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7 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

Your not gonna convince any bro, some people just cant keep an open mind, their hatred blinds them to anything, I am not talfking about anyone on here, Im just talking in general, when it comes to this stuff,  I can name some great stuff he's done, just as I could Obama, Bush, Clinton, unless you actually read about it, you will never know anything good Trump has done, because the american media will never cover it, at least not honestly, remember, it's about making him look so bad they can get rid of him, how about these, and i'm sure you'll nit pick them, but hey, you would be disingenuous to say he hasnt done anything positive, maybe even lying, and these are things I can prove he did, unlike the shit you say he's done wrong, these are not debatable, I cant think of some more, but i know there are more.

Space Force

completely overhauled the tax code

The First Step Act

Brought back the Glass-Seagull Regulation

Started building the wall between the US and Mexico

Brought alot of business and jobs back to the US

cut taxes for small business owners,

he negotiated the USMCA,

Set a new trading deal with Japan

Didnt like the Iran deal, so he changed it,

;Made Euro countrys start pulling their share financially with NATO









I get bored with commenting on Trump but seeing people role out his achievements always makes me laugh. 

let's just take the First Step Act.

So this was all down to Trump yeah - he thought it up, campaigned for it, pushed it through to law. etc etc.

err no. 

He didn't even support it - it was only after he was lobbied by God knows who did he eventually give it his support. 

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3 hours ago, Glen said:

I get bored with commenting on Trump but seeing people role out his achievements always makes me laugh. 

let's just take the First Step Act.

So this was all down to Trump yeah - he thought it up, campaigned for it, pushed it through to law. etc etc.

err no. 

He didn't even support it - it was only after he was lobbied by God knows who did he eventually give it his support. 

Who cares what his reasoning or logic was behind it, HE DID IT!! that's what counts, and that's why it's so hilarious, wingers either side, but mostly left, cannot stand it, instead of just saying yeah cool, they gotta pick at anything, even shit that doesn't even merit a response, just the single smallest thing to try and not just acknowledge it, but to actually try to besmirch and discredit anything he does, and they do it without even a shred of shame, The First Step Act saw 6 of my good friends be released from prison, all on non violent possession charges, one getting a 25 year sentence in 1996 for originally getting busted with a pound of weed, but then pissing the judge off who hated him to begin with, instead of getting even probation for his 1st charge, he got a quarter, 1st offense, so many bullshit sentences, and arrests, with mind blowing amounts of time dealt out, on skimpy non violent charges, Obama wouldn't even sign it, if you want to go into detail about it's origin, and where it's been, and the fact that Obama wouldn't sign it, help out his own people, I think that's racist.

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So there's also been some press conferences go down in the last few weeks, neither of which covered by the big networks, 1 covered only by OAN, both live streamed on the internet, now both have been completely removed from FB and YouTube, saying they violate community standards, yeah, they violate it by telling the truth, and providing proof on what I have been saying, and you guys keep acting like im here talking about NWO shit, I'm not, im talking about the media people, the real life conspiracy, or master plan at the least, I'm not gonna go into what it is, so you all can tell me I'm a fag and a retard, and ask if I believe in ghosts and aliens, I know, cause that's what I'd say to you, but it's not really that tall of a tale, and it's getting to the point where it's almost like they act like their not doing it, and the people act like they don't know it's going on, dutch door action, it's almost getting to the point where on some shit, their not even bothering to even try to hide it. Both these videos are being reported on alt news outlets, and local news, they are 100% authentic, and credible, or are they part of the conspiracy???

Think about this, If this was truly a grim brutal lethal disease as they have made it out to be, do you sincerely believe in your heart of hearts, they would just let people peacefully protest, every single night, if they knew there was an absolutely deadly virus being passed between those thousands of peaceful protesters?? they shut the entire country down, have been arresting people for trying to open up their own businesses, yet every night, in the same city's, thousands of people line up shoulder to shoulder, clearly social distancing, while  peacefully protesting.

So when Viruses that are actually deadly serious like MERS with a 37.2% mortality rate, Ebola with a 50% mortality rate,  the way more common and spreadable Hepatitis, and the one that kills more people in the world a year then any of them, Influenza, which wipes out millions and millions of people a year around the world, Doesn't it make anyone else curious at all, why a virus that has 18 Million|+ confirmed cases, and under 700,000 deaths is being selectively administered? and selectively enforced? and on the extreme end of that spectrum, you'd have to believe it was a virus with 100% mortality rate, don't be a tool, if all this shit adds up for anyone, then I don't even have to presume anything, cause you already know.









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5 hours ago, Glen said:

I get bored with commenting on Trump but seeing people role out his achievements always makes me laugh. 

let's just take the First Step Act.

So this was all down to Trump yeah - he thought it up, campaigned for it, pushed it through to law. etc etc.

err no. 

He didn't even support it - it was only after he was lobbied by God knows who did he eventually give it his support. 

Ok, I gotta cry "FOUL!" here. Isn't it this true of ALL presidents?

They sign things into law that they didn't craft, that perhaps they didn't want to sign originally, or that they negotiated signing, but they ultimately "get credit" because it occurred under their watch.

So you want to give Obama credit for everything that happened while he was President, but with Trump, "nah, he's just a figurehead stooge, none of the good things that happened were actually due to him; they happened in SPITE of him."

It's hypocritical double-standard bullshit, which is my biggest complaint about all of this.

"tRuMp iS eViL fOr pUtTiNg cHiLdReN iN cAgEs!!!!"

"Uhh, those pictures were taken in 2015. That practice started under Obama."

"LALALALALA I can't hear you! Let's move on to the next evil thing Trump has done!!!"

The left gets so triggered and enraged every time Trump tweets, yet ignore the vile contemptible tantrums of Nancy Pelosi.

It.s all. hypocritical. bullshit.

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1 hour ago, heavyharmonies said:

Ok, I gotta cry "FOUL!" here. Isn't it this true of ALL presidents?

They sign things into law that they didn't craft, that perhaps they didn't want to sign originally, or that they negotiated signing, but they ultimately "get credit" because it occurred under their watch.

So you want to give Obama credit for everything that happened while he was President, but with Trump, "nah, he's just a figurehead stooge, none of the good things that happened were actually due to him; they happened in SPITE of him."

It's hypocritical double-standard bullshit, which is my biggest complaint about all of this.

"tRuMp iS eViL fOr pUtTiNg cHiLdReN iN cAgEs!!!!"

"Uhh, those pictures were taken in 2015. That practice started under Obama."

"LALALALALA I can't hear you! Let's move on to the next evil thing Trump has done!!!"

The left gets so triggered and enraged every time Trump tweets, yet ignore the vile contemptible tantrums of Nancy Pelosi.

It.s all. hypocritical. bullshit.

True fact that all presidents take credit for positive things no matter who was responsible for them at the beginning...however those same presidents also took responsibility for the negative shit that happened on their watch unlike Trump who has never taken responsibility for anything bad that has happened while he has been in office....it is always someone elses fault...usually he drops the blame on the previous administration despite the fact that he has had the reins for the last 4 years....if you're gonna take credit for the good stuff have the courage to deal with the bad....

Edited by Dead Planet
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2 hours ago, heavyharmonies said:

Ok, I gotta cry "FOUL!" here. Isn't it this true of ALL presidents?

They sign things into law that they didn't craft, that perhaps they didn't want to sign originally, or that they negotiated signing, but they ultimately "get credit" because it occurred under their watch.

So you want to give Obama credit for everything that happened while he was President, but with Trump, "nah, he's just a figurehead stooge, none of the good things that happened were actually due to him; they happened in SPITE of him."

It's hypocritical double-standard bullshit, which is my biggest complaint about all of this.

"tRuMp iS eViL fOr pUtTiNg cHiLdReN iN cAgEs!!!!"

"Uhh, those pictures were taken in 2015. That practice started under Obama."

"LALALALALA I can't hear you! Let's move on to the next evil thing Trump has done!!!"

The left gets so triggered and enraged every time Trump tweets, yet ignore the vile contemptible tantrums of Nancy Pelosi.

It.s all. hypocritical. bullshit.

yeah fair point but have 'some' input. I mean he was totally against it and had to be convinced by a whole host of people 

that hardly goes down as one of 'his' successes. He was just the one who finally signed the dotted line.

there plenty of online reading for you to assess the extent of his input.

verdict : not very much ;)

but you go on thinking he's great and did such a great job :lol:


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13 minutes ago, Glen said:


but you go on thinking he's great and did such a great job :lol:


Sigh. Trump isn't great. Far from it.

But he's leaps and bounds better than the alternative and the woke insanity that would come with it.

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11 minutes ago, heavyharmonies said:

Sigh. Trump isn't great. Far from it.

But he's leaps and bounds better than the alternative and the woke insanity that would come with it.


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1 hour ago, heavyharmonies said:

Sigh. Trump isn't great. Far from it.

But he's leaps and bounds better than the alternative and the woke insanity that would come with it.

You think the US is in a better state than if Clinton had won?

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1 hour ago, heavyharmonies said:

Sigh. Trump isn't great. Far from it.

But he's leaps and bounds better than the alternative and the woke insanity that would come with it.

I get that you don't like the Dems but fear of what might happen is not the best way to view the political landscape in the US....there is literally nothing that can be done in 4 years that can't be undone in the next 4 years....surely having a president that is respectable and who cares about something other than himself is worth a 'leap' of faith' ...

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25 minutes ago, Dead Planet said:

surely having a president that is respectable and who cares about something other than himself is worth a 'leap' of faith' ...

Nope. Sorry, disagree. Woke progressivism and cancel culture are a pox upon humanity. Not worth the risk.

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50 minutes ago, AlphaMale said:

People just aren't used to a president who tells it like it is instead of spouting bullshit.

Tells it like it is. 😂 No other president in world history tells so many lies as that piece of shit. 

What the fuck is wrong with some people. 😂😂😂

He's a narcissistic sociopath. He cares for no-one but himself.

That some still believe they he's for the little man is mindboggling beyond all comprehension. That they believed it from the start is equally so. 

America is fucked.  

Edited by Mafisen
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I wouldn't say "tells it like it is" but rather he's brutally frank. He doesn't speak for 10 minutes saying nothing in hopes of not offending the wrong group, but instead rightly or wrongly, he speaks his mind.

The press corps and mainstream media aren't used to this approach. They're so used to politicians tapdancing and effectively saying nothing, so it puts them off their game.

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2 hours ago, AlphaMale said:

People just aren't used to a president who tells it like it is instead of spouting bullshit.

all he spouts is bullshit. that's the problem lol. 

for the President of the US to basically live on Twitter posting endless bullshit is beyond laughable. 

I must read 20, or more tweets from him every day. most of it protecting his own arse, defending himself, claiming everything written about him is a lie, hell he even turned on fox news the other day. 


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1 hour ago, heavyharmonies said:

I wouldn't say "tells it like it is" but rather he's brutally frank. He doesn't speak for 10 minutes saying nothing in hopes of not offending the wrong group, but instead rightly or wrongly, he speaks his mind.

The press corps and mainstream media aren't used to this approach. They're so used to politicians tapdancing and effectively saying nothing, so it puts them off their game.

To be honest, saying nothing for ten minutes is far better than Trump speaking inane stupid bullshit for 2. What's speaking your mind worth when your mind consists of hate, lies and sheer stupidity?

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20 minutes ago, Glen said:

all he spouts is bullshit. that's the problem lol. 

for the President of the US to basically live on Twitter posting endless bullshit is beyond laughable. 

I must read 20, or more tweets from him every day. most of it protecting his own arse, defending himself, claiming everything written about him is a lie, hell he even turned on fox news the other day. 


Well said. 

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3 hours ago, heavyharmonies said:

Nope. Sorry, disagree. Woke progressivism and cancel culture are a pox upon humanity. Not worth the risk.

I can't really criticize as 20 years ago no one could change my mind on anything either ..... I will just have to hope that the majority of Americans are sick and tired of the Trump Show and throw him out in November....I never did like reality tv shows..:lol:

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1 hour ago, Mafisen said:

To be honest, saying nothing for ten minutes is far better than Trump speaking inane stupid bullshit for 2. What's speaking your mind worth when your mind consists of hate, lies and sheer stupidity?

And you are from where?  



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22 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

Your not gonna convince any bro, some people just cant keep an open mind, their hatred blinds them to anything, I am not talfking about anyone on here, Im just talking in general, when it comes to this stuff,  I can name some great stuff he's done, just as I could Obama, Bush, Clinton, unless you actually read about it, you will never know anything good Trump has done, because the american media will never cover it, at least not honestly, remember, it's about making him look so bad they can get rid of him, how about these, and i'm sure you'll nit pick them, but hey, you would be disingenuous to say he hasnt done anything positive, maybe even lying, and these are things I can prove he did, unlike the shit you say he's done wrong, these are not debatable, I cant think of some more, but i know there are more.

Space Force

completely overhauled the tax code

The First Step Act

Brought back the Glass-Seagull Regulation

Started building the wall between the US and Mexico

Brought alot of business and jobs back to the US

cut taxes for small business owners,

he negotiated the USMCA,

Set a new trading deal with Japan

Didnt like the Iran deal, so he changed it,

;Made Euro countrys start pulling their share financially with NATO









Getting close to 250 miles of wall complete....probably by summer's end.

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When the whole wall issue first came around I thought it was silly BS but lately I have had a rethink..... I'm reading that the 'experts' believe that in the next 30-50 years there could be up to 300 million climate refugees on the move all over the world because of a lack of water and food....where will they go? To the US and Europe mostly so the US won't be the only country putting up walls in the future....of course if you don't believe in climate change then you won't be all that concerned...;)

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1 hour ago, Dead Planet said:

When the whole wall issue first came around I thought it was silly BS but lately I have had a rethink..... I'm reading that the 'experts' believe that in the next 30-50 years there could be up to 300 million climate refugees on the move all over the world because of a lack of water and food....where will they go? To the US and Europe mostly so the US won't be the only country putting up walls in the future....of course if you don't believe in climate change then you won't be all that concerned...;)

I'm not concerned, I believe in climate change, it's like Corona, anybody who doesn't believe it's an actual thing, is high on crack and PCP, those are the same people who think if they sail to far they'll fall off the side of the planet, of course the climate changes, the earth cycles through heating up, then freezing, it has since it was formed, now if you want to tell me that man is the reason it's heating up, then you've lost me completely, I tend to file that into the falling off the side of the earth crowd, what complete arrogance and ego, the level condescension behind that remark, just boggles my mind.

Edited by Leykis101
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    • Good safe and well with the footage I've seen on news here in Australia it must be scary.
    • I can tell you that at the very least, there are people from FEMA working with some of the local businesses (my employer included) as far as looking at what aid is available to them. On the flip side, I've heard that one of the FEMA directors "got an attitude" with a few folks in the Asheville area and got popped in the mouth. I can't confirm that, just a story that's making the rounds. 
    • Glad you and yours are ok Mike. There's been a lot of buzz on social media about the LACK of response from FEMA and the current admin. Have you seen or heard anything on the ground one way or the other?
    • Not sure if anyone has noticed my absence over the last 10 days, but I've only been able to sign in a few times from work over the course of that period. As some of you may know, on Friday, September 27th, Hurricane Helene slammed into western North Carolina and absolutely devastated this area, leveling entire towns in its path. In my 52 years on this planet, I've never seen destruction like this with my own eyes.  While my home and property were spared any major problems, our road looked like a damn warzone with all the trees and powerlines down. We were literally trapped like rats in a maze for several days, as even though some good samaritans were able to cut their way through the downed trees so we could leave the neighborhood, all roads leading out of this area were closed off, either due to trees and lines down, or due to flooding.   I was out of work for six days, as my employer had no power. We had no power here at the house for 9 days, with it being restored late yesterday evening. We lost several hundred dollars worth of food that thawed out from our fridge and freezers. No hot water after day one, no cell signal for several days, no stores or restaurants open for several days... If it sounds like I'm complaining, I assure you, I am not. I am grateful. My family and friends are blessed, as we're all pretty much back up and running now. While there was some severe flooding here in Morganton just around two miles from my house, overall, it was MILD around here. Once you drive a mere 20 miles up the road to a little town called Old Fort in McDowell County, and everything west from there, it is exponentially worse. Huge chunks of Asheville under water, Chimney Rock literally wiped off the map, Spruce Pine damn near wiped away, small towns with no communication to the outside world with people struggling. It is BAD here in Western NC, and it's going to take a LONG time for things to get back to some semblance of normal for ALOT of people.  I just felt the need to post and let anyone who might have noticed I was MIA that I am fine, but that alot of good people are not. Please keep western North Carolina in your thoughts and prayers, and if that's not your thing, drink one for all of us tonight. Here are a few links that I've shared over the last week on FB that show the devastation around here... https://fb.watch/v331QebVRJ/ https://www.facebook.com/100067755911039/videos/1069274148086583/ https://www.facebook.com/share/p/ER9b6tv8oj84QuWb/ https://www.facebook.com/share/p/9MpnKZUAx4m5oy3y/ All these aerial shots are from around 1-2 miles from my house: https://www.facebook.com/share/v/vux5WpAqeMDcNMhS/ https://fb.watch/v33x13dnTf/ https://www.facebook.com/share/p/V6RPz7HiiMhrBsfn/ https://www.facebook.com/share/p/vvEuMCm7We6fitZ9/ https://www.facebook.com/share/v/jE1utxkfNLeKEM9S/ Park Rangers in Chimney Rock managed to get the flag raised up again...  
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