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Steel Panther


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Well the debut was a bona fide classic so was always going to be difficult to follow.


I've spun this about 10 times now & songs like tomorrow night, gold digging whore, let me' cum in, critter, that's what girls are for are so infectious IMO - just great party anthems.


Lyrically it's probably not quite as classic but the musicianship is awesome - easily as good.

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I was somewhat scared this wouldnt live up to the debut, but it does for the total opposite reason to why Jez doesnt like it, cause for me its full of hooks, and I was singing along to most songs after only the second spin.

I think the biggest issue for me, and anyone else who has been listening to them for years is that by the time Feel the steel came out, we'd already been listening to a lot of those songs for 6 or 7 years already, so the new songs on the debut had an easier time getting hooked into your head, and makes for a somewhat unfair comparison to the new one.

With the new one its 100% new songs with only three of the songs having been heard before this. I think it speaks volumes about how good these songs are being that they all hooked me very quickly.


Is it as good as the debut? Possibly not. But its very tough to actually say how it truly compares until its been given a lengthier time to sink in.

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Not sure why people keep bitchin about the lyrics.

'Cause they're a bunch of pussies. ;):lol:


I kid.


Or do I?


I've tried to distance myself from this bored argument (and have succeeded until today, just because I have a few minutes) because the only logical and sensible comments were coming from the people who don't have any issue with the lyrics. The negative comments are contradictory (who are these great lyricists that Steel Panther are meant to be writing songs like??) and everyone who does says they should not be so rude and change their lyrics is saying - just as loudly in silence - that they wish Steel Panther were like everyone else, all 10 billion other bands in the world. They're saying they wish Steel Panther wrote generic lyrics about love and girls and rock and fighting for your dreams, or Jesus or whatever all the other bands sing about. Funny, I thought that's what we already had from 99% of the other releases in 2011, and 2010, and 2009... and so on. Why is it such a crime for one band to do something different?


Hopefully these are my final words on the subject; but I just hope the skirt wearers one day accept that these guys are doing what they do and they're doing it very successfully, plus they seem to be thoroughly enjoying themselves. On what planet does it make sense for them to change into exactly what everyone else is doing, thus becoming a bored and generic face in the crowd before fading into obscurity?


As I say, the arguments against what these guys are doing are just plain and simply silly, not well thought out and entirely illogical. :)


Rant ended.


Well put mate, can't disagree. As I'm sure has been debated before, this about is more than just lyrics, some people don't like the fact that SP are taking the piss out of eighties hair metal. Surely there is no question about that - you only have to watch the live performances to see that they are parodying the hair metal scene (and doing it well, with humorous results). I presume the band does like this music though, to be so good at playing it...?


As you say a bit of variety is a good thing, I'm all for it, so fair play to SP. Plus they are f**kin' funny.


The only complaint I've got is that if I get hold of one of their CDs, I can't play it in the car or leave it lying around the house as I can't risk the kids hearing/seeing it. Right, that's it, I'm joining the PMRC!



I agree, Hopefully those were your last words on the subject! lol! I don't really have a problem with them being different, as I stated I like them and will continue to listen to them"mainly because of the music". All I meant out of it is that I'm 42 and have 2 little kids in the house and sometimes more, as well as family and friends over and ALWAYS have music playing in the background and don't want or need them hearing COCK, FUCK ,PUSSY or what have you that is all.

But is it any different to films? I mean, I am sure you dont only watch PG rated films all the time.

While the likes of Stryper, Journey and Bon Jovi etc are there for peoples PG needs, everyone needs their 18 rated bands for their own guilty pleasure moments.

Yes, but music can be played anywhere anytime. my rated R movies are only played at night after the kids go to bed on lower volume. I like my music "not cranked " but at a good volume! I am also one for singing out loud, I use to sing in bands when I was younger so I love to sing along all the time ' so I have to watch myself lol!

My friends and family hate all my music equally and without prejudice. Doesn't matter what the bands are singing about, I never play it in front of anyone anyway.


If what other people think of your music decides what you think, good luck to you but that's not how I roll. :)

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There's nothing wrong with me just because I don't care for Steel Panther's in-your-face (pun fully intended) raunch lyrics. I also don't like romantic comedies, polo shirts, brussel sprouts, or having a pinkie popped up my ass during sex...does my dislike for these things mean there is something wrong with me as well? No, it's called personal taste and it's totally subjective. If I had my way, Steel Panther would sing about non-pornographic love, rock, following your dreams, and Jesus Christ, but they do not, instead choosing to sing about cum & cunts & the myriad of nasty methods with which the two can be combined. If you like it, good for you--that is your personal taste. But I, and the others who don't enjoy sexually explicit lyrics are not pussies or skirt-wearers, we just have different taste. To each their own. Those who enjoy porn-populated parodic hair-metal have their Steel Panther...those of us who prefer things a little more tasteful have, as Geoff put it, ten billion other bands. Calling me a pussy for not liking Steel Panther's lyrics is no more fair than me calling you a misogynistic pervert for liking them.


All together now, let's join hands and sing "Kumbayah." Or, at the very least, "We Are The World." C'mon, you know you want to... :wub:


Now, can someone help me zip up this dress I'm wearing? And for the love of God, where the hell did I put my pantyhose??

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There's nothing wrong with me just because I don't care for having a pinkie popped up my ass during sex...




So many funny things can be spun around that statement...

We all have our regrets...just sayin'. :anon:

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There's nothing wrong with me just because I don't care for having a pinkie popped up my ass during sex...




So many funny things can be spun around that statement...

We all have our regrets...just sayin'. :anon:



Don't I know it! Me, Frank Sinatra and Sid Viscious. "Regrets, I've Had A Few."

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You guys did see that was kidding about the pussies comment, didn't you?


Clowns and jesters surround me everywhere. ;)


Keep it nude, blouse wearers. :)

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you know what, I guess this what makes Steel Panther famous, controversy!

Everybody's discussing them, hating them, loving them, praised them, despised them, those guys did a good job for that I guess :christmas:


i always think that Steel Panther is a fine musician and their songs if it's done in a normal lyrics, could have been a better band, because they can reach a wider audience, not to mention in some places outside US/Europe, offensive lyrics like that are unacceptable, but on the other hand, if Steel Panther didn't do it, probably they won't be as famous as today, they're different, and I'm okay with that.


Regarding the second album, I guess it's concluded that while it's good, it can't beat the debut. Steel Panther still did a splendid job and I hope they keep continuing what they're doing and giving good music to the community.

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if it's done in a normal lyrics, could have been a better band, because they can reach a wider audience,

The ironic thing is that I think the opposite is true. With normal lyrics they'd be a hit with readers of melodicrock.com, heavyharmonies.com and the like. The same 200-300 people ( ;) ) would buy their CDs but that'd be about it. It's actually because of their lyrics that their appeal is FAR wider than just readers of specific 80's hard rock internet forums. :)

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if it's done in a normal lyrics, could have been a better band, because they can reach a wider audience,

The ironic thing is that I think the opposite is true. With normal lyrics they'd be a hit with readers of melodicrock.com, heavyharmonies.com and the like. The same 200-300 people ( ;) ) would buy their CDs but that'd be about it. It's actually because of their lyrics that their appeal is FAR wider than just readers of specific 80's hard rock internet forums. :)


yeah i guess you're right, unless they release this type of albums with normal lyrics in 1986 where Bon Jovi and Poison are hits.


Controversy equal famous, and eventually fortune, usually.


I remember back in the days where furious glam like Motley Crue, W.A.S.P, or Twisted Sister started to rise. Parents are afraid of them but kids like them and the more the parents found the music is way too loud and the lyrics are way too offensive, the kids like em more lol i guess that's what Panther started to achieve and looks like it's a success.


If i'm not mistaken, they're currently playing regularly at Sunset Strip right ?

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To this latest twist in the discussion about Steel Panther - popularity - all I will add is this - my bro burnt one copy of the debut for some guys at his work and they all loved it & all bought the album - about 10 guys! & it was mainly the jokey lyrics which did it cos normally those guys wouldn't piss on a melodicrock cd.


So there you have it - ain't rocket science is it - most guys like smut - what can I say

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There's nothing wrong with me just because I don't care for having a pinkie popped up my ass during sex...




So many funny things can be spun around that statement...

We all have our regrets...just sayin'. :anon:

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To this latest twist in the discussion about Steel Panther - popularity - all I will add is this - my bro burnt one copy of the debut for some guys at his work and they all loved it & all bought the album - about 10 guys! & it was mainly the jokey lyrics which did it cos normally those guys wouldn't piss on a melodicrock cd.


So there you have it - ain't rocket science is it - most guys like smut - what can I say


Good call. How many people would know 'Baby Got Back' if the lyrics had been "I like big eyes"? :whistle:

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There's nothing wrong with me just because I don't care for Steel Panther's in-your-face (pun fully intended) raunch lyrics. I also don't like romantic comedies, polo shirts, brussel sprouts, or having a pinkie popped up my ass during sex...does my dislike for these things mean there is something wrong with me as well? No, it's called personal taste and it's totally subjective. If I had my way, Steel Panther would sing about non-pornographic love, rock, following your dreams, and Jesus Christ, but they do not, instead choosing to sing about cum & cunts & the myriad of nasty methods with which the two can be combined. If you like it, good for you--that is your personal taste. But I, and the others who don't enjoy sexually explicit lyrics are not pussies or skirt-wearers, we just have different taste. To each their own. Those who enjoy porn-populated parodic hair-metal have their Steel Panther...those of us who prefer things a little more tasteful have, as Geoff put it, ten billion other bands. Calling me a pussy for not liking Steel Panther's lyrics is no more fair than me calling you a misogynistic pervert for liking them.


All together now, let's join hands and sing "Kumbayah." Or, at the very least, "We Are The World." C'mon, you know you want to... :wub:


Now, can someone help me zip up this dress I'm wearing? And for the love of God, where the hell did I put my pantyhose??


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To this latest twist in the discussion about Steel Panther - popularity - all I will add is this - my bro burnt one copy of the debut for some guys at his work and they all loved it & all bought the album - about 10 guys! & it was mainly the jokey lyrics which did it cos normally those guys wouldn't piss on a melodicrock cd.


So there you have it - ain't rocket science is it - most guys like smut - what can I say

I had a similar deal with the original Metal Shop CD.

Played it at work, and one of the guys there asked me to burn it for him.


Then I sent a zip file to a couple of friends on Facebook, a year or so before the first Steel Panther album came out, and while they do like rock music, it tends to be heavier and modern stuff.

The thing that sold them on it was the lyrics. At least four or five of my friends that I copied that CD for, have now either bought or downloaded Feel the steel (and possibly Balls out), but have also paid to go see them live several times.


Not one single one of these people was a hair metaller, they just thought they were hilarious and couldnt care less what genre they fitted into.


I can also say, that having now seen them four times already (and will be seeing them twice more before this year is finished), a good portion of the audience that goes to see them isnt the crowd you see at an LA Guns, Ratt or Whitesnake gig. A lot are, but a lot are teens, nu metallers and all points in between. Their appeal goes far beyond the melodic rock crowd as Geoff pointed out.

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I can't speak for those people, but I assume they go to see them as comedy show rather than rock show.

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I'm not going to get into anymore discussions about the lyrics, as I have made my points known before and will stick by them. What I will say though is that after 3 spins so far,(yes I did buy it to give it a fair chance) I don't think 'Balls Out' is anywhere near as good songwise/musically as the debut. It's all very well played etc as before, but I'm not hearing the huge hooks some others seem to be hearing.


Backed totally. I do think it's worth a couple of spins with the lyric-book in hand as there's some pretty funny stuff on here (same as with the debut), but whereas there was some stuff from the debut that really stuck ("Fat Girl" was my fave) and even made me chuckle still after 3 or 4 spins - which the rest didn't - there isn't so much on this one. As with the debut, this album will be tucked away after a few spins to collect dust, but it just doesn't have as many songs that stick. The Reckless Love is way better than this IMO and will get more repeat visits to my CD player. "Balls Out" is probably worth getting, but in a year of a few top-class releases this is hardly essential.

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I've been enjoying this thread, but haven't really bothered listening to the band before. Just watched the video for 'Death to All But Metal' on Youtube - what a great tune! Video is awesome too, could be right off Headbangers Ball in the 80s. And the teacher is sooo hot! Now liking 'Turn Out The Lights'; great guitar solo.


As much as the lyrics are funny, I generally put all my favourite tunes onto playlists on my iPod. I'm going to have to very careful about what I play when I put this on. :lol:

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I'm not going to get into anymore discussions about the lyrics, as I have made my points known before and will stick by them. What I will say though is that after 3 spins so far,(yes I did buy it to give it a fair chance) I don't think 'Balls Out' is anywhere near as good songwise/musically as the debut. It's all very well played etc as before, but I'm not hearing the huge hooks some others seem to be hearing.


Backed totally. I do think it's worth a couple of spins with the lyric-book in hand as there's some pretty funny stuff on here (same as with the debut), but whereas there was some stuff from the debut that really stuck ("Fat Girl" was my fave) and even made me chuckle still after 3 or 4 spins - which the rest didn't - there isn't so much on this one. As with the debut, this album will be tucked away after a few spins to collect dust, but it just doesn't have as many songs that stick. The Reckless Love is way better than this IMO and will get more repeat visits to my CD player. "Balls Out" is probably worth getting, but in a year of a few top-class releases this is hardly essential.


Wowser, I just dont get you guys saying there are no hooks on this album. This thing is irritating the fuck out of me cos I just cant get the tunes out of my head!! lol. Virtually every chorus on this album sticks with me.


& most of this stuff is way more catchy than reckless love IMO

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I totally agree. I have had Just like Tiger Woods constantly floating around in my head for weeks now, and only stops when it switches for Supersonic sex machine.


Yeah but they are the least of my worries....what about 'That what girls are for, critter, tomorrow night, gold digging whore, let me cum in'....they're the fuckers which wont let go :beerbang:

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I'm not going to get into anymore discussions about the lyrics, as I have made my points known before and will stick by them. What I will say though is that after 3 spins so far,(yes I did buy it to give it a fair chance) I don't think 'Balls Out' is anywhere near as good songwise/musically as the debut. It's all very well played etc as before, but I'm not hearing the huge hooks some others seem to be hearing.

The Reckless Love is way better than this IMO and will get more repeat visits to my CD player. "Balls Out" is probably worth getting, but in a year of a few top-class releases this is hardly essential.



Completely agree with that. SP has been put back in the pile after 4 spins, whilst Reckless Love is still in prime place, with a few others, on top of the CD player and on my Zen aswell.

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