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Samples for all to check out:








Hard to really judge from the snippets, but there seems to be a lot more Reb on this one, which suits me just fine.


Thanks for these.

The first one sounds great; the second one is OK but still sounds like Winger IV and the third one is a slow ballad and it's nice to hear keyboards reminiscent of the first album and it sounds great too. I never expect them to do a repeat of the first album again since they get made fun of for that album but it still sounds good. I'll be getting this one for sure.


Second and third sound best to me. The first sounds a bit simple to me: lack of production, raw vocal, lyrics about other bands and singers with a repeating line over a decent chorus. I dig the music though. The second has stronger lyrical content and a more polished vocal I'd consider better. The third is my fave out of these 3 samples. The keys of a ballad with the change to mid-tempo AOR and finally uptempo rocker. These 3 samples didn't hit me immediately as the greatness of the old stuff from Winger to Pull did, but I appreciate it for being experimental in a serious attempt at something good.


And in reply to the thought of them never doing anything close to something marked as uncool against some point in Pop culture timeline I'd say: as long as they understand the industry I see no reason not to. The first Winger album was musical excellence and recognized for it being marketed the epitome of cool in 1988. It only got made fun of when the industry decided to kill off Rock and test a Rap market while bridging with Alternative in the early 1990's. Winger was Rock with Pop appeal so that had to go. As did all the other mass appeal popular bands at the time.

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Seriously?! This is Winger right?! I still can't get over the

heaviness. This riff on 'Feeding Frenzy' sounds Zombie or even Manson-esque.


Winger has always been a Hard Rock band to me. This is once more a typical example to what Pop culture stamped as heavy in recent years. Just because it's good, and has Pop crossover appeal it doesn't mean it's less heavy. :)

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For me, this album ticks a lot of the same boxes as Pull, rather than the first two albums, and that certainly is not a bad thing in my opinion!

Nice. That's my favourite Winger album, so that sounds good to me. :)

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just saw where a promo video is now up and two new reviews on the band's myspace page.







Looking forward to this cd myself.


Holy shit "Stone Cold Killer" and "Deal with the Devil" sound awesome!!!!!! :headbanger:

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just saw where a promo video is now up and two new reviews on the band's myspace page.







Looking forward to this cd myself.


Holy shit "Stone Cold Killer" and "Deal with the Devil" sound awesome!!!!!! :headbanger:

Yeah, backed. Awesome stuff, with a definite 'Pull' vibe, no mistaking it. I like the next song too, and is it 'One big world away'? That sounds excellent too. Sounds like they may have redeemed themselves after 'IV'. Very much looking forward to this.

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Sounds pretty damn agressive! Sounds good. Blowing IV away... but im struggling a bit with it all still..


It still has a little of the IV sound IMO but seems a little closer to Pull, which should make most of their fans happy.

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Looked on Amazon.co.uk a few weeks ago to see if I could preorder it, but no joy.

Just went to the Frontiers website, and saw I can preorder it there.

Fantastic, I thought, until it came time to pay.

CD wasnt unreasonably priced, but once postage is added on, they want nearly £19....screw that.

Went back to Amazon, and its now on there...just short of £13 with free postage, and unlike Frontiers, I dont have to pay in advance either.

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Sounds pretty damn aggressive! Sounds good. Blowing IV away...but I'm struggling a bit with it all still.

I like the overall sound, but judging solely from the samples, for every killer song there is a real dud, and a 1 to 1 killer/dud ratio does not make for a great album. Still, it's an improvement on "IV," which was basically a collection of all duds. But a masterful return to the top of their game...uh, not so much. That said, tracks like "Deal With the Devil" & "Stone Cold Killer" prove they've still got some real chops.

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I just gave all the samples a listen. And, based on that, I don't think I'll be picking this one up. "Pull" is a better album IMO. There are two cool tracks which stuck out on this new one. Those were "Big World Away" and "Feeding Frenzy". I wouldn't mind downloading those two. The rest of the album, not so much.....

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In my humble opinion, this new work smells bad, if you are expecting the firts sounds (bad for me too).


I would like another 80´s-90´s record, with clean sound and perfect production (and hairy photos of group members) but you know this is very difficult (specially the "hairy look")...


Time will tell

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just got this one in the mail today and am spinning it for the first time right now.

4 songs in so far and I really like the first 3 songs, kind of a mix of "Pull" and maybe a little "IV", not really sounding exactly like "IV" but in places is darker and heavier like that disc was/is. Will have to spin it a few times to know for sure how feel about this one.

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Just got this one in the mail today and am spinning it for the first time right now.

4 songs in so far and I really like the first 3 songs, kind of a mix of "Pull" and maybe a little "IV", not really sounding exactly like "IV" but in places is darker and heavier like that disc was/is. Will have to spin it a few times to know for sure how feel about this one.


Just noticed the Donnie Purnell(Former Kix bassist/songwriter) co-wrote "Deal with the Devil".

"Always Within Me" is a great song IMO and one of my favs so far along with "Stone Cold Killer". I'd say that "Always Within Me" will definately appeal to old school Winger fans, it kind of has a mix of the debut and 'Pull'.


One downside to this disc is it's a fucking Digi-pack. :doh:

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Just got this one in the mail today and am spinning it for the first time right now.

4 songs in so far and I really like the first 3 songs, kind of a mix of "Pull" and maybe a little "IV", not really sounding exactly like "IV" but in places is darker and heavier like that disc was/is. Will have to spin it a few times to know for sure how feel about this one.


Just noticed the Donnie Purnell(Former Kix bassist/songwriter) co-wrote "Deal with the Devil".

"Always Within Me" is a great song IMO and one of my favs so far along with "Stone Cold Killer". I'd say that "Always Within Me" will definately appeal to old school Winger fans, it kind of has a mix of the debut and 'Pull'.


One downside to this disc is it's a fucking Digi-pack. :doh:


That's interesting because Kip Winger co-wrote the song Bang Bang Balls of Fire on the Kix album Midnight Dynamite.

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Midnight Dynamite was produced by Beau Hill, and Kip was often one of the session musicians/writers he would work with.

At one point during the 80s, you could look through the credits of any Beau Hill produced album, and you would see the names Kip, Paul and Nate Winger.

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Well, it must be said. Whoever handled this release seems to have done a great job keeping it under wraps. As far as I can tell, this hasn't been leaked yet, which is amazing these days.

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Well, it must be said. Whoever handled this release seems to have done a great job keeping it under wraps. As far as I can tell, this hasn't been leaked yet, which is amazing these days.


Probably because no-one can be bothered.

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Well, it must be said. Whoever handled this release seems to have done a great job keeping it under wraps. As far as I can tell, this hasn't been leaked yet, which is amazing these days.


Probably because no-one can be bothered.

Except me.

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Well, it must be said. Whoever handled this release seems to have done a great job keeping it under wraps. As far as I can tell, this hasn't been leaked yet, which is amazing these days.


Probably because no-one can be bothered.

Except me.


how about the old school way of actually buying it :whistle:

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