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jeez I didn't realise this was a legal board.

let's just leave it as you don't want this disease.

you all know what I was saying. 

I was referring to full stats regarding on going health issues. Which have not been fully documented but will in the fullness of time. You can't just hide behind the everyone is recovering stance so there's nought to worry about. 

'the truth' was the wrong phrasing. 

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Yep, spot on.
I wasn't having a dig, just relaying how I read teh comment.
I want people to make worthy comments and challenge my thinking, and wording things correctly helps that.

I mean if we were discussing aliens I'd ratehr read "aliens exist" than "one day the truth about aliens will get out there"
The first one you can argue and discuss, the second is all hypothertical, or a statement made without anything solid to back it up.

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16 minutes ago, CureTheSane said:

Yep, spot on.
I wasn't having a dig, just relaying how I read teh comment.
I want people to make worthy comments and challenge my thinking, and wording things correctly helps that.

I mean if we were discussing aliens I'd ratehr read "aliens exist" than "one day the truth about aliens will get out there"
The first one you can argue and discuss, the second is all hypothertical, or a statement made without anything solid to back it up.

Aliens do exist and one day the truth will come out as the US governement is hiding the evidence from the world.....


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13 minutes ago, Dead Planet said:

Aliens do exist and one day the truth will come out as the US governement is hiding the evidence from the world.....



Actually I have no doubt life exists out there, the laws o probablility are overwhelmingly in favor of this.
But known science does not currently allow for reasonable travel between worlds, and until it becomes known how this might be possible, aliens, life visiting our planet, is just a fun novelty.
I'd love to visit Area 51 for fun one day, but to me aliens make about as much sense as a god or gods.

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1 hour ago, CureTheSane said:


Actually I have no doubt life exists out there, the laws o probablility are overwhelmingly in favor of this.
But known science does not currently allow for reasonable travel between worlds, and until it becomes known how this might be possible, aliens, life visiting our planet, is just a fun novelty.
I'd love to visit Area 51 for fun one day, but to me aliens make about as much sense as a god or gods.

Just because we haven't figured out how to travel between worlds doesn't mean that other civilizations, possibly thousands of years older than ours haven't figured it out....I believe we are being visited today by aliens and hopefully someday soon we will get real evidence of that....there are just too many credible sightings and testimony for me to believe otherwise....while the majority of sightings can be written off as weather or human activity there are still many that are unexplained....and no I don't think aliens will land on the white house front lawn anytime soon .....our Gods over the centuries were probably aliens :lol:

Edited by Dead Planet
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17 hours ago, Glen said:

jeez I didn't realise this was a legal board.

let's just leave it as you don't want this disease.

you all know what I was saying. 

I was referring to full stats regarding on going health issues. Which have not been fully documented but will in the fullness of time. You can't just hide behind the everyone is recovering stance so there's nought to worry about. 

'the truth' was the wrong phrasing. 

Jeez you love the drama, mate. 

Yes, the disease will have long-term effects on some - a very small minority of all those who contract it. It may also come out in the fullness of time that Measles, the Flu, Conjunctivitis etc... whatever... that any range of diseases would also have caused long term side-effects to these same people if they'd contracted some other form of disease. 

But, for the overwhelming, vast majority of people, these side effects you want to panic the whole world with will likely not exist. 

I really don't get your fondness for these wild blanket statements you make. 

The other thing I keep thinking about this thing is that for every diagnosed case of COVID-19 there are probably double the amount of people that may have also had it and not even known it, or not had it diagnosed. 

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the virus is a great thing and sign me up - I want a copy. Just saying your thirst for drama is real. 

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Just to explain how good we have it here in Australia.

Our total cases since the beginninga re around 10,000

Yesterday, the USA had over 60,000 new cases.
that's 6 times our total since it began.

What right to we have to complain.
Like I said before, the US is fucked with this, and I don't mean that in a nasty way, I mean that in feeling sorry for how rampant it is there.

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1 hour ago, Geoff said:

Jeez you love the drama, mate. 

Yes, the disease will have long-term effects on some - a very small minority of all those who contract it. It may also come out in the fullness of time that Measles, the Flu, Conjunctivitis etc... whatever... that any range of diseases would also have caused long term side-effects to these same people if they'd contracted some other form of disease. 

But, for the overwhelming, vast majority of people, these side effects you want to panic the whole world with will likely not exist. 

I really don't get your fondness for these wild blanket statements you make. 

The other thing I keep thinking about this thing is that for every diagnosed case of COVID-19 there are probably double the amount of people that may have also had it and not even known it, or not had it diagnosed. 

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the virus is a great thing and sign me up - I want a copy. Just saying your thirst for drama is real. 

I was only reacting to the statement 'I'd rather have the virus and the economy recover' 

be careful what you wish is all.

over and out.

see ya 

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7 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

Just to explain how good we have it here in Australia.

Our total cases since the beginninga re around 10,000

Yesterday, the USA had over 60,000 new cases.
that's 6 times our total since it began.

What right to we have to complain.
Like I said before, the US is fucked with this, and I don't mean that in a nasty way, I mean that in feeling sorry for how rampant it is there.

It's rampant because our "president" continually downplayed COVID-19 as a "Democratic Hoax" stating we had "15 cases soon to be zero" didn't act until it was way past containment stage and the fact that the act of wearing a mask turned into a political event...

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6 hours ago, Glen said:

I was only reacting to the statement 'I'd rather have the virus and the economy recover' 

be careful what you wish is all.

over and out.

see ya 

I agree with the comment.
Need to look after the citizens health as a priority.
Only question I have is if say the US goes into full lockdown, what as the citizens returning to once it's all over?

The thing that fucks with my head the most is that they couldn't (and kind of still can't) agree on the effectiveness of masks.
To me it's pretty simple. Why do surgeons wear them? I know all the issues, the size of the droplets that carry the virus etc, but surely they are worthwhile.
Tonight on the news they came out and said that masks reduce transmissing by around 80%
I presume this is wearing a mask surrounded by everyone else also wearing a mask.
Just crazy that they couldn't figure this out.

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27 minutes ago, CureTheSane said:

I agree with the comment.
Need to look after the citizens health as a priority.
Only question I have is if say the US goes into full lockdown, what as the citizens returning to once it's all over?

The thing that fucks with my head the most is that they couldn't (and kind of still can't) agree on the effectiveness of masks.
To me it's pretty simple. Why do surgeons wear them? I know all the issues, the size of the droplets that carry the virus etc, but surely they are worthwhile.
Tonight on the news they came out and said that masks reduce transmissing by around 80%
I presume this is wearing a mask surrounded by everyone else also wearing a mask.
Just crazy that they couldn't figure this out.

The reason they did not recommend wearing masks until the last month is that they did not have enough masks for the health professionals....so if they said everyone should be wearing a mask, then it would have been their responsibility to provide those masks to the public....something they couldn't do so they said you didn't need one as they were not very effective....now that masks are more widely available they are telling us the truth...it was obvious from day one that masks would be a good thing but the media and most everyone bought into the bullshit.....

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23 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

The reason they did not recommend wearing masks until the last month is that they did not have enough masks for the health professionals....so if they said everyone should be wearing a mask, then it would have been their responsibility to provide those masks to the public....something they couldn't do so they said you didn't need one as they were not very effective....now that masks are more widely available they are telling us the truth...it was obvious from day one that masks would be a good thing but the media and most everyone bought into the bullshit.....

Yeah, that's pretty obvious, and it's their claim.
Unfortunately the way they went about it was tos ay that they weren't effective against the virus, to stop the public buying them out.
Fucking idiots.
Now a huge portion of the population thinks they are a waste of tme, when it matters to wear them.

This is what lies (blatant lies) get.

How about they said "masks are effective, but we need all we can get for health professionals"
They how about the government comandeer what they need so the public can't savage stock piles?
Treat epople like idiots and they will act like idiots.
Then don't complain that people are acting like idiots.

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well right on cue the horrible spike in deaths happens in the US. over 1400 cases yesterday :(

but of course according to Trump their cases are up due to world class testing!! of course they are Donald.

Of course everyone will label this as left leaning but you can't deny the truth in this piece -


We'll see how this plays out over the next 2 weeks.

if the numbers get worse I'm sure trump will blame the radical left BLM protests ;)

If any country had any sense they would close the borders to all US travel now, until the situation improves. 

praying that I'm wrong. 


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Lol, life must be smooth sailing for you, Glen. You definitely have a permanent default setting.

Out of curiosity, has anything ever happened anywhere ever that isn't Trump's fault? 

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37 minutes ago, Geoff said:

Lol, life must be smooth sailing for you, Glen. You definitely have a permanent default setting.

Out of curiosity, has anything ever happened anywhere ever that isn't Trump's fault? 


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23 minutes ago, PeterS said:


Are you saying Glen approves of Brexit? If so, then yes, of course Trump had nothing to do with it. 

If, however, it is something that Glen views negatively, I can guarantee you it's Trump's fault! ;)

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12 hours ago, Geoff said:

Lol, life must be smooth sailing for you, Glen. You definitely have a permanent default setting.

Out of curiosity, has anything ever happened anywhere ever that isn't Trump's fault? 

what is the point of this comment. You tell me whose fault it is then ??

read this below.....the level of stupidity is mind boggling.......



President Donald Trump insisted again Tuesday that the U.S. would have fewer coronavirus cases if it conducted less testing — even as outbreaks continue to surge across the nation and deaths begin to pick up pace. 

"Think of this, if we didn't do testing, instead of testing over 40 million people, if we did half the testing we would have half the cases," Trump said at a press conference at the White House. "If we did another, you cut that in half, we would have, yet again, half of that. But the headlines are always testing



so err. stop testing and miraculously all the spread of infections and increase in cases magically disappear. Amazing. Looks like we don't need a vaccine after all ;)

This man is the president of the US. Just think about that for a moment. 

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As with most who have contracted TDS, you make the exact same mistake that the collective Left and the mainstream media make:

The press takes him literally, but not seriously; his supporters take him seriously, but not literally

His point is that the amount/rate of testing skews the death and case rates. He doesn't mean that if we tested less, fewer people would die.

The naysayers are always trying to parse every word to make every statement appear in the worst possible light rather than trying to understand his point, and left-leaning media outlets like CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, etc. are the absolute worst; they will always paint a Trump comment or statement in the most adversarial or controversial manner possible, no matter the intent.

At any rate, he's not wrong in that the numbers are complete bullshit, at least here in the U.S. So trying to determine what the real rates is nigh unto impossible. It is SOOO subject to agenda-driven spin because there are no concrete data.

For example, the head of the Illinois Department of Health admitted on camera that if someone dies and had tested positive for COVID prior to or at time of death, they are classified as a COVID death, even if the death had NOTHING to do with the virus. The example given was that someone testing positive for COVID dying in an automobile crash would be classified as a COVID death.

The other problem is that repeat positive tests by the same patient are classified as separate positive cases, which artificially inflate the number of cases.

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oh don't give me that rubbish. I've seen his speeches. this is exactly what he means. 

and he tweets it over and over again.

stop defending the idiot. 

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2 hours ago, Glen said:

what is the point of this comment. You tell me whose fault it is then ??

read this below.....the level of stupidity is mind boggling.......



President Donald Trump insisted again Tuesday that the U.S. would have fewer coronavirus cases if it conducted less testing — even as outbreaks continue to surge across the nation and deaths begin to pick up pace. 

"Think of this, if we didn't do testing, instead of testing over 40 million people, if we did half the testing we would have half the cases," Trump said at a press conference at the White House. "If we did another, you cut that in half, we would have, yet again, half of that. But the headlines are always testing



so err. stop testing and miraculously all the spread of infections and increase in cases magically disappear. Amazing. Looks like we don't need a vaccine after all ;)

This man is the president of the US. Just think about that for a moment. 

The point of the comment is that you have a seriously unhealthy obsession with Trump and seem to feel the need to blame every single negative thing that happens on him. You could probably pull up your posts for the last few years or so and there's probably at least one Trump-bashing post per day. It's boring. You're not alone, and it's just fucking boring. 

Who's fault is it then? Is Trump forcing people to go out and contract Covid-19? Is there no such thing as personal responsibility in the US? Is every covid case in the UK your prime minister's fault? I don't blame our prime minister in Australia for every case of covid-19 here. We've all lived with this thing for half a year now - we know what to do to maximise our chances at not contracting it. If you don't want to get it, don't put yourself in a position to get it. But don't blame the president of the USA if you get it - it's just stupid. 

Like I said at the start of the piece, no one anywhere has handled this perfectly and yes, the situation in the US - to an outsider - looks like an absolute mess. But you can't just fix every problem in the world by saying, "Oh, it's Trump's fault." As with the BLM thing... just think a little deeper. 

And I like how you removed any fault attributed to the BLM protesters from the equation in your earlier post. So the new spread of the virus IS all Trump's fault. But definitely NOT the bunch of mindless, moronic deadshit cunts who went against every bit of virus-avoiding advice that they were given to by their government... they are not at fault at all? They've been flawless at ensuring the virus doesn't spread? Great logic there. Your mind is warped so far to the left and it blows my mind that you can't see it. :( 

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I'm not left at all. No socialist here. but if you can't see that the US response to Covid has been appalling then you are blind my friend.

Buck stops with Trump sorry.

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