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9 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

Yeah, I'm with auslander
Never really cared about flu shot or covid shot.

Re Geoffs post, I would pump Gladys up a bit because 1. I think pretty much every leader in every country copped some shit of some sort, 2. she had to contend with endless comparisons to other state leaders and 3. she at least sounded genuine in her appreciation and thanks to her citizens.
One thing she did, was to TAKE the health advise and then MAKE her own decisions taking it into consideration, but not allowing it to rule her decisions.
We are about to enter week 9 of our snap 7 day lockdown lol
So much harder when you are constantly lied to and played. I mean I stopped being played a year ago, but most still believe what they hear...

today we had fewer new cases than NSW, we are still ion the incline, you are on the decline.
So clearly our harsher measures are a waste of time, and I wish we would follow you guys :(

Then they found there was a fault in the computer, they missing some cases

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1 hour ago, Darkstone said:

Had my first shot today. 

One gone, one to go...



Testicles, that is.


Do we know the lucky lady ?

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This bill that their trying to get passed, has a line in it that any company who hires or keeps hired a non vaxed person will be fined $700,000 for it, LOL, fine with me, I dont employ anyone if thats the case.

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2 hours ago, heavyharmonies said:

New from last night...



Solid, and I don't disagree with the majority of what he says, though his praise for Western Australia is extremely misguided. Yes, they don't have a case there today, but make no mistake about it, a case pops up tomorrow and he locks that state down. They've had good luck and it's all very well to sit there locked out from the rest of the world, but what's the endgame? Continue on as it's own little private island for the rest of time? They don't have covid, but every resident of WA is a prisoner today.

The truth is that when they get a covid case there, and the numbers increase, they would look exactly like NSW and Victoria. He very rightfully calls out how idiotic Queensland are for an outdoors mask mandate for the sake of two cases, but you put two cases in WA and the exact same thing happens. 

I guess what I mean to say is that I agree with everything negative he says about the country - the place is a fucking rubbish tip at the moment. But I wholeheartedly disagree with anything positive he says about the place because that is purely a consequence of good luck and nothing more. WA's walls will crumble too.

I've heard what's happening down here called "overly cautious" but it is well beyond that. It is idiocy on a level the rest of the world cannot even comprehend... except maybe our friendly neighbours in NZ.

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Haha, yeah nothing we can do because we are disarmed. Yes, having a handgun would have diffused all this....

Geoff is right about WA.

They are unique in that they are so secluded. And they stopped receiving overseas flights, so it wasn't all that hard to not get many cases. That said, their leader has done a good job to dare, even if he is a tosser.

I'm calling it now. Melbourne will come out of lockdown later than is predicted (buy a week or rwo) when we hit 80% double vax.

Then we will go back into lockdown when we get cases of unvaried and the hospital system can't handle it. Why?

See below...


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20 minutes ago, CureTheSane said:

Haha, yeah nothing we can do because we are disarmed. Yes, having a handgun would have diffused all this....

Geoff is right about WA.

They are unique in that they are so secluded. And they stopped receiving overseas flights, so it wasn't all that hard to not get many cases. That said, their leader has done a good job to dare, even if he is a tosser.

I'm calling it now. Melbourne will come out of lockdown later than is predicted (buy a week or rwo) when we hit 80% double vax.

Then we will go back into lockdown when we get cases of unvaried and the hospital system can't handle it. Why?

See below...


lol. He is absolutely terrible. They all are. A wretched collection. And that constant smirk on Annastacia's face is just begging to be met with blunt force. The only one that showed any faint amount of promise whatsoever just quit today. 

Anyway, I share your skepticism about coming out of lockdowns with any permanency, even here in NSW. I just don't see it actually happening. They are still going to report every case in the news as a new "outbreak" and keep talking about the "crisis" hourly, and the constant "breaking news" for every new case in a different town. They have turned this molehill into something twenty times the size of Mount Everest and you can't just turn that off. They don't want to turn it off. 

And speaking of skepticism, am I the only one here really, really skeptical about this alleged concept that our hospitals can't cope? I know this could be really controversial, but I just don't buy it. Is it just like everything else in this country, and they're forcing it to be "at breaking point" in the way they are treating anything covid related? Does it need to be at breaking point, if it is even actually close to it?  

You look at countries around the world with tens of thousands more daily cases than we've had so far in this country in total, and we apparently can't cope, while the rest of the world gets on with daily life? Like I said, call me a skeptic, but I don't buy it for a slice of a second. 

I just don't get the messaging in this country. There is a small percentage that make noises like they want to get on with life (most prolifically our prime minister), but there still seems to be this majority so hellbent on keeping us as deeply immersed in this covid panic as we can possibly be. I've never seen a greater instance of "making a rod for your own back." 

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Yeah, I'm gonna call it.

We have relatively few cases compared to the rest of the world.
to say our nurses etc are at breaking point is an insult to most of the nurses etc in the rest of the world.

Aside from that, I don't know that they are doing longer shifts, overtime, etc.
I'm sure they are working hard all day, does that mean that they weren't before?

Talk about the strain of seeing covid cases etc and not letting family in to say goodbye etc, and yeah, I get it, that's tough.
but from what we're hearing, shit is about to get multiple times worse when and if we ever reopen.

The other day I saw a reporter on TV say to some nurses "thank you for your service"
Holy fuck, what an insult to those who usually receive that comment!!!

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1 hour ago, CureTheSane said:

Yeah, I'm gonna call it.

We have relatively few cases compared to the rest of the world.
to say our nurses etc are at breaking point is an insult to most of the nurses etc in the rest of the world.

Aside from that, I don't know that they are doing longer shifts, overtime, etc.
I'm sure they are working hard all day, does that mean that they weren't before?

Talk about the strain of seeing covid cases etc and not letting family in to say goodbye etc, and yeah, I get it, that's tough.
but from what we're hearing, shit is about to get multiple times worse when and if we ever reopen.

The other day I saw a reporter on TV say to some nurses "thank you for your service"
Holy fuck, what an insult to those who usually receive that comment!!!

yeah it will get a lot worse when you reopen.

37000 cases here yesterday and 150 deaths. 6500 in hospital. 

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6 hours ago, Glen said:

yeah it will get a lot worse when you reopen.

37000 cases here yesterday and 150 deaths. 6500 in hospital. 

And that's what makes it impossible to have any genuine hope as an Australian. We're seriously meant to believe that in one week they're locking down entire regional communities for a single case, but then on the following Monday there won't be lockdowns because a few thousand more people in the state got vaccinated? 

That has always been the reality - that if we genuinely, properly open up, the stupid little case numbers and deaths we are trapped inside our country for, are going to increase tenfold. So, after the last two years of complete idiocy we're meant to believe it's all just going to change? Very hard to believe... 

Out of curiosity, Glen, how are these numbers reported in the UK? Is it still the top story of every news bulletin? Is it still the main focus of the country's media? 

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Geoff, are your hand up to be the Premier ?

Down here Victoria, we having some supermarkets closing due some many staff are getting tested. Also food getting shorter due to no staff put it out or drivers get same reason the supermarket staff.

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8 hours ago, Geoff said:

And that's what makes it impossible to have any genuine hope as an Australian. We're seriously meant to believe that in one week they're locking down entire regional communities for a single case, but then on the following Monday there won't be lockdowns because a few thousand more people in the state got vaccinated? 

That has always been the reality - that if we genuinely, properly open up, the stupid little case numbers and deaths we are trapped inside our country for, are going to increase tenfold. So, after the last two years of complete idiocy we're meant to believe it's all just going to change? Very hard to believe... 

Out of curiosity, Glen, how are these numbers reported in the UK? Is it still the top story of every news bulletin? Is it still the main focus of the country's media? 

on our main news channel they still report the daily numbers - but its not the main news item - its normally towards the end and is linked to a major update like the teens vax rollout or the booster jabs. 

usually 5 mins at the end of a 30 mins news programme.

Petrol shortage and lack of HGV drivers is dominating our news now 😒  You just open up and now there's no fuel. Ironic really 

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Dare say there is a shitload of petrol in Australia.
Although these days the roads aren't too far off non lockdown times.
People pretty much doing what they like visiting family and friends I think...

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9 hours ago, Doggy said:

Geoff, are your hand up to be the Premier ?

Down here Victoria, we having some supermarkets closing due some many staff are getting tested. Also food getting shorter due to no staff put it out or drivers get same reason the supermarket staff.

Haha, yep, wouldn't you love that job?! 

3 hours ago, Glen said:

on our main news channel they still report the daily numbers - but its not the main news item - its normally towards the end and is linked to a major update like the teens vax rollout or the booster jabs. 

usually 5 mins at the end of a 30 mins news programme.

Petrol shortage and lack of HGV drivers is dominating our news now 😒  You just open up and now there's no fuel. Ironic really 

Interesting. Would be nice to get to that stage, but seems a lifetime away down here. Not only does it take up half a news bulletin (the front half, of course), and is literally the only subject discussed on talkback radio, but it's the buzzwords that kill me. As I said above, even almost two years in, every new case is a new "outbreak," every day is a "crisis" and every bit of banal news we've heard recycled for the last 600 days in a row is "breaking news." It is so pathetic. 

I was listening to a commentator yesterday who pointed out the fact that every single decision in Australia has been made on the worst case scenario. And not once, at any single point during the entire two years, has it looked even remotely likely that we were headed towards a worst case scenario. Everything has been blown so far out of proportion. 

2 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

Dare say there is a shitload of petrol in Australia.
Although these days the roads aren't too far off non lockdown times.
People pretty much doing what they like visiting family and friends I think...

Haha. Yeah, to a degree, there is less traffic on the road but it's not what you'd picture in a legit lockdown scenario. I'm an hour north of Sydney and the roads here are definitely at least 90% "normal." Plenty of people at all the beaches, all bush walk carparks overflowing etc. And I agree, I think a large amount of people are visiting who they like within local areas. You look at how the case numbers rise and stay at these "high" (for Australia) numbers and it's very clear that a lot of people are just tired of it and ready to move on. What amazes me on a daily basis, though, is why all these people are getting tested. Unless you're actually feeling unwell, if you've been "breaking the rules" and have mild symptoms, why even bother getting tested? 

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3 hours ago, Geoff said:

Haha. Yeah, to a degree, there is less traffic on the road but it's not what you'd picture in a legit lockdown scenario. I'm an hour north of Sydney and the roads here are definitely at least 90% "normal." Plenty of people at all the beaches, all bush walk carparks overflowing etc. And I agree, I think a large amount of people are visiting who they like within local areas. You look at how the case numbers rise and stay at these "high" (for Australia) numbers and it's very clear that a lot of people are just tired of it and ready to move on. What amazes me on a daily basis, though, is why all these people are getting tested. Unless you're actually feeling unwell, if you've been "breaking the rules" and have mild symptoms, why even bother getting tested? 

First lockdown we had, the streets were basically a wasteland.
Kind of eerie they were so empty.

This time, no real discernable change, at least when I am out on the roads.
Even right now, at 1am - 4 hours after curfew becan, if I walk around the corner to the main road, there is a bit of traffic.
Always gonna be nurses etc on the roads, but there is more traffic than there should be.

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2 hours ago, Darkstone said:

As someone who was forced into this cunt of a vaccine as a job requirement, I'm not laughing out loud at all mate.

No Dusty, I'm laughing because the house of cards is going to start falling soon, one thing you can always bet on is conspiracy theories dont stay that way because nobody can keep a secret anymore, especially in this day and age, only the sheeple believe any of this is on the up and up, with the help of the media they can keep the lie going a long time, but sooner or later somebodys going to fuck up, then the dominoes will fall, no media outlets are covering this phizer thing except for the "right wing" outlets, who are the huge minority, just the fact you have to take it should have you up in arms, I dont care about the vax, I wouldnt be to worried about the fact you took it, Id be more worried about why.

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On 10/1/2021 at 8:50 AM, CureTheSane said:

Haha, yeah nothing we can do because we are disarmed. Yes, having a handgun would have diffused all this....


The point about being disarmed doesnt have anything to do with you now, if your citizens had been armed, would this be happening now is the point of that comment, we know it's why it's not happening here, and they are doing all they can to disarm us, if you believe it or not, thats a huge factor in how the government responds to things, and it's the reason it is a concrete part of the founding of this country, because when governments dont have to worry about armed citizens, they have a free pass to do whatever they want, if you want to believe it or not, think about it.

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5 hours ago, Leykis101 said:




1. vaccine does not make you immune but it does massively reduce the seriousness of the illness IF you get it

2. majority of people in hospital in the UK are unvaccinated. 

just saying. 

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28 minutes ago, Glen said:

1. vaccine does not make you immune but it does massively reduce the seriousness of the illness IF you get it

2. majority of people in hospital in the UK are unvaccinated. 

just saying. 

So whats the point in getting it if youve already had covid? nothing you just listed has anything to do with this video

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17 minutes ago, Leykis101 said:

So whats the point in getting it if youve already had covid? nothing you just listed has anything to do with this video

different variants, people have caught it twice. 

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