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Lonnie Holdaway and the Hurricane CD reissues scam

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Everyone is going to have to file a report with the Police Department in order for them to issue a warrant for his arrest.

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Well, Ripper, to be VERY honest with you, when I thought it was someone who had planned this scam for years. Someone who came to this coutry as a student visitor, overstayed his/he visa, etc....and before going back to his/her coutry again decided to take a little souvenier. No, Really. In the beginning it was quite ingenious, but eventually it turned out to be amateurish...


Well, Ripper, to be VERY honest with you, when I thought it was someone who had planned this scam for years. Someone who came to this coutry as a student visitor, overstayed his/he visa, etc....and before going back to his/her coutry again decided to take a little souvenier. No, Really. In the beginning it was quite ingenious, but eventually it turned out to be amateurish...

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Here's the newest PM I just received from "David"





Are you sure? Because I answered the phone, and u didn't have the balls to say anything. Your money is being refunded, so continue your little name calling game. As i have repeatedly told you, you aren't the only ones here that have been done wrong. but you can't be man enough to let it be and wait till the whole story is told, but like everyone else you want to assume the worst without knowing all the facts. I am done speaking with you, so please refrain from anymore contact or name calling until this is all settled. All the payments will be refunded by friday, then you can make up all the little stories you want.







Give me a fucking break!


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Here's the newest PM I just received from "David"





Are you sure? Because I answered the phone, and u didn't have the balls to say anything. Your money is being refunded, so continue your little name calling game. As i have repeatedly told you, you aren't the only ones here that have been done wrong. but you can't be man enough to let it be and wait till the whole story is told, but like everyone else you want to assume the worst without knowing all the facts. I am done speaking with you, so please refrain from anymore contact or name calling until this is all settled. All the payments will be refunded by friday, then you can make up all the little stories you want.







Give me a fucking break!



so David answers to the name Lonnie when lonnie gets a phone call....hmm....

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Here's the newest PM I just received from "David"


Are you sure? Because I answered the phone, and u didn't have the balls to say anything. Your money is being refunded, so continue your little name calling game. As i have repeatedly told you, you aren't the only ones here that have been done wrong. but you can't be man enough to let it be and wait till the whole story is told, but like everyone else you want to assume the worst without knowing all the facts. I am done speaking with you, so please refrain from anymore contact or name calling until this is all settled. All the payments will be refunded by friday, then you can make up all the little stories you want.




Give me a fucking break!



Friday ok, but which year? :lol:

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Here's the newest PM I just received from "David"





Are you sure? Because I answered the phone, and u didn't have the balls to say anything. Your money is being refunded, so continue your little name calling game. As i have repeatedly told you, you aren't the only ones here that have been done wrong. but you can't be man enough to let it be and wait till the whole story is told, but like everyone else you want to assume the worst without knowing all the facts. I am done speaking with you, so please refrain from anymore contact or name calling until this is all settled. All the payments will be refunded by friday, then you can make up all the little stories you want.







Give me a fucking break!





Refunds by the end of the week? Just like we were going to be refunded on the shipping that was over paid. :angry:

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Here's the newest PM I just received from "David"





Are you sure? Because I answered the phone, and u didn't have the balls to say anything. Your money is being refunded, so continue your little name calling game. As i have repeatedly told you, you aren't the only ones here that have been done wrong. but you can't be man enough to let it be and wait till the whole story is told, but like everyone else you want to assume the worst without knowing all the facts. I am done speaking with you, so please refrain from anymore contact or name calling until this is all settled. All the payments will be refunded by friday, then you can make up all the little stories you want.







Give me a fucking break!



so David answers to the name Lonnie when lonnie gets a phone call....hmm....



Apparently.... <_<



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Well, Ripper, to be VERY honest with you, when I thought it was someone who had planned this scam for years. Someone who came to this coutry as a student visitor, overstayed his/he visa, etc....and before going back to his/her coutry again decided to take a little souvenier. No, Really. In the beginning it was quite ingenious, but eventually it turned out to be amateurish...


Well, Ripper, to be VERY honest with you, when I thought it was someone who had planned this scam for years. Someone who came to this coutry as a student visitor, overstayed his/he visa, etc....and before going back to his/her coutry again decided to take a little souvenier. No, Really. In the beginning it was quite ingenious, but eventually it turned out to be amateurish...


Anything woulda been better than what he did. Claiming he was in a car wreck?? That's prob the worse part about this whole thing! I mean he had people genuinely hoping for his well-being in the beginning of all this. And when I read George's first reply it was apparent he knew a lot more than any of us at first.


All it woulda taken was the fact that he wasn't in a "known hospital" let alone did he think people would just forget once he "got better"?! He woulda been better off saying he died, but that woulda been found out too, since all it woulda taken was a call to his work today to find out that he crawled out of his grave to show up for work today!!! :blink:


Now that's dedication to your job! :P

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Here's the newest PM I just received from "David"



Are you sure? Because I answered the phone, and u didn't have the balls to say anything. Your money is being refunded, so continue your little name calling game. As i have repeatedly told you, you aren't the only ones here that have been done wrong. but you can't be man enough to let it be and wait till the whole story is told, but like everyone else you want to assume the worst without knowing all the facts. I am done speaking with you, so please refrain from anymore contact or name calling until this is all settled. All the payments will be refunded by friday, then you can make up all the little stories you want.







Give me a fucking break!



If I'm comprehending that correctly, there's any number of things wrong:


1. So now we know that David and Lon are one and the same and he/they admit that there was no accident. A secretary at a car dealership wouldn't send inquiries for a specific employee to someone else who isn't employed there. If anything you'd get a supervisor.


2. If Lovid (easier than typing Lon/David) has time to respond to all these PMs and emails, he certainly has time to post the definitive answer here once and for all. Even "Guys, I'm sorry for trying to rip you off. It was stupid, and I apologize" would be infinitely better than the B.S. backtracking and cover-up going on right now.


3. As previously mentioned, by Friday? Log into PayPal and start clicking "Refund Payment" links until you're done. Voila! simple.




P.S. You're just digging yourself into a deeper hole. It wouldn't suprise me if multiple calls have already been made to the Blytheville Police Department.

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All is about to get real ugly in Arkansas.


Bad boys,

bad boys,

whatcha gonna do?,

whatcha gonna do when they come for you?

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So.... Rather than stepping to the plate right away and explaining to everyone that there's been some wires crossed and miscommunication, he makes up this entire elaborate story about an accident? Lonnie, which one do you think we would have rather heard from you? I'm pretty sure most of this board would have rather you just refund the money and explained some of the things going on than to be told a HUGE lie like a car accident. MANY of us here were willing to go to bat for you in a heartbeat, but I think all those bridges have been burned. Not very well thought out at all......


1. So now we know that David and Lon are one and the same and he/they admit that there was no accident. A secretary at a car dealership wouldn't send inquiries for a specific employee to someone else who isn't employed there. If anything you'd get a supervisor.


2. If Lovid (easier than typing Lon/David) has time to respond to all these PMs and emails, he certainly has time to post the definitive answer here once and for all. Even "Guys, I'm sorry for trying to rip you off. It was stupid, and I apologize" would be infinitely better than the B.S. backtracking and cover-up going on right now.


3. As previously mentioned, by Friday? Log into PayPal and start clicking "Refund Payment" links until you're done. Voila! simple.




P.S. You're just digging yourself into a deeper hole. It wouldn't suprise me if multiple calls have already been made to the Blytheville Police Department.



Actually, on their MySpace pages, there is a David and Lonnie. So... he possibly just used David's name

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Ok, here's what I was told by Paypal, which is not a lot.



1. They have received a numerous amount of complaints against Lonnie in the past 24 hours.


2. His account has been locked though she wouldn't specify whether or not there were any funds remaining.


3. The Paypal Fraud team is currectly working with the police regarding Lonnie Holdaway.


4. Unless you purchased something through Ebay Paypal will not guarentee funds back to you but if he cannot provide a tracking number you will be refunded.


5. Anyone who wants to help the Fraud team with case by giving info can do so on the webpage.




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to me it seems like he's trying to hold out for friday for a reason.

maybe he has planned to vanish by friday (flights) and all this has happened before he had the chance to flee.


So how people have to arrange to have him nabbed asap.

Can't all the fraud reports to paypal already be reason for his arrest?


I'm owed 7 different discs (about $110 worth) by Lon and it has really made my blood boil that something like this could happen. Not only did I pre-roder the Hurrican discs, but he contaced me (in response to one of my posts) and offered to get the Poison reissue discs for me. Needless to say I have never received anything and the fucking 45day paypal date has expired.

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to me it seems like he's trying to hold out for friday for a reason.

maybe he has planned to vanish by friday (flights) and all this has happened before he had the chance to flee.


So how people have to arrange to have him nabbed asap.

Can't all the fraud reports to paypal already be reason for his arrest?


I'm owed 7 different discs (about $110 worth) by Lon and it has really made my blood boil that something like this could happen. Not only did I pre-roder the Hurrican discs, but he contaced me (in response to one of my posts) and offered to get the Poison reissue discs for me. Needless to say I have never received anything and the fucking 45day paypal date has expired.


Seems like I am not the only person thinking this. He needs arrested ASAP. Let him sort it out at the police station.

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It just keeps getting better........





Whatever, i am done with all this bullshit with you, your getting your money back, it has been a very bad deal for everyone involved and you want to continue acting like a 5 year old with all the name calling and harrassment. So yeah if you live and hour away come on over for a visit, might be one you won't like though. Because if this does not stop harrassment charges will filed against you. I have printed all these messages out and they will be taken to the authorities. I have already met with the my lawyer and we have spoke with other representation of other people involved, refunds will be made the whole story will be told, that is the end of it. So leave it be. All i can do is apologize because no one was intentionally taken advantage of. We were scammed just as bad as you and everyone else. So as i stated before until you know the whole story, don't assume, because you know what happens when you assume, you generally make an ass out of yourself.



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to me it seems like he's trying to hold out for friday for a reason.

maybe he has planned to vanish by friday (flights) and all this has happened before he had the chance to flee.


So how people have to arrange to have him nabbed asap.

Can't all the fraud reports to paypal already be reason for his arrest?


I'm owed 7 different discs (about $110 worth) by Lon and it has really made my blood boil that something like this could happen. Not only did I pre-roder the Hurrican discs, but he contaced me (in response to one of my posts) and offered to get the Poison reissue discs for me. Needless to say I have never received anything and the fucking 45day paypal date has expired.


Seems like I am not the only person thinking this. He needs arrested ASAP. Let him sort it out at the police station.


It's crazy to see a situation blow up like this. He shoulda came clean a while ago, this coulda been resolved. Now it's just downright ugly.


Wonder if he is really stalling for a reason?

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It just keeps getting better........





Whatever, i am done with all this bullshit with you, your getting your money back, it has been a very bad deal for everyone involved and you want to continue acting like a 5 year old with all the name calling and harrassment. So yeah if you live and hour away come on over for a visit, might be one you won't like though. Because if this does not stop harrassment charges will filed against you. I have printed all these messages out and they will be taken to the authorities. I have already met with the my lawyer and we have spoke with other representation of other people involved, refunds will be made the whole story will be told, that is the end of it. So leave it be. All i can do is apologize because no one was intentionally taken advantage of. We were scammed just as bad as you and everyone else. So as i stated before until you know the whole story, don't assume, because you know what happens when you assume, you generally make an ass out of yourself.





The key phrase is "So leave it be" (so I can scram before the police come!)

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It just keeps getting better........





Whatever, i am done with all this bullshit with you, your getting your money back, it has been a very bad deal for everyone involved and you want to continue acting like a 5 year old with all the name calling and harrassment. So yeah if you live and hour away come on over for a visit, might be one you won't like though. Because if this does not stop harrassment charges will filed against you. I have printed all these messages out and they will be taken to the authorities. I have already met with the my lawyer and we have spoke with other representation of other people involved, refunds will be made the whole story will be told, that is the end of it. So leave it be. All i can do is apologize because no one was intentionally taken advantage of. We were scammed just as bad as you and everyone else. So as i stated before until you know the whole story, don't assume, because you know what happens when you assume, you generally make an ass out of yourself.





The key phrase is "So leave it be" (so I can scram before the police come!)





I would love for the authorities to be involved....by all means Lonnie...call the police. ;)



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So David/Lonnie or whoever the hell you are......


why were you STILL trying to say Lonnie was in a 3 PM morning car wreck???



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It just keeps getting better........





Whatever, i am done with all this bullshit with you, your getting your money back, it has been a very bad deal for everyone involved and you want to continue acting like a 5 year old with all the name calling and harrassment. So yeah if you live and hour away come on over for a visit, might be one you won't like though. Because if this does not stop harrassment charges will filed against you. I have printed all these messages out and they will be taken to the authorities. I have already met with the my lawyer and we have spoke with other representation of other people involved, refunds will be made the whole story will be told, that is the end of it. So leave it be. All i can do is apologize because no one was intentionally taken advantage of. We were scammed just as bad as you and everyone else. So as i stated before until you know the whole story, don't assume, because you know what happens when you assume, you generally make an ass out of yourself.





David, can I ask then... why have i never received the 4 Posion discs I am owed from Lon?

This has absolutely nothing to do with the Hurricane deal.

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