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Kinda figured.... :P I love the beer myself.   :drink:

HEY! watch your fuckin language in here!


when I don't fuckin mind getting up to go the little girls' room all night, I'll have beer. Stuff makes me feel all fuckin bloated <_<


Have a fuckin good'un! Time to go fuckin play :bananamac:

Rip it the fuck up!!! Do "You Got Another Thing Comin'" for me! A Chadster Fuckin' Tribute!! :banger:

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Yeah, because I am getting all of it. Severe fucking thunderstorms here tonight. Speaking of that, I gotta run.

Sorry bout that Jay... we've had fuckin plenty of it here & I needed to send it East :lol:


s'pose to fuckin rain again tonight tho :eviltongue: But on a good fuckin note - it's still Sunday and the Geoff's dealing with a fuckin Monday right now yes2.gif

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But on a good fuckin note - it's still Sunday and the Geoff's dealing with a fuckin Monday right now yes2.gif


Very fuckin' correct. Daylight saving finished on Saturday fuckin' night. I turned all my fuckin' clocks back except my fuckin' alarm clock, so I awoke an hour early this morning. I'd say it was disappointing, but fuck me with a tailor made vagina-looking dildo I love waking up early and knowing I get to go back to fuckin' sleep for another hour before finally awaking. There's something pretty fuckin' beautiful about that moment... even though it's ruined an hour later.


Anyway, pretty fuckin' tired, and I'm not sure I've mentioned this... ever... but fuck I hate fuckin' Mondays. I feel like there are bags under my eyes resting on my desk. The sooner this fuckin' day ends the sooner I can smile again.


Although, if someone tripped in front of my desk that'd be pretty fuckin' funny.

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Rain walks up to dogs, wraps it mouth around their hairy dog balls and just sits there sucking them.

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Rain walks up to dogs, wraps it mouth around their hairy dog balls and just sits there sucking them.


watch your fuckin language! suspect.gif


Holy fuckin' shit, I can't believe I just did that. I do fuckin' apologise for that. Fuck it. That's what a fuckin' Monday does to me. Stupid fucked up day, stealing my ability to fuck... or well, at least to say the fuckin' word.


Please ignore my above fuckin' post and refer to this fucker:


Rain walks the fuck up to dogs, wraps it fuckin' mouth around their hairy fuckin' dog balls and just sits there sucking them.

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it's o-fuckin-kay...  I still fuckin wub you :wub:


Well, then, that's all that fuckin' matters. My wub for you is like a fuckin' erection... just keeps growin' and fuckin' growin'. (Sorry, I was desperate need of saying something really, really fuckin' romatic today.)

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I'm going to name my next fucking CD "The Desperate Romantic Fucker... and the songs the fucker sings... are on this fuckin' CD... as in, like, when you open the fuckin' case, pull the CD out and put it in your fuckin' CD player, you'll hear songs about desperate romance, sung by the Desperate Romantic Fucker... which is me. Hope you fuckin' love this shit."


Kinda catchy, hey?

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My wife wants me to fuckin' sit down when I have a fuckin' leak !! :blink:


What the fuck is this ? Whatever happened to the last rights of men ???





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If any of you have ever fuckin been on an unplanned heiney-dunking in the middle of the fuckin night - maybe you'd fuckin understand why it gets us so fuckin riled up when the seat gets left up  :P


Fuck, I think it sounds positively fucking refreshing. You should fucking thank us for that shit.

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If any of you have ever fuckin been on an unplanned heiney-dunking in the middle of the fuckin night - maybe you'd fuckin understand why it gets us so fuckin riled up when the seat gets left up  :P


Fuck, I think it sounds positively fucking refreshing. You should fucking thank us for that shit.


'......for that shit.'...................................no fuckin' pun intended, eh??!!! :poop::rofl2:

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If any of you have ever fuckin been on an unplanned heiney-dunking in the middle of the fuckin night - maybe you'd fuckin understand why it gets us so fuckin riled up when the seat gets left up  :P


Fuck, I think it sounds positively fucking refreshing. You should fucking thank us for that shit.


'......for that shit.'...................................no fuckin' pun intended, eh??!!! :poop::rofl2:


Completely fucking unintentional, but now that you fuckin' mention it, it does have a nice fuckin' ring to it. :lol:

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