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NFL playoff time again!


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Well, after watching the first half of the Lions and Saints game I can't see either of them winning the Super Bowl. Those defenses are pathetic.. especially the Saint. If either of these teams meet a team with 1/2 a defense they will be done. After watching the first half I wouldn't be surprised to see the winner of the Giants and Falcons game in the Super Bowl. If the Saints are on the road in a cold environment they don't have a shot.

And Green Bay's D is any better :whistle:


Maybe not... but they will be playing at home throughout... OUTSIDE, the way football is suppose to be played. :popcorn:


We will see what the Saints can do next week against a pretty good defense in the WARM weather. The Saints only hope to get to the Super Bowl is is somehow they face Atlanta in the NFC Championship Game.

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Holy FUCK!




Tebow will NOT be denied.


In the bizarre coincidence (or is it?) category:


Tebow threw for 316 yards today.


John 3:16. "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."


(Can't take credit for it; it showed up on the ESPN boards. :lol: )

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What a fng game. It was Tebow time!



Ugg...he's so damn annoying.

And so untalented.


I really wanted in to come down to the Steelers and Ravens in the AFC Championship Game. I wanted to sit there in the stands and watch the Steelers go down in person.


Edir - Watching them go down on TV wasn't so bad either.

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What a fng game. It was Tebow time!



Ugg...he's so damn annoying.

And so untalented.



I pretty much say the same things on my FB page all the time. I'm a diehard Bronco fan but I don't think he's the long term answer unless somehow he can become a better more consisten passer next year plus they need more talent around him. But for now I will enjoy this one. The thing that does bother me is how much some fans and most of the media give Tim all of the credit when it was a total team effort. The D play great and so did Thomas at WR. McGahee has had a monster season and wasn't even the full time starter until about week 5 and put up over 1000 yards. Without him they aren't in the playoffs. Also John Fox deserves more credit than he has got for being coach of the year. Anyone that can reinvent their offence on the fly in the middle of the season and somehow make the playoffs and then win a playoff game, is one heck of a coach.

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MaGahee's only problem has ALWAYS been fumbling. He just DOES NOT protect the football. That fumble late in the 4th almost cost them the game.


I don't like Tebow very much but loved seeing Denver beat the much hated Steelers!!!! Divine Intervention or not.... that was a hell of a win for the 10 point underdog Broncos.



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What a fng game. It was Tebow time!



Ugg...he's so damn annoying.

And so untalented.



I pretty much say the same things on my FB page all the time. I'm a diehard Bronco fan but I don't think he's the long term answer unless somehow he can become a better more consisten passer next year plus they need more talent around him. But for now I will enjoy this one. The thing that does bother me is how much some fans and most of the media give Tim all of the credit when it was a total team effort. The D play great and so did Thomas at WR. McGahee has had a monster season and wasn't even the full time starter until about week 5 and put up over 1000 yards. Without him they aren't in the playoffs. Also John Fox deserves more credit than he has got for being coach of the year. Anyone that can reinvent their offence on the fly in the middle of the season and somehow make the playoffs and then win a playoff game, is one heck of a coach.


Though I don't think T-Blow has much talent he is still able to use what talent he has and do some good things. The only problem I see for the Broncos and their fans is that with a play-off win under his belt it may be harder for them to actually move on and look for another quarterback. It may be hard for them to sign a top rated free agent based on the fact that there isn't a ton of offensive talent in Denver. Also, with each win the position of their draft choice goes down and though there are a few top quarterback in the draft, they will be gone long before the Broncos pick. If they stick with T-Blow and have 8 and 8 seasons they may never get an elite QB in the draft. With T-Blow being a fan favorite in Denver doesn't help the situation either. Could be a rocky road ahead,,, So like you said .. enjoy the remainder of this season. I for one will be pulling for them to knock off the Patriots next week.


Edit: McGahee did have a pretty good season in Denver. I was just glad to see the Ravens let him go. Seems like he always had a tendency to fumble the ball at the worst time possible.

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it is funny to say but if the Saints have to go to Green Bay to play in bad weather the Saints will have the upper hand. Don't laugh, the Saints actually have an OK running game, the Packers have no running game


I would not say the Packers have NO running game, they just rarely use it. But to your point, yeah, of the 2 running games the Saints have a better one. And as the lone Packer fan on this board (am I?) I admit the Saints are the hotter team. The offenses are pretty even IMO, Saints with a slightly better D, but that isn't saying much.


As for Brees versus Rodgers, I of course take Rodgers any day. Brees had 3 balls that should have been intercepted against the Lions, 1 of them could have been a pick 6. Generally, you are lucky to get 1 shot at a pick against Rodgers. He is very mindful of ball security which is a complete 180 from the hillbilly before him. Lions could have won that game if they made those plays but they didn't.


Bronco's over Pittsburgh....wow, never would figured that one. Did anyone get a look at that slow motion Tebow throw to the end zone? I think the ball was spinning side to side instead of in a spiral.

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I'm a lifelong Eagles fan, so definitely not a Broncos fanboi, but I gotta admit that I like the Tebow drama, and I hope he succeeds.


Every time the analysts and prognosticators say "he can't" or "he's no good at the pro level" he seems to find a way, directly or indirectly, to shut them up. Any time someone can make pro analysts eat shit, I'm in favor of it.


Tebow actually had a VERY good game today... against the #1 defense in the league. I think his final QB rating was in the mid '90s.


As far as the commentary about Denver not being able to move on or get a "real quarterbaack", let's hold off a sec. Let's see what he looks like after he has a full off season to work with the coaches. Remember, there was no off season this year for him to prep, and he didn't get any of the focus once they did go into camp, as Kyle Orton was the #1 QB.


He's made progress. He's still a youngster. Let's see what he looks like at the beginning of the 2012 season before throwing him out with the garbage...

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I know...



Well can I pick them or what? 0 for 4 this week and of course the monster upset for Tea-bag and the Bronco's! A whole lot of should a could a would a's for that game, but in the end that score in OT was pretty frickin' pretty...


That said kudo's to the elevation, the officials and apparently G.O.D. herself for giving the Bronco's the win they needed to advance. I wonder if they will get 2 of those three factors next week in N.E.?



For this comming weekend:


N.O. Saints @ San Fran Niners should make short work of Brees and company.


Denver @ N.E. Pending the divine interventions(s) mentioned above, Brady should outscore anything Denver brings.


Houston @ Baltimore As much as I hate to say it, the Ravens are going to CRUSH Houston.


Giants @ Green Bay This game goes w/o saying, Rodger's & Co. will leave Manning bawling on the bench!

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That said kudo's to the elevation, the officials and apparently G.O.D. herself for giving the Bronco's the win they needed to advance. I wonder if they will get 2 of those three factors next week in N.E.?


Please put down the crack pipe. The officials were if not poor equitably, erring in Pittsburgh's favor. Several facemask noncalls, and that idiotic noncall on Rothlisperger's lateral, which should have been a turnover to Denver.

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New Orleans

NY Giants



3-1... not bad, shame about the Steelers though...next


New Orleans...offense is too much for San Fran


New England...T-Bone will need a lot more luck to beat the Patriots, actually I believe the only way Denver wins is if God steps in...


Houston...can't stand the Ravens and I expect the Texans to win by at least a TD...


Green Bay...I can't see the Giants beating the best team in the league...

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That said kudo's to the elevation, the officials and apparently G.O.D. herself for giving the Bronco's the win they needed to advance. I wonder if they will get 2 of those three factors next week in N.E.?


Please put down the crack pipe. The officials were if not poor equitably, erring in Pittsburgh's favor. Several facemask noncalls, and that idiotic noncall on Rothlisperger's lateral, which should have been a turnover to Denver.


Agreed.. But it is not at all unusual for the officials erring in Pittsburgh's favor. Just glad it didn't cost the Broncos the game. Just like in the Detroit game this past weekend, I have no idea why the officials have such quick whistles on plays like that. Especially in the play-off, they need to get the calls RIGHT no matter what.


And Terry, I doubt the Broncos will get any calls against "The Golden Boy" (Brady) and the Patriots.

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N.O. Saints @ San Fran Niners - I've got to take defense over offense. The 49ers aren't going to miss tackles like the Lions did. SAN FRAN - 24 and N.O. - 20


Denver @ N.E. - I just don't see that the Broncos have another game like this week in them. N.E.- 31 and DENVER - 20


Houston @ Baltimore - Can't wait to finally get to go to a home playoff game. I don't like being cold.. but I'm praying for below freezing, I'll just have to dress warm. I just don't see a rookie QB being able to deal with the Ravens defense and the crowd noise (It's gonna be crazy). BALT. - 27 and HOUSTON - 13.


Giants @ Green Bay - I'm calling the upset on this one. I think the Giants can score at will against the Packer defense and I believe they will be able to slow Rodgers down enough to pull it out. N.Y. 31 and GREEN BAY - 30.

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That said kudo's to the elevation, the officials and apparently G.O.D. herself for giving the Bronco's the win they needed to advance. I wonder if they will get 2 of those three factors next week in N.E.?


Please put down the crack pipe. The officials were if not poor equitably, erring in Pittsburgh's favor. Several facemask noncalls, and that idiotic noncall on Rothlisperger's lateral, which should have been a turnover to Denver.



Crack pipe, now now!


Even though I was not privy to the sideline conference between the officials and Denver's coach on the "lateral" in question. I am still curious as to what was discussed to make the challenge go away. The reasoning provided by the game commentators made zero sense???


Uncalled facemasks ?, what about the 2 face masks on that game winning TD run, if not the first "stiff arm" than how about that obvious hook and pull at the 3 yard line? Just saying.


And besides the endless, obvious and continual holding non-penelty's that gave Tea-bag WAY too much time, there where two HUGE outcome altering "penalties" that should not have been:

1) The "Roughing the passer" call that gave DB a first down on an incomplete 3rd down pass that would have resulted in a punt that turned into points.


2) The "Pass interference" call, when obviously, confirmed through replay's and even the biased commentary of the games announcers, that the Steelers defensive back was "going for the ball" henceforth no infraction. This call again continued a drive that was OVER and added points that should not have been.


We could diatribe and split hairs on the underwhelming performance of NFL officiating for a LONG time and still get nowhere. Which amazes me how officiating is still so inconsistent even with the replay adn "official review" that get called from the officials in the booth watching every play multiple times and then "phoning" in thier two cents to the field officials...


Again, just saying and I was never whining about the "spilt milk/bad calls" just a blanket statement, you made me get specific... :)

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The backwards pass/fumble non call cost the Broncos at least 10 points if not 14 considering they would have been in field goal range and instead the Steelers got 7 points out of it. The conversation on the sideline was that Fox's only review call he had was the spot of the ball because the whistle had been blown prior the Broncos recovering the ball they couldn't review that part of the play so the ball remained in the Steelers possession. As for the Harrison roughing the passer call, I agree it was a horrible call, however they only got a field goal out of that and prior the penalty they were already in Matt Prater's field goal range(which basically starts in the parking lot in Denver). Yes there were a couple of facemasking non calls but those happen so I wasn't to upset about them. The fact is the Broncos(to my surprise) beat the Steelers ass for the majority of the game and Tebow had an unbelivable passing game espcially on the long passes to Thomas. When it comes down to it you can throw all of the crap out and the matchup that won and lost the game was Ike Taylor VS. Demaryius Thomas and Thomas opened a huge can of whoop ass on him the whole game. The game should have never went to OT if not for the fumble non call and on top of that if Champ Bailey don't drop an easy INT in the End Zone when they had a 7 point lead and three minutes on the clock the game might of ended right there.


Will the Broncos beat the Pats? Probably not but they might be able to keep it close for a while.

The game they played in December the Broncos ran all over them in the first quarter and scored first but if not for three turnovers in the Patriots end of the field in a three minute period in late second quarter that all led to Pats points that game would have been a better game. I still don't expect Denver to win and I still don't know if Tim is the long term answer at QB but for now this Bronco fan is going to enjoy the ride.

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The backwards pass/fumble non call cost the Broncos at least 10 points if not 14 considering they would have been in field goal range and instead the Steelers got 7 points out of it. The conversation on the sideline was that Fox's only review call he had was the spot of the ball because the whistle had been blown prior the Broncos recovering the ball they couldn't review that part of the play so the ball remained in the Steelers possession. As for the Harrison roughing the passer call, I agree it was a horrible call, however they only got a field goal out of that and prior the penalty they were already in Matt Prater's field goal range(which basically starts in the parking lot in Denver). Yes there were a couple of facemasking non calls but those happen so I wasn't to upset about them. The fact is the Broncos(to my surprise) beat the Steelers ass for the majority of the game and Tebow had an unbelivable passing game espcially on the long passes to Thomas. When it comes down to it you can throw all of the crap out and the matchup that won and lost the game was Ike Taylor VS. Demaryius Thomas and Thomas opened a huge can of whoop ass on him the whole game. The game should have never went to OT if not for the fumble non call and on top of that if Champ Bailey don't drop an easy INT in the End Zone when they had a 7 point lead and three minutes on the clock the game might of ended right there.


Will the Broncos beat the Pats? Probably not but they might be able to keep it close for a while.

The game they played in December the Broncos ran all over them in the first quarter and scored first but if not for three turnovers in the Patriots end of the field in a three minute period in late second quarter that all led to Pats points that game would have been a better game. I still don't expect Denver to win and I still don't know if Tim is the long term answer at QB but for now this Bronco fan is going to enjoy the ride.



Thanks for the clarification on that "lateral", I must have missed that reasoning at game time, unless you picked it up after the fact.


And the outcome is what it is and no matter how you "analyse" it a loss is a loss and a win is a win, as I mentioned should a could a would a's aside DB won and if anything, again, that OT score sure was pretty, Tea-bag faked the entire defense to bite on the run and the catch at a dead run was unstoppable. As stated by Dave and others, I wish for some consistency in the officiating so these athletes can play at the level they were trained at and not have to continually worry about these penalties...

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My Picks:


New England 21, Denver 17.

Baltimore 27, Houston 12.

San Francisco 17, New Orleans 16.

NY Giants 24, Green Bay 14.



If your right with those close scores it should be a good weekend of football! (I do hope your wrong on the Giants winning though. :))

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