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My first roll over.


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Holy shit mate. How's the damage to the car? I think they say you're better off not trying to avoid the kangaroos if it comes down to it, and just hit it. Easy to say in hindsight, but glad you're okay. I lost one of my best mates a few years when we can only assume he dozed for a second behind the wheel, over-corrected and rolled his car on an empty stretch of road on the SA coast. Left behind a wife and two young kids. 

Anyway, don't like travelling down that path, but glad to hear you got out of this one okay. How'd you get the car back upright? 

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Yikes! My mom rolled over once in a Jeep on the ice a few years back. I think she ended up with two black eyes.

Man you get kangaroos like we get deer? Cool! I mean, not that they jump in front of your car, but. . That's cool :lol:

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I remember about two years back I was driving down at Sussex Inlet on the NSW South Coast - we were actually having a slow drive around some local backstreets with the kids looking at the kangaroos everywhere. As I was driving one came bouncing out from someone's backyard and slid right across the bonnet of my car like a Mel Gibson in Lethal Weapon or the like. He was a massive one too. He did leave a small and insignificant dent in the car, but it was kind of cool. 

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Good you're OK.

We have the freaking moose running around everywhere that you don't wanna hit.  Those animals are huge. And pretty frightening when they appear in front of your car going zillions miles an hour in the dark. You're glad if you make it out alive 'cause the car certainly won't.

I have had plenty of close calls, never hit one though.

Edited by Stefan
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Glad to hear that you're ok...

we don't really have to deal with wild animals here on the roads...the odd rabbit,fox or badger here and there and very occasionally a sheep or cow .

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Here in my part of the world, it's not animals that we have to deal with, it's people on two wheelers! They ride their bikes like morons. No one bothers about the traffic rules. They come from left, right, front, up. I generally lose my cool almost everytime i am driving.

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  • 2023 Gold Donors
17 hours ago, Geoff said:

Holy shit mate. How's the damage to the car? I think they say you're better off not trying to avoid the kangaroos if it comes down to it, and just hit it. Easy to say in hindsight, but glad you're okay. I lost one of my best mates a few years when we can only assume he dozed for a second behind the wheel, over-corrected and rolled his car on an empty stretch of road on the SA coast. Left behind a wife and two young kids. 

Anyway, don't like travelling down that path, but glad to hear you got out of this one okay. How'd you get the car back upright? 

You're spot on mate. One of the first things you learn when you start driving is don't swerve to avoid an animal. As unpleasant as it may be you're better driving straight rather than injuring yourself or God forbid, someone else. It was just an instinctive thing and I was very lucky. The car's a write off. Although there was surprisingly only very superficial damage to the front passenger side quarter panel, the whole chassis was bent. The towie had it upright using his winch and hooked up along with the trailer in about 10 minutes. Amazing. It was a company car and thankfully I have a great boss.

Edited by Darkstone
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  • 2023 Gold Donors
16 hours ago, PetraGirl86 said:

Yikes! My mom rolled over once in a Jeep on the ice a few years back. I think she ended up with two black eyes.

Man you get kangaroos like we get deer? Cool! I mean, not that they jump in front of your car, but. . That's cool :lol:

It's not that cool. When you see Kangaroos in the field at dusk it's magical, but not on the roads. Unfortunately they are very stupid animals. Any other animal has the sense to aviod a moving car, but these guys will hop in front of a moving car rather than avoid it. In country Victoria the highways and country roads are littered with dead Kangaroos that have been hit. I often think about tourists visiting old country towns hoping to see a Kangaroo in their journey. Yeah, no worries mate, you'll see plenty of dead ones on the side of the road. The worst thing is if you happen to hit a female roo with a joey in her pouch. Not pleasant. 

Edited by Darkstone
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  • 2023 Gold Donors
13 hours ago, Ponen said:

Here in my part of the world, it's not animals that we have to deal with, it's people on two wheelers! They ride their bikes like morons. No one bothers about the traffic rules. They come from left, right, front, up. I generally lose my cool almost everytime i am driving.

That would truly be horrific. Even if you're completely without fault, if you kill one of those idiots, then you have to live with that shit. Very scary.

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  • 2023 Gold Donors
6 hours ago, Doggy said:

More important, where was Sonny ?

Skippy the kangaroo strikes again.

I'm a bit far from the Waratah National Park, but I'm sure this arsehole was related to that bitch.

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8 minutes ago, Darkstone said:

That would truly be horrific. Even if you're completely without fault, if you kill one of those idiots, then you have to live with that shit. Very scary.

Very true. Especially this time of the year with Christmas and New year just around the corner, we need to be extra careful because here in my state, night carnivals n concerts are everyday events and thousands throng to these places, eat, get drunk and hit the roads. So if you re unlucky you might end up with a bad experience. Anyway speaking of which, one dent and one scratch in my car in two months lol. It's really annoying.

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On ‎12‎/‎14‎/‎2019 at 2:41 AM, KarpetRydOFunk said:

Fucking kangaroos. What are they good for? 

They might tough, but they nice under griller.

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  • 1 year later...

Just saw this Dusty, who did you have do it for you? G-Off?? he's damn good, I really remember the 1st time he rolled me over, he was very gentle, and made sure he used enough spit, it was a crowning moment in my life, my mom made me a scrapbook, we had a small party, what festivities did you have for your first roll over? tell us all what it was like.

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  • 2023 Gold Donors
3 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

Just saw this Dusty, who did you have do it for you? G-Off?? he's damn good, I really remember the 1st time he rolled me over, he was very gentle, and made sure he used enough spit, it was a crowning moment in my life, my mom made me a scrapbook, we had a small party, what festivities did you have for your first roll over? tell us all what it was like.

No festivities. 

Nothing as extravagant as your celebrations.

As fondly as you remember your first roll over with Geoff was, I bet it doesn't compare to the first reach around. 


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4 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

Just saw this Dusty, who did you have do it for you? G-Off?? he's damn good, I really remember the 1st time he rolled me over, he was very gentle, and made sure he used enough spit, it was a crowning moment in my life, my mom made me a scrapbook, we had a small party, what festivities did you have for your first roll over? tell us all what it was like.

Yeah, one of my favourite memories too. Still have photos of that night on my fridge. 

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