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Gonna start Stephen King's CELL tonight...

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I'm reading the newspaper


And since hardly anyone does that anymore, I thank you from the bottom of my heart as a representative of the beleagured (spelling?) newspaper industry. :lol:


Seriously folks, support your local newspaper. They're cutting heads left and right in this industry, I'm too old to learn a new trade and I got kids to feed dammit!

I'm Ole School...I read the local paper everyday....I will admit that the "writing" has gone WAY down hill...but there is still something

about the early morning paper, coffee and donuts...ahhhh.... :bananamac:

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My next book was going to be Stephen King's "Cell" till I went to return some books my kids had borrowed from the library and saw this on the "New Release" shelf:




I've loved the "Hitchhiker's Guide" series since I was in high school, so I've been cautiously excited about this one. (I didn't even know it was out in the U.S. yet). The idea of someone other than the late Douglas Adams writing a "Hitchhiker's" novel has been controversial in some fan circles, but supposedly this new guy was hand picked by Douglas' widow to continue the saga, using some notes/ideas Douglas had written before his death. Sounds like a decent endorsement to me. Hope the guy can pull it off.


Any other "Hitchhiker's" fans (besides Dark Star) around here? Didja read this one yet? If so, thoughts?


And as always... forty-two. :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I didn't realize how many books I'd read since my last post.


I don't even remember what I've read/posted, but I've worked my way through a few wrestler bios; Adam Copeland "On Edge", Eddie Guerrero "Cheating Death, Stealing Life" (really sad in hind sight; he finally seemed to have gotten his life in order), DDP "Positively Page". (Though some of those might be last summer; my life blends together; must be the age/alcohol.) Read "Boys of Summer" about the 1980 US Olympic Gold Medal Hockey Team, some crap book for work "The Essential 55". Also, "The Rat Pack: Neon Nights with the Kings of Cool".


Earlier this fall, I read Andy Taylor's autobio "Wild Boy: My Life in Duran Duran". Good read; I enjoyed it tremendously. Also "Born Round" by NYT Food Critic Frank Bruno and "Elvis: Still Taking Care of Business" by Sonny West. Both of those were good reads also, particularly the West book (because of my fascination with Elvis).


Just finished the Ava Gardner biography "Love is nothing". After reading her name in so many Sinatra bios, I was curious enough. Wow, what a weird, wild, (sad) ride her life was.


Just started Chelsea Handler's "My Horizontal Life". Pretty funny. If it's all true, she was/is a whooah!


(Picked up Craig Ferguson's "American on Purpose" today. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE "The Late, Late Show", so I'm thinking this one will be right up my alley. Can't wait to get started! And I got Tennessee Williams' "Memoirs".)

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I'm reading a 600 page WWII book that was updated by Stephen Ambrose(Band of Brothers, D Day).

This is going to take me an eternity to read as it's not only really long but has some great pictures with long captions so I find myself stopping to read those as well. I'm only a chapter in but so far so good!

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Just finished a really good Robert McCammon book ------ Mystery Walk. Liked it so much, gonna buy a copy of it.


McCammon rules. Ever read BOY'S LIFE? Faaaaaaan-friggin-TASTIC!

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Ended up finishing that Chelsea Handler book (it was a breezy read; definitely would've been better as a library checkout) and now moved on to Bill Shatner's "Up Till Now". So far, it seems pretty interesting. I think I'll like it.


The next three should be interesting. As much as I want to rip into that Craig Ferguson bio, I think I'm going to go with Tennessee Williams Memoirs next. I have a feeling that could be long. Then maybe the Doc Holliday bio. Finish up with Craig near the end of the school year. (Or maybe even in the summer, if the 2 before it are as lengthy as I think.)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Life in the Bus Lane - Tony Bell.


I picked up the info about this on this book from the AOR-FM website, I kind of knew Tony in passing from my Banshee, Jillys (Rockworld) days. He was in a band called AOK with another guy I used to know pretty well called Rob Naylor (ex Sam Thunder), so I guess I got to know him through Rob (or maybe Nic Bennet, or even Tex also both ex S.T.....I dunno) .... anyway I always thought AOK were gonna make it as there was a bit of a buzz around them at the time, as there was Sam Thunder before them.

Sadly they didn't but Tony has got off his arse and written this book, and it's damn funny. I've dipped into bits of it over the last few days and it captures the feel of the Rockworld of the mid to late 80's early 90's just great. But the main story is about Tony's attempts to "make it", and having started to read it in earnest now it's turning out to be a superb read.

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