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I Like Beer!

Blue Charvel

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On the day my son was born, I came back home from the hospital late at night, put my four year old to bed, then drank two 24 oz. cans of Steel Reserve Lager (godawful cheap stuff, but it's 8.1% alcohol, kids!!)... and then I jumped into the Chat Room here half in the bag... I remember very little of what was chatted about but I bet it was pretty entertaining ...



I really dont want to go into what you were talking about here, but if you wanna pm me I'll let you know some of the crazy shit you were saying. :blink:

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On the day my son was born, I came back home from the hospital late at night, put my four year old to bed, then drank two 24 oz. cans of Steel Reserve Lager (godawful cheap stuff, but it's 8.1% alcohol, kids!!)... and then I jumped into the Chat Room here half in the bag... I remember very little of what was chatted about but I bet it was pretty entertaining ...



I really dont want to go into what you were talking about here, but if you wanna pm me I'll let you know some of the crazy shit you were saying. :blink:

Aw c'mon, we're all friends here... or something... :whistle:

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On the day my son was born, I came back home from the hospital late at night, put my four year old to bed, then drank two 24 oz. cans of Steel Reserve Lager (godawful cheap stuff, but it's 8.1% alcohol, kids!!)... and then I jumped into the Chat Room here half in the bag... I remember very little of what was chatted about but I bet it was pretty entertaining ...



I really dont want to go into what you were talking about here, but if you wanna pm me I'll let you know some of the crazy shit you were saying. :blink:

Aw c'mon, we're all friends here... or something... :whistle:



Friends? I think were more like family, at least Geoff and I are.

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On the day my son was born, I came back home from the hospital late at night, put my four year old to bed, then drank two 24 oz. cans of Steel Reserve Lager (godawful cheap stuff, but it's 8.1% alcohol, kids!!)... and then I jumped into the Chat Room here half in the bag... I remember very little of what was chatted about but I bet it was pretty entertaining ...



I really dont want to go into what you were talking about here, but if you wanna pm me I'll let you know some of the crazy shit you were saying. :blink:

Aw c'mon, we're all friends here... or something... :whistle:



Friends? I think were more like family, at least Geoff and I are.

I wish my family were half this cool. <_<

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On the day my son was born, I came back home from the hospital late at night, put my four year old to bed, then drank two 24 oz. cans of Steel Reserve Lager (godawful cheap stuff, but it's 8.1% alcohol, kids!!)... and then I jumped into the Chat Room here half in the bag... I remember very little of what was chatted about but I bet it was pretty entertaining ...



I really dont want to go into what you were talking about here, but if you wanna pm me I'll let you know some of the crazy shit you were saying. :blink:


:rofl2: I remember bits and pieces and that's enough!!

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I was thirsty last night as well. I went with Michelob Ultra since they were 12.99 for a 20 pack of bottles. Great beer. I drank at least 10 of them before we went to the bar. Crazy night there for sure. There was a wedding party and as we walk in two guys are carrying their buddy out and I could tell by the look on his face he wasn't doing so hot...then he starts blowing chow all over the carpet in front of the bar! That got the place roaring with laughter. I stumbled into the pisser and as I'm setting my bottle on the urinal I happen to look down and see a a couple broken bottles right next to the urinal. I start to wonder what the deal was with that as my bottle starts sliding off the urinal and crashes down on the other two on the floor. Oops! Then when I come back to the table there is some drunk guy trying to explain to his friends that he used to be a gymnast and keeps trying to do a cartwheel only to come crashing down on his head time with every attempt. I didn't realize they had called last call so I was up at the bar trying to finagle a beer from the bartender with no luck when the grooms brother of the wedding party comes up to the bar and asked if he could still use the drink tokens they had been given and the bartender said yup so he got a drink and gave me the other token saying he wasn't going to use it since they were leaving. I got a beer with it and it was the best free beer I've ever had! We ended up rolling in around 3am and was up at 7am when the kids got up. Then I had the pleasure of a 3 hr motorcycle ride back to Sioux Falls. Ouch.


In conclusion, I Like Beer.

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Way too many 'Sump Mucks' last night and I am payin' for it big time now - gotta work as well God Dammit.

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I got pretty howz-it-goin' on Saturday night... first time in SO long. Good times. Yes, good times.

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I was thirsty last night as well. I went with Michelob Ultra since they were 12.99 for a 20 pack of bottles. Great beer. I drank at least 10 of them before we went to the bar. Crazy night there for sure. There was a wedding party and as we walk in two guys are carrying their buddy out and I could tell by the look on his face he wasn't doing so hot...then he starts blowing chow all over the carpet in front of the bar! That got the place roaring with laughter. I stumbled into the pisser and as I'm setting my bottle on the urinal I happen to look down and see a a couple broken bottles right next to the urinal. I start to wonder what the deal was with that as my bottle starts sliding off the urinal and crashes down on the other two on the floor. Oops! Then when I come back to the table there is some drunk guy trying to explain to his friends that he used to be a gymnast and keeps trying to do a cartwheel only to come crashing down on his head time with every attempt. I didn't realize they had called last call so I was up at the bar trying to finagle a beer from the bartender with no luck when the grooms brother of the wedding party comes up to the bar and asked if he could still use the drink tokens they had been given and the bartender said yup so he got a drink and gave me the other token saying he wasn't going to use it since they were leaving. I got a beer with it and it was the best free beer I've ever had! We ended up rolling in around 3am and was up at 7am when the kids got up. Then I had the pleasure of a 3 hr motorcycle ride back to Sioux Falls. Ouch.


In conclusion, I Like Beer.




Sounds like a great time Rick.

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I was thirsty last night as well. I went with Michelob Ultra since they were 12.99 for a 20 pack of bottles. Great beer. I drank at least 10 of them before we went to the bar. Crazy night there for sure. There was a wedding party and as we walk in two guys are carrying their buddy out and I could tell by the look on his face he wasn't doing so hot...then he starts blowing chow all over the carpet in front of the bar! That got the place roaring with laughter. I stumbled into the pisser and as I'm setting my bottle on the urinal I happen to look down and see a a couple broken bottles right next to the urinal. I start to wonder what the deal was with that as my bottle starts sliding off the urinal and crashes down on the other two on the floor. Oops! Then when I come back to the table there is some drunk guy trying to explain to his friends that he used to be a gymnast and keeps trying to do a cartwheel only to come crashing down on his head time with every attempt. I didn't realize they had called last call so I was up at the bar trying to finagle a beer from the bartender with no luck when the grooms brother of the wedding party comes up to the bar and asked if he could still use the drink tokens they had been given and the bartender said yup so he got a drink and gave me the other token saying he wasn't going to use it since they were leaving. I got a beer with it and it was the best free beer I've ever had! We ended up rolling in around 3am and was up at 7am when the kids got up. Then I had the pleasure of a 3 hr motorcycle ride back to Sioux Falls. Ouch.


In conclusion, I Like Beer.




Sounds like a great time Rick.

Why were we not informed? :(

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I was thirsty last night as well. I went with Michelob Ultra since they were 12.99 for a 20 pack of bottles. Great beer. I drank at least 10 of them before we went to the bar. Crazy night there for sure. There was a wedding party and as we walk in two guys are carrying their buddy out and I could tell by the look on his face he wasn't doing so hot...then he starts blowing chow all over the carpet in front of the bar! That got the place roaring with laughter. I stumbled into the pisser and as I'm setting my bottle on the urinal I happen to look down and see a a couple broken bottles right next to the urinal. I start to wonder what the deal was with that as my bottle starts sliding off the urinal and crashes down on the other two on the floor. Oops! Then when I come back to the table there is some drunk guy trying to explain to his friends that he used to be a gymnast and keeps trying to do a cartwheel only to come crashing down on his head time with every attempt. I didn't realize they had called last call so I was up at the bar trying to finagle a beer from the bartender with no luck when the grooms brother of the wedding party comes up to the bar and asked if he could still use the drink tokens they had been given and the bartender said yup so he got a drink and gave me the other token saying he wasn't going to use it since they were leaving. I got a beer with it and it was the best free beer I've ever had! We ended up rolling in around 3am and was up at 7am when the kids got up. Then I had the pleasure of a 3 hr motorcycle ride back to Sioux Falls. Ouch.


In conclusion, I Like Beer.




Sounds like a great time Rick.

Why were we not informed? :(

It was actually a last minute deal. For some reason those always seem to turn out to be the most fun.

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I shall be partaking of beer on Wednesday night as one of the local pubs has got an "acoustic night" on so I'm off down there....maybe even get up and strum a few notes if it's a jam session.

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I shall be partaking of beer on Wednesday night as one of the local pubs has got an "acoustic night" on so I'm off down there....maybe even get up and strum a few notes if it's a jam session.


Wednesday night - GOOD

Thursday morning - VERY BAD



Anyway due to finish work in about 25 mins....straight home and into the garden to enjoy a warm evening with a bottle of wine and some good company (my missus).....been a sucky day and I need to chill! :)

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Some Beer Wisdom:


"Sometimes when I reflect back on all the wine I drink

I feel shame. Then I look into the glass and think

about the workers in the vineyards and all of their hopes

and dreams. If I didn't drink this wine, they might be out

of work and their dreams would be shattered.

Then I say to myself, "It is better that I drink this wine and let their

dreams come true than be selfish and worry about my liver."

~ Jack Handy


WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may leave you wondering what the hell

happened to your bra and panties.


WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may create the illusion that you are tougher, smarter, faster and better looking than most people.


"When I read about the evils of drinking,

 I gave up reading."

~ Henny Youngman


WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may lead you to think people are laughing WITH you.


WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may cause you to think you can sing.


"When we drink, we get drunk. When we get drunk,

we fall asleep. When we fall asleep, we commit no sin.

When we commit no sin, we go to heaven.

So, let's all get drunk and go to heaven!"

~ Brian O'Rourke


WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may cause pregnancy.


"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us

to be happy."

~ Benjamin Franklin


WARNING: The consumption of alcohol is a major factor in dancing like a retard.


"Without question, the greatest invention in the

history of mankind is beer. Oh, I grant you that the

wheel was also a fine invention, but the wheel does

not go nearly as well with pizza."

~ Dave Barry


WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may cause you to tell your friends over and over again that you love them.


To some it's a six-pack, to me it's a Support Group. Salvation in a can!

~ Dave Howell


WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may make you think you can logically converse with members of the opposite sex without spitting.


And saving the best for last, as explained by Cliff Clavin, of Cheers.

One afternoon at Cheers, Cliff Clavin was explaining t he Buffalo Theory

 to his buddy Norm.

"Well ya see, Norm, it's like this. A herd of buffalo can only move as fast as the slowest buffalo. And when the herd is hunted, it is the slowest and weakest ones at the back that are killed first. This natural select ion is good for the herd as a whole, because the general speed and health of the whole group keeps improving by the regular killing of the weakest members. In much the same way, the human brain can only operate as fast as the slowest brain cells. Excessive intake of alcohol, as we know, kills brain cells. But naturally, it attacks the slowest and weakest brain cells first. In this way, regular consumption of beer eliminates the weaker brain cells, making the brain a faster and more efficient machine. That's why you always feel smarter after a few beers."


WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may make you think you are whispering when you are not.

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