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3 hours ago, heavyharmonies said:

Stirring the pot, eh? Candidly, despite Trump being somewhat non-existent on the leadership front when it comes to COVID-19, the country is actually weathering the storm. Yes, there are spikes in cases due to, *ahem* "social gatherings", but the scenario for these cases is vastly different from the onset.

We are testing at a much greater rate now, the majority of cases appear to be asymptomatic, and death rates continue to decline. Businesses are (slowly) reopening, and people are getting to work.

This was never going to be a "flip the switch and everything is back to normal" situation. It's going to take time.

The bigger concern to me are the Antifa and BLM terrorists destroying the country and its history, while local and regional authorities stand by and let them do it. It's criminal... on both the part of the thugs, and the bureaucrats.

When peaceful protest turned into destruction of public and private property, and danger to innocent civilians, that shit should have been nipped in the bud, but authorities were too concerned about how they would be perceived on Twitter, and now everyone's trying to figure out how to get shit back into the horse.

Not to mention that these people are fucking stupid. Over the weekend they tore down the statue of Frederick Douglass... a black abolitionist who worked to end slavery.

It just boggles the mind.

I agree the US is weathering the storm but you don't have much choice since many states have virus numbers that are surging due to social gatherings ... you've got to admit that if things had been handled better and there was leadership from the top instead of denial , the country would be much better off....

As for destroying statues...that shit pisses me off...there is no advantage in trying to erase history and the rioting and other destruction is outrageous and should have been dealt with harshly especially that bullshit in Seattle where people were allowed to take over several city blocks....and I would be willing to bet a small fortune that the people who vandalized the Frederick Douglass statue were of a 'pale persuasion' ...the only surprise is that it took them this long to do it...probably because they had a hard time finding a statue of a black man...


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Australia is doing very well, excepy my state, Victoria with record numbers overnight.

This second wave happened to us, and now we're in lockdown again.

The spanish flu had 3 waves with the second being the most significant.

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19 hours ago, heavyharmonies said:

Stirring the pot, eh? Candidly, despite Trump being somewhat non-existent on the leadership front when it comes to COVID-19, the country is actually weathering the storm. Yes, there are spikes in cases due to, *ahem* "social gatherings", but the scenario for these cases is vastly different from the onset.

We are testing at a much greater rate now, the majority of cases appear to be asymptomatic, and death rates continue to decline. Businesses are (slowly) reopening, and people are getting to work.

This was never going to be a "flip the switch and everything is back to normal" situation. It's going to take time.

The bigger concern to me are the Antifa and BLM terrorists destroying the country and its history, while local and regional authorities stand by and let them do it. It's criminal... on both the part of the thugs, and the bureaucrats.

When peaceful protest turned into destruction of public and private property, and danger to innocent civilians, that shit should have been nipped in the bud, but authorities were too concerned about how they would be perceived on Twitter, and now everyone's trying to figure out how to get shit back into the horse.

Not to mention that these people are fucking stupid. Over the weekend they tore down the statue of Frederick Douglass... a black abolitionist who worked to end slavery.

It just boggles the mind.

OK Dan, you just spoke against the rioters and Antifa, your a racist, a Nazi, and a bigot, denounce your whiteness right now, say 3 hail Marys, and apologize for your white privilege, whats going on here?

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On 7/7/2020 at 8:00 AM, CureTheSane said:

Australia is doing very well, excepy my state, Victoria with record numbers overnight.

This second wave happened to us, and now we're in lockdown again.

The spanish flu had 3 waves with the second being the most significant.

see Melbourne in lockdown. A real shame but I guess we are going to have to live with these local lockdown. We have a city in UK in lockdown too.

6 weeks is long though :(

feel for the local businesses etc 

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1 hour ago, Glen said:

see Melbourne in lockdown. A real shame but I guess we are going to have to live with these local lockdown. We have a city in UK in lockdown too.

6 weeks is long though :(

feel for the local businesses etc 

I'm lucky in that my main business ships all around the country, and they are unaffected.
We've been busier than ever of last, like at least twice as busy.
We had a 3 week lull, and then boom!
Lucky, but other businesses are not doing as well.

Many people thought we were coming out of this, and spent money they didn't have yet, then the second wave hit so they are in some trouble.
Resturants take away only again, gyms, etc closed again.


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what great leader trump is. threatening to cut school funding if they refuse to reopen.

despite massive spike in cases & death rate up for last 2-3 days


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On 7/9/2020 at 6:52 AM, Glen said:

what great leader trump is. threatening to cut school funding if they refuse to reopen.

despite massive spike in cases & death rate up for last 2-3 days


Well what do they need funding for? if their not opening,

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3 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

Well what do they need funding for? if their not opening,

err paying their teachers for a start. or should all teachers be laid off? You realise that there have already been huge cuts to education spending in the US. Not that I care, it's not my country. 

schools need more funding to reopen safely not cuts. 

God know what my kids school has had to spend to reopen safely - the changes made are pretty drastic and must have cost a fortune and STILL they cannot open to all kids. 

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6 hours ago, Glen said:

err paying their teachers for a start. or should all teachers be laid off? You realise that there have already been huge cuts to education spending in the US. Not that I care, it's not my country. 

schools need more funding to reopen safely not cuts. 

God know what my kids school has had to spend to reopen safely - the changes made are pretty drastic and must have cost a fortune and STILL they cannot open to all kids. 

I understand that, but their not reopening, Trump is trying to make it mandatory that the schools open, and you know who is trying to keep it from opening, so Trump says, okay, if their not going to start school, then their not going to be paid, pretty simple, if I don't go to work, I don't get paid, theres a lot more to it then he's just de-funding them, a lot more to it.

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Leykis, you're wrong. Even if schools do not open for in-person classes, there is an expectation that online classes will continue. The schools don't just magically close. That means there are still expenses for salaries, books., etc. There will be heightened costs for technology and support. Building expenses (lease payments, loan repayments, insurance costs) still need to be maintained. Grounds still need to be maintined.

As much as I normally support the current administration, I disagree with this move, as well as the move to force any international students not taking in-person classes to leave the country. It's unnecessarily punitive.

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this ^^^^

Also the small fact that it's not safe to reopen to ALL pupils. In fact it's nigh on impossible.

but trump doesn't care about people's safety or the spread of this virus.

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Glen, you started so well... but then you just couldn't help yourself and veered off into TDS land. 

"trump doesn't care about people's safety or the spread of this virus."

Seriously? Do you HONESTLY believe this? We don't know all of the factors being weighed to arrive at a particular decision.

It's possible to simply disagree with a decision without going off the deep end and resorting to "OMFG! EVIL ORANGE MAN WANTS TO KILL YOUR BABIEZ! REEEEEEEEEE!!!!!"

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I don't think he does care. 

all he really cares about is getting re-elected. 

he just wants markets open, schools open , retail open - that's his bottom line. The continuing spread of the virus is defended by claiming it's enhanced testing which is basically rubbish.

I hope for all your sakes that the death rate doesn't spike again. But it's up isn't it. let's just hope it doesn't get worse. 

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I must admit I do not understand how so many intelligent people can constantly defend Trump and his policies....he is mainly a selfish narcissist....his main concern is re-election and he sees that happening if the economy gets better....blindness may be a problem but it is not the anti-trump groups that are wearing rose colored glasses....

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If the economy doesnt restart and get going, it's not gonna matter if we all die or not, "dem goddamn librals de tryin to make the economy crash, that way dey can have are man by da ballz on sumpten else" so you guys all think, and are more worried about catching a disease, then the economy going under, sorry I  gotta play the odds of maybe catching a virus, that will maybe kill me, or for certain the entire economy crashing, sorry guys, if I don't have work, I dont have money, or food, or shelter, and that will for certain make me wish I had just caught Corona.

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4 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

I must admit I do not understand how so many intelligent people can constantly defend Trump and his policies....he is mainly a selfish narcissist....his main concern is re-election and he sees that happening if the economy gets better....blindness may be a problem but it is not the anti-trump groups that are wearing rose colored glasses....

No, It is, tell me, what is it Bidens worried about? let's see, he basically shifts to whatever direction he's told, he changes stances faster then underwear, has been in the Government for 40 years, and nothing he's saying is consistent with a thing he's said in 40 years, sounds to me like pandering, and we do that so we can?? Get the votes, trumps a fucking scumbag, at least he's a consistent douche bag, he doesn't meander on topics, that's why I think he's hated, Trump was never a politician, he was a business man, and that shows by his bullheaded antics, still since Jo Jorgesen doesn't have a shot at winning, and I certainly do not wish to see what's going on here continue, shit has gotten one sided, and if the economy crashes, this could spark the worst thing I could contemplate, that's right, we will be sneaking into Mexico.

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Here's a outsiders POV with the US and corona.
Basically they're fucked.
I can't see any other chice but to move on and reopen and support business.
if they don't, the economy is screwed, which leads to people being screwed, and a severe depression potentially.
There were opportunities to slow the spread, but they were missed. Closing NY would have been wise.
But everyone was learning how to deal when it all happened, some just made better decisions than otehrs.

As for the schools, that one is a bit tricky, obviously for government run schools.
I'm not familiar with how it works in the US in more detail.
Everyone has the right to quit their job, teacher, cafe worker, etc.
Can only go on how our government handled schools and transmission between kids was suppoesed to be very low.
Just my outsider opinions, based on what I know.
it's a sucky situation and good luck to everyone stayin safe.

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2 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

If the economy doesnt restart and get going, it's not gonna matter if we all die or not, "dem goddamn librals de tryin to make the economy crash, that way dey can have are man by da ballz on sumpten else" so you guys all think, and are more worried about catching a disease, then the economy going under, sorry I  gotta play the odds of maybe catching a virus, that will maybe kill me, or for certain the entire economy crashing, sorry guys, if I don't have work, I dont have money, or food, or shelter, and that will for certain make me wish I had just caught Corona.

never wish you catch this disease it's evil. 

even if you recovery you are left with permanent respiratory issues or even worse. kidney probs, diabetes.....the truth will come out in a few years.

and the economic issues are trumps fault too. sorry. he's done bugger all to support businesses , employees or the self employed. In UK we had the furlough scheme where the government stepped in to pay 80% of wages so many weren't laid off. and a separate scheme to support the self employed. 

this virus is now running rampant across the US with no way of controlling it. If the UK had any sense we would ban US travel completely but they won't.

Crazy times 

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15 hours ago, Glen said:

even if you recovery you are left with permanent respiratory issues or even worse. kidney probs, diabetes.....the truth will come out in a few years.


Just a heads up, when you write things like "the truth will come out in a few years" it indicates that there is some sort of coverup at play and smacks of conspiracy theory.
It kind of nullifies any point you were trying to make for me.

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 I'm not seeing any conspiracy theory ... fact is that they are still figuring out this virus and the overall effects on the human body and it will take a 'few years' before they are certain enough about it to put it down in a medical journal....

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4 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

Just a heads up, when you write things like "the truth will come out in a few years" it indicates that there is some sort of coverup at play and smacks of conspiracy theory.
It kind of nullifies any point you were trying to make for me.

dead planet is spot on. no conspiracy theory.....this is happening right now all across the world. And in the US for sure. im referring to the unknown factor right now. We refer to millions have recovered but they haven't. there will be lasting issues for a huge amount of these people and overtime this will all come out as the full effects are realised.

obviously some have only minor symptoms or no symptoms and they will be ok.

but labelling everyone as 'recovered' is just wrong. If you've been on a ventilator you're gonna have on going issues of some degree - varying of course - some minor, but enough to remind you had the Damn thing.

some a lot worse.


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I get that there may be lasting respirtory issues for those who have had the virus, particularly in serious cases.
But th point is the terminology.
Need to be careful with wording, or people will diregard what youa re trying to say.
"the truth will come out" alludes to some kind of secret supression of information.

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Meh. As with everywhere else, people here aren't immune to framing the issues to fit their personal political preferences/agenda.


Even if you recovery you are left with permanent respiratory issues or even worse. kidney probs, diabetes.....the truth will come out in a few years.

Could easily have been framed as:


Even after recovery, some may be left with permanent respiratory issues or even worse. kidney probs, diabetes..... we won't know the real impact of the virus for years.


1. The former states categorically as fact that EVERYONE who gets COVID-19 will have permanent severe residual issues. We don't know this. All we can say right now is that some patients are likely to have lingering complications.

2. Rewording the last phrase retains the uncertainty of the long-term implications without resorting to clandestine implications. The way it was originally worded implies that the truth is known currently, but is being withheld, which is not the case. We just don't have enough data, clear interpretation, or both.

It's all in the wording used to imply certain things.

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