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Part of reason this board is dying

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I think it's because too many threads on shitty bands. I don't mind being introduced to new bands but several posters are starting 6 to 8 to 10 threads in a row of bands nobody has heard of.


Again, I am all for hearing new bands but it's just plain overkill.


For instance, DeadPlanet has started 10 new threads on bands today, and add in martinsane's 7 threads from yesterday and the whole front page is no real music discussion. All crappy band threads.




It's almost as bad as those Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down polls and all those Best of 19?? polls.


I'm starting to get turned off coming here and am ready to join the Melodic Mafia on FB full time.

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Shitty vs. non-shitty is a personal preference. Just because certain bands don't trip your trigger doesn't mean that others won't find them interesting.


Personally, I like when people post about "unknown" bands. Yes, the majority I don't find worth pursuing, but every now and then a gem turns up.


I'd always opt for more posting rather than less, even if the bands/albums in question aren't up my alley...


That said, there's something to be said for moderation... maybe 10 a day?


What does everone think?

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Like I said, I'm for finding new bands. It just seems too many all at once, in my opinion.


For a new person, if they came here and seen all those bands that MOST fans are not going to like, it would put me off coming here.

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I think it has been said before but let me repeat, if you are not interested in certain threads then don't click on them...move on to what turns you on....I'm not sure why people get upset over what amounts to nothing....


If however I'm wrong and the majority agree with you then I will stop posting new music....the last thing I want is to piss people off on the forum....

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I'm agree its all personal preference here. I don't really care how many posts there are. If I'm in the mood to listen I click on the links. The truth is that this year there hasn't been hardly any new bands that i thought were good or worth more than two listens. On the other hand there have been really good releases by more of the veteran bands.

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I think it has been said before but let me repeat, if you are not interested in certain threads then don't click on them...move on to what turns you on....I'm not sure why people get upset over what amounts to nothing....


If however I'm wrong and the majority agree with you then I will stop posting new music....the last thing I want is to piss people off on the forum....

Keep posting brother!

Being exposed to unknown music. Isn't that what it's all about?

I for one appreciate the effort.

Thanks mate.


And that goes for Martinsane too.

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Funny how there are all of these new threads. Even if it's "overkill" somehow we still miss important releases. Did anybody mention Sweet Savage or Harlots Webb? There should be mass talk on these. I know I can't wait to get them.

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I was thinking the same thing as AlphaMale....I noticed a whack of unknown bands added in the Hard Rock/ AOR section which is the most popular by a long shot on the site. I saw a bunch of names I never heard of and went straight to another section. We should maybe have a section for all new/indie/unsigned bands and keep the Hard Rock / AOR section for bands many of us know and talk about.

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I think it has been said before but let me repeat, if you are not interested in certain threads then don't click on them...move on to what turns you on


To be totally honest, I am on neither side of the fence here. I appreciate every effort anyone here makes in trying to bring good music to us... In a perfect world everyone (here) would have the same taste in music as me and only good threads would appear, but that's not how it is.


Anyway, the problem is, you don't know if you're not going to be interested in the threads until you click onto them and try the music out. I think that's Russ' point.


But anyway, I see all y'all's points. Yes, there are too many threads of terrible bands, but like I said, I do appreciate people trying to bring new music to the masses.


The solution is really simple. People should just learn to only like good music. It's actually not that hard.

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More threads the better. Sure I've read less lately than I normally do but that's due to my time. If I have time I check everything out otherwise I skim.

The more threads there are the better the chance that someone will post something worth talking about and therefore more board activity.

I actually just think it's a bit of a quiet period for the scene at the moment....and there's no drama or arguments. Might be time to post some more best of lists ;)

Geoff where's your lists? Gotten through everything yet? I love checking out bands I missed, quickly dismissed or need to be reminded of again.

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No problem with me whatsoever and more posting is to be encouraged to maybe introduce us all to some new music, even if most new stuff completely washes over me at the moment, hence no comments from me, Occasionally a gem does turn up if you make the effort to click on all the links that people have taken the time to post, so keep 'em coming I say .

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I've commented on this in the past and many didn't agree with my views, however I really do feel that the number of topics on new bands is overwhelming and becoming a bit ridiculous. This is not a new issue (happening for a few years now) but becoming more of a problem as time goes by, IMO.


Like a few others have said, when I visit the AOR/hard rock section (or any of the other genre sections), all I can see is a dozen or more brand new topics with no (or very few) replies on bands that are new / unheard of and barely a comment to accompany the post as to why the topic is being started. Any replies usually say "meh", "awful" etc. With no actual discussion taking place.


Let me be clear though - I am not at all against plugging / promoting new talent but I do think new topics are starting for the sake of it rather than because they are great / highly recommended new bands. It just feels like quantity over quality here these days.


IMO not every new band needs their own topic started. I'd rather have a generic topic (eg. "New bands 2016") in which all these new bands are lumped in together, and only start separate topics on the best ones that people feel passionate about.


The enormity of new topics is also taking away from the discussion of past classics- which seem to be diluted and bumped way down the list due to all the new band topics being started.


I'm not trying to tell people what is or isn't worthy music, and again I am not against promoting new bands. But the way in which this is done needs to preserve the quality of discussions that HH forums have been known for in the past.


Yes Facebook has had a huge impact on forum activity, but that cannot be helped whereas implementing posting guidelines is something that can be done to regain the quality of posts and visitor interest here at heavy harmonies.


I'm not sure what exactly I mean by posting guidelines but perhaps a limit of x number of new topics per day and encouraging those who start new topics to also start a discussion rather than just copying/pasting a media release or embedding a video with no accompanying comment.


What do others think about a generic topic "new bands 2016" or similar? Would be interested to hear ideas from others about this as I would love HH to return to a place a high quality / entertaining discussions rather than an outlet for plugging every single band that emerges from around the globe.

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Geoff where's your lists? Gotten through everything yet?


Nah mate, still trudging along. Maybe one year soon. ;)


What do others think about a generic topic "new bands 2016" or similar?


I think it's a cool idea.

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What a completely dumb ass thread.


Begin rant here:


Yes I will step in for DP and others and piss people off as in the immortal words of Kevin Meany "I don't care, I don't care, I don't care!"


I find it completely inane, insane and utterly stupid to knock people for posting about bands on a fucking music website.!? WTF?


"no real music discussion. All crappy band threads. ." WTF!? What do you think a thread about a band is, if not a "music discussion"? A discussion about 401k's? Siding? Sending dick pix? And on a site dedicated to unknown fucking bands! Sheesh.


AS mentioned this ENTIRE sites foundation is 95% based on bands no one has ever heard of, nearly no one ever gave a shit about until someone posted a thread about them and there demo sold for $500 on Ebay and that the majority of the mindless minions could still give a half a shit about!


Oh wait this will be better, let's start yet another thread about Don Dokken or Ratt or Cinderella or wait maybe the roadie for Guns N Roses has a pimple on his smeckel! OR sure how bout another thread on GNR period WTFF? These bands have been played out. We know and have discussed EVERYTHING there is to be discussed about these bands. Sure if the 2nd replacement drummer for LA Guns from the summer of 2011 to the fall of 2011 starts a new Slayer cover band lets start a thread for him. But really?


To quote Donald Trump "what a waiste".

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What a completely dumb ass thread.


Begin rant here:


Yes I will step in for DP and others and piss people off as in the immortal words of Kevin Meany "I don't care, I don't care, I don't care!"


I find it completely inane, insane and utterly stupid to knock people for posting about bands on a fucking music website.!? WTF?


"no real music discussion. All crappy band threads. ." WTF!? What do you think a thread about a band is, if not a "music discussion"? A discussion about 401k's? Siding? Sending dick pix? And on a site dedicated to unknown fucking bands! Sheesh.


AS mentioned this ENTIRE sites foundation is 95% based on bands no one has ever heard of, nearly no one ever gave a shit about until someone posted a thread about them and there demo sold for $500 on Ebay and that the majority of the mindless minions could still give a half a shit about!


Oh wait this will be better, let's start yet another thread about Don Dokken or Ratt or Cinderella or wait maybe the roadie for Guns N Roses has a pimple on his smeckel! OR sure how bout another thread on GNR period WTFF? These bands have been played out. We know and have discussed EVERYTHING there is to be discussed about these bands. Sure if the 2nd replacement drummer for LA Guns from the summer of 2011 to the fall of 2011 starts a new Slayer cover band lets start a thread for him. But really?


To quote Donald Trump "what a waiste".


I totally agree.


If you don't like a thread, don't read it. Simple as that. That's exactly what I'm doing.


So stop whining and get on with it.

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Well, it seems to me all those "crappy band threads" get little to zero responses. Because the bands SUCK.


Kind of telling isn't it? 10, 20, 30, 50 views but not a single response. Because the bands SUCK.


Some people like every band they hear and think everybody else will like them. But 95% of the time, it's simply not true. Because the bands SUCK.


This is just a personal squabble really. Just annoying that when you click "view new content", the whole 1st and 2nd page are unknown bands that NOBODY wants to talk about.


Carry on!

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Let's be honest: the reason this forum isn't as jumpin' as it used to be is due mainly to the migration of most of its regular peeps away from forums and into more "immediate" sites like Facebook.


Those of us who are left that have been here a while.... pretty much all of the "old" bands have already been thoroughly discussed, polled, dissected, and run into the ground, many more than once. I mean, how many times can you reply to "Dudes, what's your favorite Dokken album?" or "Hey, what was the first CD you ever owned?" etc,. etc.


When it comes to new bands, for the most part, they don't get much traction around here cuz who's got the time or the patience to click through seventeen "new band" threads every day and check out YouTubes, etc.? I don't. I wish I did, but keeping my "ear to the ground" isn't as high a priority as it once was.


I still stop in here every other day or two, I hit up my usual threads, and if I have time I might skim a "new band" thread or two but honestly I haven't come across a band in one of those that's knocked my socks off in a looong f*ckin' time.

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What a completely dumb ass thread.


Begin rant here:


Yes I will step in for DP and others and piss people off as in the immortal words of Kevin Meany "I don't care, I don't care, I don't care!"


I find it completely inane, insane and utterly stupid to knock people for posting about bands on a fucking music website.!? WTF?


"no real music discussion. All crappy band threads. ." WTF!? What do you think a thread about a band is, if not a "music discussion"? A discussion about 401k's? Siding? Sending dick pix? And on a site dedicated to unknown fucking bands! Sheesh.


AS mentioned this ENTIRE sites foundation is 95% based on bands no one has ever heard of, nearly no one ever gave a shit about until someone posted a thread about them and there demo sold for $500 on Ebay and that the majority of the mindless minions could still give a half a shit about!


Oh wait this will be better, let's start yet another thread about Don Dokken or Ratt or Cinderella or wait maybe the roadie for Guns N Roses has a pimple on his smeckel! OR sure how bout another thread on GNR period WTFF? These bands have been played out. We know and have discussed EVERYTHING there is to be discussed about these bands. Sure if the 2nd replacement drummer for LA Guns from the summer of 2011 to the fall of 2011 starts a new Slayer cover band lets start a thread for him. But really?


To quote Donald Trump "what a waiste".

I totally agree.


If you don't like a thread, don't read it. Simple as that. That's exactly what I'm doing.


So stop whining and get on with it.

I don't know about whining, I though this might turn into a sensible discussion, perhaps about how a compromise can be reached. Some members feel strongly about this.


I agree with you - if you don't like a thread then don't read it, though the problem for some more part time / casual users like myself is that an occasional new topic is started about a band that we are passionate about and within a day or two it's at the bottom of page two and nobody sees it to reply. There's too much going on in the music genre sections.


I think go ahead and start topics on recommended new bands but accompany the post with a little of your own words to describe what you like about them. Martinsane does this well - I do recognise that. What do you think about a topic called "press releases 2016" or similar to combine a lot of topics, then people who are passionate about a band in there can start their own separate topic for that band/album? Similarly if you are posting an embedded video clip with no accompanying text, is this better suited to the video clips section? I know this is not a perfect solution but it might make the genre sections a lot less busy with new topics and might encourage the more casual forum visitors to engage more. I'm not about to stop visiting or anything - I still love HH and would much rather discuss music here than on FB, but I think some improvements could be made.

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I check in here and Facebook(Mafia Member) a couple times a day. Everyone is different, I work 50 hours a week, wife, 2 young boys, family gatherings and what not, but music is my thing(mainly Hard Rock/Melodic Rock/Hard AOR). So when I'm not busy with the other things in life this is what I do. I do check out most of the threads, but like some have said, most of these "new" bands just don't interest me( unless they fall into my small genre section)so I just move on. I would never tell someone to "Stop" posting new stuff, maybe just pull it back a bit.

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I check in here and Facebook(Mafia Member) a couple times a day. Everyone is different, I work 50 hours a week, wife, 2 young boys, family gatherings and what not, but music is my thing(mainly Hard Rock/Melodic Rock/Hard AOR). So when I'm not busy with the other things in life this is what I do. I do check out most of the threads, but like some have said, most of these "new" bands just don't interest me( unless they fall into my small genre section)so I just move on. I would never tell someone to "Stop" posting new stuff, maybe just pull it back a bit.


I agree. I love this place. My favorite place to go.

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Miss good conversations about great bands.


Not 20 threads on bands nobody has heard of that nobody is replying to.


I just like to ruffle feathers!! :taz:

I think here in lies the rub and not the definition of "great" bands or the undying need to be a "feather ruffler".


20 or more people took the time to have a peek at these threads so obviously these new band threads get a lot of action and traction it appears the lack of reply posting is the issue.


Can't see the problem in adding a comment whilst your in a new band thread, whether you dig it or not and something a bit more intelligible than the puking smiley or "this suxx!"


Sure my musical blinders are way farther open than the majority here, but there is almost always something redeemable in the threads of new bands we post. The guitarist is great the singer is an hot as fuck, something good not everything bad...


...we live in a digital era and a massively fickle music industry where all these bands with 200 FB likes are doing what they love for never and no return on their investment. So giving them a little poke here and maybe getting someone to like their FB or buy a cd is huge, at least I think so. This is why asides from my undying love for all things music that I post ALL these bands here, 1. cause I know someone will appreciate it and maybe buy a disc from the band or share their video on their FB or ??? and 2. when the band emails me back and is like WOW how did you even find out about us and thanks for sharing our video etc.. totally cool!

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So how does a great band get great these days if no one can be bothered to listen to their music because they're not already great? I think the issue is that some people are not interested in new bands/music until someone tells them that they are great.....and are only willing to spend a few minutes of their precious time on the forum looking for threads about well known bands ....I personally come here to discover new bands and music and I have found a lot over the years...yeah it may be that I will only love 1 out of 40-50 that are mentioned but so what, the fun is in discovering these new bands ....

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