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Where do you get the 2 tracks your talking about? I want your tits, and the pussy song??

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Where do you get the 2 tracks your talking about? I want your tits, and the pussy song??


Hiya mate, they are both on the UK version of itunes..........not sure about US tho :unsure:

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  • 4 weeks later...

This band and CD continues to baffle me:


1. with it's pure excellence. Every listen seems to get better and better, if possible. I can finally sing along to each lyric without losing myself in laughter too often, and it's just established itself as a monster hard rock album.

2. with the unpredictable impact it has on certain people.


I just cannot pick who will and who not will appreciate it. I played it to both one of my brothers and a good mate who dip into hard rock every now and then and both disliked it for the lyrics alone. Both said the same thing that so many other (boring?) people say - musically awesome and it would be an excellent CD with normal lyrics (like the other 99 million CDs out there, they forgot to add).


So what is this saying about almost everyone? Is almost everyone really just that conservative? Is everyone that pre-programmed that they are "frightened" of something that doesn't follow the "rules" of every other musical release? Where is people's sense of adventure? :lol: I've actually become quite disappointed in a few people I know well based on their, for lack of a better term, 'proper-ness' (HAHA!) with regard to this release. I applaud those who can appreciate this wholeheartedly for what it is without needing it to be something that fits into what everyone else is doing.

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No. I am not conservative. Far from it. They are just Over-Rated, Over-Exposed and Overly-Silly for my taste. Better talented bands out there who play 'Proper' music and deserve more spotlight than this comedy troupe.


But, 'Musically Awesome'. ;)

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Better talented bands out there who play 'Proper' music and deserve more spotlight than this comedy troupe.

As I did at the start, I still totally and 100% disagree. Why are these guys not "proper" just because they sing explicit lyrics? I put that question out from the start and no one ever gave a good reason why these lyrics have any less substance than every single other band we, and every other person who listens to any genre of music, listens to. Why on earth would they not deserve whatever success they have??

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And so the long awaited American release finally arrives, and the RIAA wonders why they continue into the vast black hole of bankruptcy, not only is Steel Panther pretty much old news by now, the American version of the cd, as with all american versions, includes the whole disc, and that's it!! one might figure for the delay in release, the fact you could buy it from any other country, and the fact you could just download it for free by now, they would pretty up the release with at least 1 bonus track, nope! nothing extra, nothing that makes you say "hey, this song isnt on any of the other releases, I think i'll pick it up and see how it sounds" nothing but the cd, and the late release???? Hey RIAA, Steel Panther, and any other involved partys, do you guys like it when one of your employees gives the bare minimum? welll I always remembered a little saying a guy in prison told me about working fast food and other like jobes, he said, "Get Minimum, Give Minimum" just swap it around to fit this release!

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And so the long awaited American release finally arrives, and the RIAA wonders why they continue into the vast black hole of bankruptcy, not only is Steel Panther pretty much old news by now, the American version of the cd, as with all american versions, includes the whole disc, and that's it!! one might figure for the delay in release, the fact you could buy it from any other country, and the fact you could just download it for free by now, they would pretty up the release with at least 1 bonus track, nope! nothing extra, nothing that makes you say "hey, this song isnt on any of the other releases, I think i'll pick it up and see how it sounds" nothing but the cd, and the late release???? Hey RIAA, Steel Panther, and any other involved partys, do you guys like it when one of your employees gives the bare minimum? welll I always remembered a little saying a guy in prison told me about working fast food and other like jobes, he said, "Get Minimum, Give Minimum" just swap it around to fit this release!


Totally agree.


Not sure why they'd wait so long but if it would came out when the Euro version did sales would of been much stronger I'm sure.

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As I did at the start, I still totally and 100% disagree. Why are these guys not "proper" just because they sing explicit lyrics? I put that question out from the start and no one ever gave a good reason why these lyrics have any less substance than every single other band we, and every other person who listens to any genre of music, listens to. Why on earth would they not deserve whatever success they have??


If you like listening to Steel Panther that is fine. Nothing wrong with that. :headbanger: But don't expect everyone to love that silly rubbish. Just like I don't expect everyone to dislike it.


But will disgree with you 200% also that this band warrants more exposure than any european band/any band who plays honest music without having to resort to being pushed by 'Hollywood' people as a gimmick. There was a recent Yahoo story on this band and they properly named Steel Panther, 'Hollywood's Favourite Band'. Not 'The World's Favourite Band' because then that would be just a bunch of terrible lies.


As far as your question about lyrics, the answer is simple but you chose to ignore the fact that not everyone loves in your face lyrics about fat girls and asian hookers and other nonsense they sing about. They might as well have a song called 'Pull My Finger' and pretend they are 12 year olds. (New SP album concept?)

It gets old quickly for some.


Love your Steel Panther is what I say. But I'll be happy when their last minute of fame ticks by.

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If you like listening to Steel Panther that is fine. Nothing wrong with that. :headbanger: But don't expect everyone to love that silly rubbish. Just like I don't expect everyone to dislike it.

Nah mate, I don't expect everyone to like it. My issue is just that I think the "I love the music but can't stand the lyrics" routine is soft. As is well documented, I hate christian lyrics but I'd be sick with myself if I turned away an otherwise excellent band just because I didn't agree with the message. I hope Mark doesn't mind me saying, but we were discussing this a while back and he asked me if I'd listen to a satanic band. I replied honestly that hell yes I would if the music was this good. After all, to me christianity is as stupid as satanic stuff anyway :lol: ... but this here is just harmless, good explicit fun. It's funny that it turns so many people off, but for me the lyrics are actually a huge drawcard that attaracts me to this album even more.


But will disgree with you 200% also that this band warrants more exposure than any european band/any band who plays honest music without having to resort to being pushed by 'Hollywood' people as a gimmick.

Mate, I don't know what you're replying to here but I said nothing like this. I never said Steel Panther deserve any more or less than any band at any time, but I have said it pisses me off that people begrudge them success just because they can't handle the lyrics. That'd be like me sitting at home with a Disciple voodoo doll stabbing at it wishing them complete failure because they're christians. Dude, just be happy for the guys, and any success they earn is exactly that, well earned. If they can do what others haven't been lucky enough to do, good on them.


As far as your question about lyrics, the answer is simple but you chose to ignore the fact that not everyone loves in your face lyrics about fat girls and asian hookers and other nonsense they sing about. They might as well have a song called 'Pull My Finger' and pretend they are 12 year olds. (New SP album concept?)

It gets old quickly for some.

Never said anyone has to love the lyrics. As I said, just frustrated that people have stated how much they love the music but are really that offended by the harmless lyrics. How it gets any older than any other mundane lyrics we listen to is still a mystery to me.


Love your Steel Panther is what I say. But I'll be happy when their last minute of fame ticks by.

That's weak, mate. I think if you were in a band and people wished you ill because of the lyrics you wrote you'd think they were pretty bitter, immature human beings. ;)

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Steel Panther. Hmmm?

Who was it who said everybody is famous for fifteen minutes?

Well Steel Panther are funny for fifteen minutes!


Crude humor like that has no longevity imo.



People like Alice Cooper and Steven Tyler inject humor into their lyrics but it is subtle and clever.


I think it's a shame they have to spoil well written music, good solos and a crisp production with such stoopid lyrics.

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If you like listening to Steel Panther that is fine. Nothing wrong with that. :headbanger: But don't expect everyone to love that silly rubbish. Just like I don't expect everyone to dislike it.

Nah mate, I don't expect everyone to like it. My issue is just that I think the "I love the music but can't stand the lyrics" routine is soft. As is well documented, I hate christian lyrics but I'd be sick with myself if I turned away an otherwise excellent band just because I didn't agree with the message. I hope Mark doesn't mind me saying, but we were discussing this a while back and he asked me if I'd listen to a satanic band. I replied honestly that hell yes I would if the music was this good. After all, to me christianity is as stupid as satanic stuff anyway :lol: ... but this here is just harmless, good explicit fun. It's funny that it turns so many people off, but for me the lyrics are actually a huge drawcard that attaracts me to this album even more.


But will disgree with you 200% also that this band warrants more exposure than any european band/any band who plays honest music without having to resort to being pushed by 'Hollywood' people as a gimmick.

Mate, I don't know what you're replying to here but I said nothing like this. I never said Steel Panther deserve any more or less than any band at any time, but I have said it pisses me off that people begrudge them success just because they can't handle the lyrics. That'd be like me sitting at home with a Disciple voodoo doll stabbing at it wishing them complete failure because they're christians. Dude, just be happy for the guys, and any success they earn is exactly that, well earned. If they can do what others haven't been lucky enough to do, good on them.


As far as your question about lyrics, the answer is simple but you chose to ignore the fact that not everyone loves in your face lyrics about fat girls and asian hookers and other nonsense they sing about. They might as well have a song called 'Pull My Finger' and pretend they are 12 year olds. (New SP album concept?)

It gets old quickly for some.

Never said anyone has to love the lyrics. As I said, just frustrated that people have stated how much they love the music but are really that offended by the harmless lyrics. How it gets any older than any other mundane lyrics we listen to is still a mystery to me.


Love your Steel Panther is what I say. But I'll be happy when their last minute of fame ticks by.

That's weak, mate. I think if you were in a band and people wished you ill because of the lyrics you wrote you'd think they were pretty bitter, immature human beings. ;)


Nicely written responses, my friend. But, I still disgree with most of it 99%. LOL :tumbsup:


As far as your last bit about immature human beings. ;) I'll just leave you a reply of a certain member of this board responding to a certain new cd of a certain band:


"Wow, I cannot believe this. I would have possibly bet my ballsack that there was not a chance we'd ever hear from these guys again. Good luck to them, but have to agree with J** and R** here. Very poor band at the best of times and I certainly see no need for them to try again when they failed so miserably the first time round.



What a bitter human being that is even if it wasn't about lyrics but more about releasing a new CD after a long hiatus. A Fake 'Good Luck' is pretty weak. :rofl2:

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If you like listening to Steel Panther that is fine. Nothing wrong with that. :headbanger: But don't expect everyone to love that silly rubbish. Just like I don't expect everyone to dislike it.

Nah mate, I don't expect everyone to like it. My issue is just that I think the "I love the music but can't stand the lyrics" routine is soft. As is well documented, I hate christian lyrics but I'd be sick with myself if I turned away an otherwise excellent band just because I didn't agree with the message. I hope Mark doesn't mind me saying, but we were discussing this a while back and he asked me if I'd listen to a satanic band. I replied honestly that hell yes I would if the music was this good. After all, to me christianity is as stupid as satanic stuff anyway :lol: ... but this here is just harmless, good explicit fun. It's funny that it turns so many people off, but for me the lyrics are actually a huge drawcard that attaracts me to this album even more.


But will disgree with you 200% also that this band warrants more exposure than any european band/any band who plays honest music without having to resort to being pushed by 'Hollywood' people as a gimmick.

Mate, I don't know what you're replying to here but I said nothing like this. I never said Steel Panther deserve any more or less than any band at any time, but I have said it pisses me off that people begrudge them success just because they can't handle the lyrics. That'd be like me sitting at home with a Disciple voodoo doll stabbing at it wishing them complete failure because they're christians. Dude, just be happy for the guys, and any success they earn is exactly that, well earned. If they can do what others haven't been lucky enough to do, good on them.


As far as your question about lyrics, the answer is simple but you chose to ignore the fact that not everyone loves in your face lyrics about fat girls and asian hookers and other nonsense they sing about. They might as well have a song called 'Pull My Finger' and pretend they are 12 year olds. (New SP album concept?)

It gets old quickly for some.

Never said anyone has to love the lyrics. As I said, just frustrated that people have stated how much they love the music but are really that offended by the harmless lyrics. How it gets any older than any other mundane lyrics we listen to is still a mystery to me.


Love your Steel Panther is what I say. But I'll be happy when their last minute of fame ticks by.

That's weak, mate. I think if you were in a band and people wished you ill because of the lyrics you wrote you'd think they were pretty bitter, immature human beings. ;)


Nicely written responses, my friend. But, I still disgree with most of it 99%. LOL :tumbsup:


As far as your last bit about immature human beings. ;) I'll just leave you a reply of a certain member of this board responding to a certain new cd of a certain band:


"Wow, I cannot believe this. I would have possibly bet my ballsack that there was not a chance we'd ever hear from these guys again. Good luck to them, but have to agree with J** and R** here. Very poor band at the best of times and I certainly see no need for them to try again when they failed so miserably the first time round.



What a bitter human being that is even if it wasn't about lyrics but more about releasing a new CD after a long hiatus. A Fake 'Good Luck' is pretty weak. :rofl2:


I'm guessing that quote came from the Little Caeser thread?

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If you like listening to Steel Panther that is fine. Nothing wrong with that. :headbanger: But don't expect everyone to love that silly rubbish. Just like I don't expect everyone to dislike it.

Nah mate, I don't expect everyone to like it. My issue is just that I think the "I love the music but can't stand the lyrics" routine is soft. As is well documented, I hate christian lyrics but I'd be sick with myself if I turned away an otherwise excellent band just because I didn't agree with the message. I hope Mark doesn't mind me saying, but we were discussing this a while back and he asked me if I'd listen to a satanic band. I replied honestly that hell yes I would if the music was this good. After all, to me christianity is as stupid as satanic stuff anyway :lol: ... but this here is just harmless, good explicit fun. It's funny that it turns so many people off, but for me the lyrics are actually a huge drawcard that attaracts me to this album even more.


But will disgree with you 200% also that this band warrants more exposure than any european band/any band who plays honest music without having to resort to being pushed by 'Hollywood' people as a gimmick.

Mate, I don't know what you're replying to here but I said nothing like this. I never said Steel Panther deserve any more or less than any band at any time, but I have said it pisses me off that people begrudge them success just because they can't handle the lyrics. That'd be like me sitting at home with a Disciple voodoo doll stabbing at it wishing them complete failure because they're christians. Dude, just be happy for the guys, and any success they earn is exactly that, well earned. If they can do what others haven't been lucky enough to do, good on them.


As far as your question about lyrics, the answer is simple but you chose to ignore the fact that not everyone loves in your face lyrics about fat girls and asian hookers and other nonsense they sing about. They might as well have a song called 'Pull My Finger' and pretend they are 12 year olds. (New SP album concept?)

It gets old quickly for some.

Never said anyone has to love the lyrics. As I said, just frustrated that people have stated how much they love the music but are really that offended by the harmless lyrics. How it gets any older than any other mundane lyrics we listen to is still a mystery to me.


Love your Steel Panther is what I say. But I'll be happy when their last minute of fame ticks by.

That's weak, mate. I think if you were in a band and people wished you ill because of the lyrics you wrote you'd think they were pretty bitter, immature human beings. ;)


Nicely written responses, my friend. But, I still disgree with most of it 99%. LOL :tumbsup:


As far as your last bit about immature human beings. ;) I'll just leave you a reply of a certain member of this board responding to a certain new cd of a certain band:


"Wow, I cannot believe this. I would have possibly bet my ballsack that there was not a chance we'd ever hear from these guys again. Good luck to them, but have to agree with J** and R** here. Very poor band at the best of times and I certainly see no need for them to try again when they failed so miserably the first time round.



What a bitter human being that is even if it wasn't about lyrics but more about releasing a new CD after a long hiatus. A Fake 'Good Luck' is pretty weak. :rofl2:


I'm guessing that quote came from the Little Caeser thread?

It did. I'm sorry, I missed your point. I said good luck to them but I personally did not see a reason they should record again as I did not personally ever like their music. Never, at any point, do I wish them any bad luck or no success. Jeez, if they can sell millions and "make it" good on them! That's my point - I may not like these guys, but I certainly wish them no failure - I'm just not interested in them. You're actually hoping Steel Panther fail because you don't like the lyrics.

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It did. I'm sorry, I missed your point. I said good luck to them but I personally did not see a reason they should record again as I did not personally ever like their music. Never, at any point, do I wish them any bad luck or no success. Jeez, if they can sell millions and "make it" good on them! That's my point - I may not like these guys, but I certainly wish them no failure - I'm just not interested in them. You're actually hoping Steel Panther fail because you don't like the lyrics.


I just do not think you see your hypocrisy in your 'Good Luck but No Need...' response to Little Caesar because you are not a fan.


On that note, I have grown tired of Steel Panther threads again. On to bigger and better things on this board like....'The Indian Freddy Krueger!' thread. :blink:




'Good Luck' to Steel Panther. May they be bigger and better than any band in the world and sell millions of CDs with the same kind of songs and lyrics...although I see no need for them to release another CD of the same tired comedy act with ridiculous lyrics under a new band name as the many times before.


(My sincere statement :D )

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Yep, no longetivity in it.

I mean, its not like they have been playing sold out shows for over 6 years now is it.

That's because people like watching a comedy show. They are funny live and they are sucessfull paradying other peoples songs! I've seen them at The Viper Room. They do a great Round and Round by Ratt.


But the joke album will not stand the test of time, just like The Bad News and Spinal Tap albums don't.

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Yep, no longetivity in it.

I mean, its not like they have been playing sold out shows for over 6 years now is it.

That's because people like watching a comedy show. They are funny live and they are sucessfull paradying other peoples songs! I've seen them at The Viper Room. They do a great Round and Round by Ratt.


But the joke album will not stand the test of time, just like The Bad News and Spinal Tap albums don't.

Big difference there, mate. Bad News and Spinal Tap were terrible bands that could not back up the comedy with good music or songs. Steel Panther are first and foremost a killer hard rock band with a killer collection of songs. Explicit, humerous lyrics or not, to the fans of hard rock who are in it for the love of excellent songs, they will stand the test of time. If you're the type who gets bored with great songs - explicit or not - then just keep an eye on the top 40 countdown for whatever's hot next. ;)

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Yep, no longetivity in it.

I mean, its not like they have been playing sold out shows for over 6 years now is it.

That's because people like watching a comedy show. They are funny live and they are sucessfull paradying other peoples songs! I've seen them at The Viper Room. They do a great Round and Round by Ratt.


But the joke album will not stand the test of time, just like The Bad News and Spinal Tap albums don't.

Big difference there, mate. Bad News and Spinal Tap were terrible bands that could not back up the comedy with good music or songs. Steel Panther are first and foremost a killer hard rock band with a killer collection of songs.

that's what makes or so sad. They are a good band, they can all play and write a good song structure. But they have to resort to using school-boy lyrics.

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