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66 mustang

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The Bourne Legacy

Wow. I don't understand the mixed reviews this one got. This was great. Jeremy Renner is such a great actor. So many good moments in this one. Some really great chase scenes. I wonder if Geoff has seen this. If what he said about fast forwarding chase scenes was true, this would be a short film for him.


Don' think I've seen this one. I've seen the first 3 and they're all identical and whilst not painfully bad, just really dull and boring. I like Matt Damon so I tolerate them, and it's decent for action films... but yeah, it is what it is.



Whoa! Really? I like them all, but I thought the third one ('Ultimatum') was awesome; much better than the other two and one of the best thrillers I've seen for years.


Not sure I'm too keen to see the latest one though. 'Ultimatum' does make it sound like the end ... then they make another one ... :rolleyes:

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The Bourne Legacy

Wow. I don't understand the mixed reviews this one got. This was great. Jeremy Renner is such a great actor. So many good moments in this one. Some really great chase scenes. I wonder if Geoff has seen this. If what he said about fast forwarding chase scenes was true, this would be a short film for him.


Don' think I've seen this one. I've seen the first 3 and they're all identical and whilst not painfully bad, just really dull and boring. I like Matt Damon so I tolerate them, and it's decent for action films... but yeah, it is what it is.



Whoa! Really? I like them all, but I thought the third one ('Ultimatum') was awesome; much better than the other two and one of the best thrillers I've seen for years.


Not sure I'm too keen to see the latest one though. 'Ultimatum' does make it sound like the end ... then they make another one ... :rolleyes:


Isn't it always just the same story, though? A group of people chasing him for 2 hours and him killing them all as they try to kill him. I know action is meant to be exciting and all, but it actually has the reverse effect on me. Just bores me silly if there's no real point to it all.

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The Bourne Legacy

Wow. I don't understand the mixed reviews this one got. This was great. Jeremy Renner is such a great actor. So many good moments in this one. Some really great chase scenes. I wonder if Geoff has seen this. If what he said about fast forwarding chase scenes was true, this would be a short film for him.


Don' think I've seen this one. I've seen the first 3 and they're all identical and whilst not painfully bad, just really dull and boring. I like Matt Damon so I tolerate them, and it's decent for action films... but yeah, it is what it is.



Whoa! Really? I like them all, but I thought the third one ('Ultimatum') was awesome; much better than the other two and one of the best thrillers I've seen for years.


Not sure I'm too keen to see the latest one though. 'Ultimatum' does make it sound like the end ... then they make another one ... :rolleyes:


Isn't it always just the same story, though? A group of people chasing him for 2 hours and him killing them all as they try to kill him. I know action is meant to be exciting and all, but it actually has the reverse effect on me. Just bores me silly if there's no real point to it all.


Hmm ... the action sequences are fine for a bit of eye candy, but I'm a lot more interested in the 'clever' stuff he does, e.g. how he gives people the slip, tricks people, etc. I love all that cloak and dagger shit. :D

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Fair enough. It is definitely better than this one:


Cosmopolis ; rubbish, in essence. It starts out slow as hell but also kind of intriguing. It seems pompous for the sake of being pompous and you kind of hope it finds a purpose soon - but it didn't do much for me. I should like this kind of dialogue driven kind of odd stuff, but I ended up being quite bored and uninterested with this. :(

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  • My Little Pony

The Bourne Legacy

Wow. I don't understand the mixed reviews this one got. This was great. Jeremy Renner is such a great actor. So many good moments in this one. Some really great chase scenes. I wonder if Geoff has seen this. If what he said about fast forwarding chase scenes was true, this would be a short film for him.


Don' think I've seen this one. I've seen the first 3 and they're all identical and whilst not painfully bad, just really dull and boring. I like Matt Damon so I tolerate them, and it's decent for action films... but yeah, it is what it is.



Whoa! Really? I like them all, but I thought the third one ('Ultimatum') was awesome; much better than the other two and one of the best thrillers I've seen for years.


Not sure I'm too keen to see the latest one though. 'Ultimatum' does make it sound like the end ... then they make another one ... :rolleyes:


You realize that "The Bourne Ultimatum" is based off book three of a ten (at the moment) book series? Also, the new film isn't about Jason Bourne, but it follows another agent around the same time Ultimatum is happening.

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Crowsnest - neither here nor there about this handicam horror flick. The group of obligatory teens / young adults and the decisions they make in the film make it impossible not to wish death upon them. Apart from frustratingly stupid characters I have to admit I thought it was pretty decent for what it is. Didn't love it, but definitely didn't hate it.

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  • My Little Pony

Arthur Christmas

Very disappointing. Many great reviews on this one, but I found it quite boring.


A Christmas Story

This one never disappoints. A classic tale about a boy and his campaign to get a Red Rider airrifle for Christmas.

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The Bourne Legacy

Wow. I don't understand the mixed reviews this one got. This was great. Jeremy Renner is such a great actor. So many good moments in this one. Some really great chase scenes. I wonder if Geoff has seen this. If what he said about fast forwarding chase scenes was true, this would be a short film for him.


Don' think I've seen this one. I've seen the first 3 and they're all identical and whilst not painfully bad, just really dull and boring. I like Matt Damon so I tolerate them, and it's decent for action films... but yeah, it is what it is.



Whoa! Really? I like them all, but I thought the third one ('Ultimatum') was awesome; much better than the other two and one of the best thrillers I've seen for years.


Not sure I'm too keen to see the latest one though. 'Ultimatum' does make it sound like the end ... then they make another one ... :rolleyes:


You realize that "The Bourne Ultimatum" is based off book three of a ten (at the moment) book series? Also, the new film isn't about Jason Bourne, but it follows another agent around the same time Ultimatum is happening.



Dude my wife and I just saw the new one last night and felt the same way. It was awesome!

Renner did a great job and I hope they continue these on and hope him a Bourne eventually team up and take the Gov't down!


How badass was that Bike chase? Maybe one of the best car/bike type chases ever put on film and that bad dude kept coming with nothing fazing him at all.

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The Bourne Legacy

Wow. I don't understand the mixed reviews this one got. This was great. Jeremy Renner is such a great actor. So many good moments in this one. Some really great chase scenes. I wonder if Geoff has seen this. If what he said about fast forwarding chase scenes was true, this would be a short film for him.


Don' think I've seen this one. I've seen the first 3 and they're all identical and whilst not painfully bad, just really dull and boring. I like Matt Damon so I tolerate them, and it's decent for action films... but yeah, it is what it is.



Whoa! Really? I like them all, but I thought the third one ('Ultimatum') was awesome; much better than the other two and one of the best thrillers I've seen for years.


Not sure I'm too keen to see the latest one though. 'Ultimatum' does make it sound like the end ... then they make another one ... :rolleyes:


Isn't it always just the same story, though? A group of people chasing him for 2 hours and him killing them all as they try to kill him. I know action is meant to be exciting and all, but it actually has the reverse effect on me. Just bores me silly if there's no real point to it all.


Hmm ... the action sequences are fine for a bit of eye candy, but I'm a lot more interested in the 'clever' stuff he does, e.g. how he gives people the slip, tricks people, etc. I love all that cloak and dagger shit. :D


Yeah defo agree with James - all three are awesome & it's what gave the bond franchise a massive wake up call as suddenly Bourne was far cooler than Bond.

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Castaway - for some reason I always end watching this while wrapping chrimbo pressies & end up staying up til 1am to see the end - so well acted.


Harry Potter & Deathly Hallows pt 2 - of course I read the books yonks ago, but this was a solid end to the series. Dark & more menacing which is what it needed.


Ice Age 2 - fuck I love scrat. One of the greatest animated characters - pure genius. Kids loved it too ;-)

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  • My Little Pony

Castaway - for some reason I always end watching this while wrapping chrimbo pressies & end up staying up til 1am to see the end - so well acted.


Yeah, this is the one where Wilson really came out with such a great performance. Should've been nominated for Best Supporting. ;}

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The Bourne Legacy

Wow. I don't understand the mixed reviews this one got. This was great. Jeremy Renner is such a great actor. So many good moments in this one. Some really great chase scenes. I wonder if Geoff has seen this. If what he said about fast forwarding chase scenes was true, this would be a short film for him.


Don' think I've seen this one. I've seen the first 3 and they're all identical and whilst not painfully bad, just really dull and boring. I like Matt Damon so I tolerate them, and it's decent for action films... but yeah, it is what it is.



Whoa! Really? I like them all, but I thought the third one ('Ultimatum') was awesome; much better than the other two and one of the best thrillers I've seen for years.


Not sure I'm too keen to see the latest one though. 'Ultimatum' does make it sound like the end ... then they make another one ... :rolleyes:


You realize that "The Bourne Ultimatum" is based off book three of a ten (at the moment) book series? Also, the new film isn't about Jason Bourne, but it follows another agent around the same time Ultimatum is happening.



Dude my wife and I just saw the new one last night and felt the same way. It was awesome!

Renner did a great job and I hope they continue these on and hope him a Bourne eventually team up and take the Gov't down!


How badass was that Bike chase? Maybe one of the best car/bike type chases ever put on film and that bad dude kept coming with nothing fazing him at all.


Thank you, Wes. That chase scene was certainly intense. I kept thinking, "How the hell are they gonna end this!" And I was very please with the ending.

As far as a sequel goes, Universal does plan to continue the series. Will it be Matt Damon or Jeremy Renner? Will they meet? Well, Matt Damon said he wouldn't do another Bourne film unless Paul Greengrass was directing. And Aaron Cross is a Dan and Tony Gilroy creation, so I don't think they'll meet. But maybe. It definitely would be incredible--the destruction they could bring.

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October Baby - I didn't mind this one. Pretty decent story about a girl who finds out she is adopted, being the victim of a botched abortion. It's a little slow and far from perfectly structured, but I found it to be a decently touching film with an attractive lead actress and a nice suitable soundtrack too.

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"Batman Beyond: The Movie" (1998)


Cyberpunk update of the Dark Knight saga takes place in a "Blade Runner"-esque future version of Gotham City. Batman has been retired for the past 20 years, and the city is now ruled by crooked business men at the top, and street gangs at the bottom. After accidentally discovering the secret identity of the now-elderly Bruce Wayne, troubled teen Terry McGinnis adopts the Batman persona and starts kicking butt all over Gotham City in a cool high-tech bat-suit.


Interesting detour for the Batman mythos, animated in a nifty "anime" inspired style.

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"Lockout" (2012)



Sci-fi actioner that's bolted together out of bits stolen from (to name just a few) "Die Hard," "Escape From New York," "Outland," and even a few "Star Wars" style space dogfights. In the near future, a maverick military man (Guy Pearce) is sent in to rescue the First Daughter (Maggie Grace), who's been taken hostage during an inmate uprising aboard Earth's first orbiting space prison facility. Pearce and Grace share some good one liners and the sets are impressive but the story is pretty thin so the movie starts running in place pretty quickly.


Fun while it lasted but three months from now, I doubt I'll even remember that I saw this.

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The Expendables 2 - it would be impossible for someone of my vintage to not really enjoy this. Seeing all the guys I grew up watching in one film is pretty cool. It's cheesy, tacky and corny as hell... but jeez it's good fun. The inclusion of Van Damme and Chuck Norris in this one is a true delight. There's so many cringe-worthy lines, but it's really delightful, harmless action. Oh, and nice (but sadly way too brief) inclusion of the every delicious Charisma Carpenter.


Taken 2 - I enjoyed the first and this was more of the same. The joy of the above film is the sense of humour it incorporates. Seeing a film like this and trying to take it serious is a stretch, but it's again pretty harmless (but silly) action stuff. Yeah, not too bad at all.

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