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66 mustang

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"Jason X" (2002)




How do you continue a slasher movie series when your formula has been run completely into the ground by an endless parade of sequels?

A. Make yet another film that's exactly like all of the preceding ones




B. Go absolutely f*ckin' nuts.


Obviously the makers of "Jason X" chose option "B." That's the only possible explanation for this tenth installment in the "Friday the 13th" series which puts the slasher and sci-fi genres in a blender and hits "puree." Serial killer Jason Voorhees is cryogenically frozen in the 21st century and then thawed out four centuries later aboard a space research shuttle. Fortunately, teenagers of the future are just as stupid and horny as the ones back in the day so Jason gets back to his old business quickly. The usual slashing, mutilating, shooting, and explosions ensue accompanied by lotsa cheap special FX.


Fans of the "F13" series either love or hate this movie. You can put me in the "love" category, mostly because it's so hilariously bizarre (the movie works best if you look at it as a parody of the "Friday" movies rather than another legitimate entry in the series). It's action packed, gory, violent, stupid, and totally over the top, but you can't deny that it's entertaining as hell.

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"Jason X" (2002)




How do you continue a slasher movie series when your formula has been run completely into the ground by an endless parade of sequels?

A. Make yet another film that's exactly like all of the preceding ones




B. Go absolutely f*ckin' nuts.


Obviously the makers of "Jason X" chose option "B." That's the only possible explanation for this tenth installment in the "Friday the 13th" series which puts the slasher and sci-fi genres in a blender and hits "puree." Serial killer Jason Voorhees is cryogenically frozen in the 21st century and then thawed out four centuries later aboard a space research shuttle. Fortunately, teenagers of the future are just as stupid and horny as the ones back in the day so Jason gets back to his old business quickly. The usual slashing, mutilating, shooting, and explosions ensue accompanied by lotsa cheap special FX.


Fans of the "F13" series either love or hate this movie. You can put me in the "love" category, mostly because it's so hilariously bizarre (the movie works best if you look at it as a parody of the "Friday" movies rather than another legitimate entry in the series). It's action packed, gory, violent, stupid, and totally over the top, but you can't deny that it's entertaining as hell.

I like it !
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I like it !


I do too, but amongst the "Friday the 13th" fan base we are definitely in the minority. :lol:

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"Jason X" (2002)




How do you continue a slasher movie series when your formula has been run completely into the ground by an endless parade of sequels?

A. Make yet another film that's exactly like all of the preceding ones




B. Go absolutely f*ckin' nuts.


Obviously the makers of "Jason X" chose option "B." That's the only possible explanation for this tenth installment in the "Friday the 13th" series which puts the slasher and sci-fi genres in a blender and hits "puree." Serial killer Jason Voorhees is cryogenically frozen in the 21st century and then thawed out four centuries later aboard a space research shuttle. Fortunately, teenagers of the future are just as stupid and horny as the ones back in the day so Jason gets back to his old business quickly. The usual slashing, mutilating, shooting, and explosions ensue accompanied by lotsa cheap special FX.


Fans of the "F13" series either love or hate this movie. You can put me in the "love" category, mostly because it's so hilariously bizarre (the movie works best if you look at it as a parody of the "Friday" movies rather than another legitimate entry in the series). It's action packed, gory, violent, stupid, and totally over the top, but you can't deny that it's entertaining as hell.


I LOVE this movie!! when I first saw it, I admit I was like.. Huh?? But after a few viewings?? I couldn't stop laughing!! Not My favorite F13 movie.. That honor still goes to Part VI, but it's still a decent flick....

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"The Gate" (1987)


Semi-classic '80s B-Movie in which a portal to the Underworld is accidentally opened in a suburban back yard, unleashing hordes of tiny demon creatures and other spooky stuff. A trio of kids battle back with model rockets and by playing a heavy metal record backwards.


The movie's pretty much poo, but it features a young Stephen Dorff, a kid with a Killer Dwarfs patch on his jacket and some surprisingly decent old-school stop motion creature effects. Retro fun!

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Resident Evil - Afterlife

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I like this movie, quite funny and emotional, also the Russian hooker and waitress Alex is pretty cute !


Christopher Walken = :bowdown:


Might have to check this one out.

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Texas Chainsaw 3D



First I didn't see this in 3D, but it's actually pretty good!! A pretty decent storyline actually.. It picks up RIGHT after the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre from 1974.... To show what happened after that one girl escaped the house, then it flashes forward to present day.... Has a decent amount of gore.. Not alot,but just enough.. I enjoyed it!!

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Double feature beer-n-B-movie night:


"Galaxy of Terror" (1981)




Also known as "Mindwarp," this is one of two sci-fi/horror pix released by Roger Corman's New World Pictures in the early 80s to cash in on the success of "Alien" (the other was "Forbidden World" aka "Mutant.") In this one, a crew of astronauts on a rescue mission to a hostile planet become victims of their own fears and get picked off one by one.


More elaborate than your average Corman production, this one suffers from a muddled story but features some cool set design, some nasty ass gore, and a cast that includes a young Robert "Freddy Krueger" Englund, Erin "Joanie Cunningham" Moran, and Ray "My Favorite Martian" Walston. Oh, and there's a scene where a chick gets raped to death by a giant slimy space slug, which is worth the price of admission all by itself..... :puke:


"Alien Contamination" (1980)




AKA "Contamination," this Earth-bound Italian-made "Alien" variant from Luigi "Starcrash" Cozzi starts out strong but eventually peters out into utter WTF territory. When a ship drifts into New York harbor with all the crew dead and a cargo hold full of seemingly extraterrestrial eggs, a government scientist, an NYPD cop and a former astronaut travel to South America (?) to unravel the mystery and save the Earth from being overrun by alien goons. Some decent gore but not much else. Skip it.

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Double feature beer-n-B-movie night:


"Galaxy of Terror" (1981)




Also known as "Mindwarp," this is one of two sci-fi/horror pix released by Roger Corman's New World Pictures in the early 80s to cash in on the success of "Alien" (the other was "Forbidden World" aka "Mutant.") In this one, a crew of astronauts on a rescue mission to a hostile planet become victims of their own fears and get picked off one by one.


More elaborate than your average Corman production, this one suffers from a muddled story but features some cool set design, some nasty ass gore, and a cast that includes a young Robert "Freddy Krueger" Englund, Erin "Joanie Cunningham" Moran, and Ray "My Favorite Martian" Walston. Oh, and there's a scene where a chick gets raped to death by a giant slimy space slug, which is worth the price of admission all by itself..... :puke:



why does it feel like I've seen this one?

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Double feature beer-n-B-movie night:


"Galaxy of Terror" (1981)




Also known as "Mindwarp," this is one of two sci-fi/horror pix released by Roger Corman's New World Pictures in the early 80s to cash in on the success of "Alien" (the other was "Forbidden World" aka "Mutant.") In this one, a crew of astronauts on a rescue mission to a hostile planet become victims of their own fears and get picked off one by one.


More elaborate than your average Corman production, this one suffers from a muddled story but features some cool set design, some nasty ass gore, and a cast that includes a young Robert "Freddy Krueger" Englund, Erin "Joanie Cunningham" Moran, and Ray "My Favorite Martian" Walston. Oh, and there's a scene where a chick gets raped to death by a giant slimy space slug, which is worth the price of admission all by itself..... :puke:



why does it feel like I've seen this one?


Because once you see a woman get raped to death by a giant worm, you can never UNsee it?

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Watched Small Soldiers tonight with my sons cause it was on telly,really enjoyable and still looks ok even 15 years later...tv has now been handed over to my wife for eurovision :(

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Watched Small Soldiers tonight with my sons cause it was on telly,really enjoyable and still looks ok even 15 years later...tv has now been handed over to my wife for eurovision :(

Now I've seen this a few times in the last couple of months with my 5 and 7 year old boys on Netflix. EVERYTIME I turn on netflix now, those are the first words out of their mouths "are we watching small soldiers!!!!"
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Just watched a film called Escape From Planet Earth,id never heard of it until my son brought it home last night,its an animated film sorta like Planet 51 and such like,he enjoyed it,,I not so much...although Jessica Alba does one of the voices,then again so does Ricky Gervais :(

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Just watched a film called Escape From Planet Earth,id never heard of it until my son brought it home last night,its an animated film sorta like Planet 51 and such like,he enjoyed it,,I not so much...although Jessica Alba does one of the voices,then again so does Ricky Gervais :(

fell asleep for this at the drive-in. awful film

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"Red Dawn" (2012)



Remake of the semi-classic '80s "Kill A Commie For Mommy" action flick replaces Patrick Swayze and Charlie Sheen with Chris Hemsworth and Josh Peck, and the Russians with North Koreans, as World War III drops into the Pacific Northwest and the local high schoolers band together to form a resistance group. From then on it's one running gun battle after another, with lotsa sh*t blowin' up, so I certainly wasn't bored.


This movie was totally unnecessary, but I still found it entertaining in a sadistic sort of way.

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