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Hurricane Bootleg Warning

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Well after everything I've read on this forum I'm not sure I even qualify to make comments considering the knowledge and experience displayed(I'm not being sarcastic!) Anyway personally I am only interested in the music , I don't like cdrs or mp3s. I'm only interested in pressed cds and I don't care if they were released 20 years ago or are hot off the presses from yesterday. I prefer legit releases but if they are not available I am happy to pick up boots. I have spent a load of cash over the years on 3500 plus releases so the bands/record labels have made plenty from me since I only own maybe a dozen boots. Also I have never sold a single cd!! So I'm certainly not in it for profit.....To get back to the original thread topic I must admit I would be happy to get a boot of the Hurricane release....and probably will sooner or later on Ebay...

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Well after everything I've read on this forum I'm not sure I even qualify to make comments considering the knowledge and experience displayed(I'm not being sarcastic!) Anyway personally I am only interested in the music , I don't like cdrs or mp3s. I'm only interested in pressed cds and I don't care if they were released 20 years ago or are hot off the presses from yesterday. I prefer legit releases but if they are not available I am happy to pick up boots. I have spent a load of cash over the years on 3500 plus releases so the bands/record labels have made plenty from me since I only own maybe a dozen boots. Also I have never sold a single cd!! So I'm certainly not in it for profit.....To get back to the original thread topic I must admit I would be happy to get a boot of the Hurricane release....and probably will sooner or later on Ebay...


Send me $80.00 & you can have my copy...

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Send me $80.00 & you can have my copy...




Nice try but I think I'll keep trying Ebay :blink: ......Someone else mentioned Suncity Records earlier and I must agree that whoever is running that company must be out of their minds considering the prices they ask for their product!!

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If they don't get an original and don't complain then they didn't get ripped off... they bought the CD for THE MUSIC. Amazing how that works.


Let me see if I understand your logic. It's ok to rip someone off as long as they don't KNOW they've been ripped off, right?


So if I decided to purchase some cd's from Sam & paid him with counterfeit money, it would be ok as long as he couldn't tell that the money was fake?


They may have been buying for the music... not the artwork. So in that buyers eyes... they were not ripped off.

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I have run into many many artists/bands who procrastinate when it comes to re-releasing their old material. Sometimes they need that extra 'push' to realize how important their music is to the fans. When they see a boot of their album going for $100+ on ebay they soon understand THAT money should be theirs. Like I said , it's a simple equation.


In other words it is acceptable to bootleg in an effort to blackmail the artist into doing what you want...gotcha.

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I have run into many many artists/bands who procrastinate when it comes to re-releasing their old material. Sometimes they need that extra 'push' to realize how important their music is to the fans. When they see a boot of their album going for $100+ on ebay they soon understand THAT money should be theirs. Like I said , it's a simple equation.


In other words it is acceptable to bootleg in an effort to blackmail the artist into doing what you want...gotcha.


Actually though it sounds bad the way you put it. How else could you show them that there music is worth the effort of reissuing? Nothing speaks louder than money. No way to show demand without having something out there whether it be a boot or original. 2 Originals on ebay lets say go for 500 each. So what the band thinks you got 2 crazy SOBs that have way to much money to spend. Im not for ripping anybody off but I think there is alot of good that can come out of this Process:)


The 2 red flags on my copies were the over-powering "new" smell & the colors of the band pics on both the back insert & backside of the front insert. On both my copies, the colors were too dark...the skin tone of the guy on the far left was almost orange, fer chrissakes. I guess for me it boiled down to a gut feeling that "something didn't look right". That's why I mailed it to Jarred for a second opinion. I'd be interested to know if someone who is 100% certain that their copy is legit could verify what exactly it says around the inner ring of their copy...both words & numbers.


Sam wouldn't knowingly sell a boot would he?


You're kidding, right?


For chrissakes choc you must have one Honker smeller there. I think Ive heard you mention this new smell thing before. You must be one of the few with that talent as I tried it today and had to laugh. Couldnt beleive i was sitting around spelling cds HA!. If the boot is as good as you described it then someone has some talent out there. Having read alot of your posts theres no doubt in my mind your in it for the money. Meaning the value of cd overrules the music for you.


Well, you are correct.

But that is not the point at least not the point to me.


The point is more about deception.

If you are selling a boot (reissue, 2nd press, promo haha, import) OK no problem, But tell people this is what it is.


If you are just trying to help a band make some well deserve money(I am all for this). Or trying to get the music out to the world. Why not call a spade a spade. There should be no reason at that point to hide it.


Now, I understand you cant sell something on ebay that says "BOOT" but you can put in the description "B**TLE*", "Band Rei**ue", you can even have people "Please Ask" and tell them through email.


Now MOST of the Greek boots were not made to FOOL anyone. It has only been the Re-Sellers who have tried Deceiving the public with them. NOT the manufactures who sell these for $4-6 each.


Now there are some labels that try and say 1982/2005 Italy. Not giving the customer anything more (extra, Booklet, Tracks, artwork) and make it look like an original.


These labels "Bootleggers" are trying to deceive the public. And that is just not right



Also just like there was no one in AR who was signing a big Major Label deal, There is also NO ONE overseas (Greece, Italy) who is signing all these 80'' bands from the USA. IT JUST IS NOT HAPPENING SORRY. So when you see labels like Forgotten Steel, Hot Metal, Rock-it, ..... Release 5-10-20 Cd's. This just ain't happening and never will.



Personally I think its pretty clear when you see 1982/2005 that it originally released in 1982 and was put onto cd in 2005. Unless your a first time buyer on ebay or just started collecting you no when you see 2 dates there must be a reason. Thats why ebay has ask the seller a question button.

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For chrissakes choc you must have one Honker smeller there. I think Ive heard you mention this new smell thing before. You must be one of the few with that talent as I tried it today and had to laugh. Couldnt beleive i was sitting around spelling cds HA!. If the boot is as good as you described it then someone has some talent out there. Having read alot of your posts theres no doubt in my mind your in it for the money. Meaning the value of cd overrules the music for you.


No, my sense of smell is nothing special. It was just obvious with the Hurricane boots I got. Jarred can comfirm this...the odor just hit you in the face when you opened the jewel case. These things were obviously newly printed.


And you couldn't be more wrong about my "being in it for the money". Where do you get that from? I'm in it because I'm a fan of the genre. I just want to receive what I paid for...wouldn't anybody? :screwy:

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No, my sense of smell is nothing special. It was just obvious with the Hurricane boots I got. Jarred can comfirm this...the odor just hit you in the face when you opened the jewel case. These things were obviously newly printed.


Being a printer I can vouch for that, definitely an odor to newly printed materials, especially when they're printed in places that have less environmental restrictions than the US, Western Europe, Japan, etc.

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For chrissakes choc you must have one Honker smeller there. I think Ive heard you mention this new smell thing before. You must be one of the few with that talent as I tried it today and had to laugh. Couldnt beleive i was sitting around spelling cds HA!. If the boot is as good as you described it then someone has some talent out there. Having read alot of your posts theres no doubt in my mind your in it for the money. Meaning the value of cd overrules the music for you.


No, my sense of smell is nothing special. It was just obvious with the Hurricane boots I got. Jarred can comfirm this...the odor just hit you in the face when you opened the jewel case. These things were obviously newly printed.


And you couldn't be more wrong about my "being in it for the money". Where do you get that from? I'm in it because I'm a fan of the genre. I just want to receive what I paid for...wouldn't anybody? :screwy:



We hear that say quote constantly "I'm in it because I'm a fan of the genre or for the music" Its ok to admit your in it for the money or value. I have no problem what so ever with that. To many for some strange reason cant admit it. I could do like others and spend big bucks get elite stuff but why? My thoughts are this stuff its hot now but wont last forever. If it makes a person feel good or the music sounds better at 500.00 than 15.00 than go for it.


Ill tell you right now becuase I dont need to pretend.... If I get ahold of a cd that sells for 500.00 that I can make a huge profit off its out the door. I dont care if its the best cd every released. That one cd gets many more 15.00-20.00 cds which gives me much more music to listen to. The music to me is not about the money but I sure the hell aint gonna pass up making a bunch if the situation arises.


Now 80.00 even for the hurricane cd sounds outrageous to me. Im sure its not to most. However the difference between you and me is that I would have given 80.00 if it was something i wanted and even if i found it was a boot i would have been happy. For instance. Someone here mentioned way back that the Strutt cd Sam was selling is a boot. Well i own it- gave 40.00 would have been more than willing to give 80.00 even knowing it was a possible boot. And for the person who said it ( i cant remember who) I see no signs what so ever that it was a boot. Just for the record



No, my sense of smell is nothing special. It was just obvious with the Hurricane boots I got. Jarred can comfirm this...the odor just hit you in the face when you opened the jewel case. These things were obviously newly printed.


Being a printer I can vouch for that, definitely an odor to newly printed materials, especially when they're printed in places that have less environmental restrictions than the US, Western Europe, Japan, etc.



Out of curiosity what time period we talking. I would guess your talking hot of the press? Not like a cd you buy at the store sealed. Would a example be like if i printed a picture right now off my printer with lots of color? that kind of smell?


If thats true that it does have a smell then it must be pretty unusual to get one like that.

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No, my sense of smell is nothing special. It was just obvious with the Hurricane boots I got. Jarred can comfirm this...the odor just hit you in the face when you opened the jewel case. These things were obviously newly printed.


Being a printer I can vouch for that, definitely an odor to newly printed materials, especially when they're printed in places that have less environmental restrictions than the US, Western Europe, Japan, etc.



Out of curiosity what time period we talking. I would guess your talking hot of the press? Not like a cd you buy at the store sealed. Would a example be like if i printed a picture right now off my printer with lots of color? that kind of smell?


If thats true that it does have a smell then it must be pretty unusual to get one like that.


That "freshly printed" smell can actually last quite some time, especially with the ink coverage required to produce most CD inserts. This is referring to offset lithography as opposed to inkjet/laser-printed which does have a short lived odor as you mention. The offset stuff with the drying agents and oils can last several months believe it or not.

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I honestly never understood why people always have to compare $15 boots to $500 originals and try to justify buying the first... I'd NEVER buy a CD for $500 for my own colelction, regardless how great the music is - that's for certain, BUT I'd never buy the boot for $15 either! Why? Simply because most of the boots have been made from the very same mp3s plenty of people share for free on soulseek or torrent sites. Why should you pay $15 lining someones pockets when you can donwload the source mp3s for free? Burn the mp3s to an audio CDr if you wish and there you go, the same audio result.

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All this talk about a "collector" vs someone who just is in it for the "music" isn't even the point, can't anyone understand that? Its about passing something off as something that it isn't. It has absolutely no difference if the buyer is a collector in it for the money or just for the music. Call it counterfeiting or bootlegging or just plain ripping people off. Call it anything you want but its the same thing. However from all the dialog last night I know I may as well be talking to a brick wall with some of the people on this messageboard. You can say whatever you want, everyone on this board will make up their own minds and have their own opinions so I'm just going to let it go at that. At least I can go to sleep at night with a clear conscious.

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Thought about keeping my mouth shut, but I'm not really particularly good at that, so here's some random thoughts on this thread/topics.


Personally, I'm tired of melodic/glam/hair-rock fans acting as if they have some sort of God-given right to the music someone else created. Just because someone took the time to write & record an LP, EP, CD, or whatever, doesn't automatically mean you have the right to possess it. It's artistic property, and if, after recording the music, the band wants to let it rot in their basement and be gnawed on by rats, that's their right, and their decision, however foolish it may seem to some, doesn't give anyone else the right to bootleg that recording. I've used this example in the past, but it bears repeating. Many of you know I am a writer. People have paid me to publish my poems & short stories in various anthologies and magazines, but the vast majority of my writing remains unpublished. Does that mean someone who likes my writing has the right to take those unpublished projects without my knowledge and publish them himself? The answer is obvious--NO! I wrote the stories, they're my artistic property, and if I don't want to publish them, that's my perogative, and tough shit if some folks don't like it. Same applies to bootlegging CDs.


As for bootlegging being a way to "push" a band into releasing (or rereleasing) their music, that's just retarded. It's the equivalent of a security system salesman robbing a jewelry store, then showing up the next day and saying, "See? Told you that you needed a security system." Again, to use an example from my writing experiences, I once sent a college buddy a copy of a short horror story I wrote. Turns out a friend of my buddy had started up a small-press underground horror magazine. That magazine editor came across the copy of my story at my buddy's house, read it, then contacted me and asked permission to publish the story, even paid me a small sum. That's how it's done, folks. He didn't just go ahead and publish my story, then wait to see if I found out about it and got upset. He asked permission before--BEFORE--printing the story. That man was honest. Bootleggers are not.


Thus endeth the sermon...because there's a baby in the other room screaming for a bottle... :)

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Thought about keeping my mouth shut, but I'm not really particularly good at that, so here's some random thoughts on this thread/topics.


Personally, I'm tired of melodic/glam/hair-rock fans acting as if they have some sort of God-given right to the music someone else created. Just because someone took the time to write & record an LP, EP, CD, or whatever, doesn't automatically mean you have the right to possess it. It's artistic property, and if, after recording the music, the band wants to let it rot in their basement and be gnawed on by rats, that's their right, and their decision, however foolish it may seem to some, doesn't give anyone else the right to bootleg that recording. I've used this example in the past, but it bears repeating. Many of you know I am a writer. People have paid me to publish my poems & short stories in various anthologies and magazines, but the vast majority of my writing remains unpublished. Does that mean someone who likes my writing has the right to take those unpublished projects without my knowledge and publish them himself? The answer is obvious--NO! I wrote the stories, they're my artistic property, and if I don't want to publish them, that's my perogative, and tough shit if some folks don't like it. Same applies to bootlegging CDs.


As for bootlegging being a way to "push" a band into releasing (or rereleasing) their music, that's just retarded. It's the equivalent of a security system salesman robbing a jewelry store, then showing up the next day and saying, "See? Told you that you needed a security system." Again, to use an example from my writing experiences, I once sent a college buddy a copy of a short horror story I wrote. Turns out a friend of my buddy had started up a small-press underground horror magazine. That magazine editor came across the copy of my story at my buddy's house, read it, then contacted me and asked permission to publish the story, even paid me a small sum. That's how it's done, folks. He didn't just go ahead and publish my story, then wait to see if I found out about it and got upset. He asked permission before--BEFORE--printing the story. That man was honest. Bootleggers are not.


Thus endeth the sermon...because there's a baby in the other room screaming for a bottle... :)




Excellent post and many great points.

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Thought about keeping my mouth shut, but I'm not really particularly good at that, so here's some random thoughts on this thread/topics.


Personally, I'm tired of melodic/glam/hair-rock fans acting as if they have some sort of God-given right to the music someone else created. Just because someone took the time to write & record an LP, EP, CD, or whatever, doesn't automatically mean you have the right to possess it. It's artistic property, and if, after recording the music, the band wants to let it rot in their basement and be gnawed on by rats, that's their right, and their decision, however foolish it may seem to some, doesn't give anyone else the right to bootleg that recording. I've used this example in the past, but it bears repeating. Many of you know I am a writer. People have paid me to publish my poems & short stories in various anthologies and magazines, but the vast majority of my writing remains unpublished. Does that mean someone who likes my writing has the right to take those unpublished projects without my knowledge and publish them himself? The answer is obvious--NO! I wrote the stories, they're my artistic property, and if I don't want to publish them, that's my perogative, and tough shit if some folks don't like it. Same applies to bootlegging CDs.


As for bootlegging being a way to "push" a band into releasing (or rereleasing) their music, that's just retarded. It's the equivalent of a security system salesman robbing a jewelry store, then showing up the next day and saying, "See? Told you that you needed a security system." Again, to use an example from my writing experiences, I once sent a college buddy a copy of a short horror story I wrote. Turns out a friend of my buddy had started up a small-press underground horror magazine. That magazine editor came across the copy of my story at my buddy's house, read it, then contacted me and asked permission to publish the story, even paid me a small sum. That's how it's done, folks. He didn't just go ahead and publish my story, then wait to see if I found out about it and got upset. He asked permission before--BEFORE--printing the story. That man was honest. Bootleggers are not.


Thus endeth the sermon...because there's a baby in the other room screaming for a bottle... :)




Excellent post and many great points.


True dat. How's the fatherhood thing going Mark? Getting any sleep? ;)

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Thought about keeping my mouth shut, but I'm not really particularly good at that, so here's some random thoughts on this thread/topics.


Personally, I'm tired of melodic/glam/hair-rock fans acting as if they have some sort of God-given right to the music someone else created. Just because someone took the time to write & record an LP, EP, CD, or whatever, doesn't automatically mean you have the right to possess it. It's artistic property, and if, after recording the music, the band wants to let it rot in their basement and be gnawed on by rats, that's their right, and their decision, however foolish it may seem to some, doesn't give anyone else the right to bootleg that recording. I've used this example in the past, but it bears repeating. Many of you know I am a writer. People have paid me to publish my poems & short stories in various anthologies and magazines, but the vast majority of my writing remains unpublished. Does that mean someone who likes my writing has the right to take those unpublished projects without my knowledge and publish them himself? The answer is obvious--NO! I wrote the stories, they're my artistic property, and if I don't want to publish them, that's my perogative, and tough shit if some folks don't like it. Same applies to bootlegging CDs.


As for bootlegging being a way to "push" a band into releasing (or rereleasing) their music, that's just retarded. It's the equivalent of a security system salesman robbing a jewelry store, then showing up the next day and saying, "See? Told you that you needed a security system." Again, to use an example from my writing experiences, I once sent a college buddy a copy of a short horror story I wrote. Turns out a friend of my buddy had started up a small-press underground horror magazine. That magazine editor came across the copy of my story at my buddy's house, read it, then contacted me and asked permission to publish the story, even paid me a small sum. That's how it's done, folks. He didn't just go ahead and publish my story, then wait to see if I found out about it and got upset. He asked permission before--BEFORE--printing the story. That man was honest. Bootleggers are not.


Thus endeth the sermon...because there's a baby in the other room screaming for a bottle... :)


I'll save some time: You don't "get it" and are obviously not a real music fan. You're just one of the detractors. I won't let you be my friend.






P.S. Excellent post and right on the money.

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Thought about keeping my mouth shut, but I'm not really particularly good at that, so here's some random thoughts on this thread/topics.


Personally, I'm tired of melodic/glam/hair-rock fans acting as if they have some sort of God-given right to the music someone else created. Just because someone took the time to write & record an LP, EP, CD, or whatever, doesn't automatically mean you have the right to possess it. It's artistic property, and if, after recording the music, the band wants to let it rot in their basement and be gnawed on by rats, that's their right, and their decision, however foolish it may seem to some, doesn't give anyone else the right to bootleg that recording. I've used this example in the past, but it bears repeating. Many of you know I am a writer. People have paid me to publish my poems & short stories in various anthologies and magazines, but the vast majority of my writing remains unpublished. Does that mean someone who likes my writing has the right to take those unpublished projects without my knowledge and publish them himself? The answer is obvious--NO! I wrote the stories, they're my artistic property, and if I don't want to publish them, that's my perogative, and tough shit if some folks don't like it. Same applies to bootlegging CDs.


As for bootlegging being a way to "push" a band into releasing (or rereleasing) their music, that's just retarded. It's the equivalent of a security system salesman robbing a jewelry store, then showing up the next day and saying, "See? Told you that you needed a security system." Again, to use an example from my writing experiences, I once sent a college buddy a copy of a short horror story I wrote. Turns out a friend of my buddy had started up a small-press underground horror magazine. That magazine editor came across the copy of my story at my buddy's house, read it, then contacted me and asked permission to publish the story, even paid me a small sum. That's how it's done, folks. He didn't just go ahead and publish my story, then wait to see if I found out about it and got upset. He asked permission before--BEFORE--printing the story. That man was honest. Bootleggers are not.


Thus endeth the sermon...because there's a baby in the other room screaming for a bottle... :)




Excellent post and many great points.


True dat. How's the fatherhood thing going Mark? Getting any sleep? ;)

I think it turned him into a genius! :lol: Nah, jokes aside... good post, Mark. I'd love to see some links to your work. I wrote a bunch of very, very short stories a few years ago and a lot of people told me they should be published. Would love to know how to go about it online. I used to love that stuff when I had the time... :D

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Wow, excellent 10-page read!


One thing the majority of you have missed, or at least not commented on is SOUND QUALITY. I know most metalheads don't care or maybe can't tell if a CD has been compressed and maximized to the point of ear-bleeding levels, but I do and I can.


Can of of you bootleggers on this site tell me how you "master" a CD? Do you simply flat transfer from a vinyl source? Probably not, too many clicks and pops.


What about from a tape source. Probably not, it's not LOUD enough.


Direct CD-R from a CD source? Perhaps if an original CD source is available.


In any case, I'd like to know how you do it, because most of the bootlegs I've heard aren't worth owning at any price.

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Wow, excellent 10-page read!


One thing the majority of you have missed, or at least not commented on is SOUND QUALITY. I know most metalheads don't care or maybe can't tell if a CD has been compressed and maximized to the point of ear-bleeding levels, but I do and I can.


Can of of you bootleggers on this site tell me how you "master" a CD? Do you simply flat transfer from a vinyl source? Probably not, too many clicks and pops.


What about from a tape source. Probably not, it's not LOUD enough.


Direct CD-R from a CD source? Perhaps if an original CD source is available.


In any case, I'd like to know how you do it, because most of the bootlegs I've heard aren't worth owning at any price.

Amen...I am the same way...The sound quality is shit.. :banger:

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Wow, excellent 10-page read!


One thing the majority of you have missed, or at least not commented on is SOUND QUALITY. I know most metalheads don't care or maybe can't tell if a CD has been compressed and maximized to the point of ear-bleeding levels, but I do and I can.


Can of of you bootleggers on this site tell me how you "master" a CD? Do you simply flat transfer from a vinyl source? Probably not, too many clicks and pops.


What about from a tape source. Probably not, it's not LOUD enough.


Direct CD-R from a CD source? Perhaps if an original CD source is available.


In any case, I'd like to know how you do it, because most of the bootlegs I've heard aren't worth owning at any price.


You realize no bootlegger will invest in remastering, especially when planning to make only 100 CDR copies for hit-and-run sales, right? That should answer your question I think.

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Thought of Keeping my reply to your post to myself But after reading it I thought who really gives a shits. The Music fans have spoken loudly on this. Whether it be through ebay buys, Downloading music, or trading cdrs. I bet there is not a single artist out there that hasnt either had a boot, made copies of music, or traded copies with others. You think when these bands release music that they dont know some were along the line that the music isnt going to get "booted, made copies of music, or traded copies with others. Why becuase they did it themselves to other bands. Your right It is there property "until" that music surfaces into the hands of others. Once its out we will refer back to the above statement. Do I think a band should be pressured into releasing or reissuing NO but I dont think they should be surprised either if they see it surface. We all talk this shit here on the forum with most are hypocrites. Blah Blah Blah.... I think the only honest ones are the ones that admit they do things that arent Morally right. So let me make it perfectly Clear - Every artist is aware that if there music surfaces what will happen. It is there job not ours to protect that music. I will continue along with millions of others to buy these cds. Just becuase you say its a boot doesnt mean shit to me. Theres no hard evidence it is. Just becuase someone makes a statement on the internet "Doesnt mean they are actually who they say they are" Its all hear say. Bottom Line - Its the Artist that needs to persue these people making and selling these cds. When it becomes public court records then and only then is it proof its never been released and the copies are fake. Its a easy fix - Musicans go after these guys PERIOD!. This will solve the problem. This brings me back to this Lonnie Scam. Like most these artists you complain but you didnt follow through. Yes you did the FBI thing, Postal Fruad, Called the Police department, ect. Then I hear it isnt worth persuing any further becuase of what? Well do i need to say it! Money. It would cost to much to drive here or court cost, ect. So your basically saying its ok what he did I cant afford to do anything else. BullShit! These guys will never learn unless you follow through! You cant sit back and hope what you have done so far is enough. Same with Musicains

Bottom Line - I have yet to buy a cd that I can say 100% is a bootleg. I wouldnt have a clue. I keep hearing look for this look for that blah blah blah. Then I start hearing well it was self released and the artist made cdr copies and sold them. Then I hear maybe that would be a bootleg becuase its on cdr............... sheshhhhhhhhhhh you all do more harm then good. Who is to say a artist didnt release 100 cds one month in 1988 and 100 later that year. These cds may have different writing on inner circle. All of a sudden one is a boot. No one can say for sure on alot of these are bands what is legite or not. Im not sure even those band members couldn't say 100%.

I believe there are a few"very few" people on site actually trying to protect the bands rights... I beleive there are a bunch trying to protect the value of there collection and there are a ton that just agree to anything anyone says here to keep from falling out of the incrowd. For those I say this "we arent in school anymore".

Me Im going to enjoy the music - Let the musicians protect there music and expect alot of replies to this.

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I believe there are a few"very few" people on site actually trying to protect the bands rights... I beleive there are a bunch trying to protect the value of there collection and there are a ton that just agree to anything anyone says here to keep from falling out of the incrowd. For those I say this "we arent in school anymore".

Me Im going to enjoy the music - Let the musicians protect there music and expect alot of replies to this.


Look there are a few different kind of people on this site (& in the world) (lets see how long this one stays up)


1) Collectors - these folks truly have an addiction just like drug addicts or alcoholics and have to have CD's (Original only, Silver) and depending on how bad this addiction is. Don't care what they have to do to get them.


2) Music fan - these folks are into music, know what they like, and just want to share that with others. Just having a good time.(Most of the Board) Don't care much if they are listening to a MP3, Boot, Silver or Green CD as long as they are able to listen.


3) The dumb ass - People who like this or that kind of music but know NOTHING about it. So they are here for people to tell them what to do, what to listen to. Because they cant figure this out on there own. The bad part about these folks is they act like they KNOW stuff but really don't have a clue. The Followers


4) The exceptions - These are the folks who have their addictions under control & the dumb asses who know there place and dont say much just lurk for the most part.


5) The educators - This I think is a very small group. these people have some great knowledge of History, Music, Bands, Industry, CD's, Labels. And are here to educate people with the knowledge. This would include labels trying to promote there product.


Now for the Boot question. The list I posted in another thread is a list of mostly LP's that came out before there were CD's. Most of these LP's (rights) are owed by the labels that put them out on vinyl to start with and have not released them on CD to this day or have not licensed them for release on CD to anyone else. So CD copies of these are legally boots. If a band member has given someone permission or has sold CDR of these himself, These are still boots in the sense of the copyright owners of the material had nothing to do with the release.


Does ANYONE really care as long as they can listen to the music NO. Only the true collector

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I find it humorous that some people on this board find it necessary to broadly insult all those who don't listen to or collect music in the same way they do.


There seems to be a growing sentiment around here that if you, for whatever reason, want a real original pressing of a CD instead of simply downloading the music or, trading a CD-R, or buying a bootleg, that there's something wrong with you.


All of a sudden "collecting music" is now a synonym for 'anal retentive addict freak.' People "collect" for many different reasons: (1) they're a completist for a particular band or artist, (2) the challenge of putting together a vintage collection of a certain type, (3) wanting to hear all the various combinations of mixes, bonus tracks, edits, etc. (that's one of the reasons I collect CD singles). Also, not everyone goes to the collecting extremes implied to be the norm by a few parties here.


Yet a few people here want to label "collecting" as a bad thing and imply that you're not a "real fan" if you are a collector. So who is the real fan, the person who goes out of their way to find obscure pressings or imports from a band, or the person who downloads an entire artist's catalog or trades for CD-R copies of the discography? I'm not going to condemn either approach, but for some reason it has now become "cool" around here to be the latter, and "unclean" to be the former.


Does anyone else find this somewhat disturbing or am I alone in the wilderness? One could make the supposition that it is those with guilty consciences doing the most lobbing of insults...



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