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7 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

Pciked up what they tol dme were the last two Skid Row tix for Melbourne.
Show was resheduled to May so a few must have come back on teh market for people who cancelled.

Looking at GlamFest, but not sure I wanna spend 10 hours standing up in a club.
That's a long fucking time. Would probably prefer it on a winery green, or even a large backyard where you can sit and enjoy.

Reckless Love and Wicked Smile (Melbourne,Australia band) are still on bill, last update.

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  • 3 weeks later...
6 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

Well well well.

Wig Wam touring.


And soon as well...Screenshot_20230113_094414_Facebook.thumb.jpg.0bccbf8df4df5cfe0ec545bd697ceaa7.jpg

Titans Touring is new name of guys. who promoters behind Melodic Rock Fest are couple years ago.

This is same week of the Glam Fest


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Just saw Grand Funk Railroad. Talk about a bunch of old folks in the crowd. Concert started right on time at 7:30 PM and ended at 8:45 PM. I guess the band needed to get to bedtime. :) 

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7 hours ago, Doug said:

Just saw Grand Funk Railroad. Talk about a bunch of old folks in the crowd. Concert started right on time at 7:30 PM and ended at 8:45 PM. I guess the band needed to get to bedtime. :) 

That's funny! To be fair, I had no idea GFR were still doing shows

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  • My Little Pony
7 hours ago, auslander said:

That's funny! To be fair, I had no idea GFR were still doing shows

Or were still alive. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

So Wig Wam is 'podtponed'

I didn't get tix because something didn't seem right.

Looked like minimal interest and I chose to risk missing out and get tickets just before the show 

Sure enough yesterday it was announced that a band member 'had covid' and show would happen later.

Read: poor ticket sales, I'd say.

Also coupled with the tour double headline with "Australia's most iconic band Taste" who I've actually never heard of lol

Anyway,hope it happens at some point maybe with Treat, Eclipse, HEAT, etc or even pick some other european bands. I'd pay more to see full sets of 3 bands than half sets of 6.



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14 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

So Wig Wam is 'podtponed'

I didn't get tix because something didn't seem right.

Looked like minimal interest and I chose to risk missing out and get tickets just before the show 

Sure enough yesterday it was announced that a band member 'had covid' and show would happen later.

Read: poor ticket sales, I'd say.

Also coupled with the tour double headline with "Australia's most iconic band Taste" who I've actually never heard of lol

Anyway,hope it happens at some point maybe with Treat, Eclipse, HEAT, etc or even pick some other european bands. I'd pay more to see full sets of 3 bands than half sets of 6.



Taste come out in 70s. who reform a couple years ago.

Perth show was canned due low sales. other cities had reasonable.  selling.

Most people I know were put off, that one of promoters was same guy who done that mess up of MR Fest a couple years ago.

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2 hours ago, Doggy said:

Most people I know were put off, that one of promoters was same guy who done that mess up of MR Fest a couple years ago.

Part of the reason I waited till the last minute to buy tickets.

And it proved a wise decision.

Looking at Crashdiet in Feb

Seems this show has been postponed twice?

Hard to tell who's on the bill.

Melbourne looked good with dangerous curves, who I've not seen before, but I'll be driving to Sydney for the Gift Fair so can't do that show.

Considering the Sydney show, but pretty confusing.

Flyer says Crashdiet with sisters doll but when you click for tickets, pretty boy Floyd blurb appears as if they are also playing.



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So a review of Glamfest Melbourne...

We arrived just before the first international went on.
My wife hates Sisters Doll and I wasn't overly interested in the earlier bands anyway so we skipped all them.

Tuff were great. Didn't play So Many Seasons, Better Off Dead, I Like What I See, Forever Yours, but that's just my personal taste. Dare say they would have played some of those if they had longer than 40 mins.
Stevie was great. Billy Morris was actually really impressive.
We were up the front and enjoyed it, except for the audio, which kinda sucked. Stevie’s vocals were low. Music distorted through the speakers. Set finished and Stevie handed out some stage played 'vocal picks'. I grabbed one, which was nice.

Next up were Pretty Boy Floyd. Man Steve Summers trying to sound like the weird voice he did 30 years ago was hard to hear. I mean he did OK, considering, but it was strained. For them we moved back, hoping that the sound would be better. It wasn't. It sucked. I started to wonder what was going on for the show. The main role the organiser has is the sound.
Anyway, they were fun,. but mid.

Then we had Enuff Z Nuff, or whatever you want to call them. Pretty sure Chip may be a sexual predator. All he talked about was 'trim' and how he could 'close deals' etc. They played 50% Beatles and were very average. Sound still sucked. We tried a new position, right near the mixing table and there was some serious bass reverb pounding through our chests lol
The music was clearly way too loud. It was a small 500 person venue, so didn't need to be deafening, and the quality suffered.

Eclipse came on, and they were great. Sound was 50% better and you could tell what the song was without taking 60 seconds to figure it out. Played all their good songs, and were energetic and a lot of fun.
Would see them again in a heartbeat.

After Eclipse, was Wednesday13. Now many people were there for them, but not us. The benefit we got was the skimpy gothic clothes many women dressed up in. So we went to an Italian restaurant a few doors up for dinner at around 9pm or so.

Were seated next to Todd, Billy and the Drummer from Tuff, and soon after one of the guitarists from PBF joined them. Bass player I think? Anyway, I don't fanboy so we just sat and ordered.
I ordered a parma and my wife a pizza and my parma came first. Todd saw it and kinda freaked out and asked what it was. I told him and he was more shocked when I showed him there were chips underneath. So we had a quick chat about that and then finished up.

Got back for the last 4 or 5 songs for W13 and they were OK, better than the clips I saw before we went, but after a couple of songs we went and sat outside and waited for Faster Pussycat.

FP came on. Taime said his voice was fucked from travel, and apologised a few times, but I thought he sounded pretty good compared to what I expected. I was never a big fan of FP. I only really liked a handful of songs. They played House Of Pain and Slip Of The Tongue but the rest of the set was a let down. Pretty sure it was them who did a cool cover of INXS Don't Change as well.
I was pretty shocked they didn't play Nonstop To Nowhere, which I consider easily their best song. It should have at least made the 1 1/2 hour set. Also missing was Friends, Big Dictionary which would have been fun, You're So Vain.
Overall about as average as I expected them to be.

The venue was half empty for FP. Not sure if W13 were actually the headliner and FP the 'encore' band as they knew people would leave early as the following day was a work day, or just the people weren't interested enough to hang around for FP.
My wife called the standouts as Eclipse followed by Tuff, which I'd agree with.

Would say don't ever bother with Chips EZN

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8 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

So a review of Glamfest Melbourne...

We arrived just before the first international went on.
My wife hates Sisters Doll and I wasn't overly interested in the earlier bands anyway so we skipped all them.

Tuff were great. Didn't play So Many Seasons, Better Off Dead, I Like What I See, Forever Yours, but that's just my personal taste. Dare say they would have played some of those if they had longer than 40 mins.
Stevie was great. Billy Morris was actually really impressive.
We were up the front and enjoyed it, except for the audio, which kinda sucked. Stevie’s vocals were low. Music distorted through the speakers. Set finished and Stevie handed out some stage played 'vocal picks'. I grabbed one, which was nice.

Next up were Pretty Boy Floyd. Man Steve Summers trying to sound like the weird voice he did 30 years ago was hard to hear. I mean he did OK, considering, but it was strained. For them we moved back, hoping that the sound would be better. It wasn't. It sucked. I started to wonder what was going on for the show. The main role the organiser has is the sound.
Anyway, they were fun,. but mid.

Then we had Enuff Z Nuff, or whatever you want to call them. Pretty sure Chip may be a sexual predator. All he talked about was 'trim' and how he could 'close deals' etc. They played 50% Beatles and were very average. Sound still sucked. We tried a new position, right near the mixing table and there was some serious bass reverb pounding through our chests lol
The music was clearly way too loud. It was a small 500 person venue, so didn't need to be deafening, and the quality suffered.

Eclipse came on, and they were great. Sound was 50% better and you could tell what the song was without taking 60 seconds to figure it out. Played all their good songs, and were energetic and a lot of fun.
Would see them again in a heartbeat.

After Eclipse, was Wednesday13. Now many people were there for them, but not us. The benefit we got was the skimpy gothic clothes many women dressed up in. So we went to an Italian restaurant a few doors up for dinner at around 9pm or so.

Were seated next to Todd, Billy and the Drummer from Tuff, and soon after one of the guitarists from PBF joined them. Bass player I think? Anyway, I don't fanboy so we just sat and ordered.
I ordered a parma and my wife a pizza and my parma came first. Todd saw it and kinda freaked out and asked what it was. I told him and he was more shocked when I showed him there were chips underneath. So we had a quick chat about that and then finished up.

Got back for the last 4 or 5 songs for W13 and they were OK, better than the clips I saw before we went, but after a couple of songs we went and sat outside and waited for Faster Pussycat.

FP came on. Taime said his voice was fucked from travel, and apologised a few times, but I thought he sounded pretty good compared to what I expected. I was never a big fan of FP. I only really liked a handful of songs. They played House Of Pain and Slip Of The Tongue but the rest of the set was a let down. Pretty sure it was them who did a cool cover of INXS Don't Change as well.
I was pretty shocked they didn't play Nonstop To Nowhere, which I consider easily their best song. It should have at least made the 1 1/2 hour set. Also missing was Friends, Big Dictionary which would have been fun, You're So Vain.
Overall about as average as I expected them to be.

The venue was half empty for FP. Not sure if W13 were actually the headliner and FP the 'encore' band as they knew people would leave early as the following day was a work day, or just the people weren't interested enough to hang around for FP.
My wife called the standouts as Eclipse followed by Tuff, which I'd agree with.

Would say don't ever bother with Chips EZN

Can you or your wife tell me when the last time was you went out and check a local band?

In eighties, I went three different venues on the same week and same in nineties to checkout hard working bands.

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I used to see band sall the times. Pubs, clubs, concerts etc
I don't go out drinking and partying like I used to.
these days finding time just to catch up with friends is hard.

I could have seen the whole Glamfest roster, but I knew The Prince Bandroom where it was on, and there are really no seats or anywhere to take a break.
Fuck standing for over 10 hours.
Seeing the 6 internationals was bad enough from 5:30 pm to 12:30am
That's 7 hours of standing and watching, luckily W13 were on so we could sit and have dinner.

These days if I'm gonna go see an up and coming band, I'll go see my daughters band play.
I also really want to see Dangerous Curves.

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10 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

I used to see band sall the times. Pubs, clubs, concerts etc
I don't go out drinking and partying like I used to.
these days finding time just to catch up with friends is hard.

I could have seen the whole Glamfest roster, but I knew The Prince Bandroom where it was on, and there are really no seats or anywhere to take a break.
Fuck standing for over 10 hours.
Seeing the 6 internationals was bad enough from 5:30 pm to 12:30am
That's 7 hours of standing and watching, luckily W13 were on so we could sit and have dinner.

These days if I'm gonna go see an up and coming band, I'll go see my daughters band play.
I also really want to see Dangerous Curves.

Fair enough. Just there are people only go out see international acts only Cannot wait to hear the new Dangerous Curves CD, they should try get an English distributor as it would sell.

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22 hours ago, Doggy said:

Fair enough. Just there are people only go out see international acts only Cannot wait to hear the new Dangerous Curves CD, they should try get an English distributor as it would sell.

Another CD, that I am really looking hearing is the Ablaze. Like Dangerous Curve, they should find a distributor. as well.

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On 2/1/2023 at 12:38 AM, CureTheSane said:

So a review of Glamfest Melbourne...

We arrived just before the first international went on.
My wife hates Sisters Doll and I wasn't overly interested in the earlier bands anyway so we skipped all them.

Tuff were great. Didn't play So Many Seasons, Better Off Dead, I Like What I See, Forever Yours, but that's just my personal taste. Dare say they would have played some of those if they had longer than 40 mins.
Stevie was great. Billy Morris was actually really impressive.
We were up the front and enjoyed it, except for the audio, which kinda sucked. Stevie’s vocals were low. Music distorted through the speakers. Set finished and Stevie handed out some stage played 'vocal picks'. I grabbed one, which was nice.

Next up were Pretty Boy Floyd. Man Steve Summers trying to sound like the weird voice he did 30 years ago was hard to hear. I mean he did OK, considering, but it was strained. For them we moved back, hoping that the sound would be better. It wasn't. It sucked. I started to wonder what was going on for the show. The main role the organiser has is the sound.
Anyway, they were fun,. but mid.

Then we had Enuff Z Nuff, or whatever you want to call them. Pretty sure Chip may be a sexual predator. All he talked about was 'trim' and how he could 'close deals' etc. They played 50% Beatles and were very average. Sound still sucked. We tried a new position, right near the mixing table and there was some serious bass reverb pounding through our chests lol
The music was clearly way too loud. It was a small 500 person venue, so didn't need to be deafening, and the quality suffered.

Eclipse came on, and they were great. Sound was 50% better and you could tell what the song was without taking 60 seconds to figure it out. Played all their good songs, and were energetic and a lot of fun.
Would see them again in a heartbeat.

After Eclipse, was Wednesday13. Now many people were there for them, but not us. The benefit we got was the skimpy gothic clothes many women dressed up in. So we went to an Italian restaurant a few doors up for dinner at around 9pm or so.

Were seated next to Todd, Billy and the Drummer from Tuff, and soon after one of the guitarists from PBF joined them. Bass player I think? Anyway, I don't fanboy so we just sat and ordered.
I ordered a parma and my wife a pizza and my parma came first. Todd saw it and kinda freaked out and asked what it was. I told him and he was more shocked when I showed him there were chips underneath. So we had a quick chat about that and then finished up.

Got back for the last 4 or 5 songs for W13 and they were OK, better than the clips I saw before we went, but after a couple of songs we went and sat outside and waited for Faster Pussycat.

FP came on. Taime said his voice was fucked from travel, and apologised a few times, but I thought he sounded pretty good compared to what I expected. I was never a big fan of FP. I only really liked a handful of songs. They played House Of Pain and Slip Of The Tongue but the rest of the set was a let down. Pretty sure it was them who did a cool cover of INXS Don't Change as well.
I was pretty shocked they didn't play Nonstop To Nowhere, which I consider easily their best song. It should have at least made the 1 1/2 hour set. Also missing was Friends, Big Dictionary which would have been fun, You're So Vain.
Overall about as average as I expected them to be.

The venue was half empty for FP. Not sure if W13 were actually the headliner and FP the 'encore' band as they knew people would leave early as the following day was a work day, or just the people weren't interested enough to hang around for FP.
My wife called the standouts as Eclipse followed by Tuff, which I'd agree with.

Would say don't ever bother with Chips EZN

Sounds as expected. Like I said above, all I wanted to see was Eclipse and completely unsurprised they slayed. I kept googling hoping they'd do a "side show" or something. Pretty cut to have missed them. 

When you say Todd in Tuff, is that DeSaint? Surely not. 

Turns out if I put the effort in, I could actually have caught the Sydney show (had no idea doors didn't open until 4pm). I was finished my prior engagement by 2pm. I tossed around the idea of going, but spending $130+ just to see Eclipse didn't seem like a wise investment. I'd have liked to see the others again, I guess, but I think I made the right call. Hopefully Eclipse come out again. I'd love to see a bill of something like Eclipse, HEAT, Crashdiet, Crazy Lixx and Reckless Love, or something come out to Australia. 

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12 hours ago, Geoff said:

Sounds as expected. Like I said above, all I wanted to see was Eclipse and completely unsurprised they slayed. I kept googling hoping they'd do a "side show" or something. Pretty cut to have missed them. 

When you say Todd in Tuff, is that DeSaint? Surely not. 

Turns out if I put the effort in, I could actually have caught the Sydney show (had no idea doors didn't open until 4pm). I was finished my prior engagement by 2pm. I tossed around the idea of going, but spending $130+ just to see Eclipse didn't seem like a wise investment. I'd have liked to see the others again, I guess, but I think I made the right call. Hopefully Eclipse come out again. I'd love to see a bill of something like Eclipse, HEAT, Crashdiet, Crazy Lixx and Reckless Love, or something come out to Australia. 

The promoters of this fest should be applauded, when you see fiasco that went down a couple years ago.

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5 hours ago, Doggy said:

The promoters of this fest should be applauded, when you see fiasco that went down a couple years ago.

The promoters should not be applauded for delivering what they said, that should be expected.
This was Silverback who weren't part of the fiasco regardless.

What the promoters should hear is how the sound was very average and that they need to get it right next time.
Stevie posted about the shows and asked fro good and bad feedback, so I gave him that.
Once I sooked online on a Silverback post that their shows always have too many local acts which reduce the sets of the main acts (which generally are +/- hour - Pop Evil, Corabi does MC94, etc) and they just deleted it rather than hearing an opinion.

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18 hours ago, Geoff said:

Sounds as expected. Like I said above, all I wanted to see was Eclipse and completely unsurprised they slayed. I kept googling hoping they'd do a "side show" or something. Pretty cut to have missed them. 

When you say Todd in Tuff, is that DeSaint? Surely not. 

Turns out if I put the effort in, I could actually have caught the Sydney show (had no idea doors didn't open until 4pm). I was finished my prior engagement by 2pm. I tossed around the idea of going, but spending $130+ just to see Eclipse didn't seem like a wise investment. I'd have liked to see the others again, I guess, but I think I made the right call. Hopefully Eclipse come out again. I'd love to see a bill of something like Eclipse, HEAT, Crashdiet, Crazy Lixx and Reckless Love, or something come out to Australia. 

It was Todd Chaisson.
George DeSaint left the band with Todd in 1991 after an incident where Jorge was teasing one of the crew about being 'clean' and with a line of coke.
Todd came back, Jorge didn't.

My ideal Euro line up at the moment would be (following Glamfest with 6 internationals)

Kissin' Dynamite
The New Roses
Bai Bang
Wig Wam
The Poodles
Dangerous Curves - as the local act

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4 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

It was Todd Chaisson.
George DeSaint left the band with Todd in 1991 after an incident where Jorge was teasing one of the crew about being 'clean' and with a line of coke.
Todd came back, Jorge didn't.

My ideal Euro line up at the moment would be (following Glamfest with 6 internationals)

Kissin' Dynamite
The New Roses
Bai Bang
Wig Wam
The Poodles
Dangerous Curves - as the local act

lol, definitely got the names mixed up there. But that's cool, that there's two original members. When I saw "Tuff" it was Stevie Rachelle and The Deadthings as a back-up band if I recall correctly. There'd been issues with getting his US band out here at the time, which didn't feature any past members of Tuff either way, at the time. 

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I was meaning the promoters who had the fiasco should had a look how run a festival.

As for two supports end up playing, and as early week when I talk to drummer of another band not Taste, they still had not been paid.

Yes, it was the Deadthings was the backing band for Steve Rachelle.

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3 hours ago, Doggy said:

I was meaning the promoters who had the fiasco should had a look how run a festival.

As for two supports end up playing, and as early week when I talk to drummer of another band not Taste, they still had not been paid.

Yes, it was the Deadthings was the backing band for Steve Rachelle.

Yeah, it's kind of a red flag now.
I appreciated you mentioning that it was the same crowd. Allowed me to hold off, in case this type of thing happened, which is did.
More inclined to wait for the night of the show if one ever goes ahead and buy a ticket at the door. Happy to risk missing out by not getting in early.

Thank god Skid Row was rescheduled, as some tickets for the sold out Melbourne show became available, which is snagged :) 

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  • 1 month later...

So just had a google around and nothing on any Wig Wam postponed new shows.
Not sure if anyone has any info, was lookiing forward to this.
So glad I didn't buy tix though

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17 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

So just had a google around and nothing on any Wig Wam postponed new shows.
Not sure if anyone has any info, was lookiing forward to this.
So glad I didn't buy tix though

The touring company that was bring them. Haven't update their page.

On their Facebook page, promoters, " Titan Touring", were asked same question the answer a week ago was " Very soon, confirming dates as we speak".


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    • the debut is by far BJs finest album.  absolute bona fide classic. New Jersey is overrated imo. Prob about 4 really great songs. 
    • Doubtful. Most fans will favour Slippery and New Jersey. Hell, for many years 7800 was considered a weak album by many. The first and second album would only be chosen by the absolute die hards.
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