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Putting the brakes on your cd purchasing....


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Congrats mate! Tell me about it... your place.


If you're smart it will put the brakes on your CD purchasing, but if you're stupid (like me) it will not and you'll build up a mountain of debt until the company you work for makes you redundant and you clear your debt... for now. ;)


Anyway, for me buying a house didn't stop my CD buying habits. If you ask me, the thing that would no doubt bring my CD buying habits to a screeching halt would be to have a kid. Everyone we know is having them and my wife's getting too many ideas and I don't know how much longer I can hold out, but all logic and calculations say that if we have a kid I will never get to buy a single CD again. :( Or go on overseas holidays ever again. :(

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Congrats on becoming a home owner! When we bought our first house it really slowed down my cd buying big time...for about 3 months. Then things pretty much returned to normal. When you first make that big purchase you can't help but think you will be pouring every nickel into the house, but that's not really the case. If you can afford to buy a house, chances are you can pretty much afford to keep on with your life as normal, for the most part.

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The place is a 1920s/1930s bunglow done near the sea (maybe 300m from the beach) in an area called semaphore. (semaphore is sorta like a less commerical St Kilda)






4 bedrooms (mabye my missus is planning a few kids too , you think?)

Nice big yard, with a nice sized shed that has been lined and insulated (this is now referred to as "Man Land"). Backs onto a Par 3 golf course.




Has a reasonable extension added out the back which has kitchen and living area. Only draw back would be size of the bathroom.... tiny! (but our plan would be to extend that)


We have a similar place now, but this one is ina much nicer area - an area where i always planned to move but could never afford to.


We'll still allow oursleves a little spending money, but not that would allow me to buy as many cds i have over the past few years.

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Awesome, congrats... the place looks amazing. If you find you get in control of the mortgage and the CD spending starts to increase again just have a baby ;)

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Wow mate, 300m from the beach? How the hell did you afford that? I'd be curious to know what prices are in SA compared to NSW, namely Sydney.


My wife and I are currently looking at upgrading to a house (instead of townhouse) but the only way we could live near the ocean is if we moved 4 hours up or down the coast. :( Do you surf at all? If not will you give it a go now that your front yard is a beach?


Nice place, mate.

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Wow mate, 300m from the beach? How the hell did you afford that? I'd be curious to know what prices are in SA compared to NSW, namely Sydney.


My wife and I are currently looking at upgrading to a house (instead of townhouse) but the only way we could live near the ocean is if we moved 4 hours up or down the coast. :( Do you surf at all? If not will you give it a go now that your front yard is a beach?


Nice place, mate.


I already have a place that I brought about 8yrs ago (just at the start of the housing boom). WCompard to todays prices, that was a bargain so i'll make a reasonable return on that, so we will sell that and put all the money towards this home.


I'm sure house prices are cheaper over here than they are in the eastern states (especially Sydney) . I see by watching those auction shows.


Along the Adelaide coast you're looking for $1million++ to be right on the beach, but it drops aways pretty quickly as you move away. So this place is close enough to the beach, without being right on the beach with the associated price tag.


And we got it for a much better price than it was advertised for, which always helps. :beerbang:

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Lindsay's new front yard:










Had a look at the map and yeah, you really are right there on the beach. I can't believe the prices drop that quick for a few metres behind beachfront. In Sydney you need to get about 50km from the beach before the prices get below the one million mark. :lol:

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Lindsay's new front yard:










Had a look at the map and yeah, you really are right there on the beach. I can't believe the prices drop that quick for a few metres behind beachfront. In Sydney you need to get about 50km from the beach before the prices get below the one million mark. :lol:



are they actually pictures of Sempahore, cos that's pretty close to what it's like? (althouhg i think there's a bit more park between the houses and the beach where I am...

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Yep, those pics are of the same place. :) That unmistakable jetty appears in most the snaps. Looks like a great spot. If I ever visit to see a BB Steal reunion gig I'll be sure to bring the camera for a few happy snaps. ;)

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House looks awesome, good work mate. :tumbsup:

(Mind if I pop in when I get out to Oz? ;))


I'm with you on the CDs, I've got to slam the brakes on pretty hard in 2011. Going to be tough.

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Congrats on your new home. But believe me and all of the others who posted here, you'll be back again into buying CDs (and beers) once you realized that you can really pay off a house with some little purchases here and there. One tip, though - don't check your account balance when you go to the bank. It will stress you out.

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The place is a 1920s/1930s bunglow done near the sea (maybe 300m from the beach) in an area called semaphore. (semaphore is sorta like a less commerical St Kilda)






4 bedrooms (mabye my missus is planning a few kids too , you think?)

Nice big yard, with a nice sized shed that has been lined and insulated (this is now referred to as "Man Land"). Backs onto a Par 3 golf course.




Has a reasonable extension added out the back which has kitchen and living area. Only draw back would be size of the bathroom.... tiny! (but our plan would be to extend that)


We have a similar place now, but this one is ina much nicer area - an area where i always planned to move but could never afford to.


We'll still allow oursleves a little spending money, but not that would allow me to buy as many cds i have over the past few years.



Goddamn place is beautiful man. A big congrats to ya!

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Very nice lookin' place! Congrats.


...and yeah, that'll put the brakes on your CD purchasing BIG time. My collecting habit hasn't been the same since Wife and I moved out of an apartment and into our own place in '99. Then came Kid #1...then came Kid #2... now I'm like "CD's? What are CDs? I vaguely remember those." :blink:

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Wow mate, 300m from the beach? How the hell did you afford that? I'd be curious to know what prices are in SA compared to NSW, namely Sydney.


My wife and I are currently looking at upgrading to a house (instead of townhouse) but the only way we could live near the ocean is if we moved 4 hours up or down the coast. :( Do you surf at all? If not will you give it a go now that your front yard is a beach?


Nice place, mate.


I already have a place that I brought about 8yrs ago (just at the start of the housing boom). WCompard to todays prices, that was a bargain so i'll make a reasonable return on that, so we will sell that and put all the money towards this home.


I'm sure house prices are cheaper over here than they are in the eastern states (especially Sydney) . I see by watching those auction shows.


Along the Adelaide coast you're looking for $1million++ to be right on the beach, but it drops aways pretty quickly as you move away. So this place is close enough to the beach, without being right on the beach with the associated price tag.


And we got it for a much better price than it was advertised for, which always helps. :beerbang:


LOL, the coastal homes (although most of them are mansions) near where I live are £1.50M English pounds and upwards........not a hope in hell, even if I won the lottery!


We live about a 10min walk from the front and we paid about £275K 3 years ago. Four bed.


Real nice place though you got there....love the floors, looks cool man!


& the others are right - CD buying dies when you have kids! I reckon Ive bought maybe 20 cds tops this year and at least 4 or 5 of them were pressies! So maybe one or 2 a month if Im lucky.



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Wow! Lovely place .... congrats!

CD buying died down a bit in my case...a little 'un then buying a new house about 7 years ago . But ater a while it picks up a little.....oh yeah and then we built an extension about a year ago and screw it all up...hahahaha, oh yeah and petrol now costs me £40 more a month than a year ago, so buying has slowed a little again. But I have learned to rationalise a bit there's some CD's you have to get and some CD's that can wait....and you just know you'll get them cheaper after 6 months or so.

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cheers guys.... and here's to hoping the cd purchases don't dry up (unless there's kids involved) :beerbang:



Ummm... you got more news you wanna share with us..? :popcorn:

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