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Hiding your addiction


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That "10 Commandments" of cd/addiction hiding from your spouse sounds like a very good project. we could throw out some ideas and then vote them in and concrete 10 of them.



Idea 1: "Though shalt not get married."


Too easy, problem solved and you'd only need one commandment then. :)

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not sure, someone said the second one went something like ''never keep original cds in your car''


so I was just wondering if these were already established, if not we could definitely make up a few ourselves


Never heard of them, but that's definitely one "rule" I adhere to.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The C.D. Nazi herself.. She didn't even get angry.

I told her I got all 10 for $4.00 each *which was the truth). I also told her I haven't bought anything in a long time (total lie).

Got a package in from Metal Blade, I snuck it in my lunch bag.

I think there's a special place in Hell for me..

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The C.D. Nazi herself.. She didn't even get angry.

I told her I got all 10 for $4.00 each *which was the truth). I also told her I haven't bought anything in a long time (total lie).

Got a package in from Metal Blade, I snuck it in my lunch bag.

I think there's a special place in Hell for me..


I think there should be a special place in hell for our spouses for making us spin the truth on our hobby.

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I use to have my CDs sent to my work address...until I got a visit from a federal agent. :(


Feel free to elaborate...


The bank I worked at previously the branch was inside Wal-mart. All the mail came to them in the back & we had to go there and pick it up. The lady in the back who handled it was a bitch from hell and hated it when I got packages. Most of mine were coming from overseas because they were Japanese pressings so that freaked her out even worse. She ended up calling my corporate office and also the FBI. I got ambushed one morning at work. Came strolling in like any other day and the minute I sat down my supervisor and an FBI agent came inside the branch with a couple of my packages under arm. We went in the back room and I literally felt like a criminal that day because I got asked 100 questions about the packages. He was a DOUCHE with a capital D! I got tired of answering stupid questions like"why don't you just buy the cd's from this country?" I asked him what difference it made where I bought them and why it would even be an issue and he got pissed off. I was tired of answering the questions so I just asked him if he would like to open the packages right here in front of me. He acted surprised...like I'm importing fucking drugs or something. When he opened them, wow! Look at that...fucking cd's. Must have bummed him out....


He told me to stop having them sent there because it was freaking the lady out (which I still don't think they can do) but I agreed to get it the hell over with. Then I got to spend another 20 minutes on the phone with my Risk department and had to explain what was going on. When it was all said & done, they were actually pissed that it was an issue since it was so silly. They blew it way out to be more than it was....


Worst day at work EVER.....

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I use to have my CDs sent to my work address...until I got a visit from a federal agent. :(


Feel free to elaborate...


The bank I worked at previously the branch was inside Wal-mart. All the mail came to them in the back & we had to go there and pick it up. The lady in the back who handled it was a bitch from hell and hated it when I got packages. Most of mine were coming from overseas because they were Japanese pressings so that freaked her out even worse. She ended up calling my corporate office and also the FBI. I got ambushed one morning at work. Came strolling in like any other day and the minute I sat down my supervisor and an FBI agent came inside the branch with a couple of my packages under arm. We went in the back room and I literally felt like a criminal that day because I got asked 100 questions about the packages. He was a DOUCHE with a capital D! I got tired of answering stupid questions like"why don't you just buy the cd's from this country?" I asked him what difference it made where I bought them and why it would even be an issue and he got pissed off. I was tired of answering the questions so I just asked him if he would like to open the packages right here in front of me. He acted surprised...like I'm importing fucking drugs or something. When he opened them, wow! Look at that...fucking cd's. Must have bummed him out....


He told me to stop having them sent there because it was freaking the lady out (which I still don't think they can do) but I agreed to get it the hell over with. Then I got to spend another 20 minutes on the phone with my Risk department and had to explain what was going on. When it was all said & done, they were actually pissed that it was an issue since it was so silly. They blew it way out to be more than it was....


Worst day at work EVER.....



Wow! That was INSANE...


Thanks for telling. :)

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I use to have my CDs sent to my work address...until I got a visit from a federal agent. :(


Feel free to elaborate...


The bank I worked at previously the branch was inside Wal-mart. All the mail came to them in the back & we had to go there and pick it up. The lady in the back who handled it was a bitch from hell and hated it when I got packages. Most of mine were coming from overseas because they were Japanese pressings so that freaked her out even worse. She ended up calling my corporate office and also the FBI. I got ambushed one morning at work. Came strolling in like any other day and the minute I sat down my supervisor and an FBI agent came inside the branch with a couple of my packages under arm. We went in the back room and I literally felt like a criminal that day because I got asked 100 questions about the packages. He was a DOUCHE with a capital D! I got tired of answering stupid questions like"why don't you just buy the cd's from this country?" I asked him what difference it made where I bought them and why it would even be an issue and he got pissed off. I was tired of answering the questions so I just asked him if he would like to open the packages right here in front of me. He acted surprised...like I'm importing fucking drugs or something. When he opened them, wow! Look at that...fucking cd's. Must have bummed him out....


He told me to stop having them sent there because it was freaking the lady out (which I still don't think they can do) but I agreed to get it the hell over with. Then I got to spend another 20 minutes on the phone with my Risk department and had to explain what was going on. When it was all said & done, they were actually pissed that it was an issue since it was so silly. They blew it way out to be more than it was....


Worst day at work EVER.....



Wow! That was INSANE...


Thanks for telling. :)



Ha ha....only in America eh!!!!


I get all my cds delivered to work - just easier.......so often the post / couriers wont 'push' through the letterbox....not sure why as most are just singles. Perhaps they feel it might damage the package. I just ended up making continual trips to the sorting office. It never used to be a problem as my wife didnt work, but now she does, work is the way forward!!

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I use to have my CDs sent to my work address...until I got a visit from a federal agent. :(


Feel free to elaborate...

The bank I worked at previously the branch was inside Wal-mart. All the mail came to them in the back & we had to go there and pick it up. The lady in the back who handled it was a bitch from hell and hated it when I got packages. Most of mine were coming from overseas because they were Japanese pressings so that freaked her out even worse. She ended up calling my corporate office and also the FBI. I got ambushed one morning at work. Came strolling in like any other day and the minute I sat down my supervisor and an FBI agent came inside the branch with a couple of my packages under arm. We went in the back room and I literally felt like a criminal that day because I got asked 100 questions about the packages. He was a DOUCHE with a capital D! I got tired of answering stupid questions like"why don't you just buy the cd's from this country?" I asked him what difference it made where I bought them and why it would even be an issue and he got pissed off. I was tired of answering the questions so I just asked him if he would like to open the packages right here in front of me. He acted surprised...like I'm importing fucking drugs or something. When he opened them, wow! Look at that...fucking cd's. Must have bummed him out....


He told me to stop having them sent there because it was freaking the lady out (which I still don't think they can do) but I agreed to get it the hell over with. Then I got to spend another 20 minutes on the phone with my Risk department and had to explain what was going on. When it was all said & done, they were actually pissed that it was an issue since it was so silly. They blew it way out to be more than it was....


Worst day at work EVER.....

Wow! That was INSANE...


Thanks for telling. :)

Ha ha....only in America eh!!!!


I get all my cds delivered to work - just easier.......so often the post / couriers wont 'push' through the letterbox....not sure why as most are just singles. Perhaps they feel it might damage the package. I just ended up making continual trips to the sorting office. It never used to be a problem as my wife didnt work, but now she does, work is the way forward!!

I think it was more a product of the bitch in receiving. She can suck my balls!

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  • 4 weeks later...

The trick for me is, there is no trick. My wife knows(and knew before we got married),my 2 addictions. 1. Music, and 2. Hockey. Family comes first, so when I want to buy some cds there are no problems at all I tell my wife that I am put extra money on the debit card for some new cds and all is good because all my time and money go towards family stuff. Sounds lame but no hiding here. She does think I'm crazy, but I gave up smoking(6 years ago) don't drink really so it's my one vice.

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The trick for me is, there is no trick. My wife knows(and knew before we got married),my 2 addictions. 1. Music, and 2. Hockey. Family comes first, so when I want to buy some cds there are no problems at all I tell my wife that I am put extra money on the debit card for some new cds and all is good because all my time and money go towards family stuff. Sounds lame but no hiding here. She does think I'm crazy, but I gave up smoking(6 years ago) don't drink really so it's my one vice.

Good call if you can do it that way. I think my wife knows but doesn't say anything because she knows how much I love it. Then again...if she knew the dollar amount we might be divorced right now :)

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The trick for me is, there is no trick. My wife knows(and knew before we got married),my 2 addictions. 1. Music, and 2. Hockey. Family comes first, so when I want to buy some cds there are no problems at all I tell my wife that I am put extra money on the debit card for some new cds and all is good because all my time and money go towards family stuff. Sounds lame but no hiding here. She does think I'm crazy, but I gave up smoking(6 years ago) don't drink really so it's my one vice.

Good call if you can do it that way. I think my wife knows but doesn't say anything because she knows how much I love it. Then again...if she knew the dollar amount we might be divorced right now :)


That's funny. My wife doesn't collect/horde anything and is always selling/getting rid of something (even if we may still need it). She tells me regularly not to get more cd's (even said as much in a birthday card a few years back) and even complains when I get freebies.

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The trick for me is, there is no trick. My wife knows(and knew before we got married),my 2 addictions. 1. Music, and 2. Hockey. Family comes first, so when I want to buy some cds there are no problems at all I tell my wife that I am put extra money on the debit card for some new cds and all is good because all my time and money go towards family stuff. Sounds lame but no hiding here. She does think I'm crazy, but I gave up smoking(6 years ago) don't drink really so it's my one vice.


Good call if you can do it that way. I think my wife knows but doesn't say anything because she knows how much I love it. Then again...if she knew the dollar amount we might be divorced right now :)

That's funny. My wife doesn't collect/horde anything and is always selling/getting rid of something (even if we may still need it). She tells me regularly not to get more cd's (even said as much in a birthday card a few years back) and even complains when I get freebies.


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Isn't if funny how women can buy clothes and shoes and it's OK but if we buy a few hundred CD's the world is coming to an end.


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  • 1 month later...

If my wife's nagging wasn't enough,now the mini demonic offspring from Hell's bowels{my darling demonic daughter}has piped in saying"Just upload all your cds and sell them and then all you need to do is download" and i just had to say in my defence"Who rattled your cage and raised you up from the dark depths of Hell little demon"


Damn then both to Hell,do you guys know how i go about a exorcism before they give me a pea soup shower?

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Hey,you always have to have a back up for your paypal accounts.My paypal account is my checking account but I gave them my credit card number in case I don't have enough money in my checking account to cover what I bought.

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  • 1 month later...

Damn those Japs now they are blaming the Germans for the shit storm they started,can't these tyrants sort their shit out in private?


Been informed by you know who that there are no more funds in Paypal so the party is over. :crying:


IT'S NOT OVER!!!! :rant:

Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? It ain't over, til we say it is!!! :soapbox:


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