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So Anti-Trumpers(who actually live here)


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When Trump took office in 2017 unemployment rate was 4.7%.

When Trump left office in 2021 unemployment rate was 6.7%

Right now unemployment rate is 6.1%

Pretty obvious when you look at the figures.

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11 hours ago, Leykis101 said:




They are practically paying dishwashers $20 an hour, and still cant fill the positions




Do you mean that big $300 a week ? If people do not go back to their jobs they should be reported to unemployment by their employer.If you don't go back to work you lose your unemployment money.But the employer has to turn them in.

Every state has different unemployment laws .In NY you basically get 1/2 of your pay with $504 a week being the max.So let's say that you make $20 an hour-work 40 hours a week.

You'd get $400 a week plus the $300 govt. money so it'd be $700 a week.So if you're out of work for whatever reason you get $100 less a week by staying home.And since most people get their health insurance through work then you would lose that.

In other news jobless claims last week were less than 500,000.That was the lowest it's been since last March.

Edited by nyoilers
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Jobs and Unemployment

Job growth slowed a bit under Trump, but unemployment dropped to the lowest level in nearly half a century.

Employment —Total nonfarm employment grew by nearly 6.7 million since the president took office, according to the most recent figures available from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

That continued an unbroken chain of monthly gains in total employment that started in October 2010. The economy has now added jobs every month for more than nine years, including the first two years and 11 months of the Trump administration.

Yet Trump is far behind the pace needed to fulfill his campaign boast that he will be “the greatest jobs president that God ever created.” At this rate he will not even come up to the gains made during Obama’s final term. The average monthly gain under Trump so far is 191,000 — compared with an average monthly gain of 217,000 during the four years before he took office.

Unemployment — The unemployment rate, which was well below the historical norm when Trump took office, has continued to fall to the lowest rate in half a century.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics puts the rate was 4.7% when he was sworn in. The most recent rate, for December, was 3.5%. It was also at that level in September and November. Before then it had not been so low since December 1969 — 50 years ago — when it was also 3.5%.

The jobless rate has been at or below 4% for the most recent 22 months — all under Trump. It hasn’t been that low for that long since a 50-month streak ending in January 1970.

The historical norm is 5.6%, which is the median monthly rate for all the months since the start of 1948.


Trump's Numbers January 2020 Update - FactCheck.org

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7 hours ago, nyoilers said:

When Trump took office in 2017 unemployment rate was 4.7%.

When Trump left office in 2021 unemployment rate was 6.7%

Right now unemployment rate is 6.1%

Pretty obvious when you look at the figures.

I really don't give too much of a shit about this dumb argument, but damn, are you seriously presenting those figures for any kind of use at all?
Let me edit....

When Trump took office in 2017 unemployment rate was 4.7%.

covid hit and bent every country in the world over and fucked them in the asses

When Trump left office in 2021 unemployment rate was 6.7%
which would have been far worse if he had locked shit down more. I actually think he should have locked everything down more. This would have made unemployment far worse, but he didn't want to screw the economy that much so didn't. But rightly or wrongly, unemployment when he left office WOULD have been far hight had Biden been around then.

Right now unemployment rate is 6.1%
You think a few months of Biden has changed that?
Aside from the residual changes from the Trump administration that flow through to the next, there is a natural recovery as the country recovers.

thos stats you posted mean nothing. Nothing at all.


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  • 2024 Gold Donors
1 hour ago, CureTheSane said:

I really don't give too much of a shit about this dumb argument, but damn, are you seriously presenting those figures for any kind of use at all?
Let me edit....

When Trump took office in 2017 unemployment rate was 4.7%.

covid hit and bent every country in the world over and fucked them in the asses

When Trump left office in 2021 unemployment rate was 6.7%
which would have been far worse if he had locked shit down more. I actually think he should have locked everything down more. This would have made unemployment far worse, but he didn't want to screw the economy that much so didn't. But rightly or wrongly, unemployment when he left office WOULD have been far hight had Biden been around then.

Right now unemployment rate is 6.1%
You think a few months of Biden has changed that?
Aside from the residual changes from the Trump administration that flow through to the next, there is a natural recovery as the country recovers.

thos stats you posted mean nothing. Nothing at all.



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I was going to mention that to NY OIler, that little issue of Covid had a lot to do with the economy and unemployment rate, as you know I am a joint owner of a few restaurants, so I'm fully aware of the ins and out's and in full understanding of the unemployment chain that has to be followed, but you see Biden keeps extending unemployment, so people aren't going back to work, I don't have this problem as we have pretty much worked straight through the covid BS, as has many Utah businesses, but everyday if you watch any news, you will see that restaurants cannot even staff a full crew, they hire somebody, then that person quits and puts it on their unemployment paperwork, people are totally working the system, I do imagine it's different from state to state, and probably way worse in blue states, as many of them aren't even open yet, but I'm just using examples of on the street stats, I read all sorts of stats about all sorts of shit, then I use my brain to figure out the shit I see in everyday life, and a lot of the time it doesn't even kind of resemble the stats, im sure a lot of people do this, just like all the people dropping dead of Covid, im not saying that was false, im just saying everyone I know including myself had it, I don't know of one person I can think of who died from it, so my brain tells me that's something to look at and think about, is it not??

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55 minutes ago, Leykis101 said:

I was going to mention that to NY OIler, that little issue of Covid had a lot to do with the economy and unemployment rate, as you know I am a joint owner of a few restaurants, so I'm fully aware of the ins and out's and in full understanding of the unemployment chain that has to be followed, but you see Biden keeps extending unemployment, so people aren't going back to work, I don't have this problem as we have pretty much worked straight through the covid BS, as has many Utah businesses, but everyday if you watch any news, you will see that restaurants cannot even staff a full crew, they hire somebody, then that person quits and puts it on their unemployment paperwork, people are totally working the system, I do imagine it's different from state to state, and probably way worse in blue states, as many of them aren't even open yet, but I'm just using examples of on the street stats, I read all sorts of stats about all sorts of shit, then I use my brain to figure out the shit I see in everyday life, and a lot of the time it doesn't even kind of resemble the stats, im sure a lot of people do this, just like all the people dropping dead of Covid, im not saying that was false, im just saying everyone I know including myself had it, I don't know of one person I can think of who died from it, so my brain tells me that's something to look at and think about, is it not??

Well the numbers are the numbers.And I think that the economy and unemployment rate would've been better if Trump wasn't the president.But that's a debate on opinion.And I agree that everything is different state to state.I can't fault a restaurant employee making $15 an hour not wanting to go back to work if their place of employment is anti-vax,anti-mask,etc...Why risk getting sick,you get no sick leave,bring the disease home and spread it to family members,etc...The extra $300 a week got extended until Labor Day.I see where that helps the low wage workers who don't want to go to work but if you make good money I don't think it does.

My niece is a doctor in NYC and was in charge of 16 Covid patients in a hospital last April so my view on Covid is different than yours.2 neighbors of mine died from it .People try to compare it to the flu but Covid is stronger,more contagious and deadlier than the flu.

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Personally I don't think presidents and political parties have much influence on employment and the economy. They take credit when things are good and avoid blame when things are bad....shit was bad under Bush and got much better under Obama..... when Trump took over the economy was on an upward swing so of course he took credit....Biden will take credit as long as things are good just like any other president would do.....bottom line is that the economy is affected by forces that no politician has control over such as pandemics....

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  • 2023 Gold Donors
9 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

I really don't give too much of a shit about this dumb argument, but damn, are you seriously presenting those figures for any kind of use at all?
Let me edit....

When Trump took office in 2017 unemployment rate was 4.7%.

covid hit and bent every country in the world over and fucked them in the asses

Of course I'm gonna use these figures.Why not use facts.Let's go over these.

We all agree that the unemployment rate was 4.7% when trump took office.

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  • 2023 Gold Donors
9 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

When Trump left office in 2021 unemployment rate was 6.7%
which would have been far worse if he had locked shit down more. I actually think he should have locked everything down more. This would have made unemployment far worse, but he didn't want to screw the economy that much so didn't. But rightly or wrongly, unemployment when he left office WOULD have been far hight had Biden been around then.

Now you're giving your opinion.I agree with you that Trump should've locked down the country more.He should've taken the virus more serious but he didn't.I think that the US economy and unemployment rate would be a lot better had someone else been in charge.And yes that's my opinion based on Trump's inept handling.

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9 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

Right now unemployment rate is 6.1%
You think a few months of Biden has changed that?
Aside from the residual changes from the Trump administration that flow through to the next, there is a natural recovery as the country recovers.

I'm responding to the initial question that Leykis 101 started about what specifically has Biden done.And I somewhat agree with you-what can 3 months really tell us.

But I will say that Biden has done a great job getting the vaccination out to people who want it.That has certainly helped people get back to work.Trump promised 20 million in a month and we ended up with a little over 2 million.He spent his lame duck period crying about how the election was stolen than actually running the country.What you call the natural flow from one administration to the next was actually the worst transition in my lifetime.He was in denial and never invited Biden to the White House.

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  • 2023 Gold Donors
13 hours ago, AlphaMale said:
Jobs and Unemployment

Job growth slowed a bit under Trump, but unemployment dropped to the lowest level in nearly half a century.

Employment —Total nonfarm employment grew by nearly 6.7 million since the president took office, according to the most recent figures available from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

That continued an unbroken chain of monthly gains in total employment that started in October 2010. The economy has now added jobs every month for more than nine years, including the first two years and 11 months of the Trump administration.

Yet Trump is far behind the pace needed to fulfill his campaign boast that he will be “the greatest jobs president that God ever created.” At this rate he will not even come up to the gains made during Obama’s final term. The average monthly gain under Trump so far is 191,000 — compared with an average monthly gain of 217,000 during the four years before he took office.

Unemployment — The unemployment rate, which was well below the historical norm when Trump took office, has continued to fall to the lowest rate in half a century.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics puts the rate was 4.7% when he was sworn in. The most recent rate, for December, was 3.5%. It was also at that level in September and November. Before then it had not been so low since December 1969 — 50 years ago — when it was also 3.5%.

The jobless rate has been at or below 4% for the most recent 22 months — all under Trump. It hasn’t been that low for that long since a 50-month streak ending in January 1970.

The historical norm is 5.6%, which is the median monthly rate for all the months since the start of 1948.


Trump's Numbers January 2020 Update - FactCheck.org

I guess it's sadly or gladly but you missed a year-the most pivital one

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1 hour ago, Dead Planet said:

Personally I don't think presidents and political parties have much influence on employment and the economy. They take credit when things are good and avoid blame when things are bad....shit was bad under Bush and got much better under Obama..... when Trump took over the economy was on an upward swing so of course he took credit....Biden will take credit as long as things are good just like any other president would do.....bottom line is that the economy is affected by forces that no politician has control over such as pandemics....

Hopefully we don't have another pandemic.But how these leaders respond to these things like pandemics,hurricanes,etc... do affect the economy.Trump putting his son in- law in charge of the pandemic response,basically getting medical supplies,would've been laughable if it wasn't so stupid.

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Joe Biden is the epitome of the Washington D.C. sewar rat.Been a public servant (public miscreant) for 45+ years has the blood on his hands of all kinds of detrimental legislation and Trump after 4 years is the spawn of Satan? Lofl! You mean the guy who actually gave a f--k to do something about the flood of criminals,drugs,sex trafficking and assorted 3rd world diseases coming into the country? Man he a wacist.The fact of the matter is that old Joe promised a whole lot of radical,crazy @ss leftwing polices on the campaign trail that he now has to deliver on....or the nutjob leftist base will crucify him.


If American media was just honest 1/3 of the time to the public at large they would actually know what in the hell is even going on in their own country....how many people has 'Cuomo' murdered in the last year in a half ?  How many thousands of unvetted Mexicans and otm have entered the country w/ ch!nk19 under Biden in the last 90 days? 

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15 hours ago, nyoilers said:

I'm responding to the initial question that Leykis 101 started about what specifically has Biden done.And I somewhat agree with you-what can 3 months really tell us.

But I will say that Biden has done a great job getting the vaccination out to people who want it.That has certainly helped people get back to work.Trump promised 20 million in a month and we ended up with a little over 2 million.He spent his lame duck period crying about how the election was stolen than actually running the country.What you call the natural flow from one administration to the next was actually the worst transition in my lifetime.He was in denial and never invited Biden to the White House.

And who was it that got those Vaccines all set up and ready so Biden could take the credit for it?? I am still waiting for you to acknowledge what Biden has done, that "he's only been in office for 3 months shits not gonna float on this one" are you familiar with that little thing? a tiny little imaginary line which separates where our country and another country meet? all my smart ass bullshit sarcasm aside, dude if you truly don't know just how bad shit it at our border right now, I'm gonna have to truly lump you into the loony tune category and be on my way, I knew you were a democrat, but that doesn't mean shit to me, fuck im a libertarian, basically the same fucking thing only were fiscally responsible, if your telling me in the 3 months he's been in office, what he's done at our southern border isn't detrimental and possibly one of the biggest fuck ups in presidential history, your gassed, not even able to be logical or be honest, the media has gone up and beyond to hide and deceive and lie, dude I'm 1 state away, I was in the Cottonwood Plaza the other day, and you can clearly differentiate the wetbacks from the Chicano's, dude I cant even fathom that, if Trump would've done that, bro I swear I would have joined Antifa, I just know watching CNN while Trump was in power, and the whole fucking he's tearing family's apart and locking children in cages bullshit, now I watch fucking Don the ball Tickler Lemon, and not a fucking word about it, to me that's despicable, dishonorable, they have zero integrity, and are fucking border line commies bro, go ahead right now bro, im not arguing, im listening, NY OIler, sorry I cant remember anyone's name, tell me one last time, but go ahead, prove me wrong, if you prove me wrong, I will never discuss any of this again, and I put that on my word.

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8 minutes ago, Leykis101 said:

, if you prove me wrong, I will never discuss any of this again, and I put that on my word.

I dream of that day. 

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21 hours ago, nyoilers said:

Of course I'm gonna use these figures.Why not use facts.Let's go over these.

We all agree that the unemployment rate was 4.7% when trump took office.

There is no point discussing figures with you.

If you're going to hold Trump to account for the increase of unemployment that OCCURRED AFTER COVID HIT, then it is a futile discussion.

I have no allegiance to either side of US politics, I care more about how what you do affects me.
Arguments here are mostly controlled by which side people follow,

What's I'd say, from an outsiders point of view, is that Trump was HEAVILY slammed for not doing enough to lock shit down during covid. The main commentary was that he cared too much about keeping the economy churning at the detriment of the public and at the cost of many lives.
How the hell can anti Trumpers now come out and suggest that he didn't do enough to resist unemployment growth?
You can't have it both ways.

Here are two things I will guarantee.
1. Unemployment will reduce. This would have happened no matter who was in power as the country recovered.
2. Biden and his supporters will assume 100% credit for this. And there may be good reason for this. Remains to be seen.

in the meantime, Google "US unemployment rate"
Here is what appears....
The nation's unemployment rate ticked up to 6.1% from 6% as more Americans sought work. The labor force, defined as the number of people working or looking for work, grew by 430,000 people last month.

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6 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

And who was it that got those Vaccines all set up and ready so Biden could take the credit for it?? I am still waiting for you to acknowledge what Biden has done, that "he's only been in office for 3 months shits not gonna float on this one" are you familiar with that little thing? a tiny little imaginary line which separates where our country and another country meet? all my smart ass bullshit sarcasm aside, dude if you truly don't know just how bad shit it at our border right now, I'm gonna have to truly lump you into the loony tune category and be on my way, I knew you were a democrat, but that doesn't mean shit to me, fuck im a libertarian, basically the same fucking thing only were fiscally responsible, if your telling me in the 3 months he's been in office, what he's done at our southern border isn't detrimental and possibly one of the biggest fuck ups in presidential history, your gassed, not even able to be logical or be honest, the media has gone up and beyond to hide and deceive and lie, dude I'm 1 state away, I was in the Cottonwood Plaza the other day, and you can clearly differentiate the wetbacks from the Chicano's, dude I cant even fathom that, if Trump would've done that, bro I swear I would have joined Antifa, I just know watching CNN while Trump was in power, and the whole fucking he's tearing family's apart and locking children in cages bullshit, now I watch fucking Don the ball Tickler Lemon, and not a fucking word about it, to me that's despicable, dishonorable, they have zero integrity, and are fucking border line commies bro, go ahead right now bro, im not arguing, im listening, NY OIler, sorry I cant remember anyone's name, tell me one last time, but go ahead, prove me wrong, if you prove me wrong, I will never discuss any of this again, and I put that on my word.

The problem at your southern border has been around for decades and Trump didn't fix it, all he did was slow it down some.... his multi-billion dollar wall is easily scaled with a cheap ladder.....the problems that are driving desperate people out of their countries in Mexico and South America are climate change, extreme poverty and gang violence....until those issues are dealt with , people will continue to look for a better life elsewhere.....one thing all the anti-immigrant people don't mention is that the vast majority that come to the US are good, decent people who just want the opportunity to succeed and live a safe life and they will make excellent citizens if given a chance.....not that long ago it was the immigrants from Ireland, Germany and other European countries that were treated like scum in the US and now they are proud and fruitful citizens....

If you truly want to prevent immigration from the south then you will need to get serious and put up barbed wire, fencing and landmines the length of the border...until then accept that illegal immigration is here to stay....

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On 3/17/2021 at 7:17 PM, Leykis101 said:

now NY Oiler, can you give me specifics what's better now that trumps gone? what the fuck right! do it for you post total. LOL

I gave you specifics but all you want to do is talk about the border.Read what Dead Planet wrote.

I mentioned that the border has no effect on my life.Actually the bigger concern for me before Covid was people flying to the USA on visas and overstaying when the visas expired and no one knows where they are.Those to me are the dangerous people.

How you feel about Biden concerning the border is how I feel about Trump and Covid.

But let's at least agree than neither Biden or Trump should be president in 2024.

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  • 2023 Gold Donors
7 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

The problem at your southern border has been around for decades and Trump didn't fix it, all he did was slow it down some.... his multi-billion dollar wall is easily scaled with a cheap ladder.....the problems that are driving desperate people out of their countries in Mexico and South America are climate change, extreme poverty and gang violence....until those issues are dealt with , people will continue to look for a better life elsewhere.....one thing all the anti-immigrant people don't mention is that the vast majority that come to the US are good, decent people who just want the opportunity to succeed and live a safe life and they will make excellent citizens if given a chance.....not that long ago it was the immigrants from Ireland, Germany and other European countries that were treated like scum in the US and now they are proud and fruitful citizens....

If you truly want to prevent immigration from the south then you will need to get serious and put up barbed wire, fencing and landmines the length of the border...until then accept that illegal immigration is here to stay....

Clap Applause GIF by Denyse®

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You have no idea the problems these derelicts cause here.I'm well versed on the subject and have had a family member who was attacked by a couple of these wunderkinds.I have also spent quality time on farming jobs with many of these "good people",I've got plenty of stories...U.S. takes in plenty of 'immigrants'  every year - not going to take in every illegal loser or hard luck story in the world,if your that d@mn stupid to blame it on climate change you're an idiot!

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On 5/9/2021 at 9:13 AM, Dead Planet said:

The problem at your southern border has been around for decades and Trump didn't fix it, all he did was slow it down some.... his multi-billion dollar wall is easily scaled with a cheap ladder.....the problems that are driving desperate people out of their countries in Mexico and South America are climate change, extreme poverty and gang violence....until those issues are dealt with , people will continue to look for a better life elsewhere.....one thing all the anti-immigrant people don't mention is that the vast majority that come to the US are good, decent people who just want the opportunity to succeed and live a safe life and they will make excellent citizens if given a chance.....not that long ago it was the immigrants from Ireland, Germany and other European countries that were treated like scum in the US and now they are proud and fruitful citizens....

If you truly want to prevent immigration from the south then you will need to get serious and put up barbed wire, fencing and landmines the length of the border...until then accept that illegal immigration is here to stay....

Prove it! nothing you have stated is even in the ballpark, do you live by the border? are you gonna sit here and piss in my face and tell me it's raining bro? I'm being serious, have you been down and seen the wall, obviously you haven't or you wouldn't have made that ridiculous statement, that's you guys problem, just minimize it and wave it off, it's not good dude, and seriously with all due respect, and i have started to like you over on the music boards, so don't take this wrong, but you don't know what the fuck your talking about bro, and I wouldn't be so sure of that if I didn't know what i was talking about, so hope there's no hard feelings but you guys that just want to make it a left right thing have no clue, I'm not even coming from that position, if you see some of these fucking people not only would you change your tune, you would become enraged, some of these people aren't even here on their own volition, they have been sent here, to connect to a landing point for the cartels, some of them are senior citizens who are so terrified you can literally feel it from them, this is catastrophic bro, and it's fucked up you guys pipe up and smack your gums and your fucking clueless about what your talking about, because no people should treat people like these scumbag coyotes treat these people,


But it goes way beyond them just being here, the final point is there is no reason for many of these people to be here, none, they have nothing to contribute they have no skill, or even desire to work, and I know your smart enough to put the conservative liberal bullshit aside for a second to understand, none of this can end well, and if you cant, then I just assume your unable to detach from the phony bologna political act and just be a person looking at it from all the standpoints of everyone, including Americans, there's a reason people get nasty towards immigration, why do you assume that is? because there's an onslaught of noble prize Harvard graduates plowing into our country by the thousands??? is that what the problem is?? it's fucked up on every side. and anyone who tries to blame the immigrants for flooding in are just as fuckin retarded as the ones who dismiss it and minimize it, there's a huge problem in our future, and nobody's going to take a second to look at the other sides POV. 

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8 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

Prove it! nothing you have stated is even in the ballpark, do you live by the border? are you gonna sit here and piss in my face and tell me it's raining bro? I'm being serious, have you been down and seen the wall, obviously you haven't or you wouldn't have made that ridiculous statement, that's you guys problem, just minimize it and wave it off, it's not good dude, and seriously with all due respect, and i have started to like you over on the music boards, so don't take this wrong, but you don't know what the fuck your talking about bro, and I wouldn't be so sure of that if I didn't know what i was talking about, so hope there's no hard feelings but you guys that just want to make it a left right thing have no clue, I'm not even coming from that position, if you see some of these fucking people not only would you change your tune, you would become enraged, some of these people aren't even here on their own volition, they have been sent here, to connect to a landing point for the cartels, some of them are senior citizens who are so terrified you can literally feel it from them, this is catastrophic bro, and it's fucked up you guys pipe up and smack your gums and your fucking clueless about what your talking about, because no people should treat people like these scumbag coyotes treat these people,


But it goes way beyond them just being here, the final point is there is no reason for many of these people to be here, none, they have nothing to contribute they have no skill, or even desire to work, and I know your smart enough to put the conservative liberal bullshit aside for a second to understand, none of this can end well, and if you cant, then I just assume your unable to detach from the phony bologna political act and just be a person looking at it from all the standpoints of everyone, including Americans, there's a reason people get nasty towards immigration, why do you assume that is? because there's an onslaught of noble prize Harvard graduates plowing into our country by the thousands??? is that what the problem is?? it's fucked up on every side. and anyone who tries to blame the immigrants for flooding in are just as fuckin retarded as the ones who dismiss it and minimize it, there's a huge problem in our future, and nobody's going to take a second to look at the other sides POV. 

Sorry buddy but I don't agree and no I don't take offense as you have a right to your opinions just like the rest of us....who do you think does all the shit jobs in America that the majority wouldn't touch if their life depended on  it? That's right, the unskilled immigrants...they do what immigrants have done for over a century in the US, they work their asses off so that their children will have a better life and education....are they all people you would want as neighbors? probably not but you can say that about any group of immigrants, lets not forget about all the Italians that came to the US and set up the mafia... you say I'm clueless and buying into the left wing bullshit but I can't help but wonder if you are the one buying into the right wing bullshit about an invasion of criminals who are going to rape and pillage the country.....

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