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Rick Springfield - Rocket Science


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Even with this massive Country vibe, Andrew still gave this one a 100% review over at MR.com. I'm sure it's good, but with the prices of cds and shipping, I'll most likely pass on it and play it online.


This 100% review doesn't get me too excited, it seems pretty much all releases from Rick Springfield, Mr.Big, Journey, Toto and Eclipse get between 98% and 100% on MR.com...me thinks Andrew is a fanboy.


I agree....and, to me, his reviews are biased in that respect. I'm sure every reviewer has a bias....it's only human nature, so I don't really pay attention to his reviews for some releases as his tastes in music aren't quite in line with mine. I do use his reviews to a lesser degree to get explanations of tracks, etc. His overall ratings often don't mean too much to me. I do appreciate them though.

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LOL...Did the same thing :)


This will be a pass for me...Not my cup of tea.



Even with this massive Country vibe, Andrew still gave this one a 100% review over at MR.com. I'm sure it's good, but with the prices of cds and shipping, I'll most likely pass on it and play it online.



This 100% review doesn't get me too excited, it seems pretty much all releases from Rick Springfield, Mr.Big, Journey, Toto and Eclipse get between 98% and 100% on MR.com...me thinks Andrew is a fanboy.


I guessed the score before I even looked....i was correct ;)


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Not surprising to see a dig at the review/score and my "fanboy" reviews. Feel free to create your own sites and put the time and effort into running them and reviewing. I look forward to being able to critique your work.


As for the fanboy remark - every artist just mentioned (Rick Springfield, Mr.Big, Journey, Toto and Eclipse) have actually been on the receiving end of negative reviews also. Go do some research before criticizing.


Why should I mark something down when it's such a great release? If ANY artist deserves a good or bad score, then I'll do it as I see it. And for the record - my percentage of high scores is actually far LESS than other websites and magazines.

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  • My Little Pony

And for the record - my percentage of high scores is actually far LESS than other websites and magazines.

Truu. How many times have I stumbled upon sites and saw twenty-plus new reviews all 80 and higher? Too bloody often.

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There nothing wrong with galas half full reviewing. I know I do it as a I am not out there making music and such so I give credit for the act and effort as well as if it's the next big thing or not. I also have a preference for the lesser to unknown acts so thy can get a nod.


Sorry for the highj jack and as I mentioned earlier the songs posted are good Because They Can era Nelaon style countrified rockers easily performed by the likes of Keith Urban.

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  • My Little Pony

There nothing wrong with galas half full reviewing. I know I do it as a I am not out there making music and such so I give credit for the act and effort as well as if it's the next big thing or not. I also have a preference for the lesser to unknown acts so thy can get a nod.


Sorry for the highj jack and as I mentioned earlier the songs posted are good Because They Can era Nelaon style countrified rockers easily performed by the likes of Keith Urban.

Having troubles with your keyboard?


Yeah, I think I'm harder on bands than I let on. But I do try to give them grace.

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Bugger. Another week to go for this release. For some reason I thought it was today.


While we might not all agree with Andrews 100% ratings I do tend to find his tastes similar so I'm even more enthused to hear it. The last album absolutely blew me away and I still listen to it so I have high hopes.

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Not surprising to see a dig at the review/score and my "fanboy" reviews. Feel free to create your own sites and put the time and effort into running them and reviewing. I look forward to being able to critique your work.


As for the fanboy remark - every artist just mentioned (Rick Springfield, Mr.Big, Journey, Toto and Eclipse) have actually been on the receiving end of negative reviews also. Go do some research before criticizing.


Why should I mark something down when it's such a great release? If ANY artist deserves a good or bad score, then I'll do it as I see it. And for the record - my percentage of high scores is actually far LESS than other websites and magazines.


is it??


I really question that.


Looking at your last 30 reviews there was 1 maximum score of 100%...........but


15 of them were over 90% and another 8 over 85%.


So that's 80% of the last 30 albums worth over 85%.


Sorry but that just can't be true and is very misleading for the reader


And the point in question is that if you give an album 100%, you have to be damned sure that it is the best of their career....cos you have nowhere to go.....esp if the next album is better ;)


Its like with Toto - XIV. Yes, its a good album.....but with at least a few fillers and a muddy production can it really be worth 100%??


Does that mean Toto - IV is like 130% ?? cos it's a damned site better.


I think the fanboy tag comes when people almost predict you giving 100% to Toto before the review is even written....and when it isn't probably deserved.


I actually like reading your reviews and am always interested in your view of an album, but I just think that your 'scores' have become too consistently high across the board for them to have any meaning anymore.


Please take this as constructive criticism, because as you know I've been a huge fan of your site over the years.



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Careful Glen!

Andrew got mighty pissed at my comments....you'll be next on his hit list and he'll give you the evil eye.

I for one love reading his reviews, he like many of us has fave bands and his 100% reviews tend to reflect that....that's all I was trying to say in my original post.

I was told to start my own website....so it seems I have some work to do.

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I guess I lucked out on the kazoo and farts comment 'cause I didn't specifically get targeted for Andrew's wrath, but I think everyone knows I make my comments tongue in cheek and not out of any malicious intent. I don't necessarily have a huge dislike for his reviews either, and they are usually more often than not, very helpful. It's just that I find those pertaining to what appear to be personal favorites somewhat over the top in histrionic accolades. For example, waxing on about Rick Springfield's supposed prowess as a lyricist strikes me as very strange when you consider that hysterical babbling he penned with Corey Feldman. NO ONE having a hand in THAT crap should ever receive even a passing mention as a lyricist of note. Andrew's site is a goldmine for upcoming releases, and I admit I check his news feed every day to keep in the loop, so I guess I'm a bit of a fan... not a fanboy... just a fan.

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Sorry, had my captain grumpy pants on. Couple of small points -


I absolutely rate RS as one of the best lyricists out there.


Regarding my scores - pain in the ass but everyone wants them. Keep in mind that I've only had time recently to review the best and most important titles, so unless there's a real duff one, the scores are naturally going to be skewered upwards.

In comparison to other outlets, I give far less perfect scores or near perfect.


And I prefer Toto XIV over Toto IV :)

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Sorry, had my captain grumpy pants on. Couple of small points -


I absolutely rate RS as one of the best lyricists out there.


Regarding my scores - pain in the ass but everyone wants them. Keep in mind that I've only had time recently to review the best and most important titles, so unless there's a real duff one, the scores are naturally going to be skewered upwards.

In comparison to other outlets, I give far less perfect scores or near perfect.


And I prefer Toto XIV over Toto IV :)

Good god. Really????


You must be the only one lol.

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  • 2024 Gold Donors

If there was any doubt about Rick Springfields' rock credentials, one needs only to remember Zoot (or Pink Zoot). Check out their version of "Eleanor Rigby" on youtube. I dare say it's better than the original! This track alone and the longevity of his career gives RS legend status in my books, and he's an Aussie to boot!

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If there was any doubt about Rick Springfields' rock credentials, one needs only to remember Zoot (or Pink Zoot). Check out their version of "Eleanor Rigby" on youtube. I dare say it's better than the original! This track alone and the longevity of his career gives RS legend status in my books, and he's an Aussie to boot!

R.I.P Daryl Cotton

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Not surprising to see a dig at the review/score and my "fanboy" reviews. Feel free to create your own sites and put the time and effort into running them and reviewing. I look forward to being able to critique your work.


As for the fanboy remark - every artist just mentioned (Rick Springfield, Mr.Big, Journey, Toto and Eclipse) have actually been on the receiving end of negative reviews also. Go do some research before criticizing.


Why should I mark something down when it's such a great release? If ANY artist deserves a good or bad score, then I'll do it as I see it. And for the record - my percentage of high scores is actually far LESS than other websites and magazines.


is it??


I really question that.


Looking at your last 30 reviews there was 1 maximum score of 100%...........but


15 of them were over 90% and another 8 over 85%.


So that's 80% of the last 30 albums worth over 85%.


Sorry but that just can't be true and is very misleading for the reader


And the point in question is that if you give an album 100%, you have to be damned sure that it is the best of their career....cos you have nowhere to go.....esp if the next album is better ;)


Its like with Toto - XIV. Yes, its a good album.....but with at least a few fillers and a muddy production can it really be worth 100%??


Does that mean Toto - IV is like 130% ?? cos it's a damned site better.


I think the fanboy tag comes when people almost predict you giving 100% to Toto before the review is even written....and when it isn't probably deserved.


I actually like reading your reviews and am always interested in your view of an album, but I just think that your 'scores' have become too consistently high across the board for them to have any meaning anymore.


Please take this as constructive criticism, because as you know I've been a huge fan of your site over the years.





lolz @ everyone picking on a 100%


I chuckle at anyone who's reviews are consistently over 70 or 80%


100% is the best album ever IMO


Don't think I could ever get to 100% and not many albums would make it over 90% for me. That would mean every song is 9/10

Pretty much every album has at least a couple of tracks that are fillers and would rate 3 or 4 /10 - this would instantly reduce the overall score to below 90


I've done this before with an album, but let me pick what at one time was kind of the ultimate rock album - Bon Jovi - Slippery When Wet


Let It Rock - 5
You Give Love A Bad Name - 10
Livin' On A Prayer - 10
Social Disease - 2
Wanted Dead Or Alive - 10
Raise Your Hands - 8
Without Love - 10
I'd Die For You - 10
Never Say Goodbye - 10
Wild In The Streets - 8




Or - Def Leppard - Hysteria


Women - 8
Rocket - 8
Animal - 10
Love Bites - 10
Pour Some Sugar On Me - 10
Armageddon It - 10
Gods Of War - 6
Don't Shoot Shotgun - 4
Run Riot - 7
Hysteria - 10
Excitable - 3
Love And Affection - 10


These are the scores I'd give more at the time soon after they were released. Over time your tastes change a bit and you may not rate so highly.

Some songs you may like more over time. I used to hate God Of Thunder....


I'll rate up the new Rick Springflied album when I get it.

I'm a fair fan and consider Rock Of Life as one of my all time favorites.

And I really like some songs that have been released of the new album so far.


Will take me a month or so as I don't really think you can listen to an album a few times and give a fair rating. Some songs take me 6 or 7 listens to start to really get into them and like them - maybe some people can tell straight away?

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Ha ha. Slightly harsh with some of those scores.


If Gods of War is a 6/10 im a monkeys uncle. Thats my one of my fav songs on the album...easy top 3.


I agree on albums over 90% though. Even when i rated 1989 - arguably the greatest year for our genre - there were only about 6 or 7.

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Ha ha. Slightly harsh with some of those scores.


If Gods of War is a 6/10 im a monkeys uncle. Thats my one of my fav songs on the album...easy top 3.


I agree on albums over 90% though. Even when i rated 1989 - arguably the greatest year for our genre - there were only about 6 or 7.


You mean we differ in which songs we like more?



haha, like I said, I used to hate God Of Thunder, kind of considered blasphemy by Kiss fans

Same with Sammy vs DLR. I'd rate most DLR songs pretty low, except for the few hits they had.

Sammy's would mostly rate pretty high.

Each to their own I guess :)

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Not surprising to see a dig at the review/score and my "fanboy" reviews. Feel free to create your own sites and put the time and effort into running them and reviewing. I look forward to being able to critique your work.


As for the fanboy remark - every artist just mentioned (Rick Springfield, Mr.Big, Journey, Toto and Eclipse) have actually been on the receiving end of negative reviews also. Go do some research before criticizing.


Why should I mark something down when it's such a great release? If ANY artist deserves a good or bad score, then I'll do it as I see it. And for the record - my percentage of high scores is actually far LESS than other websites and magazines.


is it??


I really question that.


Looking at your last 30 reviews there was 1 maximum score of 100%...........but


15 of them were over 90% and another 8 over 85%.


So that's 80% of the last 30 albums worth over 85%.


Sorry but that just can't be true and is very misleading for the reader


And the point in question is that if you give an album 100%, you have to be damned sure that it is the best of their career....cos you have nowhere to go.....esp if the next album is better ;)


Its like with Toto - XIV. Yes, its a good album.....but with at least a few fillers and a muddy production can it really be worth 100%??


Does that mean Toto - IV is like 130% ?? cos it's a damned site better.


I think the fanboy tag comes when people almost predict you giving 100% to Toto before the review is even written....and when it isn't probably deserved.


I actually like reading your reviews and am always interested in your view of an album, but I just think that your 'scores' have become too consistently high across the board for them to have any meaning anymore.


Please take this as constructive criticism, because as you know I've been a huge fan of your site over the years.





lolz @ everyone picking on a 100%


I chuckle at anyone who's reviews are consistently over 70 or 80%


100% is the best album ever IMO


Don't think I could ever get to 100% and not many albums would make it over 90% for me. That would mean every song is 9/10

Pretty much every album has at least a couple of tracks that are fillers and would rate 3 or 4 /10 - this would instantly reduce the overall score to below 90


I've done this before with an album, but let me pick what at one time was kind of the ultimate rock album - Bon Jovi - Slippery When Wet


Let It Rock - 5
You Give Love A Bad Name - 10
Livin' On A Prayer - 10
Social Disease - 2
Wanted Dead Or Alive - 10
Raise Your Hands - 8
Without Love - 10
I'd Die For You - 10
Never Say Goodbye - 10
Wild In The Streets - 8




Or - Def Leppard - Hysteria


Women - 8
Rocket - 8
Animal - 10
Love Bites - 10
Pour Some Sugar On Me - 10
Armageddon It - 10
Gods Of War - 6
Don't Shoot Shotgun - 4
Run Riot - 7
Hysteria - 10
Excitable - 3
Love And Affection - 10


These are the scores I'd give more at the time soon after they were released. Over time your tastes change a bit and you may not rate so highly.

Some songs you may like more over time. I used to hate God Of Thunder....


I'll rate up the new Rick Springflied album when I get it.

I'm a fair fan and consider Rock Of Life as one of my all time favorites.

And I really like some songs that have been released of the new album so far.


Will take me a month or so as I don't really think you can listen to an album a few times and give a fair rating. Some songs take me 6 or 7 listens to start to really get into them and like them - maybe some people can tell straight away?



Jeez mate, for someone who rates so "harshly" you can sure throw out a 10/10 (or 100% if you will) without much hesitation. ;)


Anyway, I basically rate 'Slippery...' the same score as you, but 'Hysteria' quite a bit higher (I love 'Gods of war' and to a slightly lesser extent 'Don't shoot shotgun'). But these two are popular albums; not necessarily truly great albums. There are albums worth over 90% but I agree they are extremely few and far between. You just need to look in the right places, but on the pop charts is not that place. Try finding much to fault in something like Kane Roberts' 'Saints and Sinners,' for example.

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  • My Little Pony

Are we really having this conversation about ratings again? It always pops up every couple years, and always ends the same with everybody having a different method/standard for rating. You guys are all right, but you're also all wrong.

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This had nothing to do with methods of rating....and i refuse to discuss methods of rating again.


This was purely in response to Andrew saying he doesnt rate consistently high. Whereas i think he does....even if he only rates the so called main releases these days it is difficult to believe that so many are worth over 85%.


Simple answer is they arent.

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