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Wait, I'm confused. From what you guys are saying, and has been evidenced over the last couple of years, it seems like our governments are heartless fucks who don't give a single shit about 'their people.'

But Glen just told me his government saved a million lives in the UK, and 30,000 here in Australia? Surely they only care about keeping us safe and nothing else matters. Surely?  

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50 minutes ago, Geoff said:

Wait, I'm confused. From what you guys are saying, and has been evidenced over the last couple of years, it seems like our governments are heartless fucks who don't give a single shit about 'their people.'

But Glen just told me his government saved a million lives in the UK, and 30,000 here in Australia? Surely they only care about keeping us safe and nothing else matters. Surely?  

self employed people in the UK abusing a furlough scheme that was designed to protect peoples livelihoods has nothing to with imposing lockdowns to saves 1000s of lives. 

stop being a moron 🙄 

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3 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

Just heard about your freedom day up there Geoff, you lucky bastard.
October 14th.

Haha! Freedom day, here we come. Every news bulletin starts with how our hospitals allegedly can't cope with the current amount of covid paients, allegedly, but the next story is how we are going to be free on October 14th. YES! I am so excited. I can't wait to, uh, maybe meet with two other people outside my household, outdoors wearing a mask? I dunno, is that what freedom is now? Maybe I'll be allowed to sit down outdoors somewhere and eat a burger through a mask? 

I know one thing sure as fuck, my children still won't be receiving an education on October 14th. I probably still won't be able to see my family up the coast. Wonder if booking a holiday within the state will be a possibility? 

Honestly mate, to me this is like someone slicing your whole head off your neck and then coming back three months later and saying, okay, we're going to give you one ear and a nostril back. Enjoy your beautiful new life, friend. Play your cards right, and maybe in three months we'll give you back another nostril and at least one of your eyeballs. 

Seriously, they can just get fucked. 

2 hours ago, Glen said:

self employed people in the UK abusing a furlough scheme that was designed to protect peoples livelihoods has nothing to with imposing lockdowns to saves 1000s of lives. 

stop being a moron 🙄 

How the fuck do I do that? Couldn't even if I tried. 

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Haha, yeah, my comment was meant to be ironic.
Freedom is long gone.
It won't ever be like the UK with everything opening up quickly.
I mean we've been told here that we'll be in lockdown for at least another 2 months.
Our only hope is that Gladys decides to be a real leader, and we are compelled to follow.

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Eric Clapton just released a song about the pandemic 'This Has Gotta Stop'.

From The Irish Times:

‘This Has Gotta Stop’: Eric Clapton releases song criticising pandemic response

The musician also appeared on Van Morrison’s anti-lockdown track last December

Eric Clapton, a staunch critic of measures designed to tackle the Covid pandemic, has released a song entitled This Has Gotta Stop.

While the song does not directly mention lockdown measures or vaccines, the musician has performed on anti-vaccine songs in recent months. His latest offering has been interpreted by some as an attack on the measures recommended by health officials.

“I can’t take this BS any longer, It’s gone far enough, You want to claim my soul, you’ll have to come and break down this door,” Clapton sings. Other lyrics include: “I knew that something was going on wrong, When you started laying down the law, I can’t move my hands, I break out in sweat.”

Clapton has previously talked about the negative reaction he had to a vaccine dose he received. According to Rolling Stone, he said: “I took the first jab of AZ [AstraZeneca] and straight away had severe reactions, which lasted 10 days… The reactions [to the second] were disastrous. My hands and feet were either frozen, numb or burning, and pretty much useless for two weeks, I feared I would never play again.”

He referred to extensive scientific research, which has found the vaccines on offer in the UK to be safe and save lives, as “propaganda”. Clapton has also said he will not perform at any venues that require attendees to show proof of vaccination.

Vaccine passports

In response to the UK government announcement that vaccine passports will be required to access nightclubs and venues by the end of September, the musician issued a statement saying he would not play “any stage where there is a discriminated audience present”.

Clapton also appeared on Van Morrison’s anti-lockdown track Stand and Deliver last December.

The Stand and Deliver lyrics likened coronavirus lockdown measures to slavery. “Stand and deliver, You let them put the fear on you, Stand and deliver, But not a word you heard was true… But if there’s nothing you can say, There may be nothing you can do, Do you want to be a free man, Or do you want to be a slave?”



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5 hours ago, Geoff said:

Haha! Freedom day, here we come. Every news bulletin starts with how our hospitals allegedly can't cope with the current amount of covid paients, allegedly, but the next story is how we are going to be free on October 14th. YES! I am so excited. I can't wait to, uh, maybe meet with two other people outside my household, outdoors wearing a mask? I dunno, is that what freedom is now? Maybe I'll be allowed to sit down outdoors somewhere and eat a burger through a mask? 

I know one thing sure as fuck, my children still won't be receiving an education on October 14th. I probably still won't be able to see my family up the coast. Wonder if booking a holiday within the state will be a possibility? 

Honestly mate, to me this is like someone slicing your whole head off your neck and then coming back three months later and saying, okay, we're going to give you one ear and a nostril back. Enjoy your beautiful new life, friend. Play your cards right, and maybe in three months we'll give you back another nostril and at least one of your eyeballs. 

Seriously, they can just get fucked. 

How the fuck do I do that? Couldn't even if I tried. 

meanwhile in free UK.

37000 new cases in one day. 250 extra hospitalizations- up to 7500. 

200 extra deaths.

in one day.

And yes that is mostly being spread by the remaining young people and kids - who have just gone back with no restrictions. And yes these 20% are still spreading it vaccinated people because it doesn't make you immune. Despite the vast majority of people in hospital being the unvaccinated.

And remember this is with 80% of the population fully vaccinated.

As I said before, be careful what you wish for , because although you still seem to think this is some mild flu and of no real consequence, this virus has the potential to bite Australia on the arse if they open up too early while vaccine levels are still too low.

I know you'll reply and tell me I have no clue what you're going through and I'm a panic stricken cry baby, but one day you might be grateful for the action which was taken even if right now it seems harsh. 

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4 hours ago, Glen said:

meanwhile in free UK.

37000 new cases in one day. 250 extra hospitalizations- up to 7500. 

200 extra deaths.

in one day.

And yes that is mostly being spread by the remaining young people and kids - who have just gone back with no restrictions. And yes these 20% are still spreading it vaccinated people because it doesn't make you immune. Despite the vast majority of people in hospital being the unvaccinated.

And remember this is with 80% of the population fully vaccinated.

As I said before, be careful what you wish for , because although you still seem to think this is some mild flu and of no real consequence, this virus has the potential to bite Australia on the arse if they open up too early while vaccine levels are still too low.

I know you'll reply and tell me I have no clue what you're going through and I'm a panic stricken cry baby, but one day you might be grateful for the action which was taken even if right now it seems harsh. 

No mate, all I will say is that about 1500 people die in the UK every single day of the year, on average. 

When are we ever going to stop this covid spotlight? What about the other 1300 people that died today from something that wasn't related to covid? 

Like I keep saying, people need to accept that covid isn't going anywhere, stop pretending like it is the only thing currently contributing to deaths on the planet, and move on with life. 

If the media wanted to, they could flip a switch on any other of those 1300 causes of death tomorrow and turn it into a pandemic if they really wanted to, of that I have no doubt. 

200 deaths is very sad, but so are the other 1300. But the world has never stopped because of it. 

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3 minutes ago, Geoff said:

No mate, all I will say is that about 1500 people die in the UK every single day of the year, on average. 

When are we ever going to stop this covid spotlight? What about the other 1300 people that died today from something that wasn't related to covid? 

Like I keep saying, people need to accept that covid isn't going anywhere, stop pretending like it is the only thing currently contributing to deaths on the planet, and move on with life. 

If the media wanted to, they could flip a switch on any other of those 1300 causes of death tomorrow and turn it into a pandemic if they really wanted to, of that I have no doubt. 

200 deaths is very sad, but so are the other 1300. But the world has never stopped because of it. 

we arent stopped because of 200 we are open

we were stopped when it was 1750+ per day at the height of the pandemic


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1 minute ago, Glen said:

we arent stopped because of 200 we are open

we were stopped when it was 1750+ per day at the height of the pandemic


No, you're not stopped but you almost sound like you want to be. Why are the daily tallies still even continuing? The only way we ever move on from this thing is to stop it being the sole focus of everyone's life. 

No other method of death needs a daily case count, death tally and hospitalisation summary. Even though other deaths take up a far larger percentage of these numbers. 

So yes, the UK is "freer" than a lot of places, but nowhere will be truly free until the media and government stop jamming this stupid fucking virus down our throats every minute of every day. 

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3 minutes ago, Geoff said:

No, you're not stopped but you almost sound like you want to be. Why are the daily tallies still even continuing? The only way we ever move on from this thing is to stop it being the sole focus of everyone's life. 

No other method of death needs a daily case count, death tally and hospitalisation summary. Even though other deaths take up a far larger percentage of these numbers. 

So yes, the UK is "freer" than a lot of places, but nowhere will be truly free until the media and government stop jamming this stupid fucking virus down our throats every minute of every day. 

the counts continue because its a concern and everything is moving in the wrong direction and will only worsen with schools back.

as I said earlier my daughters best friend has it which is way too close to home. My daughter has so far tested negative but could still have it. If she gets it we all probably get it as we will be in the same household. My wife suffers from asthma, so yes its a concern.

My daughters athletics coach knows 8 people who have died of COVID. I cant even get my head round that. Our window cleaner has lost 4 family members.

One person in my work team ended up on a ventilator for 3 weeks and almost died. 

My cousins husband died of COVID. 

This is the reality when youve had 170K deaths in a country from COVID- it touches millions of families.

If youve not lost anyone or dont know people who have lost people,  be very grateful 🙏 

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Does any country have kids in masks?

Weird to me, heaps of kids getting covid here (mostly mildly) abut passing  it on to others.
Not sure why these little fuckers aren't in masks.
Either everyone in masks or no-one in masks.

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7 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

Does any country have kids in masks?

Weird to me, heaps of kids getting covid here (mostly mildly) abut passing  it on to others.
Not sure why these little fuckers aren't in masks.
Either everyone in masks or no-one in masks.

When masks were mandated here, it included kids down to age 3 I believe.....

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did anybody ever see this???


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On 9/8/2021 at 5:06 PM, CureTheSane said:

Does any country have kids in masks?

Weird to me, heaps of kids getting covid here (mostly mildly) abut passing  it on to others.
Not sure why these little fuckers aren't in masks.
Either everyone in masks or no-one in masks.

Of course I put my vote in for no-one wear masks. Unless you want to, in which case, go for your life. But at no point, ever, should they have been mandated, and now we look at a situation where they will be part of our lives for fuck know how long. Looks like forever to me, if I'm being honest.

But don't put them on kids. I keep touching on this, but what are we trying to become? If every move we make from now on is some pathetic, whimpering effort to prevent someone from possibly dying, let's just all kill ourselves now and be done with it. Problem solved, then no one can die anymore because we're already dead. 

If the stupid fucking thing doesn't affect kids, and people are vaccinated - first of all, why the fuck are vaccinated people still wearing masks? How many zeros do we have to put behind the initial 0. something chance of dying from this thing before we get on with things? But don't bring kids into it. Anyone with a child knows how much this is already fucking up their lives. My boy was layering me with questions after I read him his book tonight, about when this is ever going to end, when he can see his best friend again, if we'll ever go on holidays again. On top of that I want to know if he's ever allowed to play sport again? It's still not in the "roadmap" coming up in October when we're 70% vaccinated. Still to dangerous for a child to kick a soccer ball in a christ forsaken wide open space. And will school, for about 4 weeks, actually open on October 25th? I'm not holding my breath. It is pure fucking cruelty what this garbage is doing to kids. 

Putting a mask on a child so they might not infect person B who is vaccinated, so that person B might not pass it onto person C who is also vaccinated and seriously, when does the hideous paranoia ever end?

I keep asking myself what the point of these vaccines are because nothing about them is changing how scared everyone is of this virus. Yes, we're all slowly getting vaccinated, but we still can't do anything we couldn't do before we were vaccinated, and our upcoming "freedom" still features everything we took the vaccine to escape from. So what's the point in it all? 

Said it before, and I'll say it again. Never in my life have I understood more if and why someone chooses to take their own life in this period of time. That tunnel is completely void of any light at the end of it. 

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2 hours ago, Geoff said:

Of course I put my vote in for no-one wear masks. Unless you want to, in which case, go for your life. But at no point, ever, should they have been mandated, and now we look at a situation where they will be part of our lives for fuck know how long. Looks like forever to me, if I'm being honest.

But don't put them on kids. I keep touching on this, but what are we trying to become? If every move we make from now on is some pathetic, whimpering effort to prevent someone from possibly dying, let's just all kill ourselves now and be done with it. Problem solved, then no one can die anymore because we're already dead. 

If the stupid fucking thing doesn't affect kids, and people are vaccinated - first of all, why the fuck are vaccinated people still wearing masks? How many zeros do we have to put behind the initial 0. something chance of dying from this thing before we get on with things? But don't bring kids into it. Anyone with a child knows how much this is already fucking up their lives. My boy was layering me with questions after I read him his book tonight, about when this is ever going to end, when he can see his best friend again, if we'll ever go on holidays again. On top of that I want to know if he's ever allowed to play sport again? It's still not in the "roadmap" coming up in October when we're 70% vaccinated. Still to dangerous for a child to kick a soccer ball in a christ forsaken wide open space. And will school, for about 4 weeks, actually open on October 25th? I'm not holding my breath. It is pure fucking cruelty what this garbage is doing to kids. 

Putting a mask on a child so they might not infect person B who is vaccinated, so that person B might not pass it onto person C who is also vaccinated and seriously, when does the hideous paranoia ever end?

I keep asking myself what the point of these vaccines are because nothing about them is changing how scared everyone is of this virus. Yes, we're all slowly getting vaccinated, but we still can't do anything we couldn't do before we were vaccinated, and our upcoming "freedom" still features everything we took the vaccine to escape from. So what's the point in it all? 

Said it before, and I'll say it again. Never in my life have I understood more if and why someone chooses to take their own life in this period of time. That tunnel is completely void of any light at the end of it. 

dude I thought you were taking a step back? You still sound stressed. Chill. 

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Says it all


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5 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

Love the common sense approach he has to everything.... too bad he isn't in politics...

Yep, I cant think of anyone in the media who sees shit the way I do, not everything of course, but theres not to much I disagree with him on, he's pretty on the ball with almost everything.

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6 hours ago, Glen said:

dude I thought you were taking a step back? You still sound stressed. Chill. 

I did step back, lol, until my son was asking all those questions which just reignites my anger at what's going on. Doesn't take much, sadly.

I'll take your advice to chill, once I check the ausgov website to see if that is allowed under covid restrictions. My guess is not. 

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    • Sounds pretty good all round...just preordered..released 22nd Nov  
    • Luckily I will hopefully be front row so wont make a mess on anyones back.
    • If we never hear from you again, at least we'll know you went out with a smile on your face. 
    • Wow! Thank you so much mate. That's a massive compliment. That was the first one I wrote and I think it's my favourite so far. Like Geoff, I'm tending to draw on past personal experiences for my lyrics and that one means a lot. I was thrilled when the AI came up with that interpretation. 
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    • Video for 'I'll Stand For You'.    
    • New song 'Who Am I' taken from the album 'Into The Great Unknown' out November 15 through Frontiers.    
    • @Darkstone, I just randomly clicked on your link and listened to "Hardened Heart." In the interest of full disclosure, I am not personally a fan of AI music--I find something about the vocals sterile and offputting--but I wanted to say that I thought that particular song sounded like something White Lion would have done back in the day. Nice power ballad, despite my aforementioned issues with AI tunes. While it's not for me, I'm glad people have an outlet for their creative impulses, and there's no doubt some cool stuff is emerging, with "Hardened Heart" being among the best I've heard.
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