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Last movie you watched?

66 mustang

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Oh, no. Your sons picked up your taste for terrible movies. ;}

Oh yea, we've whiled away many rainy afternoons watching SyFy's stink burgers together. Haha.


...and one day last week we went to the local thrift store together, he walked out with two Green Day CD's and DVDs of the original "Halloween" and "Christine." I was like, "He buys CD's AND horror movies? I SHALL CALL HIM... MINI-ME!" :rofl2:

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Seasonal viewing:


Die Hard (obviously)

The Muppet Christmas Carol

The Woman In The Van

David Brent: Life On The Road


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Star Trek I - The Motion Picture(1979)

Star Trek II - The Wrath Of Khan (1982)

Star Trek III - The Search For Spock (1984)

Star Trek IV - The Voyage Home (1986)

Star Trek V - The Final Frontier (1989)

Star Trek VI - The Undiscovered Country (1991)


Watched these oldies over the last few days...I haven't seen them since they were first released...I never cared for them much when they were released since I considered them to be just tv movies ...they are still not very good but it was good to see the old Star Trek bunch again...the first 3 and the last were the best with the 5th one being the biggest stinker...

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"Fearless Fuzz" (aka "Magnum Cop,' "Fearless," and "Fatal Charm," 1978)

A down-on-his-luck Italian private eye (Maurizio Merli) is hired to investigate the kidnapping of a young girl. He winds up in Austria, where he gets mixed up with gangsters and a blackmail ring run by an aging stripper (Joan Collins!).

I had high hopes for this one at first, but it turned out to be a pretty dull Eurocrime entry. The first half of the movie is full of gags and wisecracks so it feels like a detective spoof, then it unexpectedly gets all dark & gritty in the second half with talk of child slavery and kids being killed.

...but hey, Joan Collins was still pretty MILF-y when she made this and she gets her boobs out twice, so there's that. Otherwise... not recommended.

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"A Million Ways To Die In The West" (2014)



It's 1882 on the frontier, and a dorky, tenderfoot sheep farmer (Seth "Family Guy" MacFarlane) falls for the new girl in town (Charlize Theron).. unfortunately she's married to a vicious gunslinger (Liam Neeson).

MacFarlane also co-wrote and directed this Western parody, which is no "Blazing Saddles" by any means but it does have its share of raunchy laughs and a great supporting cast (incl. Neil Patrick Harris, Sarah Silverman, and Amanda Seyfried). This flick was an epic box office crash and burn back in 2014, but I dug it. Worth a look!

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"Hell Up In Harlem" (1974)

In this sequel to "Black Caesar," a New York City gangster (Fred "The Hammer" Williamson) wants to get out of "the rackets" and go straight, but his plans are complicated by a series of attempts on his life by the Mafia, by crooked NYC cops, and from within his own criminal organization.
A fairly typical "blaxploitation" flick, "Hell Up In Harlem" doesn't have much plot but Williamson is badass and the movie has plenty of action, plus a way-cool funky soundtrack (performed by Edwin "War! What Is It Good For?" Starr). An enjoyable retro watch.

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"Foxbat" (aka "Operation Foxbat," 1977)

American, Russian, and Chinese agents race around Hong Kong, trying to recover a microfilm which contains plans for a high tech, top secret Soviet fighter plane. Unfortunately, the film is inside the body of a dorky Chinese cooking instructor, who accidentally swallowed it. D'OH! I hate when that happens! (I swear, I am not making this plot up.)


This Hong Kong attempt at a James Bond style spy thriller turns into a hopelessly confused mess pretty quickly, until eventually it's just a poorly dubbed series of fistfights, car chases and shootouts. American tough-guy character actor Henry Silva seems to be having fun with his role as a CIA heavy, but I doubt any viewers will be able to say the same.


Ignore, delete, destroy!

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Seasonal viewing:


Die Hard (obviously)

The Muppet Christmas Carol

The Woman In The Van

David Brent: Life On The Road


God that Deadpool was a let down



I realise I'm flying in the face of popular opinion, but I really liked it ... for me, it's better than the recent Batman/Superman rubbish ...

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Seasonal viewing:


Die Hard (obviously)

The Muppet Christmas Carol

The Woman In The Van

David Brent: Life On The Road


God that Deadpool was a let down




I was with the impression that you never had time for anything.

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  • My Little Pony



Seasonal viewing:


Die Hard (obviously)

The Muppet Christmas Carol

The Woman In The Van

David Brent: Life On The Road


God that Deadpool was a let down


I was with the impression that you never had time for anything.

Nah, that's Geoff.

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"You Only Live Twice" (1967)

The fifth installment in the James Bond series sends 007 to Japan, where SPECTRE is stealing American and Russian space capsules right out of orbit in an attempt to start World War III. In addition to Sean Connery being his usual bad-ass self, "You Only Live Twice" features some seriously cool gadgets and hot babes (Japanese actress Mie Hama, who plays Bond's sidekick "Kissy Suzuki," fills out a white bikini most admirably) and one of the coolest "villain lairs" of the entire 007 series - a rocket launch pad hidden in a dormant volcano.

"Y.O.L.T." also marks the end of the first phase of the James Bond film series. It was supposed to be Connery's last spin as 007 but after the brief and disastrous turn by inexperienced George Lazenby in 1969's "On Her Majesty's Secret Service," Sean was lured back to the role again by a big payday for 1971's "Diamonds Are Forever."

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But what was the story? Just weird.


He gets ill...they take him in to train him....then try to kill him.


Am i missing something.


Deadpool is told that his cancer will be cured, which is why he agrees to go with the 'recruiter' ... Francis tries to activate Deadpool's mutant genes, and when that doesn't work, tries to kill him (at which point, the genes ARE activated.) This is what leaves Deadpool scarred. The rest of the story is Deadpool hunting Francis as he thinks that Francis can cure him (and so give him the chance to return to a normal life with his girlfriend.) At the end of the film, Deadpool is told by Francis that there is no cure ... so Deadpool kills Francis.


Okay, so it's not Coppola or Scorcese, but I still liked it ;)

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Inferno (2016) - pretty good Tom Hanks flick


Jack Reacher - Never Go Back (2016) - decent action flick, worth checking out if you don't mind Cruise...


The Girl With All The Gifts (2016) - terrible name for a zombie flick but it was worth watching as it came at the subject from a different angle...

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But what was the story? Just weird.


He gets ill...they take him in to train him....then try to kill him.


Am i missing something.

Deadpool is told that his cancer will be cured, which is why he agrees to go with the 'recruiter' ... Francis tries to activate Deadpool's mutant genes, and when that doesn't work, tries to kill him (at which point, the genes ARE activated.) This is what leaves Deadpool scarred. The rest of the story is Deadpool hunting Francis as he thinks that Francis can cure him (and so give him the chance to return to a normal life with his girlfriend.) At the end of the film, Deadpool is told by Francis that there is no cure ... so Deadpool kills Francis.


Okay, so it's not Coppola or Scorcese, but I still liked it ;)

Well thats not strictly true is it cos Francis was threatening him from the moment he met him.

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But what was the story? Just weird.


He gets ill...they take him in to train him....then try to kill him.


Am i missing something.

Deadpool is told that his cancer will be cured, which is why he agrees to go with the 'recruiter' ... Francis tries to activate Deadpool's mutant genes, and when that doesn't work, tries to kill him (at which point, the genes ARE activated.) This is what leaves Deadpool scarred. The rest of the story is Deadpool hunting Francis as he thinks that Francis can cure him (and so give him the chance to return to a normal life with his girlfriend.) At the end of the film, Deadpool is told by Francis that there is no cure ... so Deadpool kills Francis.


Okay, so it's not Coppola or Scorcese, but I still liked it ;)

Well thats not strictly true is it cos Francis was threatening him from the moment he met him.

It's just a pretty ordinary movie and likeable for the same reasons some of us liked Porky's in our early teens.

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