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Blimey dude, not only is that some place awesome, but you could sell most of those photos as postcards - nice work.


Can I ask what camera you've got - we've been meaning to get a new one for ages. The thing which pisses me about our current one is just a little action or shake and the pic blurs :-(


Want one where you can snap away and everything's sharp - really important with kids cos they never stand still lol. Also how do you get soft focus - is it long shutter speed??


Thanks mate, appreciate it. I have to admit I wasn't overly happy with my overall results, but I loved taking the shots anyway. :)


I have a Canon 40D - digital SLR. Are you looking to go into the SLR range, or do you still look for something more compact and less "professional." There are plenty of settings on the SLR which will allow you to shoot away with a high volume of shots. But even my old Canon Powershot had a pretty good sports mode which would allow you to take shots in quick succession and with relatively sharp results.


But once you go SLR, there is absolutely no going back. And even though it does cost a bit more, I would not hesitate for a second recommending an SLR. You should be able to get a good kit with a couple of lenses ranging from 18mm to about 200mm.


And yeah, the "misty" effect of the water is due to a slow shutter speed.


If you want to know any more or have specific questions, ask away, or shoot me a PM. I've gathered a bit of info about photography through the years, so happy to pass on what I know. :)


And just quickly, with regard to the 40D, that's a few years old now and you'd probably be looking at the 60D to get the current equivalent .. which is a very good camera. You probably don't need to spend that much, though.

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Once again. Amazing and Awesome pics Geoff. :tumbsup: Living in the tropics must be pretty cool. Have you ever been somewhere when there is two or three feet of snow on the ground?


Thanks mate. I went to the Snowy Mountains here in Oz for a school trip back in year 7 at high school... sadly that's actually the only time I've ever even seen snow. I hate the cold, but I would love to have a proper crack at snow boarding one day if the situation ever arises. Though I spend all my time trying to avoid the cold rather than seeking it out, so I won't bet on it. ;)

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Once again. Amazing and Awesome pics Geoff. :tumbsup: Living in the tropics must be pretty cool. Have you ever been somewhere when there is two or three feet of snow on the ground?


Thanks mate. I went to the Snowy Mountains here in Oz for a school trip back in year 7 at high school... sadly that's actually the only time I've ever even seen snow. I hate the cold, but I would love to have a proper crack at snow boarding one day if the situation ever arises. Though I spend all my time trying to avoid the cold rather than seeking it out, so I won't bet on it. ;)


Thanks for the tips earlier - that D60 model might be a bit out of our price range but SLR is the route I'd like to go


Might look in the January sales for a bargain.

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  • My Little Pony

Once again. Amazing and Awesome pics Geoff. :tumbsup: Living in the tropics must be pretty cool. Have you ever been somewhere when there is two or three feet of snow on the ground?


Thanks mate. I went to the Snowy Mountains here in Oz for a school trip back in year 7 at high school... sadly that's actually the only time I've ever even seen snow. I hate the cold, but I would love to have a proper crack at snow boarding one day if the situation ever arises. Though I spend all my time trying to avoid the cold rather than seeking it out, so I won't bet on it. ;)


Thanks for the tips earlier - that D60 model might be a bit out of our price range but SLR is the route I'd like to go


Might look in the January sales for a bargain.


I'd suggest sticking with Canon. Would you consider buying used?

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Yeah, unbelievable photos mate. This is the one of the most stunning photos I've ever seen:




I'm pretty certain these are Fairy terns - a bird species that is really high on my 'want to see' list (not that I'm jealous or anything :rolleyes:):


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  • My Little Pony

I'm pretty certain these are Fairy terns - a bird species that is really high on my 'want to see' list (not that I'm jealous or anything :rolleyes:):



Are you a birder?

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I'm pretty certain these are Fairy terns - a bird species that is really high on my 'want to see' list (not that I'm jealous or anything :rolleyes:):



Are you a birder?


A bit.



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  • My Little Pony

I'm pretty certain these are Fairy terns - a bird species that is really high on my 'want to see' list (not that I'm jealous or anything :rolleyes:):



Are you a birder?


A bit.




Bit of a stupid question, when I only had to look at your profile.

Have you seen "The Big Year?" Great film. You'd enjoy it.

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yeah stunning photo Geoff, amazing photograph skill you have there. I'm afraid to go down the SLR route because that might cost me a fortune you know, bringing home some lenses, etc etc, and the list is endless :D

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Thanks heaps, doods. Much appreciated.


Glen, have a look at the full range of Canon SLRs in a shop some time and see what catches your eye in terms of price/value. The 40D... and subsequest 60D is an excellent camera, but a buddy of mine got a cheaper Canon SLR (I wish I could recall the model - it was a 1000 or something) with a twin lens kit and he got it all for under $1000. He was probably after the same stuff as you - he wanted action shots of his kids snapping skulls at karate and was happy with the results he got from that. There are plenty of SLRs in a lower price range which are probably still excellent cameras.


I also like Canon, though I would never say don't get Nikon because just as many people like Nikon and as far as I can tell they're also excellent. But I'd probably stick with one of those two for the best and most reliable product.


Yeah, James, I believe they are terns. There were black ones on Lord Howe too. Mate, you would have loved Lord Howe. I think there's something like 70 species of birds local / native to the island. The brown kiwi looking bird may look like not much, but the only place on earth they are found is Lord Howe Island, and they have come from the brink of extinction a few years ago. Very cool bird. They're called Woodhens.


Yeah, Nightrain, it can end up an expensive route to take, getting a good camera. Depends how much you get into it. I have spent more on lens filters and tripods than I have in all previous cameras in my life before this. Not to mention the wide angle lens which set me back over $400, and my 18-200mm lens which I don't even recall what that cost me. It all adds up. :lol: But I do love it...

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Bit of a stupid question, when I only had to look at your profile.

Have you seen "The Big Year?" Great film. You'd enjoy it.


No - the subject matter makes me want to see it, but it has Jack Black in it. I'd struggle to get through a film about Crystal Palace Football Club with a soundtrack by Bolt Thrower if it had him in it, let alone birdwatching. :yuck:


I'm sure I'll see it one day, I'll just need a few beers first. :D

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Thanks heaps, doods. Much appreciated.


Glen, have a look at the full range of Canon SLRs in a shop some time and see what catches your eye in terms of price/value. The 40D... and subsequest 60D is an excellent camera, but a buddy of mine got a cheaper Canon SLR (I wish I could recall the model - it was a 1000 or something) with a twin lens kit and he got it all for under $1000. He was probably after the same stuff as you - he wanted action shots of his kids snapping skulls at karate and was happy with the results he got from that. There are plenty of SLRs in a lower price range which are probably still excellent cameras.


I also like Canon, though I would never say don't get Nikon because just as many people like Nikon and as far as I can tell they're also excellent. But I'd probably stick with one of those two for the best and most reliable product.


Yeah, James, I believe they are terns. There were black ones on Lord Howe too. Mate, you would have loved Lord Howe. I think there's something like 70 species of birds local / native to the island. The brown kiwi looking bird may look like not much, but the only place on earth they are found is Lord Howe Island, and they have come from the brink of extinction a few years ago. Very cool bird. They're called Woodhens.


Yeah, Nightrain, it can end up an expensive route to take, getting a good camera. Depends how much you get into it. I have spent more on lens filters and tripods than I have in all previous cameras in my life before this. Not to mention the wide angle lens which set me back over $400, and my 18-200mm lens which I don't even recall what that cost me. It all adds up. :lol: But I do love it...


thanks for the info.........yeah I will defo go SLR this time (even if the wife resists!).


I'll probably gets the base unit first and just build from there.......spread the cost so to speak.


Just out of interest, did you use filters in any of those shots you posted of Lord Howe??

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Thanks heaps, doods. Much appreciated.


Glen, have a look at the full range of Canon SLRs in a shop some time and see what catches your eye in terms of price/value. The 40D... and subsequest 60D is an excellent camera, but a buddy of mine got a cheaper Canon SLR (I wish I could recall the model - it was a 1000 or something) with a twin lens kit and he got it all for under $1000. He was probably after the same stuff as you - he wanted action shots of his kids snapping skulls at karate and was happy with the results he got from that. There are plenty of SLRs in a lower price range which are probably still excellent cameras.


I also like Canon, though I would never say don't get Nikon because just as many people like Nikon and as far as I can tell they're also excellent. But I'd probably stick with one of those two for the best and most reliable product.


Yeah, James, I believe they are terns. There were black ones on Lord Howe too. Mate, you would have loved Lord Howe. I think there's something like 70 species of birds local / native to the island. The brown kiwi looking bird may look like not much, but the only place on earth they are found is Lord Howe Island, and they have come from the brink of extinction a few years ago. Very cool bird. They're called Woodhens.


Yeah, Nightrain, it can end up an expensive route to take, getting a good camera. Depends how much you get into it. I have spent more on lens filters and tripods than I have in all previous cameras in my life before this. Not to mention the wide angle lens which set me back over $400, and my 18-200mm lens which I don't even recall what that cost me. It all adds up. :lol: But I do love it...


thanks for the info.........yeah I will defo go SLR this time (even if the wife resists!).


I'll probably gets the base unit first and just build from there.......spread the cost so to speak.


Just out of interest, did you use filters in any of those shots you posted of Lord Howe??


I basically only use 2 filters (even though I own dozens). All you need is a CPL filter, which is a circular polarizing filter. That's great for getting the blues out of blue waters and skies, and the best out of all colours. It also cuts out glare, and basically acts like a pair of sunglasses on your lens. Would totally recommend it for all and any type of scenery / landscape shot. I used that for all day shots on Lord Howe.


The other filter I used at sunrise / sunset is a graduated neutral density filter, which is a sneaky thing which has... too hard to explain. Here's a photo:




One uses it to try and get a darker sky with a light foreground, all going well. They are far from perfect, but they're not bad. I never approach a sunrise without it.


There are a lot of other filters such as a normal ND filter which you ideally use (depending on it's strength) to take slower shutter speed photos in stronger light... but you need to spend the money to get a decent filter as the cheap ones, as I know from experience, produce a pretty strong an unfortunate colour cast. I've not put the big dollars on one yet, but should one day...

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I also like Canon, though I would never say don't get Nikon because just as many people like Nikon and as far as I can tell they're also excellent. But I'd probably stick with one of those two for the best and most reliable product.




Stupid isn't it .... it's like two camps at war Canon users vs Nikon !!! The comments you read online!!. After reading reviews opinions online for about 4 months prior to buying I eventually plumped for a Nikon D5100 a few months back (couldn't justify the cost of the D7000) but I tried each camera out in shops before hand - I just felt happier handling the Nikon.

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I also like Canon, though I would never say don't get Nikon because just as many people like Nikon and as far as I can tell they're also excellent. But I'd probably stick with one of those two for the best and most reliable product.




Stupid isn't it .... it's like two camps at war Canon users vs Nikon !!! The comments you read online!!. After reading reviews opinions online for about 4 months prior to buying I eventually plumped for a Nikon D5100 a few months back (couldn't justify the cost of the D7000) but I tried each camera out in shops before hand - I just felt happier handling the Nikon.


Yeah, it's definitely one of those masturbatory arguments which people waste waaaay too much time on. Like Ford or Holden cars. There will never be a definitive answer for which is "better," ever. No one is right or wrong. It's all simply up to what the individual prefers.


I should add, the two underwater shots above are actually taken with a Nikon. I obviously couldn't take my Canon SLR under water, and we've had a few average underwater cameras through the years. But just before the holiday I found a $100 Nikon underwater camera and just had to give it a go. Pretty happy with the results, I must say. It's a super basic camera, but great for what it is.

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  • 10 years later...

Couldn't help but notice this thread hasn't been active for a while and I thought I'd throw in my favourite shots of 2022 for a bit of a slap and tickle.

Taken in the first couple of weeks of 2022 whilst camping with my kidlets up the coast; 875848600_0H1A2168copy2-resized.thumb.jpg.645a80379b21f19daec329f54179a23a.jpg

Took quite a few treks up into the bushland/mountains right behind my house and this was the result of one of those early treks;


One of my favourite local beaches with some delicious water flow. Was standing ball-deep in a rockpool as these massive waves washed over the rocks creating these sexy cascades;


Would never expect as I took it that this'd be one of my favourite of the year, but a bit of a different shot of a caterpillar in the magnificent Bouddi National Park;


Another from the magnificent Bouddi National Park on a pretty tasty morning trek;


Had a few crazy storms early in the year with some wild impact on local beaches. This was the calm little creek at our local beach transformed into raging rapids;


Dawn glow hitting some gum trees, again in the bushland just behind our home;


Didn't get to shoot as many waterfalls as I'd like to in 2022, but I did make one visit to our local waterfall/s, the magnificent Somersby Falls. Was happy with this as it's a very different shot to the norm at this locaton;


Finding myself up in the local bushland again, this time later in the day with some lovely light hitting the scene;


And then we finally got out of our local area for the first time in over three years and headed up to Far North Queensland, in particular Townsville. Was surprised by the wonderful scenery on offer up here;


And after Townsville we headed off the ridiculously picturesque Magnetic Island;


I actually packed the camera away for a month or two as I sorted through my holiday photos, taking a tonne of time, but I got out for a couple of very rare sunset adventures right at the close of the year, again in local bushland 5mins from home;


And then, to the last day of the year, actually, where the weather forecast was not suggesting fog, but all the elements seemed to indicate there would be some. So I headed out early on and it wasn't overly thick, but sure enough, some fog rolled through... again, just in the bushland behind my home. Amazed, seeing this summary, how many shots I got - that I really like - from bushland that I can look at from my backyard;


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  • My Little Pony
2 hours ago, Geoff said:

Couldn't help but notice this thread hasn't been active for a while and I thought I'd throw in my favourite shots of 2022 for a bit of a slap and tickle.

Taken in the first couple of weeks of 2022 whilst camping with my kidlets up the coast; 875848600_0H1A2168copy2-resized.thumb.jpg.645a80379b21f19daec329f54179a23a.jpg

Took quite a few treks up into the bushland/mountains right behind my house and this was the result of one of those early treks;


One of my favourite local beaches with some delicious water flow. Was standing ball-deep in a rockpool as these massive waves washed over the rocks creating these sexy cascades;


Would never expect as I took it that this'd be one of my favourite of the year, but a bit of a different shot of a caterpillar in the magnificent Bouddi National Park;


Another from the magnificent Bouddi National Park on a pretty tasty morning trek;


Had a few crazy storms early in the year with some wild impact on local beaches. This was the calm little creek at our local beach transformed into raging rapids;


Dawn glow hitting some gum trees, again in the bushland just behind our home;


Didn't get to shoot as many waterfalls as I'd like to in 2022, but I did make one visit to our local waterfall/s, the magnificent Somersby Falls. Was happy with this as it's a very different shot to the norm at this locaton;


Finding myself up in the local bushland again, this time later in the day with some lovely light hitting the scene;


And then we finally got out of our local area for the first time in over three years and headed up to Far North Queensland, in particular Townsville. Was surprised by the wonderful scenery on offer up here;


And after Townsville we headed off the ridiculously picturesque Magnetic Island;


I actually packed the camera away for a month or two as I sorted through my holiday photos, taking a tonne of time, but I got out for a couple of very rare sunset adventures right at the close of the year, again in local bushland 5mins from home;


And then, to the last day of the year, actually, where the weather forecast was not suggesting fog, but all the elements seemed to indicate there would be some. So I headed out early on and it wasn't overly thick, but sure enough, some fog rolled through... again, just in the bushland behind my home. Amazed, seeing this summary, how many shots I got - that I really like - from bushland that I can look at from my backyard;


Some stunners in there. My pick is the last one. There's something about fog that I've always found alluring. 

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Never would i claim to be a photographer. But, this is a shot of the very unique light posts that are in the middle of the road all through the city of Bathurst. The trick is when turning at an intersection you turn in front of them not behind them like you would if they were roundabouts.IMG-20221213-WA0017.thumb.jpg.e3be3dbaf57b54ebe640fd1525d0344d.jpg

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1 hour ago, KarpetRydOFunk said:

@GeoffI see you reminiscing on the days when we were friends. ;}

Yes, it's sad when intimacy ruins a good friendship. :(

1 hour ago, KarpetRydOFunk said:

Some stunners in there. My pick is the last one. There's something about fog that I've always found alluring. 

Thanks, cob. Yeah, I definitely like to seek fog when I can, but it's very rare around here so you definitely need to be lucky to be able to be out and about when it's out and about. Had two of three days with fog in my last outings of the year, though, and an absolute belter that I missed because I was a lazy turd.  

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36 minutes ago, auslander said:

Never would i claim to be a photographer. But, this is a shot of the very unique light posts that are in the middle of the road all through the city of Bathurst. The trick is when turning at an intersection you turn in front of them not behind them like you would if they were roundabouts.IMG-20221213-WA0017.thumb.jpg.e3be3dbaf57b54ebe640fd1525d0344d.jpg

That's just strange. Never seen that before. Do you live in or around Bathurst? Nope, silly question... you're down in Victoria, amirite? 

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1 minute ago, Geoff said:

That's just strange. Never seen that before. Do you live in or around Bathurst? Nope, silly question... you're down in Victoria, amirite? 

Yep, visited Bathurst last month.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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