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Last movie you watched?

66 mustang

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Now this is a good film. V.funny stuff - definitely worth watching.




Wierd. Strange and overly long story, though the ending is half decent. Probably skip this.




Cool horror film. Nicely shot & some good gore. Worth watching, but no classic.

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It's the one where Bronson is being attacked by the kids from FAME.


Pathetic!! :wtf:

Those tap shoes can be deadly man, don't underestimate them... :unsure:


Forgetting Sarah Marshall

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None. Ever. Maybe I should watch one. Actually, Wimbeldon is on tonight so maybe I won't bother. Again. (

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Confessions of a Shopaholic - My wife forced me to watch this but it did have some funny parts.


Friday the 13th(the new one) - Man this sucked compared the original. Even though it wasn't a remake I still compare it to the early movies and it just wasn't very good IMO. I much prefered the recent remake of 'My Bloody Valentine'.

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Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen


Very enjoyable flick. More action than the first one and more comedic scenes.

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21 - I know they left out a LOT from the book but it was still a good movie


Outlander - good sci-fi / Viking movie. for sure a B movie but the special effects were really "big budget" like. Outlander begins when a space craft crashes onto planet earth. The ship lands in a lake situated around the local fjords of ancient Norway in the time of the Vikings.


here is the trailer for the movie, it is worth a watch, nothing GREAT but a good movie.



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Death Warrant - feat Van Damme, has a cool song called "Bring me A Dream" by Gary Chang, though I believe originally written by someone else. Cool early 90's action flick.

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