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Lonnie Holdaway and the Hurricane CD reissues scam

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Man Go away for a couple of days and the world of rock is ROCKED LIKE A HURRICANE.

I never pre-order so I was lucky. I hate it all happened. I was all set to buy all of his releases. I do hope that Hurricane and Valentine do get to be released at some point. If you look around there is still an great intrest in 80's metal , if not why are bootleg labels making a killing? I have never bought from Retrospect because I don't want cd-rs but at least I respect his efforts. I will be getting his silver pressed discs. I think that all the press about this (on MR and here) shows that there is a demand. Why don't the labels who own the rights feed the demand? I know that I am naive about how the industry works but it only seems logical that even a limited pressing of older discs would be profitible to the labels and the artists. My 2 cents worth!





This is what doesn't make sense, you have these labels that own the masters of all these bands that are out of print. They just have them sitting somewhere in a closet or basement or whatever. What would make sense to me, and could be more profitable for the record companys than not doing anything with them, is to contact the band memebers of all these out of print titles and see if the band is interested in buying back the rights. At least that way the labels would make some money and the bands could do whatever they wanted with them. If you think about the 100's and 100's of bands that the labels let go out of print I would think they could make a ton of money. Then the band could re-release and it would be a win-win situation for the label, band, and the fans.

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Question.... some of you 'collectors' have been in this business longer than me. Back in the early days of ebay weren't there a few shysters from the Florida area (or wherever) who ripped off a number of people?


I seem to remember a few of you talking about that.


Is it possible that this is the same guy?


the seller from florida that got everyone mad at him for supposed shady deals was Manny Comres, alot of folks claimed to have been ripped by him, I never was though.....


The infamous... Manny Comras, did became a legend of sorts in the mid/late 90s via CD trading. Yeah, he carved out quite the reputation for himself. I've met him (as well as many other traders/collectors in the scene, including many regulars on this site) and... in regards to Manny, it's a safe bet he's out of the scene: he's an attorney in the state of Florida. By no means am I justifying his shady practices of the mid/late 90s in regards to CD trading circuits (I too had a few small trades go awry with him...), but he always cited the heavy workload related to law school as the sole reason for his inability to send things out on time, etc. Regardless... that's a mute point here.

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Jeez...10,000 views...I have never seen that in so little time...or ever for that matter!




Yeah 10,000 views in like 2 or 3 days. A lot of people stopped by here to get the news on this one. Does this mean that if Hurricane *DID* indeed actually get their stuff reissued they'd sell 10,000+ units??!! :banana:


There was a similar topic/thread back when we started the Surrender mystery lol, and when we were getting closer that got a ton of hits too...and look how well the Surrender reissue has done!!! :banger:




I wonder how many cds Surrender has sold with the re-issue?


I kept in touch with Ken from Surrender and got a letter from him a while back cuz we laughed about my theories concerning that CD from that initial post :whistle: ....lol, but anyway, yeah he said they were doing really well and he never dreamed this many people would ever care like we did.


Great reissue by a great band anyway ya look at it!!



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It's called greed. That transcends all emotions, loyalty, or comradery.


In a way, fan sites like this and melodicrock allow predators to prey upon the passion of ardent fans. We, as music fans, *WANT* to believe that music we love is getting officially reissued, rather than the seemingly normal bootleg state of affairs, so we're more willing to believe.


What hurts though, is that it's a longtime member of the community, an "insider" so to speak, that did this. Not some nameless entity from the outside.



Well stated Dan. It is this very notion... the wishful thinking of many ardent fans, that the music we all love is getting the respectful and legitimate attention we'd like it to- via "official" reissues, that make bootlegging and piracy (regardless of whom we're talking about) such a lucrative prospect. I've yet to read through this entire thread (I'm only on page 7 at this point)... but from what I've read thus far- I sympathize with anyone who may have taken a loss here. I too have been taken for a major ride on two occasions in the past (in both cases havin been taken for a little over $3,000 US), so I know how you feel.



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My 2 cents:


I personally do not believe Lonnie. I was one of the people that he screwed over before this. He got a cd by Bedroom Love in Oct. 2005 and still has not paid me. He told me that he could no longer use his paypal account that he had to send a money order and asked for my address. I sent him several e-mails with my address and he keep claiming he did not have my address. I have told a few HH members about it, and they defended him saying there must be some kind of screw up. I sent an e-mail telling him to send back the cd if he was not going to pay. I have never got the cd back or the money for it.


To me, Lonnie seems to lie at the drop of the hat, Can not use paypal? Does not have my address etc. I did not order any of the Hurricane cds or anything else he had anything to do with, and would never have, because of the Bedroom Love cd. I feel bad that so many people that defended him were very mistreated, lied to, and swindled. I hope you all have much more luck than me.


If he was telling the truth about being swindled where is the police case #. (or possibly Federal case # (paypal it done over the internet and I believe the FCC is in charge of that and that could make it a Federal case). The only reason I can think of why he would not file a report is because it would be another crime to add to his resume by filing a false police report.


The big lie about being in a car accident, why would you do that? He could have just turned around and stated that he had a personally or business emergency he had to attend to. By saying that he was in a accident, it was a way of just playing with people and their emotions, which to me is very wrong.


He did do his home work though on the bonus tracks, I read somewhere in the post that their were no bonus tracks that exist, that is incorrect. On Hurricane's Single "next To You"I believe on cassette only release (and their were 2 different singles released for Next To You), there is the song Insane (recorded live in Japan in 1988 which by the way sounds awesome) and a lot of their singles contain different versions of some of their songs).


And for the comment on why the labels do not want to sell their rights, is because they may not make money. You have to remember for about every 100 bands a label signs that only 1 actually gets released, and that is done because they do not want a competing lable to make money and them not to.

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Let's face it... the chance of recouping any money via a Paypal refund is slim to nil. You can't get blood from a stone. What I suggest is initiating a donation page (Dan- maybe you can set something up on this site) to help out the two biggest victims of "Hurricane Lovid": Georg and Adriano


I'll personally kick in $10 each via Paypal. I know it's not much, but it might help take away the sting.




Koogs... what a class act! Superb idea. Pending a resolution, I too would be more than willing to toss something back for these guys.




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I'm completely speechless over what's transpired recently with this guy. Although I didn't send him any funds for any of the Hurricane discs THANK GOD !!, I have purchased CDS/CDR from him before and he's never ripped me off. I sure hope everyone one get's their money back and that they throw the book at him once he's caught. :angry:


I hate to play the devil's advocate here, but... does anyone else see the irony in the above post? Lonnie selling cdrs (a bootleg's next of kin), was deemed appropriate (and a practice generally accepted here and on many other similiar online forums), only as long as the cdrs were delivered. They're cdrs... you may have received them, but ultimately the band gets screwed. Sure, this may sound old by now, but... whether it's a bootleg reissue one sells, or a cdr, it's all the same. I really found the above post ironic, and even a bit hypocritical to say the least.


Bootleggin'... piracy, is a dirty gig... countless members of this board have been leading the anti-piracy crusade, and sadly- many of them- including myself, have taken heat for our fierce standing against piracy.


Although I sympathize 100% with anyone who was taken for a ride on this deal... I do find a deeper, underlying lesson to be learned here about the prevalence of piracy, bootlegging, and all these Mickey Mouse labels springin' up, claiming to be the "saviors" of the scene by bringing you low-cost solutions to high-cost CDs via their home made reissues. If you dabble with this whole reissue scene which more often than not today, appears to have about as much legitimacy as a marriage proposal by Gene Simmons... you're bound to get "burned" (pun intended). How did that old sayin' go...? If you go to bed with dogs, you're bound to wake up with fleas?


There's a reason why these guys did not approach me with an offer to preorder their discs, despite the fact I use numerous avenues to move significant amounts of cds daily. They know I'm a hardliner against anything even remotely fishy when it comes to reissues. I have a ton of respect for most of the people who placed these orders, but I cannot help but side with one of Dan's earlier comments here, that at least in some part... "wishful thinking" obscured clear judgments here on the part of these buyers.


Most of us are far too easily fooled these days, as a result of this wishful thinking, into believing the claims of these frequent "reissues". Multi-million dollar labels, be it Sony records Japan, or Capitol USA who hold the rights to most of our favorite releases, would not even entertain the efforts of a Joe Blow from Wisconsin to aquire the rights for a few hundred dollars or maybe even a few grand, let alone provide them with the rights.





(Wow... 3 hrs viewin' this post, and I've still got about 5 pages left to read, lol... come to think of it, sorry for adding an entire page myself, hehehe).

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I'm completely speechless over what's transpired recently with this guy. Although I didn't send him any funds for any of the Hurricane discs THANK GOD !!, I have purchased CDS/CDR from him before and he's never ripped me off. I sure hope everyone one get's their money back and that they throw the book at him once he's caught. :angry:


I hate to play the devil's advocate here, but... does anyone else see the irony in the above post? Lonnie selling cdrs (a bootleg's next of kin), was deemed appropriate (and a practice generally accepted here and on many other similiar online forums), only as long as the cdrs were delivered. They're cdrs... you may have received them, but ultimately the band gets screwed. Sure, this may sound old by now, but... whether it's a bootleg reissue one sells, or a cdr, it's all the same. I really found the above post ironic, and even a bit hypocritical to say the least.


Bootleggin'... piracy, is a dirty gig... countless members of this board have been leading the anti-piracy crusade, and sadly- many of them- including myself, have taken heat for our fierce standing against piracy.


Although I sympathize 100% with anyone who was taken for a ride on this deal... I do find a deeper, underlying lesson to be learned here about the prevalence of piracy, bootlegging, and all these Mickey Mouse labels springin' up, claiming to be the "saviors" of the scene by bringing you low-cost solutions to high-cost CDs via their home made reissues. If you dabble with this whole reissue scene which more often than not today, appears to have about as much legitimacy as a marriage proposal by Gene Simmons... you're bound to get "burned" (pun intended). How did that old sayin' go...? If you go to bed with dogs, you're bound to wake up with fleas?


There's a reason why these guys did not approach me with an offer to preorder their discs, despite the fact I use numerous avenues to move significant amounts of cds daily. They know I'm a hardliner against anything even remotely fishy when it comes to reissues. I have a ton of respect for most of the people who placed these orders, but I cannot help but side with one of Dan's earlier comments here, that at least in some part... "wishful thinking" obscured clear judgments here on the part of these buyers.


Most of us are far too easily fooled these days, as a result of this wishful thinking, into believing the claims of these frequent "reissues". Multi-million dollar labels, be it Sony records Japan, or Capitol USA who hold the rights to most of our favorite releases, would not even entertain the efforts of a Joe Blow from Wisconsin to aquire the rights for a few hundred dollars or maybe even a few grand, let alone provide them with the rights.





(Wow... 3 hrs viewin' this post, and I've still got about 5 pages left to read, lol... come to think of it, sorry for adding an entire page myself, hehehe).


Hey man, I don't recall saying they were bootleg cds or cdrs (Most of them were long OOP) !! Why rail on me ?? besides I'm not screwing anyone over here like a certain somebody . So making me out to be the guilty party is flat out wrong. Especially when you don't know what you're talking about *SHRUGS*

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The following is a statement from Hurricane in relation to the recent news about two of their albums being potentially re-released:


"It has come to the attention of Kelly Hansen and Jay Schellen that some person or persons have been allegedly promoting the release and sale of reissued material by their earlier band, Hurricane.

Kelly contacted Hurricane band mate Jay Schellen and neither have any knowledge of the release, or the websites that are promoting it. They wish to make it known that no Hurricane reissue CDs have been signed by them and no new or "bonus" tracks have ever been recorded for any reissue. Any quotes attributed to Kelly or Jay in connection with any advertising and/or marketing of these releases are totally manufactured. Kelly and Jay are extremely distressed to hear of any alleged abuse of their fans and friends, and although they would love to address this issue personally, legally they must remain limited to this statement. Kelly and Jay are doing everything possible to assist in the cessation of any alleged misuse of their good name and reputation that injures the people they value most, their supporters."

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I hate to play the devil's advocate here, but... does anyone else see the irony in the above post? Lonnie selling cdrs (a bootleg's next of kin), was deemed appropriate (and a practice generally accepted here and on many other similiar online forums), only as long as the cdrs were delivered. They're cdrs... you may have received them, but ultimately the band gets screwed. Sure, this may sound old by now, but... whether it's a bootleg reissue one sells, or a cdr, it's all the same. I really found the above post ironic, and even a bit hypocritical to say the least.


Bootleggin'... piracy, is a dirty gig... countless members of this board have been leading the anti-piracy crusade, and sadly- many of them- including myself, have taken heat for our fierce standing against piracy.


I agree completely PJ..

the problem with piracy is at the end the artist get screwed and it inhibits the growth of younger artists...sure record companies are dicks but......ultimately its always the artist who gets ripped off.

I just got back from Peru last night and we went several times to the Polvo Azules a big market selling clothes food etc.... here were dozens of dozens of little stalls selling thousands upon thousands of bootlegged CDr albums of every genre you can imagine...I only saw two legit CD stores in Miraflores and they were pricey but other than that ,anywhere else just copies after copies after copies.....I don't see an end to Piracy so long as its profitable...especially in countries like that...

In regards to the issue at hand I just feel sorry for everyone involved..but a story I have seen all too often on Ebay...someone gets in over their head and rips everyone off trying to climb out of it...not just music sellers there are sellers of all kinds of stuff this has happened to..sad,,very sad. Again the broken friendships are the worst aspect...

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After it took me a while to figure out how it works, I finally filed a PayPal claim. <_<

Since the CD's have not been bought off ebay, I wonder what will happen next ?!?! :unsure:

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My new conspiracy theory....

This is all a publicity stunt by the band themselves, who will now actually re-issue the discs and ride a massive wave of sales due to the recent publicity.



Thought not.


Maybe you are right with your conspiracy theory and maybe the Hurricane CDs will shortly see the light

-re-released in an official way-probably with Wounded Bird or Rock Candy who did some good efforts

with acts like 1994 or nowadays Balance (+ Bonus Tracks) and Preview.

Hurricane are top classy acts - we only need to be patient and (still) suffer from more Boots - the interest

has raised and the story hopefully ends good some day.

Relays Experience in Peru is the same that we have with certain (new) European Countries - tons of CDRs

and copied stuff-but you may also look over EBAY and see Spanish Sellers selling burned AOR CDs like Synch,because Jimmy Harnen does not care about that or is impossible to contact.

We don't sell Bootlegs at all-but it is a hard job to differ these today and what makes me angry that there

are several people that offer "Originals" in EBAY and you get Boots though you asked for details before.

And these are always the same people-besides their efforts for obscure stuff-once a small liar,you grow certainly with the time and the end is the recent story.


Greetings to all and especially to PJ and Adriano-maybe we can sort out some more deals again

Dieter at DSB Germany

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I hate to play the devil's advocate here, but... does anyone else see the irony in the above post? Lonnie selling cdrs (a bootleg's next of kin), was deemed appropriate (and a practice generally accepted here and on many other similiar online forums), only as long as the cdrs were delivered. They're cdrs... you may have received them, but ultimately the band gets screwed. Sure, this may sound old by now, but... whether it's a bootleg reissue one sells, or a cdr, it's all the same. I really found the above post ironic, and even a bit hypocritical to say the least.


Bootleggin'... piracy, is a dirty gig... countless members of this board have been leading the anti-piracy crusade, and sadly- many of them- including myself, have taken heat for our fierce standing against piracy.


I agree completely PJ..

the problem with piracy is at the end the artist get screwed and it inhibits the growth of younger artists...sure record companies are dicks but......ultimately its always the artist who gets ripped off.

I just got back from Peru last night and we went several times to the Polvo Azules a big market selling clothes food etc.... here were dozens of dozens of little stalls selling thousands upon thousands of bootlegged CDr albums of every genre you can imagine...I only saw two legit CD stores in Miraflores and they were pricey but other than that ,anywhere else just copies after copies after copies.....I don't see an end to Piracy so long as its profitable...especially in countries like that...

In regards to the issue at hand I just feel sorry for everyone involved..but a story I have seen all too often on Ebay...someone gets in over their head and rips everyone off trying to climb out of it...not just music sellers there are sellers of all kinds of stuff this has happened to..sad,,very sad. Again the broken friendships are the worst aspect...

Okay everyone, here's a lesson in how to get your ass kicked... and sorry for getting off-topic (and I also mean no disrespect to PJ or Relayrecords):


Whether you agree with the concept or not, selling CDR copies of long-deleted bands DOES NOT mean the band gets screwed. To put it simply, the band gains 0% profit from Joe Adams selling a CDR to James Rix for $2. BUT, keep in mind, the band also gains 0% from James Rix not being able to find this long deleted CD anywhere, so he gives up in frustration and then James Rix has never heard the CD and everyone's in tears, holding cushions, pillows and breasts to their watery faces.


If, however, James Rix buys and hears the CDR copy of the CD he might love it and do all he can to seek an original, or tell his friends about the band, share it around, get a bit of hype going around the CD. Get more people interested. Contrary to what some may say, keeping a CD all to yourself does not benefit the artist more than the music being shared around... IMO. From my exprience with people who sell CDRs, they rarely seek profit, but merely ask for the buyer to cover costs of blank CDRs and postage. Sorry if I'm wrong, but few are out to make big profits... they just want to share the music and in most cases I know, if the album is good they will seek an original copy. I honestly cannot see any harm in making something unavailable available to someone.


As I said, no disrespect to anyone, sorry for my rant being far removed from the thread's point. As you were.

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Sorry if I'm wrong, but few are out to make big profits... they just want to share the music...





Ah Geoff....your innocent eyes have been closed my friend. There is more of this going on out there than we could possibly imagine... -_-




You are one of the true good guys on the board. :)



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I hate to play the devil's advocate here, but... does anyone else see the irony in the above post? Lonnie selling cdrs (a bootleg's next of kin), was deemed appropriate (and a practice generally accepted here and on many other similiar online forums), only as long as the cdrs were delivered. They're cdrs... you may have received them, but ultimately the band gets screwed. Sure, this may sound old by now, but... whether it's a bootleg reissue one sells, or a cdr, it's all the same. I really found the above post ironic, and even a bit hypocritical to say the least.


Bootleggin'... piracy, is a dirty gig... countless members of this board have been leading the anti-piracy crusade, and sadly- many of them- including myself, have taken heat for our fierce standing against piracy.


I agree completely PJ..

the problem with piracy is at the end the artist get screwed and it inhibits the growth of younger artists...sure record companies are dicks but......ultimately its always the artist who gets ripped off.

I just got back from Peru last night and we went several times to the Polvo Azules a big market selling clothes food etc.... here were dozens of dozens of little stalls selling thousands upon thousands of bootlegged CDr albums of every genre you can imagine...I only saw two legit CD stores in Miraflores and they were pricey but other than that ,anywhere else just copies after copies after copies.....I don't see an end to Piracy so long as its profitable...especially in countries like that...

In regards to the issue at hand I just feel sorry for everyone involved..but a story I have seen all too often on Ebay...someone gets in over their head and rips everyone off trying to climb out of it...not just music sellers there are sellers of all kinds of stuff this has happened to..sad,,very sad. Again the broken friendships are the worst aspect...

Okay everyone, here's a lesson in how to get your ass kicked... and sorry for getting off-topic (and I also mean no disrespect to PJ or Relayrecords):


Whether you agree with the concept or not, selling CDR copies of long-deleted bands DOES NOT mean the band gets screwed. To put it simply, the band gains 0% profit from Joe Adams selling a CDR to James Rix for $2. BUT, keep in mind, the band also gains 0% from James Rix not being able to find this long deleted CD anywhere, so he gives up in frustration and then James Rix has never heard the CD and everyone's in tears, holding cushions, pillows and breasts to their watery faces.


Thank you for saying that !! I collect alot of rare and oop CDS/CDRS most are from disbanded hard rock/glam acts so anyone that says those bands are getting screwed over... needs to get their head checked. I support the music industry 100% and NEVER get burns from easy to find originals.

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The following is a statement from Hurricane in relation to the recent news about two of their albums being potentially re-released:


"It has come to the attention of Kelly Hansen and Jay Schellen that some person or persons have been allegedly promoting the release and sale of reissued material by their earlier band, Hurricane.

Kelly contacted Hurricane band mate Jay Schellen and neither have any knowledge of the release, or the websites that are promoting it. They wish to make it known that no Hurricane reissue CDs have been signed by them and no new or "bonus" tracks have ever been recorded for any reissue. Any quotes attributed to Kelly or Jay in connection with any advertising and/or marketing of these releases are totally manufactured. Kelly and Jay are extremely distressed to hear of any alleged abuse of their fans and friends, and although they would love to address this issue personally, legally they must remain limited to this statement. Kelly and Jay are doing everything possible to assist in the cessation of any alleged misuse of their good name and reputation that injures the people they value most, their supporters."


Thank godness for folks like you! Bringing this information for everyone to read. Also for picking up the phone and calling Lon's workplace. When this started going downhill fast you and some of the other GREAT people here started doin' your homework to bring the TRUTH out in this mess. Even though I DID NOT buy anything from Lon I admire everyone's efforts to bring out what was going on. He stired up a real hornets nest here my friends and shed the REAL light upon himself. Did he think everyone here was gonna lay down and take this? Hell Stevie Wonder could see that wasn't gonna work with you folks! My hat is off to you and everyone here that has kept us informed of what's going on. As I have said before and I will say again,I wish you all the best and that EVERYONE gets ALL of their money back! YOU PEOPLE deserve better than this!!! God Bless!

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The following is a statement from Hurricane in relation to the recent news about two of their albums being potentially re-released:


"It has come to the attention of Kelly Hansen and Jay Schellen that some person or persons have been allegedly promoting the release and sale of reissued material by their earlier band, Hurricane.

Kelly contacted Hurricane band mate Jay Schellen and neither have any knowledge of the release, or the websites that are promoting it. They wish to make it known that no Hurricane reissue CDs have been signed by them and no new or "bonus" tracks have ever been recorded for any reissue. Any quotes attributed to Kelly or Jay in connection with any advertising and/or marketing of these releases are totally manufactured. Kelly and Jay are extremely distressed to hear of any alleged abuse of their fans and friends, and although they would love to address this issue personally, legally they must remain limited to this statement. Kelly and Jay are doing everything possible to assist in the cessation of any alleged misuse of their good name and reputation that injures the people they value most, their supporters."


Thank godness for folks like you! Bringing this information for everyone to read. Also for picking up the phone and calling Lon's workplace. When this started going downhill fast you and some of the other GREAT people here started doin' your homework to bring the TRUTH out in this mess. Even though I DID NOT buy anything from Lon I admire everyone's efforts to bring out what was going on. He stired up a real hornets nest here my friends and shed the REAL light upon himself. Did he think everyone here was gonna lay down and take this? Hell Stevie Wonder could see that wasn't gonna work with you folks! My hat is off to you and everyone here that has kept us informed of what's going on. As I have said before and I will say again,I wish you all the best and that EVERYONE gets ALL of their money back! YOU PEOPLE deserve better than this!!! God Bless!




Ah shucks.... :headbanger:



Thanks for the kind words guys. In times like these we have to turn things into something positive. regardless of what has happened there are a LOT of good people on this board. I'm the lucky one...



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Quote from Lon on the Record Labels thread:-




Please tell me if I'm being stupidly naive on this, but when he says: "I can honestly say I do not know how these (the bonus tracks) did not make the original release" - is he talking out of his arse? I was personally more excited about this than Hurricane & hope sincerely that there are some bonus tracks & that they do get released. And that bassist Gerrard Zappa - quoted on Melodicrock.com as saying he'd never heard of any of the songtitles - was just off sick the day they recorded them?!


Thank God I didn't pre-order this, I was really close to doing so. I bought a copy off a reliable seller off of Ebay. Besides I couldn't wait until the so called April release date.

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This thread may just outlast the Energizer Bunny.... :bananamac:

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    • the debut is by far BJs finest album.  absolute bona fide classic. New Jersey is overrated imo. Prob about 4 really great songs. 
    • Doubtful. Most fans will favour Slippery and New Jersey. Hell, for many years 7800 was considered a weak album by many. The first and second album would only be chosen by the absolute die hards.
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    • Looks like a pretty nice compilation to me. That said, this sort of stuff doesn't interest me at all anymore.  There was probably a time it would've but now it's just too easy to make your own playlists in spotify to bother.  
    • Thankfully newer songs are at a minimum, but I really can't see fans voting for stuff from the new album even if they were the two best songs on that album
    • Final track listing revealed. Time to see if it is a genuine vote or the band/label putting in shit from the newer albums DISC 1 1 Livin' On A Prayer リヴィン・オン・ア・プレイヤー 2 It's My Life イッツ・マイ・ライフ 3 Born To Be My Baby ボーン・トゥ・ビー・マイ・ベイビー 4 These Days ジーズ・デイズ 5 In These Arms イン・ジーズ・アームズ 6 Always オールウェイズ 7 Have a Nice Day ハヴ・ア・ナイス・デイ 8 Runaway 夜明けのランナウェイ 9 You Give Love a Bad Name 禁じられた愛 10 I'll Be There for You アイル・ビー・ゼア・フォー・ユー 11 Keep The Faith キープ・ザ・フェイス 12 Bed Of Roses ベッド・オブ・ローゼズ 13 Bad Medicine バッド・メディシン 14 Wanted Dead or Alive ウォンテッド・デッド・オア・アライヴ 15 Blood on Blood ブラッド・オン・ブラッド 16 Legendary レジェンダリー DISC 2 1 Never Say Goodbye ネヴァー・セイ・グッドバイ 2 Someday I'll Be Saturday Night サムデイ・アイル・ビー・サタデイ・ナイト 3 She Don't Know Me シー・ドント・ノウ・ミー 4 Lay Your Hands On Me レイ・ユア・ハンズ・オン・ミー 5 Dry County ドライ・カウンティ 6 This Ain' t A Love Song ディス・エイント・ア・ラヴ・ソング 7 Wild Is the Wind ワイルド・イズ・ザ・ウィンド 8 Tokyo Road TOKYOロード 9 Everyday エヴリデイ 10 I Believe アイ・ビリーヴ 11 I'd Die for You アイド・ダイ・フォー・ユー 12 Living Proof リヴィング・プルーフ 13 Bounce バウンス 14 We Weren't Born To Follow ウィー・ワーント・ボーン・トゥ・フォロー 15 Something for the Pain サムシング・フォー・ザ・ペイン 16 One Wild Night ワン・ワイルド・ナイト DISC 3 1 Raise Your Hands レイズ・ユア・ハンズ 2 Living in Sin リヴィング・イン・シン 3 Thank You for Loving Me サンキュー 4 Last Man Standing ラスト・マン・スタンディング 5 Undivided アンディヴァイデッド 6 Lost Highway ロスト・ハイウェイ 7 Wild In The Streets ワイルド・イン・ザ・ストリーツ 8 Just Older ジャスト・オールダー 9 Because We Can ビコーズ・ウィー・キャン 10 This House Is Not For Sale ディス・ハウス・イズ・ノット・フォー・セール 11 Who Says You Can't Go Home フー・セズ・ユー・キャント・ゴー・ホーム 12 Captain Crash & The Beauty Queen From Mars キャプテン・クラッシュ&ザ・ビューティー・クイーン・フロム・マーズ 13 Only Lonely オンリー・ロンリー 14 I Am アイ・アム 15 Burning For Love バーニング・フォー・ラヴ 16 Hey God ヘイ・ゴッド 17 Stick To Your Guns スティック・トゥ・ユア・ガンズ 18 Any Other Day
    • New song 'Angelina (Talk To Me)'.    
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