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66 mustang

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Django unchained, you all need to go see it, and to you Shield fans, you get to see mr. Shane Vendrell in quite possibly his most racist role yet!

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A powerful film about a pilot that struggles to come to terms with his alcohol addiction. Stars Denzel Washington, John Goodman, and Don Cheadle.


The Man with the Iron Fists

A martial arts film starring hip hop artist The RZA, Russel Crowe, Lucy Liu, among others. Fairly straight forward martial arts film.



An anime about intergalactic road racing. Intense action. Incredible animation. High-energy soundtrack. If you like anime, I'd recommend it.


Django Unchained

This one is being considered Quentin Tarantino's best work to date. I agree, it is very well done, but I must also admit I had a difficult time watching it.

You had a tuff time watching it??? I was laughing my ass off the whole movie, you cant take Tarrintinos movies seriously, this was probably his least gory movie, you ever seen Inglorious Bastards????
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  • My Little Pony

Django Unchained

This one is being considered Quentin Tarantino's best work to date. I agree, it is very well done, but I must also admit I had a difficult time watching it.

You had a tuff time watching it??? I was laughing my ass off the whole movie, you cant take Tarrintinos movies seriously, this was probably his least gory movie, you ever seen Inglorious Bastards????


It's not gore that bothers me. Racism infuriates me, so, yeah, a film that deals with the slave trade wasn't easy for me to watch.

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Django Unchained

This one is being considered Quentin Tarantino's best work to date. I agree, it is very well done, but I must also admit I had a difficult time watching it.

You had a tuff time watching it??? I was laughing my ass off the whole movie, you cant take Tarrintinos movies seriously, this was probably his least gory movie, you ever seen Inglorious Bastards????


It's not gore that bothers me. Racism infuriates me, so, yeah, a film that deals with the slave trade wasn't easy for me to watch.

But look at the underlining story, everything in it was racist from both sides of the coin, the shit Jaimie foxx would say about white people was sure shit just as fucking racist as the prolific use of the word "Nigger" through the entire movie, which wasn't even derogatory in those days, I believe it became slang sometime in the mid 1900's, I could be wrong, thats the beautiful thing about Tarrintino, he grew up the lone and only white boy in his entire school, that's why he's so dead set on racism being in his movies, If you see it like him, racism is kind of funny, because it boils down to cultural differences, you don't think the blacks in this country(or im sure yours) are racist? it's when it can be poked fun of, our little cultural differences(like Carlos Mencia, and Dave Chappelle)then it makes people not so tense, relax a little more, when we are comfortable making fun of each others differences, and not ignorant and doing it with ill intent, only then will racism truly start to fade away, fact is, segregation is only bad if one race is being declassed by it, the brothas I know, choose to hang out with the brothas, they dont want to be around whites anymore then whites want to be around them, if people were segregated, but given equal opportunity's, and given a choice of if they wanted to be that way or not, I think you'd find most of the races stick together! just my thoughts, im neither pro nor against, I am a firm believer that illegal immigration kills country's though, and according to most liberals, that makes me a racist!

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Now, have any of you seen the Norwegian movie, King Of Devils Island?? what a fucking brilliant movie(as are most that are made anywhere but america), I wonder since its based on a true story, how much of it is really true?? I dont know how many scandi's are on here, but maybe you have some info about it??

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  • My Little Pony

Django Unchained

This one is being considered Quentin Tarantino's best work to date. I agree, it is very well done, but I must also admit I had a difficult time watching it.

You had a tuff time watching it??? I was laughing my ass off the whole movie, you cant take Tarrintinos movies seriously, this was probably his least gory movie, you ever seen Inglorious Bastards????


It's not gore that bothers me. Racism infuriates me, so, yeah, a film that deals with the slave trade wasn't easy for me to watch.

But look at the underlining story, everything in it was racist from both sides of the coin, the shit Jaimie foxx would say about white people was sure shit just as fucking racist as the prolific use of the word "Nigger" through the entire movie, which wasn't even derogatory in those days, I believe it became slang sometime in the mid 1900's, I could be wrong, thats the beautiful thing about Tarrintino, he grew up the lone and only white boy in his entire school, that's why he's so dead set on racism being in his movies, If you see it like him, racism is kind of funny, because it boils down to cultural differences, you don't think the blacks in this country(or im sure yours) are racist? it's when it can be poked fun of, our little cultural differences(like Carlos Mencia, and Dave Chappelle)then it makes people not so tense, relax a little more, when we are comfortable making fun of each others differences, and not ignorant and doing it with ill intent, only then will racism truly start to fade away, fact is, segregation is only bad if one race is being declassed by it, the brothas I know, choose to hang out with the brothas, they dont want to be around whites anymore then whites want to be around them, if people were segregated, but given equal opportunity's, and given a choice of if they wanted to be that way or not, I think you'd find most of the races stick together! just my thoughts, im neither pro nor against, I am a firm believer that illegal immigration kills country's though, and according to most liberals, that makes me a racist!


Racism is a volatile subject, and it most certainly is a two sided coin. The fact is what was depicted in the movie were things that actually happened, and us whites always seem to be the ones on top. That said, I accept no responsibility for what happened in the past, and I hate when the "politically correct" type try to throw that on me. I guess I'm just empathetic towards those that have been mistreated, regardless of race. But yeah, it was a good film. Christoph Waltz was incredible. He definitely deserves "Best Supporting Role." And Leonardo DiCaprio, was great, too. But, seriously, Christoph Waltz!!

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"Moonraker" (1979)



James Bond cashes in on the late 70s "Star Wars" craze in this totally unbelievable, but still enjoyable, adventure. While investigating the disappearance of a space shuttle, 007 visits California, Venice, Brazil, and finally outer space, where crazed industrialist Hugo Drax plans to wipe out all of humanity from his private space station and then re-populate Earth with his hand-picked "master race." The climactic laser-gun battle between the bad guys and the U.S. Space Marines (?) aboard Drax's Death Star is a total hoot.


Silly as hell but tons o'fun, this flick is a sentimental favorite of mine cuz it's the first James Bond movie I saw as a kid (I even had a bunch of the "Moonraker" trading cards from Topps!) and I've been a 007 fan ever since.

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"Cheech & Chong Still Smokin'" (1983)



Filmdom's favorite stoners are off to Amsterdam for a film festival... unfortunately, the festival organizers were expecting Burt Reynolds and Dolly Parton. While the boys sample the various delights of Holland, they organize an old-school performance of their stand-up bits to save the festival from financial ruin.

So in other words, this is more or less a C&C concert film with a bunch of random stuff padded around it to frame the action. Not their best flick, but it's worth a look just to see some of their classic routines like "Ralph and Herbie" and "Blind Melon Chitlin'."

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"Battleship" (2012)



Expensive turkey based on the classic Hasbro board game (?) starts out as a gung-ho military-recruiting porn ala "Top Gun" and then suddenly turns on a dime into a mish mash of "Independence Day," "Armageddon" and "Transformers" as alien invaders crash land in the Pacific and the U.S. Navy has to roar to the rescue.


Big, loud, action packed, dumb as hell but entertaining in a fast-food kinda way.

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I just saw Les MisƩrables. I have a musical loving wife and dad, so I caved in. Holy Hell did it SUCK!!!


Take the most annoying/worst song on any Trans Siberian Orchestra, take out the decent music and play it for 2 and a half hours. Then and only then will you nearly feel the pain I went through.


Russell Crowe can maybe act but fuck he can't sing worth a shit.


If you enjoy dirty whiny people singing to themselves and occasionally others in the same whiny/moaning/nails on chalkboard tone for nearly 3hrs, you should love Les MisƩrables.

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I started watching 40 Days and 40 Nights last night - looked quite amusing and as mentioned elsewhere, Shannyn Sossamon is very easy on the eye, but then I flicked over and started watching a documentary about the Treblinka Death Camp. Hugely depressing, but I couldn't turn it off. Brutal place, I just can't believe what human beings can do to other human beings sometimes. They spoke to the 2 remaining survivors; I have so much respect for them. Most of us will never experience a fraction of what they went through. Very humbling.

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Cocoon 2


Do you ever watch any movie made Post WWII Mate :whistle:



The Adventures Of TinTin: The Secret Of The Unicorn - Fab animation..very very enjoyable movie


Rock Of Ages - Cheezy as hell..but enjoyable for what it is.


Dark Shadows - Enjoyable Johnny Depp vampire spoof...and Alice Cooper is in it \m/


Sherlock Holmes: A Game Of Shadows - Great first film, even better follow up..Guy Richie at his best

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The Adventures Of TinTin: The Secret Of The Unicorn - Fab animation..very very enjoyable movie.


I'd love to see The Adventures of Tin Tin: The Secret of the Unicron! That would be amazing.


Sherlock Holmes: A Game Of Shadows - Great first film, even better follow up..Guy Richie at his best.


Really, Jez? Do you honestly believe that was Guy Ritchie's best work? I'd say RockNRolla, or maybe Revolver. That's not to say the Sherlock films weren't great, however.

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Magic Mike ; haha, I guess this is what you get for buying your wife a lovely thoughtful gift. I feared I might get forced to watch this at some point, but it wasn't too bad. I did like all the sexy men... ladiez, I mean, of course. The ladiez in the movie, doing stuff and being there. There actually was a nice slut in there whose nudity made an early scene nice, but overall, seriously, the movie wasn't too bad. A pretty typical type of stripper tale, except it was with dudes. I'd never recommend it to a dude to watch, but if you must it's not the worst ever.


Wanderlust ; two movies in last night and I'd seen schlongs in both. This one was better than I expected, with Jennifer Aniston always providing a decent look-in. The story follows a New York couple who go off an join a hippy commune for a while. Sounds unbearable to watch on paper, but it was okay, with a few decent laughs. Not bad.


Looper ; kinda loved this one. It wasn't flawless and if you wanted to get technical (and even if you didn't) there's a few holes in the story here and there, but that didn't bother me because as far as I know, this was a pretty original story to me. I love seeing something new and I thought this was a cool story and I never guessed how it would play out, so it always kept me interested. Yeah, very cool film based on people who are sent back in time to be executed.


Flight ; what an excellent film. A drama starring Denzel Washington as a pilot who makes a heroic landing in a crashing plane... only problem he was drunk and high as he did so, and the film follows the pursuing investigation. It was long, over 2 hours, but I enjoyed each second of it. A very high quality film and highly recommended.

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Looper ; kinda loved this one. It wasn't flawless and if you wanted to get technical (and even if you didn't) there's a few holes in the story here and there, but that didn't bother me because as far as I know, this was a pretty original story to me. I love seeing something new and I thought this was a cool story and I never guessed how it would play out, so it always kept me interested. Yeah, very cool film based on people who are sent back in time to be executed.


Flight ; what an excellent film. A drama starring Denzel Washington as a pilot who makes a heroic landing in a crashing plane... only problem he was drunk and high as he did so, and the film follows the pursuing investigation. It was long, over 2 hours, but I enjoyed each second of it. A very high quality film and highly recommended.


I want to see both of these

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With the young'uns tonight:


"G-Force" (2009)



Kiddie action flick from Disney in which a top secret team of FBI-trained talking guinea pigs (!) investigates a madman's plan to take over the world by controlling of all the appliances on earth. (Yes, really.)


Produced by action-movie guru Jerry Bruckheimer, it's just as fast paced (and mindlessly silly) as his films for grown-ups, with impressive CGI, plenty of dumb jokes, and a decent voice cast including Jon Favreau, Penelope Cruz and Steve Buscemi. My boys thought it was a hoot and I found it relatively painless, which is all you can ask from a kid's movie.

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Looper- Not bad

Premium Rush-I liked this one more than Looper, it had a real early 90's feel to it. Just a fun,fast paced action movie.

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