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The world is going to end tommorrow!

Evil Rick

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As many of you have heard by now, some religious group has been saying they know the world will end Sat, May 21st. Here's a link


So, if that is the case, what's the last song you would want to hear before being sucked up to heaven...or shot down to h-e-double hockey sticks? :flame:


I was thinking Stryper - In God We Trust would be appropriate but I'm trying to think of something a little "funner".


I personally don't believe it's going to happen but who knows (besides the religious group :lol: )


Have fun with this!

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I think something off of Saint's TIME'S END would be very appropriate.... or maybe "You Can't Bring Me Down" by Suicidal Tendencies. :lol:


We've been having WAY too much fun with this end-of-the-world stuff here @ work, by the way, because a group of those wack-a-doo's have been buying ads "warning" everyone about the end in our publications for the last month or two. (Hey, their money's green...we ain't picky.) Then one day last week, they called their sales rep to tell her that they won't be needing to advertise any more since "the time is almost here," thanked her for her help, and said goodbye and good luck. No shiz. :blink:


The local news station showed a group of said wack-a-doo's in Times Square in NYC last night, they were passing out flyers and preaching "the end." It looked like most passers-by were walking 20 steps out of their way to avoid having to talk to 'em. :rofl:


Either way, I hope the pack of Motorhead CD's I'm expecting in the mail from Jez shows up today, so I have time to listen to'em before the END!! :yikes:

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Just for shits and giggles I'd wanna hear REM - It's the end of the world as we know it..... :tumbsup:


A little too obvious don'cha think? :D

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Just for shits and giggles I'd wanna hear REM - It's the end of the world as we know it..... :tumbsup:


Dislike that song. Early 90's in Minneapolis this song was played 24 hours straight on the final day before a grunge radio station took over the airwaves of a 80's rock station.

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"Heaven Don't Want Me (And Hells Afraid I'll Take Over)" - Jackyl

Perfect!! :tumbsup:


See you guys in heck. Unless all the holy people are goin to be sucked up. Then we will party at the biggest empty mansion stocked with cold beer that we can find (if that's possible ;) )

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See you guys in heck. Unless all the holy people are goin to be sucked up. Then we will party at the biggest empty mansion stocked with cold beer that we can find (if that's possible ;) )


I got my post-rapture looting schedule all worked out. First I hit the nearest car dealer for a new ride, then the CD store, then a guns/ammo shop (gotta stock up on armaments in case of zombies), and finally the liquor store. :tumbsup:

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See you guys in heck. Unless all the holy people are goin to be sucked up. Then we will party at the biggest empty mansion stocked with cold beer that we can find (if that's possible ;) )


I got my post-rapture looting schedule all worked out. First I hit the nearest car dealer for a new ride, then the CD store, then a guns/ammo shop (gotta stock up on armaments in case of zombies), and finally the liquor store. :tumbsup:

Shoot, I better get an itinerary set up as well. Never planned on zombies but one never knows! I guess now the time is 6pm eastern time. I never saw mention of an exact time but that guy must be really smart if he knows what time it will happen. Good thing it's not an inconvenient time like 2:47 in the morning. <_< I wish I would have known some of those suckers that gave all their money away...I would've been happy to take some. :tumbsup:

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Supposedly according to Harold Camping and his Kool-Aid Kids, New Zealand was going to be the starting point of the Rapture. It was going to be hit by a massive earthquake at 6 PM their time, which would've been 2 AM Eastern Standard time, and the earthquake would've then traveled around the world. I'm typing this at 9:08 AM EST and as far as I know, New Zealand still exists. So hey, SUCK IT, Harold!!! Your apocalypse is not performing as advertised, I would like a refund, please!

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Supposedly according to Harold Camping and his Kool-Aid Kids, New Zealand was going to be the starting point of the Rapture. It was going to be hit by a massive earthquake at 6 PM their time, which would've been 2 AM Eastern Standard time, and the earthquake would've then traveled around the world. I'm typing this at 9:08 AM EST and as far as I know, New Zealand still exists. So hey, SUCK IT, Harold!!! Your apocalypse is not performing as advertised, I would like a refund, please!


I believe God has a bungalow down in Florida, so maybe everything is actually based on Eastern Standard Time.... :angel:

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The thing that would piss me off is that guy and his family still have their millions, probably even more money after this whole farce, yet many of his followers gave away everything. I think I'd be demanding my money back straight from that thief. No matter who claims to know when the end of the world will be I will always consider them wrong. Except maybe that Mayan calendar thing. Maybe. :inq:

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This kinda goes along with the spirit of today.... :christmas:


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6:45 PM Eastern Standard Time and we're still here. In your FACE, Fake Rapture!!


Can't wait to hear how many of Old Weird Harold's followers have jumped off of roofs or swallowed cyanide caps...

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6:45 PM Eastern Standard Time and we're still here. In your FACE, Fake Rapture!!


Can't wait to hear how many of Old Weird Harold's followers have jumped off of roofs or swallowed cyanide caps...


Yeah... we are still here.


My son's baseball game was moved up to 4:00 PM from 6:00 PM so we could get it in before the end of the world. We changed our whole day around this and now it is all for nothing. :2up:

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