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The F*%K Thread


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Hey, you guys are stealing our fuckin' summer! I want it back!!! Still, either way it is absolutely wonderful here today, and was over the weekend. Still don't need a wetsuit for another month or so, so I'm happy enough. Fuck I love great fuckin' weather.


Anyway, my weekend was fuckin' good, but man it had a few real fuckin' low points. I lost my fuckin' wallet on Saturday, can't for the fuck of me think where it's gone so I've cancelled all my fuckin' cards and I have no ID. Worst fuckin' thing is I'm flying off to Western Australia on business next week, and I don't have a fuckin' think on me, except my passport. No cash, no cards, no ID. What the fuck is up with that?


Also, we saw 'Basic Instinct 2', which fuckin' sucked. Where the fuck was the raunchiness? Fuckin' waste of time. Tickets only cost us AUD$8.00 each, so that was at least some fuckin' upside to it all.


Then yesterday my fuckin' football team, the (not so) Mighty Eels played the most fuckin' pathetic game I've ever seen and got fuckin' creamed.


Had a few fuckin' disasters, but still a good fuckin' weekend anyway... though I really could have done without losing that fuckin' wallet. Surf was fuckin' great on Saturday though, and fuckin' massive yesterday! Didn't get to see it yesterday though. :( Too busy watching my peice of shit fucked up useless team get killed... and I couldn't even buy beers at the fuckin' game 'cause I don't have a fuckin' wallet. :(

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Fuckin' A Geoff, were you actually fuckin' surprised that "Basic Instinct 2" fuckin' sucked? It fuckin' disappeared from theatres here in just about a fuckin' week. Crash and fuckin' burn my man. Was Sharon Stone at least nice to fuckin' look at? Did she go full fuckin' frontal? Should I fuckin' bother with it when it comes out on fuckin' DVD?


Keep in mind that I love fuckin' bad movies (remember, I actually gave "Black Fuckin' Roses" props in my "Hard Rockin' Movies" poll) so if B.I. 2 was really that fuckin' bad, then I gotta fuckin' see it!!


Oh yea, that fuckin' sucks about your wallet. If I fuckin' find it I'll fuckin' forward it back to ya mate.

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Fuckin' A Geoff, were you actually fuckin' surprised that "Basic Instinct 2" fuckin' sucked? It fuckin' disappeared from theatres here in just about a fuckin' week. Crash and fuckin' burn my man. Was Sharon Stone at least nice to fuckin' look at? Did she go full fuckin' frontal? Should I fuckin' bother with it when it comes out on fuckin' DVD?


Keep in mind that I love fuckin' bad movies (remember, I actually gave "Black Fuckin' Roses" props in my "Hard Rockin' Movies" poll) so if B.I. 2 was really that fuckin' bad, then I gotta fuckin' see it!!


Oh yea, that fuckin' sucks about your wallet. If I fuckin' find it I'll fuckin' forward it back to ya mate.


Freddy mate, the fuckin' thing was a disaster. I knew it would be fucked, I was 100% sure of that, but I thought the fuckers would at least put on a few good on-screen fucks, or there'd be a lot of flesh... or at least something to take out of the fuckin' experience. But it was tame as fuck. The first one was heaps fuckin' raunchier. Yeah, Sharon Stone looked okay at times, still has a great body on her... but she barely got her gear off at all. A slight full-frontal second, but that was it.


The thing is, the actual fuckin' movie was better than I expected, the raunchiness was nothing compared to what I expected. From the preview I saw of the film, I think there was a lot of film left on the cutting room floor... and by the looks of the finished product, all the fuckin' good stuff was left out. I was bored shitless. It was your normal sort of psychological confusing fucked up thriller and would probably moderately appeal to fans of that stuff, but it bored me shitless. Not enough sex for me. Definate thumbs down. I'd probably see it on DVD, but don't rush out to get the fuckin' thing.


Oh, and thanks about the wallet too. Hope you find the fucker.


I'm fuckin sorry ya lost your wallet  :(


I'd buy ya a fuckin beer...  even a fuckin pink one  :)


Thanks Lisa. Normal fuckin' beer will be just fine thank you. My wallet was pink, so drinking a pink fuckin' drink will just bring the memories flooding back.

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WTF, I'm fuckin' busy as fuck over here. Fuckin' work... <_< I'm fuckin' sick of of it.


Fuckin' A Blue, I hear ya. Just kickin' back with some fuckin' coffee trying to wake the fuck up enough to face the fuckin' day. Good fuckin' luck eh?

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WTF, I'm fuckin' busy as fuck over here. Fuckin' work... <_< I'm fuckin' sick of of it.


Fuckin' A Blue, I hear ya. Just kickin' back with some fuckin' coffee trying to wake the fuck up enough to face the fuckin' day. Good fuckin' luck eh?


You too man, fuckin' Publishing/Printing industry's a real fuckin' bear sometimes...

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WTF, I'm fuckin' busy as fuck over here. Fuckin' work... <_< I'm fuckin' sick of of it.


Fuckin' A Blue, I hear ya. Just kickin' back with some fuckin' coffee trying to wake the fuck up enough to face the fuckin' day. Good fuckin' luck eh?


You too man, fuckin' Publishing/Printing industry's a real fuckin' bear sometimes...


Fuckin'A, you ain't kidding. You oughta see the fuckin' pile of paperwork in my fuckin' in-basket... and I have no fucking desire to even fucking start on it. Fuck me...

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WTF, I'm fuckin' busy as fuck over here. Fuckin' work... <_< I'm fuckin' sick of of it.


Fuckin' A Blue, I hear ya. Just kickin' back with some fuckin' coffee trying to wake the fuck up enough to face the fuckin' day. Good fuckin' luck eh?


You too man, fuckin' Publishing/Printing industry's a real fuckin' bear sometimes...


Fuckin'A, you ain't kidding. You oughta see the fuckin' pile of paperwork in my fuckin' in-basket... and I have no fucking desire to even fucking start on it. Fuck me...


We're in the fucking process of fucking "re-branding" so every fucking piece of fucking paper we print now has to have the fucking "new image", fucking stationery, training materials, marketing materials, etc., etc. etc. in every fucking language too. What a fucking party my life is right fucking now.

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Yeah, I've been busy as fuck too. I'm flying over to Western Australia at the end of the long fuckin' weekend and I have so much fuckin' shit to do here before I jet. It's fucked, plus my fuckin' moronic co-worker has decided to take the fuckin' day off. Nice girl, but a complete brainless fucker. Brainless, and just fuckin' clueless. I've never seen someone so fuckin' oblivious to her surrounds. It fuckin' shits me to tears. Well, not to tears, but I'm pretty fuckin' pissed off.

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Oh fuck, I forgot this week was Lent :o . I even had a Turkey Club sandwich for lunch today (Good Friday). I swear I'm going fuckin' senial.


Nope, you're fucking going somewhere else...


...and you won't need a fuckin' jacket... ;)

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Fuckin' A, my brother's in Las Fuckin' Vegas right now for the fuckin' weekend... I'm jealous as all fuckin' hell. All I've got on tap for the fuckin' weekend is coloring fuckin' Easter Eggs

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Gotcha, Minxx, one red fuckin' egg coming up...


Meantime, my fuckin' brother e-mails me from fuckin' Vegas a little fuckin' while ago tellin' me what a fuckin smokin' bachelor party he attended last fuckin' night (he's out there cuz one of his fuckin' friends is getting fuckin married on Saturday)... fuckin' strippers and gambling and booze and all that fuckin' good stuff... now I'm even MORE fuckin' jealous!!

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Sorry Its been awhile since I have come in here and said FUCK! with my fellow fuck sayers.


Just been busy as hell. Hopefully things will fucking slow down a fucking bit.


Hopefully will be fucking posting more soon.


Nice to fucking see you fuckers keeping this fucking thread going tho. And when I say FUCKERS I do mean that in a good way. B)

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