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The F*%K Thread


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Sorry Its been awhile since I have come in here and said FUCK! with my fellow fuck sayers.


Yeah me too.... Here's a fuckin' big fuck. FUCK B)

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  • 2023 Gold Donors
Oh fuck, I forgot this week was Lent :o . I even had a Turkey Club sandwich for lunch today (Good Friday). I swear I'm going fuckin' senial.


Nope, you're fucking going somewhere else...


...and you won't need a fuckin' jacket... ;)




Damn BC, that's fucked up. Funny, but fucked up.

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Nice to fucking see you fuckers keeping this fucking thread going tho. And when I say FUCKERS I do mean that in a good way. B)


Can it ever be said in a way that is not a good fuckin' way? I'm pretty fuckin' sure it can't.


Anyway, it's 1:00am on Easter morning and I'm sitting here like an absolute fucker trying to go through my HH emails and look at the threads where posts have been made. No fuckin' shit, my entire net shuts down after every fuckin' thread I look at. It freezes and I have to fuckin' sign onto the net again. I am typing this in Word and I will paste it when I reset the fuckin' thing. That is how fuckin' pissed off I am. I could have been asleep 2 fucking hours ago if not for this fuckin' shit. I really, really fuckin' hate computers. As in really, like heaps. I just hate the fuckin' things. This is so fucked up.


Either way, happy easter all you fuckers! All the best to you and your families!


Hope the fuckin' easter bunny give you heaps of fuckin' chocolate and stuff like that. If not, I'll rip his fuckin' ears off. Jokes, I love bunnies. I'd never fuckin' do that. See what the fuckin' stupid fuckin' computer makes me do, think and say? Fuckin' malicious fuckin' thoughts - fuck off. I was peace and fuckin' love.


Anyway, I'm out. Have a great fuckin' one y'all.

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Oh fuck, I forgot this week was Lent :o . I even had a Turkey Club sandwich for lunch today (Good Friday). I swear I'm going fuckin' senial.


Nope, you're fucking going somewhere else...


...and you won't need a fuckin' jacket... ;)




Damn BC, that's fucked up. Funny, but fucked up.


:lol: What can I fuckin' say, you know what a fucked up mutha I am.

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Great fuckin' pic here... now when she sez she'll fuckin' fuck for Coke, is she talkin' the fuckin' soda or the fuckin' other kind?

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Great fuckin' pic here... now when she sez she'll fuckin' fuck for Coke, is she talkin' the fuckin' soda or the fuckin' other kind?


I think she fuckin' means she'll only do it if a can of Coke asks her to.


Can of Coke:Will you fuck?

Her:I will for you.

Can of Coke:Sweetner!!!!!

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Great fuckin' pic here... now when she sez she'll fuckin' fuck for Coke, is she talkin' the fuckin' soda or the fuckin' other kind?


And if it's the fuckin' soda, if I get a fuckin' 6 pack, am I gonna be fuckin' tired in the morning, or does that fucking only count as 1?


Can of Coke:Will you fuck?

Her:I will for you.

Can of Coke:Sweetner!!!!!


You are twisted, don't ever change.

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Bwaaaaahahahahaha! That can of Coke has got some serious GAME. I'm jealous.

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Great fuckin' pic here... now when she sez she'll fuckin' fuck for Coke, is she talkin' the fuckin' soda or the fuckin' other kind?


And if it's the fuckin' soda, if I get a fuckin' 6 pack, am I gonna be fuckin' tired in the morning, or does that fucking only count as 1?


Can of Coke:Will you fuck?

Her:I will for you.

Can of Coke:Sweetner!!!!!


You are twisted, don't ever change.


No plans to fucking change anytime soon.

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Great fuckin' pic here... now when she sez she'll fuckin' fuck for Coke, is she talkin' the fuckin' soda or the fuckin' other kind?


And if it's the fuckin' soda, if I get a fuckin' 6 pack, am I gonna be fuckin' tired in the morning, or does that fucking only count as 1?


Can of Coke:Will you fuck?

Her:I will for you.

Can of Coke:Sweetner!!!!!


You are twisted, don't ever change.


No plans to fucking change anytime soon.


Fuck, I was actually going to suggest you change that shirt. It's starting to let off a slight stench. Oh well, no fuckin' worries mate. Whatever floats your fuckin' boat.


Hey, if any of you guys see that girl, can you tell her I have a fuckin' mini bar in my hotel room this week. I have a few bottles of coke in the fridge and I can get a refillable cup from Hungry Jacks around the fuckin' corner too. Company's paying so it's cool. But I'd like to take her up on her fuckin' offer.


My fuckin' tummy is fuckin' killing me! The last couple of fuckin' days have fuckin' sucked big time.


HEY!!! Nick's fuckin' tummy! Fuck off, will ya!!! Leave my fuckin' buddy Nick alone! Go and fuckin' kill someone else!!!


There you go Nick, I just told your fuckin' tummy to fuck off and kill someone else. Hope that fixed up your predicament.

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Cheers Geoff you're a fuckin hero, fuckin' back off belly, you heard the fuckin' man!


No fuckin' worries Nick, I help out where I fuckin' can.


And while we're on this fuckin' thread, and even though I've already mentioned it elsewhere on the board... my fuckin' discman broke last night. My girl got me an ipod thing for Christmas, but I thought to myself - as I had a hundred new fuckin' albums to listen to - that I'd leave it at home and just listen to my discman all the while over here. Well, the fuckin' flight over was okay, went to sit down in the afternoon when I got back yesterday and the stupid fuckin' thing fuckin' stopped playing. I played around with it for a while, started again and just stopped, so in a heated moment I slammed my fuckin' fist down on the fucker and you should have heard it after that. Sounded like a dying frog. Fucking peice of shit. But now I have NO way of hearing tunes while I'm here. I'm thinking of buying a new discman if I can find a place tonight, but I really don't have that sort of $$$ :( Fuck, that really fucked me off! I like music and being able to listen to it. If I were a cheeky fucker I'd try to work a way around putting the discman on my work expenses while I'm over here. Don't think that'll fly though.

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Fuckin' A Geoff, that fuckin' sucks! Tuneless!


I had a fuckin' morning from hell cuz my fuckin' cat had to be dropped off at the fuckin' vet for fuckin' surgery. He's a cranky old fuckin' bastard (like me) and a couple of his fuckin' teeth need to be fuckin' yanked out cuz they're fuckin' rotten. This fuckin' cat HATES to travel so as soon as he saw me totin' that Kitty Carrier bag down the stairs he took the fuck off like a fuckin' shot. It took me three fuckin' tries to catch him and stuff him in the fuckin' bag before I could get the fuckin' thing zipped shut. He kept squirting out the fuckin' opening and taking off on me. He's fuckin' spry for an old bastard! Then I get him in the car and he's fuckin' growling and squealing all the fuckin' way to the vet's office. At least he didn't fuckin' puke or poop, which has happened in the fuckin' past. We get into the fuckin' vets' office and I had to sign a bunch of fuckin' paperwork and shit and the whole time the cat's looking at me like "Dude, how the fuck could you do this to me? I thought we were fuckin' bros!" So now I feel fuckin' bad. He's gonna fuckin' hate me when he gets the fuck outta there tonight. I hope the fuzzy little fucker is gonna be OK.

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Fuckin' A Geoff, that fuckin' sucks! Tuneless!


I had a fuckin' morning from hell cuz my fuckin' cat had to be dropped off at the fuckin' vet for fuckin' surgery. He's a cranky old fuckin' bastard (like me) and a couple of his fuckin' teeth need to be fuckin' yanked out cuz they're fuckin' rotten. This fuckin' cat HATES to travel so as soon as he saw me totin' that Kitty Carrier bag down the stairs he took the fuck off like a fuckin' shot. It took me three fuckin' tries to catch him and stuff him in the fuckin' bag before I could get the fuckin' thing zipped shut. He kept squirting out the fuckin' opening and taking off on me. He's fuckin' spry for an old bastard! Then I get him in the car and he's fuckin' growling and squealing all the fuckin' way to the vet's office. At least he didn't fuckin' puke or poop, which has happened in the fuckin' past. We get into the fuckin' vets' office and I had to sign a bunch of fuckin' paperwork and shit and the whole time the cat's looking at me like "Dude, how the fuck could you do this to me? I thought we were fuckin' bros!" So now I feel fuckin' bad. He's gonna fuckin' hate me when he gets the fuck outta there tonight. I hope the fuzzy little fucker is gonna be OK.


Fat Freddy fucking feels for the furious furry feline.

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Fuckin' A right, the fucker unleashed the fuckin' furry fury on my ass!

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I played around with it for a while, started again and just stopped, so in a heated moment I slammed my fuckin' fist down on the fucker and you should have heard it after that. Sounded like a dying frog. Fucking peice of shit.


You fucking followed all of my fucking troubleshooting secrets and it still didn't fuckin' work? ;)

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Just thought y'all would like a fuckin' update on my poor fuckin' old bastard of a cat... the fuckin' vet called and he made it thru the surgery with flyin' fuckin' colors. He's a tough old fucker. They took out SEVEN of his fuckin' teeth. Fuckin' OUCH! He's gonna be fuckin' hatin' my ass when he sees me at fuckin' home tonight...

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Just thought y'all would like a fuckin' update on my poor fuckin' old bastard of a cat... the fuckin' vet called and he made it thru the surgery with flyin' fuckin' colors. He's a tough old fucker. They took out SEVEN of his fuckin' teeth. Fuckin' OUCH! He's gonna be fuckin' hatin' my ass when he sees me at fuckin' home tonight...


Seven fuckin' teeth??? Holy fuck! Poor little fucker! Do you have some cat yoghurt? Can he use a straw?


I am so fuckin' tired. Getting up at 6:10am everyday. Working till 5:00pm and going out for dinner and drinks every night. Probably normal for many people, but it's fucked me over right away. It's only an hour earlier than I normally wake up, but I'm also getting to work at 7:30am instead of 8:30am so there's an extra work hour to every fuckin' day. Fucking tiring on a drifter like me. :(

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No fuckin' cat yogurt, but the little fucker can eat canned cat food cuz it's fuckin' soft. He usually only gets that fuckin' stuff twice a week (he has a bowl of dry fuckin' food out all the time) but the fuckin' vet told us he should ONLY eat canned food and nuthin' but for at least the next two fuckin' weeks till his fuckin' mouth heals up. He's gonna eat like a fuckin' King, probably better than I fuckin' do. I don't get meat every night of the fuckin' week!


Any-fuckin'-way, last I looked for the fuckin' patient, he's hiding underneath my fuckin' bed and won't come the fuck out. Probably waiting to exact terrible fuckin' kitty revenge on me while I sleep.

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H O L Y F U C K I N G S H I T!!!! This is a sad Fucking Day! I havnt beeen coming here very Fucking Long. But one of the reasons I like this great Fucking board is FUCKING :tits: NORKS!!! Most message baords frown on it. Too many goody two shoes, old fuddy duddy types. "Its not proper PC" FUCK THAT!! Show me some FUCKIN TITS!!! :tits: Put me in the Fucking :norks:


But just now sadly :unsure: I fucking noticed The Fucking Major Babeage fucking thread has dropped off to Page Fucking 2!!! :omg: What The Fuck Is Fucking up with that? :taz: That Fucking Sucks!!


Show Me The Norks!!! No...Show Me The FUCKING NORKS!!! :tits:

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H O L Y F U C K I N G S H I T!!!! This is a sad Fucking Day! I havnt beeen coming here very Fucking Long. But one of the reasons I like this great Fucking board is FUCKING :tits: NORKS!!! Most message baords frown on it. Too many goody two shoes, old fuddy duddy types. "Its not proper PC" FUCK THAT!! Show me some FUCKIN TITS!!! :tits: Put me in the Fucking :norks:


But just now sadly :unsure: I fucking noticed The Fucking Major Babeage fucking thread has dropped off to Page Fucking 2!!! :omg: What The Fuck Is Fucking up with that? :taz: That Fucking Sucks!!


Show Me The Norks!!! No...Show Me The FUCKING NORKS!!! :tits:


This sort of fuckin' carry-on appeals to me. :tumbsup:

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I'm just going to say it guys, because I fuckin' know it's what you're all thinking... but fuck me I am so fucking "toey" (if I said horny it'd just sound rude, crude and desperate, hey?)! This trip is fuckin' killing me. Why the fuck are girls so fuckin' attractive? And fuck me I wish I had someone to drink with tonight. Instead I'm here on the net on a Friday night awaiting the football at 12:00am (fucked up time difference, but I have to see my mighty team get crunched). Anyway, sex is fuckin' awesome and I wish to fuck I was having it now. Just fuckin' quietly.

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