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Opening Act (4/11)



  1. The Frontiers bot-farm activated too early.
  2. Hey TB, how are ya mate? That's quite some new look he's got going on there...
  3. Here we go again with Frontiers milking an artist 9 ways to Sunday until everyone is sick of them. Hello Ronnie Romero the 2nd.
  4. It's 100% done, so not sure why the delay. Coming this year for sure.
  5. The other 2 tracks are great also. Thanks for posting Stefan.
  6. He proves himself to be a dick at every opportunity.
  7. The whole album is excellent, really crisp, sharp production.
  8. That's right. I do remember that now. Chris joined my shit list years ago, so not surprised I forgot about this and would explain why Carsten would want to step out on his own.
  9. Played the song. Well 90 seconds of it. Fucking horrid.
  10. Sunbomb 1 was horrid. Russell/Guns is boring as batshit. No anticipation for this at all.
  11. He's the only one I've ever associated or heard of running LNP. I guess time will tell! Matti is certainly a very fine signing indeed.
  12. Strange. Why not just continue Lion's Pride label? Same guy...
  13. They got the advance, recorded the album, then the label dumped it as it was shite. So they kept the advance.
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