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H.E.A.T - Tearing Down The Walls (2014)


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'Mannequin Show' can be heard on Spotify: https://play.spotify.com/album/3NrZRS3fEuJUtmK12URsLw





Certainly catchy, but doesnt sound as strong as most of the songs on ATN. But to be fair it may sound stronger in the context of the whole album. I know there were a couple of songs on ATN that I probably wouldnt have thought of as strong tracks had I heard them prior to the album release, but hearing the album as a whole, they sound better.

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I never thought about the similarity between the two songs until I read it in a review. I can see the point though. The chorus is not a total rip off, but it's pretty similar. Anyway, when was this song a hit? Like 15 years ago? Incredible that people would pick up on that... I would honestly never picked up on it unless I've read it.

Read my review of "Tearing Down The Walls" at http://www.planetaor.com/?p=9867

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And that's what scares me. That should never be something you, Glen, recognize so immediately.

It is when it is one of the most famous pop songs of all time lol.

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I'm really not sure what I think of this song....I agree the beat is a total rip off...But I'm not sure if it was sorta intentional or not...


I can't decide if I'm digging the song or not... don't like the fact that it reminds me of the B Spears song....But the song still seems to pull me in...


I suspect this song will grow on me....especially when surrounded by so many other killer tunes on the album. I think it'll sorta wind up like In & Out of Trouble on the last album....Really didn't care much for that song on my first few listens but after awhile, I really started digging it.



Total rip off of the britney song to these ears. I reckon this might be a weak point on the album but I still wouldn't skip it.

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  • My Little Pony


I'm really not sure what I think of this song....I agree the beat is a total rip off...But I'm not sure if it was sorta intentional or not...


I can't decide if I'm digging the song or not... don't like the fact that it reminds me of the B Spears song....But the song still seems to pull me in...


I suspect this song will grow on me....especially when surrounded by so many other killer tunes on the album. I think it'll sorta wind up like In & Out of Trouble on the last album....Really didn't care much for that song on my first few listens but after awhile, I really started digging it.

"In and Out of Trouble" is my favourite off that album.


Sidenote: what does your name mean? First time I saw it, I thought it was another run-of-the-mill spam accounts we were getting a few years back.

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Name is really nothing except my initials and birthdate....I know it's lame but easy to remember :)


I'm really not sure what I think of this song....I agree the beat is a total rip off...But I'm not sure if it was sorta intentional or not...

I can't decide if I'm digging the song or not... don't like the fact that it reminds me of the B Spears song....But the song still seems to pull me in...

I suspect this song will grow on me....especially when surrounded by so many other killer tunes on the album. I think it'll sorta wind up like In & Out of Trouble on the last album....Really didn't care much for that song on my first few listens but after awhile, I really started digging it.

"In and Out of Trouble" is my favourite off that album.

Sidenote: what does your name mean? First time I saw it, I thought it was another run-of-the-mill spam accounts we were getting a few years back.


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Holy shit I just listened to Point Of No Return and Inferno on you tube.


Wowser - thats some damned good melodic rock!


Kickin arse man.

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Holy shit I just listened to Point Of No Return and Inferno on you tube.

Wowser - thats some damned good melodic rock!

Kickin arse man.

Agree 100% Glen
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I'm not listening to them until I get the CD in my hands....Sorta like Christmas....I like to get a few gifts that I don't know what they are :)


I've heard about half of the album so far and I'm leaving it at that. It is sounding amazing to my ears though and i'm finding it hard to not play the songs over and over from You Tube.....


I personally was hoping for just a tiny bit heavier album while keeping the signature H.E.A.T elements and I think that is exactly what they are delivering.


Can't wait for my copy to show up in the mail...Haven't been this excited about a new release in quite awhile :)

Holy shit I just listened to Point Of No Return and Inferno on you tube.

Wowser - thats some damned good melodic rock!

Kickin arse man.

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Damn... this CD does not disappoint one bit. Picks up right where ATN left off. Not a filler in sight. Even a little heavier in places than ATN, but still maintains everything we love about H.E.A.T. and more! Love it!!!

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Guest kantagara

Awesome album, I'm not disappointed at all! :)

Inferno is awesome but We will never die amazed me with that high E in the end. :D
When I first heard "All The Nights" I was expecting some power ballad (like "Everybody wants to be someone"). This is the first song ever I hear Erick singing falsetto.

I'll be listening this one for as long as it takes to memorize lyric of each song :)


Good job guys :guitar:

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Amazing stuff, no doubt about it, definitely deserved at least 92% and should be in everybody's top 3 !


Inferno is the best stuff, Emergency is superb too!, but man how good is All The Nights and Laughting at Tomorrow, this is crazy, shame this band isn't big like Poison and Bon Jovi did in the heyday. Funny thing is the 'worst track' for me is 'A Shot at Redemption' and that track alone is worth around 8/10 :)

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