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8 minutes ago, Izzy_Ryder said:

Ok so here's the thing...

Back in 2008 when I was 17 and going around calling myself a session musician there were a lot of arguments on here about my aspirations...granted I was getting way ahead of myself, but I was a kid...

I remember the musicians on here getting quite frustrated with me, and they convinced me I wasn't ready or good enough to go pro, so thats why I decided to go to college for 3 years, get a national diploma, and then go to uni...I finished college with near enough top marks when I was 21 and could have started working then, but I was convinced I still wasn't good enough... and at 26, I realised that uni wasn't for me...that ended up taking 8 years of my life...and now I'm approaching 28 and starting to panic that I've left it too late...

The worst part is that one of the guys I was in touch with back in 2008 who wanted to work with me after he saw a video of me playing is now the singer in a famous British rock band...and I bottled out of working with him because I didn't have the confidence in myself...

If I'm honest, I think those arguments might have had a lasting effect on me...I became obsessed with preparing for my career and never actually started it, but I've watched the contacts I had at the time just keep moving up in the industry...

I didn't realise until about a year ago when I started gigging again, but I doubted myself for way too long because of some of the comments on here...in 2018 I played in 10 projects, on 3 different instruments...I think I may have over compensated a bit :p 

G'day mate. You were before my time, but it's good to have a former member return from exile. I think your first mistake was taking advice and criticism from the muppets here to heart. You said you were only 17 though, so it would have been hard. I'm glad things seem to be picking up for you. What are the projects you've been working on? Anything we could check out?

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21 minutes ago, Geoff said:

Welcome back! Didn't think we'd see you back in these parts. Sounds like a rough trot. Hope life's settled down a bit for you. 

I was randomly thinking of you recently when I replied to a post from the member Cure The Sane here, thinking it was you for some stupid reason, lol. 

Anyway, so how long's it been? I assume by Pete's post, probably more than five or six years? So you're in your mid-20's now? Late 20's? 

You still got any musical aspirations, or you doing other work? 

Welcome back, for what it's worth. It's a different landscape on the forum these days, but still the only place I come for music stuff. ;)

Likewise! Was just playing guitar earlier, happened upon some Winger and it made me think of Pete, funnily enough, then Keith, then you, then Mullethead...figured it might be worth popping my head in now that I'm coming out the other end of it all :) Oh, and getting back into guitar music helps!! I went into some weird territory over the years...

Remember how I always used to take the piss out of modern rock? Hoobastank became one of my favourite bands somewhere along the line...modern rock is actually pretty good...I think Smallville can be blamed for that one :p 

Went through a drumming phase, and started playing bass properly a couple of years ago...so hitting the music hard now! As I said in my last post, I got a bit obsessed somewhere along the line...but the upside is that now I'm playing better than I ever have :D it was the fact I'd been playing guitar for something like 6 hours straight that reminded me of HH, just took me back to the good old days! 

But yeah, things are better than they've been, still not out of the woods yet but...I'm glad to see a bunch of familiar names still posting around here, hopefully enough members can forgive my teenage indiscretions...would be nice to be a bit more active now that I've got more time on my hands :) I realised that the lack of new rock music in my life coincides with when I stopped coming on here...almost as though this was my main conduit to the rock and metal world.... :blink:

How are things in Geoffland? Is the other Jeff still around to argue over whose name is spelt the right way? :p

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Just now, Darkstone said:

G'day mate. You were before my time, but it's good to have a former member return from exile. I think your first mistake was taking advice and criticism from the muppets here to heart. You said you were only 17 though, so it would have been hard. I'm glad things seem to be picking up for you. What are the projects you've been working on? Anything we could check out?

Heya! Nice to meet you! I've already noticed you're a fairly active poster, just makes me feel old that I'm before anyones time on this forum...doesn't feel like that long ago! :o 

Well to be fair, I had and still have respect for most of the people who were criticising - I always saw them as constructive criticisms, but I didn't have anyone, other than my parents, at the time to reassure me that I was good enough...

Oh nothing that fancy - I played drums in an indie/alternative band for a few months, bass in a Pink Floyd cover band, then switched to acoustic guitar, then electric guitar in that band, played in a couple of 80s tribute bands for a couple of rehearsals, did a couple of gigs as an acoustic duo with a singer that does pop covers, played lead guitar in an originals band for a few months at the beginning of the year, and was in a pop punk covers band for most of the year that did the pub circuit....didn't have many gigs, I think we did maybe 10 or 11 all year but it's been a good start to getting back into it :) I haven't counted the total number of gigs I did last year, but it's definitely more than the previous 5 years combined! 

I've got a load of original stuff on my soundcloud: www.soundcloud.com/dannyhearnmusic

It's kind of a mix of all kinds of things, mostly portfolio work...but I'm writing some stuff at the moment that I'm really focussing on getting right, something that's 100% expressive of what *I* want to do....that idea of spending a decade preparing myself has carried over to all my compositions...they're all written for imaginary jobs :p so most of the stuff on there is trailer or advert music, film score stuff...kinda cheesy tbh

Although I am pretty proud of my version of Bang Bang that's on there, not gonna lie....I just made it a lot more 80s sounding, lemme know if you check it out :)

Look forward to catching up on your posts man!

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  • 2023 Gold Donors
7 minutes ago, Izzy_Ryder said:

And I really need to change my username again - no word of a lie, I had to stop using this as a stage name when a porn star with the same named turned up overnight, sometime in 2012...it's been sullied ever since...

What do you mean sullied? That's a badge of honour. Unless it's a female star.

I checked out your SoundCloud stuff. You're very talented mate keep it up. Bang Bang was good but I was half expecting Danger Danger when you mentioned it. I can't play any instruments at all. I just listen to the stuff. You're livin' the dream man!

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4 minutes ago, Darkstone said:

What do you mean sullied? That's a badge of honour. Unless it's a female star.

I checked out your SoundCloud stuff. You're very talented mate keep it up. Bang Bang was good but I was half expecting Danger Danger when you mentioned it. I can't play any instruments at all. I just listen to the stuff. You're livin' the dream man!

Yeah....it's a female :p

Cheers man! I love Danger Danger, but I've always had a soft spot for that Bang Bang as well :p just the music on the original I thought was kinda boring, so I just did that version for my own benefit tbh...I think I'm the person who streams it more than anyone else haha

Ah to be fair im feeling a lot more confidant these days! Was sitting there working out all these different TV and film themes earlier, planning a rock medley in the near future...older members will remember the Star Wars travesty, but this one will be better :p

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1 hour ago, Izzy_Ryder said:

Likewise! Was just playing guitar earlier, happened upon some Winger and it made me think of Pete, funnily enough, then Keith, then you, then Mullethead...figured it might be worth popping my head in now that I'm coming out the other end of it all :) Oh, and getting back into guitar music helps!! I went into some weird territory over the years...

Remember how I always used to take the piss out of modern rock? Hoobastank became one of my favourite bands somewhere along the line...modern rock is actually pretty good...I think Smallville can be blamed for that one :p 

Went through a drumming phase, and started playing bass properly a couple of years ago...so hitting the music hard now! As I said in my last post, I got a bit obsessed somewhere along the line...but the upside is that now I'm playing better than I ever have :D it was the fact I'd been playing guitar for something like 6 hours straight that reminded me of HH, just took me back to the good old days! 

But yeah, things are better than they've been, still not out of the woods yet but...I'm glad to see a bunch of familiar names still posting around here, hopefully enough members can forgive my teenage indiscretions...would be nice to be a bit more active now that I've got more time on my hands :) I realised that the lack of new rock music in my life coincides with when I stopped coming on here...almost as though this was my main conduit to the rock and metal world.... :blink:

How are things in Geoffland? Is the other Jeff still around to argue over whose name is spelt the right way? :p

All good here. As with everyone, a lot has happened in that time, but all going well. 

And nah, Jeff and most that American crew departed the forum a few years back. Still a few 'Mericans here... but a core cluster all left around the same time. I think in general - not just with HH - but anywhere I'm a member of a forum (all two of them including this one) the general consensus is they're a dying thing. The two I frequent are sure as heck a million times quieter than a decade or so ago.  

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5 hours ago, Geoff said:

All good here. As with everyone, a lot has happened in that time, but all going well. 

And nah, Jeff and most that American crew departed the forum a few years back. Still a few 'Mericans here... but a core cluster all left around the same time. I think in general - not just with HH - but anywhere I'm a member of a forum (all two of them including this one) the general consensus is they're a dying thing. The two I frequent are sure as heck a million times quieter than a decade or so ago.  

I'm still here...


But as Richard Geere once said in An Officer & A Gentleman "I got nowhere else to go!"


Nice to see you back young man, sorry to hear of your tumultuous few years and I hope the battle scars suit you and your ready to forge forward and yes 20's is still very young considering I just belly flopped into 50.

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I'm Merican, and I'm still here!

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29 minutes ago, martinsane said:

I'm still here...


But as Richard Geere once said in An Officer & A Gentleman "I got nowhere else to go!"


Nice to see you back young man, sorry to hear of your tumultuous few years and I hope the battle scars suit you and your ready to forge forward and yes 20's is still very young considering I just belly flopped into 50.

Martinsane! Good to see you're still around man! I remember you, weren't you mates with Sean? I seem to remember you were the correctional officer on the east coast? May be getting confused though 

Yeah I've noticed most forums have died to be honest, I switched to Facebook myself because I had all my college friends on there but....I think I came back here cause Facebook is getting reallllly nasty these days, and as you can imagine; probably not the best atmosphere for someone like me :p one thing I'll say for forums is they did have a real community feel to them, even when we were arguing....FB tends to be a load of strangers blowing off steam in each other's faces between breaks! At least we had some form of respect around these parts!

What about GlamJunkie? Australia's biggest Bon Jovi fan IIRC, he was always active, but his profile has the same pic it had a decade ago...

And who was the guy from Tulsa who was mad about Pontiac? I remember getting along with him quite well funnily enough, but can't for the life of me remember who it was! 

Maybe we'll see more of us come back as Facebook becomes more and more toxic...I kinda miss the quaint old message board format :dance:

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6 minutes ago, Izzy_Ryder said:

Martinsane! Good to see you're still around man! I remember you, weren't you mates with Sean? I seem to remember you were the correctional officer on the east coast? May be getting confused though 

Yeah I've noticed most forums have died to be honest, I switched to Facebook myself because I had all my college friends on there but....I think I came back here cause Facebook is getting reallllly nasty these days, and as you can imagine; probably not the best atmosphere for someone like me :p one thing I'll say for forums is they did have a real community feel to them, even when we were arguing....FB tends to be a load of strangers blowing off steam in each other's faces between breaks! At least we had some form of respect around these parts!

What about GlamJunkie? Australia's biggest Bon Jovi fan IIRC, he was always active, but his profile has the same pic it had a decade ago...

And who was the guy from Tulsa who was mad about Pontiac? I remember getting along with him quite well funnily enough, but can't for the life of me remember who it was! 

Maybe we'll see more of us come back as Facebook becomes more and more toxic...I kinda miss the quaint old message board format :dance:

NO I am on the west coast Washington State to be precise, but that's OK I am, is, was and always will be non memorable. I think you may be remembering HSF (Jay)???

As for the guy in Tucson who was shafted by the car dealership, that was James Gebbia, aka Staryder1 and I am sad to report he passed away 3 years ago. Still stings as we had many a great conversation and CD scroungings in Seattle together.

The site and members are still a sound foundation of usual's, a few nembs from time to time and we definitely need to get after some who thing FB is the place to be and neglecting the horse they rode in on HH

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1 hour ago, martinsane said:

NO I am on the west coast Washington State to be precise, but that's OK I am, is, was and always will be non memorable. I think you may be remembering HSF (Jay)???

As for the guy in Tucson who was shafted by the car dealership, that was James Gebbia, aka Staryder1 and I am sad to report he passed away 3 years ago. Still stings as we had many a great conversation and CD scroungings in Seattle together.

The site and members are still a sound foundation of usual's, a few nembs from time to time and we definitely need to get after some who thing FB is the place to be and neglecting the horse they rode in on HH

Oh that's terrible! I liked him, he was one of the younger members if i remember right, we got along well...he struck me as the kinda guy who wouldn't hurt a fly...very sad to hear of his passing :( makes me all that more grateful for those who are still with us, I'm glad you guys are still around :) 

Haha, I think I used to get Washington state and D.C. confused just as often as a kid, apologies! I do remember you, I'm sure I'd remember more if I could place your profile pic back in the day :p I had forgotten about HSF till you mentioned him just now tbh, is he still around? What about OP Leykis101?

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54 minutes ago, Glen said:

most of the US crew now frequent FB on the melodic mafia group 

I would look it up, but in my experience...the less time spent on Facebook, the better...way too much crossover on there, most people don't know whether I'm coming or going :p 

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Oh it was Jacob. M I was thinking of!

Good to see he's still alive and well, last login was a few weeks ago :) Still sad to hear about Staryder though, I remember him being very passionate about the hobby

A few old regulars on that thread I'd forgotten about: Evil Rick, Swazi, 66 Mustang, cdjunky, T-Bone...

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34 minutes ago, Izzy_Ryder said:

I would look it up, but in my experience...the less time spent on Facebook, the better...way too much crossover on there, most people don't know whether I'm coming or going :p 

it's a good group. TBH I spend more time on that group now. 

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FB is for L7 squares man. ;) It might also be a good place for catfishing but that ain't my bag either.

As for Jacob, he is out west here in Oregon and I text him from time to time to check in with his young man adventures.

Jay/HSF is doing well we rap out from time to time as well.


I think a lot of "regulars" drifted out to do life stuff, but I see them starting to pop back in. I mean the core here at HH is still solid and the topics are great still. Sure we aren't bashing Sam or whoever is ripping off whomever as much, but Stephan, Dead Planet, Grissom and myself still name drop new stuff on the regular and most the stuff I put up gets ignored or made fun of by some (Alphamale and Geoff) but hey it keeps the community thriving and keeps many taking a daily peak at whats up.

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1 minute ago, martinsane said:

FB is for L7 squares man. ;) It might also be a good place for catfishing but that ain't my bag either.

As for Jacob, he is out west here in Oregon and I text him from time to time to check in with his young man adventures.

Jay/HSF is doing well we rap out from time to time as well.


I think a lot of "regulars" drifted out to do life stuff, but I see them starting to pop back in. I mean the core here at HH is still solid and the topics are great still. Sure we aren't bashing Sam or whoever is ripping off whomever as much, but Stephan, Dead Planet, Grissom and myself still name drop new stuff on the regular and most the stuff I put up gets ignored or made fun of by some (Alphamale and Geoff) but hey it keeps the community thriving and keeps many taking a daily peak at whats up.

I hope you know that it's all in good fun and your contributions here are valued.

Geoff...... he's only good for male-to-male tongue baths. :rofl:

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  • 2023 Gold Donors
4 hours ago, martinsane said:

  most the stuff I put up gets ignored or made fun of by some (Alphamale and Geoff) but hey it keeps the community thriving and keeps many taking a daily peak at whats up.

Just because there's no comment doesn't mean they're ignored mate. As Alpha said, valued contributions.

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4 hours ago, Darkstone said:

Just because there's no comment doesn't mean they're ignored mate. As Alpha said, valued contributions.

No worries Gents, I kid and add dramatic flair for effect.


Your all the goods. We can dot i's and cross t's later. ~ The Dice




I want to have a hot tub with you and throw in a toaster... ~ Bob Saget

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Welcome back Izzy! :drink:

I'll admit that I got caught up in the whole Facebook thing, and haven't been on here much at all in the last few years (although I work on the main site weekly adding new CDs to the database). I made myself a promise that I would cut down on my FB time in 2019 since it's mainly just one political argument, terrible news story or a "hey, look at the 100th selfie I've posted this week" anyway, and I already find myself enjoying being back on here more often quite a bit! :banana:

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I've expressed my dislike for FB many times and the comments I first made still stand. Really not my thing. 

I don't keep as up to date on this forum these days and I'd like to, or I have in the past... but I always appreciate every contribution by everyone. And one day if I get all my stuff all together I might sort through everything I've missed... but generally I like to keep up to date to some degree. 

I also noticed your return too, Mike, and it's good to see. ;)

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12 hours ago, whiplash1972 said:

Welcome back Izzy! :drink:

I'll admit that I got caught up in the whole Facebook thing, and haven't been on here much at all in the last few years (although I work on the main site weekly adding new CDs to the database). I made myself a promise that I would cut down on my FB time in 2019 since it's mainly just one political argument, terrible news story or a "hey, look at the 100th selfie I've posted this week" anyway, and I already find myself enjoying being back on here more often quite a bit! :banana:

I feel the same tbh! A few years ago FB was the place to talk about not just music, but everything I enjoyed...now there's few discussions on there about Star Wars, Doctor Who, comics, films etc that don't just turn into pointless arguments...it's like the worst flamefests we had on here but everywhere you look....I think the fact that literally everyone is on there only fuels the fire tbh

It's made me appreciate that with these forums we're all like minded and have something in common at the end of the day....we had our rough patches in the past; I wasn't the only member who had issues with other members, but we were one community at the end of the day

It's my hope that forums such as this one start to make a comeback...more and more people are becoming frustrated with FB, and Zuckershmucks double speak isn't putting anyones mind at ease either :p 

We do have closed groups on there to keep the community spirit alive, but I find people are more easily riled up anywhere on FB, probably due in part to whatever non-group post they just saw 5 mins prior...HH feels like a bit of a haven nowadays!

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