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A lot of love for 'Bad Boy' - its a good uptempo number, but man those lyrics are a bit cringe worthy.


A couple of others too where the lyrics are a bit dodgy. The songs are so good though they just about get away with it.


Yeah, I agree on the lyrics. 'Still Unbroken' is the only real inspiro rocker, but a lot of songs still have that inspiro vibe for whatever reason. I don't hate the lyrics, but I don't adore them either. 'Bad Boy' is a very basic rocker, but it just hits the spot for me. Simple, direct and to the point... and all in a good way.

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A lot of love for 'Bad Boy' - its a good uptempo number, but man those lyrics are a bit cringe worthy.


A couple of others too where the lyrics are a bit dodgy. The songs are so good though they just about get away with it.


Yeah, I agree on the lyrics. 'Still Unbroken' is the only real inspiro rocker, but a lot of songs still have that inspiro vibe for whatever reason. I don't hate the lyrics, but I don't adore them either. 'Bad Boy' is a very basic rocker, but it just hits the spot for me. Simple, direct and to the point... and all in a good way.


Here's my take on the 'inspiro rockers'


Learn To Live Again - (10) virtually flawless MHR (solo could be a tad better), but its still worth 10/10

Rise Up - (10) Flawless MHR. I love this song.

The Moment - (9.5) perfect verses, catchy chorus - lyrics are a little more 'inspiro' which detract just a tad

Still Unbroken - (8.5) formulaic intro (typical EM), nice verses, but generic chorus....saved by its energy and brilliant solo.

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Yeah, there are a few, hey? No wonder I got that sense. This EM kid sure does enjoy an inspiro rocker or two. I really like 'The moment' - sounds like it could have been lifted off the Hitchcock disc.


I'd rank those:


Learn to live again

The moment

Still Unbroken

Rise Up

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  • 2 weeks later...

Let's air this.


'Walk away' should be one of the best melodic rock songs of 2013 (and still pretty much is). But it's not (or is it?). Why? Because the dudes suddenly forgot that English is the language they've been using in song writing all their lives. Seriously, what the hell is this:


"Fool me once, bad on you, fool me twice and bad on me."


Am I the only one cringing every time they hear this? I hate it. Almost ruins an otherwise perfect song for me. Why did they not use the word "shame" instead of "bad?" I find it insanely annoying. Anyone else or am I alone?


Again, like when I said I like watching prawns and octopie having intercourse. You remember that? Jeez I love it. Watch it, it's all I can say. You'll love it too.

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Wow dude, you pick this apart but then listen intently to lyrical drivel like Shylock or Wild Rose.


You truly are an enigma ;-)


The thing you forget to mention is that I am at the forefront on commentary about how bad Wild Rose's lyrics are. In fact, I think no one has been more vocal about their appalling lyrics than I, despite me loving their songs.


As for Shylock, their lyrics are simple Euro drivel, but nothing too harmless. Nothing every other Euro band doesn't already do anyway.


I'm surprised you don't get my point on this, mate. Correct me if I'm wrong, but do you have christian hard rock CDs in you collection that you love? And, like me, do you not think religion and christianity is a laughable, ugly, ugly joke which should only be spoken about alongside discussions about the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus? Because that's me too. I despise religion and christianity more than anything on earth, yet I love a handful of truly great hard rock bands, who happen to write christian lyrics.


In a perfect world, all great bands would have great lyrics But it's not a perfect world and a lot of great bands have awful lyrics. Just because I like these bands doesn't mean I suddenly think these lyrics are great. I will always be the first to point out the "buts" in everything fantastic. One can't go around thinking mediocrity can simply be ignored.


I guess my point is, there is no fairness in only half-reading my awesome posts. Don't tell half a story - get the whole story. Or I'll put Cody onto you.

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Why write 1 word when u can write 1000 lol. Man I get all that truly. It just seems odd to pick out one line, even one word in a song and be so harsh on it, when the rest of the song is great.


And just for the record I've never heard anyone say 'shame on me' either - have u?

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Why write 1 word when u can write 1000 lol. Man I get all that truly. It just seems odd to pick out one line, even one word in a song and be so harsh on it, when the rest of the song is great.


And just for the record I've never heard anyone say 'shame on me' either - have u?


I have heard 'shame on me.' I think. I'm not sure now. I just know it shouldn't be 'bad on me.' Heaven's Edge say 'Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice and I'm the fool.' They're smart. Everyone else should be like them.


I don't know, mate. Everyone knows the saying but I've never heard it worded like WET word it, and I don't like it. Just a sore thumb in an otherwise killer tune.

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Why write 1 word when u can write 1000 lol. Man I get all that truly. It just seems odd to pick out one line, even one word in a song and be so harsh on it, when the rest of the song is great.


And just for the record I've never heard anyone say 'shame on me' either - have u?


I have heard 'shame on me.' I think. I'm not sure now. I just know it shouldn't be 'bad on me.' Heaven's Edge say 'Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice and I'm the fool.' They're smart. Everyone else should be like them.


I don't know, mate. Everyone knows the saying but I've never heard it worded like WET word it, and I don't like it. Just a sore thumb in an otherwise killer tune.


Yeah I agree that HE lyric is better by far, but the WET lyric does flow nicely in that chorus, and listening again I think they are simply mirroring the first statement. Isn't it effectively saying (looks) bad on me.


I hadn't really noticed it until you brought it up lol

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  • My Little Pony

Why write 1 word when u can write 1000 lol. Man I get all that truly. It just seems odd to pick out one line, even one word in a song and be so harsh on it, when the rest of the song is great.


And just for the record I've never heard anyone say 'shame on me' either - have u?


I have heard 'shame on me.' I think. I'm not sure now. I just know it shouldn't be 'bad on me.' Heaven's Edge say 'Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice and I'm the fool.' They're smart. Everyone else should be like them.


I don't know, mate. Everyone knows the saying but I've never heard it worded like WET word it, and I don't like it. Just a sore thumb in an otherwise killer tune.


Yeah I agree that HE lyric is better by far, but the WET lyric does flow nicely in that chorus, and listening again I think they are simply mirroring the first statement. Isn't it effectively saying (looks) bad on me.


I hadn't really noticed it until you brought it up lol


The idiom is, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." I, too, cringe every time I hear Soto sing bad on you/bad on me. I feel embarrassed to have that blasting through my stereo on the job site. And, Glen, it's not about us being nit-picky, the lyric genuinely irks me.

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Why write 1 word when u can write 1000 lol. Man I get all that truly. It just seems odd to pick out one line, even one word in a song and be so harsh on it, when the rest of the song is great.


And just for the record I've never heard anyone say 'shame on me' either - have u?


I have heard 'shame on me.' I think. I'm not sure now. I just know it shouldn't be 'bad on me.' Heaven's Edge say 'Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice and I'm the fool.' They're smart. Everyone else should be like them.


I don't know, mate. Everyone knows the saying but I've never heard it worded like WET word it, and I don't like it. Just a sore thumb in an otherwise killer tune.


Yeah I agree that HE lyric is better by far, but the WET lyric does flow nicely in that chorus, and listening again I think they are simply mirroring the first statement. Isn't it effectively saying (looks) bad on me.


I hadn't really noticed it until you brought it up lol


The idiom is, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." I, too, cringe every time I hear Soto sing bad on you/bad on me. I feel embarrassed to have that blasting through my stereo on the job site. And, Glen, it's not about us being nit-picky, the lyric genuinely irks me.

I know the saying, and when I first heard the song I said that doesn't sound right. BUT, it does not bother me at all that he sings BAD and not SHAME.
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Why write 1 word when u can write 1000 lol. Man I get all that truly. It just seems odd to pick out one line, even one word in a song and be so harsh on it, when the rest of the song is great.


And just for the record I've never heard anyone say 'shame on me' either - have u?


I have heard 'shame on me.' I think. I'm not sure now. I just know it shouldn't be 'bad on me.' Heaven's Edge say 'Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice and I'm the fool.' They're smart. Everyone else should be like them.


I don't know, mate. Everyone knows the saying but I've never heard it worded like WET word it, and I don't like it. Just a sore thumb in an otherwise killer tune.


Yeah I agree that HE lyric is better by far, but the WET lyric does flow nicely in that chorus, and listening again I think they are simply mirroring the first statement. Isn't it effectively saying (looks) bad on me.


I hadn't really noticed it until you brought it up lol


The idiom is, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." I, too, cringe every time I hear Soto sing bad on you/bad on me. I feel embarrassed to have that blasting through my stereo on the job site. And, Glen, it's not about us being nit-picky, the lyric genuinely irks me.


You are quite right it is an idiom. Well I've learnt something today because I had honestly never heard that in my life lol.


Maybe because I've never been fooled twice ;-)


Bad on you if you have ;-))

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so how's everyone final rating of this one after more than 5 spins ?

i'm getting the vibe I need to revise this a bit and perhaps Vega will win the race, but let's see till the end of year. I truly hope WOA will be the best of all

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Way too early to rate these yet. I've only spun Vega twice.


Loads of stuff to come yet too - Pretty Maids, WoA, Reckless Love, Brother Firetribe, Night Ranger etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As an Aussie we've basically been excluded from buying new CDs. :( Obviously anywhere in the US is off the list, Amazon.uk has been useless for about a year now since they started charging postage again, and even the CDWOW website is useless now as they charge for postage too, and are too expensive anyway. Don't even know what the best option would be anymore for a new release. Basically, all are unaffordable.


Where are physical CDs sold in the major cities in Australia these days locally? Are there any Internet CD stores based in Australia? I'm curious because I spend a lot of time trying to understand the reach of music distributors.

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As an Aussie we've basically been excluded from buying new CDs. :( Obviously anywhere in the US is off the list, Amazon.uk has been useless for about a year now since they started charging postage again, and even the CDWOW website is useless now as they charge for postage too, and are too expensive anyway. Don't even know what the best option would be anymore for a new release. Basically, all are unaffordable.


Where are physical CDs sold in the major cities in Australia these days locally? Are there any Internet CD stores based in Australia? I'm curious because I spend a lot of time trying to understand the reach of music distributors.


JB HiFi is about the only shop that still stocks new CDs, and Sanity to a lesser degree. There would be other smaller ones - the one Doggy here works for in Melbourne? And Utopia in the city. There are places, but they're not worth the prices and the selection of titles is less than minimal.


No internet music stores based in Australia that I know of.

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I took my time before ordering it to find the best deal, so I'm a little late to the party. Of the 5 releases I've picked up this year (Vega, Pretty Maids, Diamond Down and Crashdiet) the new W.E.T. is probably the bes tof the lot, although all 5 release a pretty good.


BTW, I still hate the fact that it's a digipack, like the debut.


I find this release to be more compact in length and it very easy to digest in one listening session. However for the most part I don't think the songs are as strong, but they are all very good, no fillers on here.


Walk Away - 9.5/10 Glorious song, my only complaint is the use of the word 'bad' instead of 'shame'...yep I'm petty.

Learn To Live Again - 9.5/10 As near perfect as they come, awesome track, love the dual vocals.

Rise Up - 8/10 Good solid track, needs a chorus that packs more heat.

Love Heals - 8/10 Another strong one, nothing really new, Jeff sounds awesome on it.

What You Want - 9/10 Splendid chorus, more mid-tempo

The Moment - 9.5/10 So Erik Martenson, sounds like it could have been lifted from Toby Hitchcock's release. Robert Sall plays the solo and it is the best on the album, he should play all of them. I really hope he shreds his ass off on the next W.O.A.

Bad Boys - 9/10 Despite the cheesy lyrics this one is fantastic. The most 80's hair rock track they've done.

On The Run - 8.5/10 Holy heavy intro, sounds like something that could have been on the last Eclipse release.

Broken Wings - 9/10 Another winner, great chorus, love the groovy solo.

Shot - 8/10 The first part of the chorus sounds like 'Learn To Live Again', but the song title part of the chorus is a bit flat.

Still Believe - 8/10 The second ballad, pretty good, but like 'Love Heals' nothing new, the bridge part is really good.

Still Unbroken - 9.5/10 An awesome anthem and great chorus, odd track to close the album with, I would have placed it after 'Love Heals' and finish the album off with 'Still Believe'. Odd having the 2 final tracks with the word 'Still' in it the title.


Final score - 88%

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  • 1 month later...

There is very little that I dislike when it comes to JSS music, and this is no exception. I still listen to this all the time, and to think "Walk Away" almost didn't make the album!

I love the album, and as much as the debut!!! My #1 so far for 2013
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