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Steel Panther back in the studio


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First spin in, I say it's still a great album so far but weaker than the previous, could be their weakest so far, though it's still enjoyable. Half of this is 7.5 - 8 material and some 8 to 8.5 materials are 'Party', 'Bukkake', 'Ten Strikes', 'Burden', 'Ass', and 'BVS'. Very nice musicianship and always a pleasure to hear them, but looks like can't climb above 85% as a whole, might stay in around 82%. Could be a grower like ANR said

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After a couple of spins "All you can eat" might just be my favourite Steel Panther record so far as I think it's (even) more consistent than their recent albums. I also love the fact that they don't change their winning formula in taking the same producer (Jay Ruston) for each record, just like some bands did back in the days. Take note, Crashdiet! :whistle:


I wonder though why they are not on Universal anymore...if it was the label's decision it's one hell of a stupid move as they are getting bigger by the minute. And does anyone know whether they've recorded any more songs which might end up as bonus tracks?

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After a couple of spins "All you can eat" might just be my favourite Steel Panther record so far as I think it's (even) more consistent than their recent albums. I also love the fact that they don't change their winning formula in taking the same producer (Jay Ruston) for each record, just like some bands did back in the days. Take note, Crashdiet! :whistle:


I wonder though why they are not on Universal anymore...if it was the label's decision it's one hell of a stupid move as they are getting bigger by the minute. And does anyone know whether they've recorded any more songs which might end up as bonus tracks?

I did notice the label change when my CD finally turned up today (thankfully I was able to download the album for free from Amazon due to buying the CD from them). Only thing I can think of is although they were on Universal, it was actually an offshoot, Republic records that signed them, so Universal may not have noticed them in the big scheme of things. And looking at the current label, it seems there is a degree of self release to it as well, so maybe they wanted some independence. I know of at least one band who has been pissed off with a Universal offshoot label giving them no support at all, so it may be a case of that with Panther as well.

Seems to me these days rock bands seem to flit from label to label anyway, even some of the slightly bigger ones.


As for the album, certainly not my favourite as there was just too much great material on the debut that I had been listening to for years before the album was released, and there is a couple of songs that havent quite clicked with me on the new one yet, but over all it keeps up the high standard of releases for these guys, and I am a very happy man.

For the past two days I have had Gloryhole and Bukkake tears stuck in my head.

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All Steel Panther albums are a highlight in the year of their release and All You Can Eat is no exception. To be honest, I think this is the band's best work to date. The two previous albums had a few fillers, but no real fillers to be found on this one.


The production sounds like a million bucks and the songs simply blend better into one another. Unless a miracle occurs, I can safely predict no album will sound as good, production wise as does All You Can Eat.


1.) Pussywhipped - 9/10

2.) Party Like Tomorrow... - 9.5/10

3.) Gloryhole - 9.5/10

4.) Bukkake Tears - 9.5/10

5.) Gangbang... 9/10

6.) Ten Strikes Your Out - 8/10

7.) Burden Of Being Wonderful - 9/10

8.) Fucking My Heart in The Ass - 9/10

9.) BVS - 8/10

10.) You're Beautiful When... - 9/10

11.) If I Was King - 7/10

12.) She's On The Rag - 9.5/10


total - 90% (extra points for the killer sound)

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Couldnt agree more mate (except BVS - thats my fav lol).


See the mafia over on Facebook are slaying this....predictably. the usual old mans gripes about lame lyrics and tired old joke.


Bottom line is this is another winning album with great hooks, musicianship and marvellous production.

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I like their more melodic/anthem side, rather than their straight forward hard rock side and it shows in my rating of the tracks.


I know WOA, H.E.A.T., Brother Firetribe will most likely end up higher on my best of 2014 list, but when it comes to sound nothing will touch Steel Panther.


Imagine if the sound of Steel Panther had been translated to the last Crashdiet release...that would have been killer.

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I like their more melodic/anthem side, rather than their straight forward hard rock side and it shows in my rating of the tracks.


I know WOA, H.E.A.T., Brother Firetribe will most likely end up higher on my best of 2014 list, but when it comes to sound nothing will touch Steel Panther.


Imagine if the sound of Steel Panther had been translated to the last Crashdiet release...that would have been killer.


yep agree again on all counts..........early days yet but I cant see many albums beating The Panther. Those 3 you mention are the obvious ones.

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Played this 4-5 times now and I am definitely not hearing the adulation at all (surprise surprise). Everyone knows my thoughts on this band, so all I will say is that this is pretty much as before. Musically, they have done a few good songs (especially on 'Feel The Steel'), so I will always check them out to see what all the fuss is about, in the hope that they really will turn out something worth shouting about, but alas, No.


All I hear on this one is a drop in standards in the actual song writing. Musically, yes they are good (but not THAT good), competent musicians (they should be after all these years tbh) and the production is spot on and sounds fantastic too, but do you guys seriously think songs like 'You're Beautiful When..' 'Ten Strikes Your Out', 'If I Was King', 'Fucking My Heart In The Ass' and 'She's On The Rag' are quality tunes...Really?? because the last 4 on here bring this whole thing crashing down with an awful bang!!. On the plus side, 'Bukkake Tears' is pretty good, as is 'Party Like Tomorrow' and the best track on here by a mile is 'The Burden Of Being Wonderful'. which is a great song, but unfortunately these 3 can't really save the whole thing.


Just saying it as I see it of course and if you are all happy listening to this, then fill your boots and enjoy it, which I'm sure you will.

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As in the last 4 including BVS? Cos I think that might be Panthers most inspired song so far.


At the end of the day SP arent for everyone and I commend you for still trying cos when I dont like a band I dont buy their records. Or give it more than a few listens before giving up. I certainly wouldnt keep coming back for more punishment.


But hey to each their own.

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PS ive been singing track 10 all day - the wife said what are you singing and I said youre beautiful when you dont speak and she said all right i'll shut up then.


Gods truth !!!!!


I did quickly explain of course lol.

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Bukkake tears & Gloryhole are two of the catchiest songs I have heard from the band, and the two singles (Party and Burden) initially didnt seem the most amazing songs when they were released, but by the time the album came out, they had hooked themselves into my brain like old friends.

For me there are a couple of songs that havent excited me too much so far, but are still good songs (Ten strikes you're out comes to mind), but to me that shows the quality of these songs. A weaker Steel Panther song is still way above most other bands stronger songs.


People will continue to bitch about the childish lyrics etc, but at the end of the day, they still sell out concert venues every tour, and the album is selling like nobodies business for a reason.

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PS ive been singing track 10 all day - the wife said what are you singing and I said youre beautiful when you dont speak and she said all right i'll shut up then.


Gods truth !!!!!


I did quickly explain of course lol.

I was singing Bukkake tears all day at work yesterday, so much so that one of the female managers decided to look up what bukkake meant after I told her the title of the song .. ha ha

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PS ive been singing track 10 all day - the wife said what are you singing and I said youre beautiful when you dont speak and she said all right i'll shut up then.


Gods truth !!!!!


I did quickly explain of course lol.

I was singing Bukkake tears all day at work yesterday, so much so that one of the female managers decided to look up what bukkake meant after I told her the title of the song .. ha ha





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PS ive been singing track 10 all day - the wife said what are you singing and I said youre beautiful when you dont speak and she said all right i'll shut up then.


Gods truth !!!!!


I did quickly explain of course lol.




PS ive been singing track 10 all day - the wife said what are you singing and I said youre beautiful when you dont speak and she said all right i'll shut up then.


Gods truth !!!!!


I did quickly explain of course lol.

I was singing Bukkake tears all day at work yesterday, so much so that one of the female managers decided to look up what bukkake meant after I told her the title of the song .. ha ha


you guys sing around the house or at work???

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Once again listening to this album as its once again a brilliantly catchy, funny and rocking release.

Still cant say its their best release, as I still say thats the debut for me, but its easily on a par with pretty much anything they have released to be fair.

Not a duff song on here.

One thing I noticed though is that they defo have a "Steel Panther" sound these days. The debut parodied certain bands sound and specific songs (Bon Jovi, Whitesnake etc), but with the second album and now this one the sound of the songs sound more like a band with their own sound. Yeah some songs might draw comparison to other bands (Burden certain has a Def Leppard vibe at times), but overall they are now most defo their own band.

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As in the last 4 including BVS? Cos I think that might be Panthers most inspired song so far.



The last 4?! What you talkin' 'bout Jezus? 'BVS,' 'You're beautiful when you don't talk' (flawless AOR for you, I'd have thought? It even has "normal" lyrics too!) and 'She's on the rag' are three of the album highlights, imo. If anything, the album ends on a much higher note than it starts.


I do like the first three songs, but they're my least favourite three on the disc, truth be told. 'Bukkake tears' is my favourite. I really dig 'Burden of being wonderful' too.


I was thinking there'd be situations like the one you describe, Howdy, where someone may not be familiar with the term bukkake and look it up because of this album, and get the fright of their lives! Haha.


Anyway, like I said in the other thread, I think the album's brilliant and I'd have a balls of a time trying to decide which of the three discs is my favourite. I agree with Howdy that it's good to hear a full album of tunes 100% their own without drawing (purposefully, no doubt) on classics of the genre.


Biggest disappointment of any SP disc is when it ends, and then the waiting already commences for the next one, all going well. I was also wondering about bonus tracks for this album too. Fingers crossed there's more to keep us satisfied.

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At least 10 spins in and this is a bona fide classic. I love every song & line like it was a child of my own.


SP for national curriculum. You know it makes sense

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I ordered mine a few days ago. I also ordered Feel The Steel. I've had Balls Out for a long time. I find it to be brilliant and changed my mind about the band. Much of what I had heard on Feel The Steel really wasn't that great. Balls Out was a step up. I'm hoping the new release continues that.

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I ordered mine a few days ago. I also ordered Feel The Steel. I've had Balls Out for a long time. I find it to be brilliant and changed my mind about the band. Much of what I had heard on Feel The Steel really wasn't that great. Balls Out was a step up. I'm hoping the new release continues that.

Feel the Steel is in my car right now and is their best by far. Just freaking killer...and ridiculously stupid lol.

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I ordered mine a few days ago. I also ordered Feel The Steel. I've had Balls Out for a long time. I find it to be brilliant and changed my mind about the band. Much of what I had heard on Feel The Steel really wasn't that great. Balls Out was a step up. I'm hoping the new release continues that.

Feel the Steel is in my car right now and is their best by far. Just freaking killer...and ridiculously stupid lol.


It probably still is the best, but the other 2 arent far behind......

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