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What are the rarest cd`s that no one can seem to find?


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1 hour ago, KarpetRydOFunk said:

Some of these old threads were great, though. 

And this one was worth revisiting!  There are still a LOT of CD's I was looking for a decade or more ago that have yet to find their way into my collection.  It's fun see what titles others have (or have not) found since first posting back in the day.

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This/these threads are why we came and stayed. Those unheard of gems and the endless banter and braggarting!

Rare is a subjective term and one that sometimes has an Ebay $$$ amount attached.

I'd say for me the "rarest" CD I own is of the unreleased Top Heavy Crush album.

Recorded at Ardent Studios, the engineer made 5 pro-printed CDR's for the band on the spot from the masters which are long gone. I got mine from the guitarist Jim Paulson (some may know him from New American Shame, The Lemons, Point Defiance, Talks Cheap, Tramp Alley, et al).

The album is very nice indeed and would have been well received if handled properly. Not alot of videos and clips out there but here are 2 live tracks of the rockier numbers and a rare studio track from the aforementioned LP.




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15 hours ago, CureTheSane said:


Not sure it was ever released on CD.

I have 2 vinyl copies :)

After checking Discogs , it seems they done one ep, and no it wasn't release on cd.


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I'm guessing as it was never released it is sharable?
Anyone wants a copy MP3 I have them.

3 songs, all top notch.


All that was ever released of this was the three-song I Will Be There EP in 1985. The title track was originally written and recorded by Ballard on his 1981 album Into the Fire. The artists rehearsed for some days before the sessions and it was all recorded in three hours.

Paul Di'Anno – lead vocals
Pete Willis – guitars
Janick Gers – guitars
Neil Murray – bass
Clive Burr – drums, percussion


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The Paul Godfrey Band - Magic Touch

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  • 6 months later...
On 2006. 10. 06. at 0:03, metalmaniac777 said:

Nem biztos benne, hogy a "mindenki akarja" részt, de ezek a 3 CD már régóta elhagytak, és úgy tűnik, nehezebb megtalálni, mint egy muszlim egy sertésszelet:


ROMEOS TEARZ: "After Dark"

PARADISE: "Prime Cut"

KIDD SKRUFF: "Angyalok piszkos arcokkal"


Majdnem egyszer volt a Romeos Tearz, majd az eladó jobb ajánlatot kapott, és anélkül, hogy annyira, mint egy "viteldíj". : Thppt: Az a paradicsom, amit csak egyszer láttam az eBay-en, és egy kis vagyonra ment, ami valószínűleg megtisztította volna a harmadik ország bruttó nemzeti adósságát. Tudom, hogy Jimnek (Patton) van a Kidd Skruffja, de ő az egyetlen, akit ismerek, és a széles körű keresés az én részem pontosan zilch-t eredményezett. Szóval, igen, azok a megfoghatatlan anyák ...: Doh:

Do you have any infos about ROMEOS TEARZ-After Dark cd?

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To answer the question "What is the rarest CD that nobody can't seems to find" - in my case all of the CDs listed in the HH Ebay Rarities. I've gotten tired of going to pawnshops here in my city because every trip always is a waste of time. I always frequent our several thrift shops here but I cannot remember when was the last time I got a good one. Forget about rare! Just anything hard rock that is not Bon Jovi, AC/DC or Def Leppard.  Even just the second-tier hair bands CDs are nowhere to be found in Red Deer.

This maybe the wrong thread to pour out my frustration. Sorry.

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    • Haha, thanks mate. I'm pretty fond of that one too.  I think I've said it a few times in this thread, but I don't think AI is a threat to "real" music whatsoever. Sorry, I know I'm repeating myself, but I could see a world where it has a significant impact on dance music and music that is already, for lack of a better term, created artificially anyway.  And I am amazed by, and love what it can do with rock/metal music, but it's still got nothing on what a group of four or five like-minded individuals can come up with, or most notably, a song-writer with a great voice. Or even a good voice.  I have some deeper cuts in my newer material and I am happy enough with the results but it still sounds like AI emotive, absolutely no comparison at all to a real dude pouring his heart out with his own delivery and melodic structure, straight from a songwriter's brain. And as cool as the music is, you listen to a heap of AI and then you put on just one or two top-end favourite bands and you're all like, oh, yeah, AI definitely can't do that. All the intricacies like guitar and drum fills, vocal hooks and melodies... if anything AI music has given me more appreciation for great artists. On the flip-side, it makes me view poorer artists in a dimmer light, lol, but it makes me really appreciate the real craftsmen and women a lot more.  lol, speaking of rants.  Ah, I've had this pickle a few times before. I like the chorus better in V1, but the verses better in V2. Usually in this case the chorus (V1) would win out for me.  And hey, thanks for posting these, lol. I was playing them and looked to the side of my screen and noticed I had 50 credits!! Bonus. I wouldn't have checked otherwise. So I guess even if you run out, you still get the standard daily 50 credits that even free users get. Gotta admit, that's a bit of a relief as 14 more days of nothing was going to be tough. And at last 50 keeps me well limited too. I might not even get one keeper song with 50 credits the way I've been going recently.    
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    • Might be worth looking into 
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