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Last movie you watched?

66 mustang

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"Justice League: War" (2014)

The animated origin story of the "New 52" version of the Justice League. Batman, Superman, Green Lantern, the Flash, Wonder Woman, Cyborg and Shazam all meet for the first time and team up to battle an invasion of Earth by Darkseid and his army of Para-Demons. Lots of bashing, smashing and exploding ensues. Another quality flick from the DC Animated Universe.
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"Green Lantern: Emerald Knights" (2011)

I am really digging these DC Animated Universe flicks lately, in case you couldn't tell. :lol: As the Green Lantern Corps prepares to battle yet another massive cosmic threat to the entier universe, Hal Jordan (voiced by Nathan "Castle" Fillion) educates a new G.L. recruit about the incredible feats performed by some of the Corps' legendary past Lanterns. As usual with these flicks, it's nicely animated with plenty of action.
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  • My Little Pony

Cry Baby (1990)


A musical set in the '50s, starring Johnny Deep, among others. Not very good, but enjoyable enough to watch once.

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The Burbs - can't believe ti took me this many years to check out this Tom Hanks comedy...

Really? Wow.


Probably my favorite from Tom

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The Long Kiss Goodnight - very good movie...


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"Ray Harryhausen: Special Effects Titan" (2013)

Cool documentary about the legendary stop-motion animator and creature creator behind such classic films as "Beast from 20,000 Fathoms," "Jason and the Argonauts," "Clash of the Titans," "Valley of Gwangi" and many more. Features lots of cool clips from his movies as well as kind words from famous fans like Peter Jackson, Steven Spielberg, Joe Dante and Guillermo del Toro.
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Cry Baby (1990)


A musical set in the '50s, starring Johnny Deep, among others. Not very good, but enjoyable enough to watch once.

Just once, your crazy. This one gets regular views and is chock full of great tunage (the soundtrack is awesome too) and one liners!


"That's my sister Pepper. She may be pregnant, but she can fight like a man."

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Furry Vengeance



Pretty funny comedy with Brendan Frasier and Brooke Shields.. Who find themselves at odds with a bunch of forest creatures.. Well Brendan does anyways and hilarity ensues until He sees the error of His ways and makes nice, saving the forest and etc.. Pretty funny stuff actually....

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Furry Vengeance




Pretty funny comedy with Brendan Frasier and Brooke Shields.. Who find themselves at odds with a bunch of forest creatures.. Well Brendan does anyways and hilarity ensues until He sees the error of His ways and makes nice, saving the forest and etc.. Pretty funny stuff actually....

Quite funny indeed...


"Tankalizer ghuun"

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With the young'ins this evening...seems like several of us have been watching this on Netflix lately :D

"Furry Vengeance" (2010)

While developers are bulldozing a forest to make a new suburban subdivision, the guy in charge encounters fierce resistance from some very determined raccoons, skunks, and bears in this cheap looking but occasionally funny kiddie comedy.

I almost felt sorry for Brendan Fraser while watching this. Remember when he was a buff, studly action hero type with his own franchise ("The Mummy")? Now he's middle-aged, out of shape and playing second banana to a bunch of CGI critters n a low budget kids' movie. If this is the best he can do nowadays, he needs a new agent.

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Furry Vengeance




Pretty funny comedy with Brendan Frasier and Brooke Shields.. Who find themselves at odds with a bunch of forest creatures.. Well Brendan does anyways and hilarity ensues until He sees the error of His ways and makes nice, saving the forest and etc.. Pretty funny stuff actually....

Yes, kids loved it.

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"The Humanoid" (1979)

In this cheese-tastic Italian "Star Wars" wanna be, galactic bad guys turn a gentle star pilot (Richard Kiel, aka "Jaws" of James Bond fame) into a hulking mutant killing machine, planning to make him the first in a massive army of such "Humanoids." Unfortunately his memory slowly returns and he eventually starts fighting for the "good" guys instead.

The flick rips off "Star Wars" to an astounding degree - including its desert planet setting, a villain who looks so much like Darth Vader that it's damn near copyright infringement, a kid with mystical powers, and a cute robot. Oh, and lots of guys running around with laser guns going PEW PEW PEW of course. Hell, the director (Aldo Lado) is even credited as "George Lewis," presumably because it sounds kinda like "George Lucas."

This laughable craptacular was exactly what I needed as an antidote to a particularly sh*tty day. As Italian "Star Wars" ripoffs go, this makes Luigi Cozzi's "Star Crash" look like "2001: A Space Odyssey."

The whole movie is on YouTube if you want to subject yourself to it. Make sure you have at least a 12 pack of beer handy before you hit "play," cuz you're gonna need 'em!
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With the young'ins this evening...seems like several of us have been watching this on Netflix lately :D


"Furry Vengeance" (2010)



While developers are bulldozing a forest to make a new suburban subdivision, the guy in charge encounters fierce resistance from some very determined raccoons, skunks, and bears in this cheap looking but occasionally funny kiddie comedy.


I almost felt sorry for Brendan Fraser while watching this. Remember when he was a buff, studly action hero type with his own franchise ("The Mummy")? Now he's middle-aged, out of shape and playing second banana to a bunch of CGI critters n a low budget kids' movie. If this is the best he can do nowadays, he needs a new agent.

I gotta admit, some parts were pretty damn funny...... But yea I kinda feel sorry for Brendan Frasier too.....

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Replacement Killers

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"Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story" (2007)

A very funny, occasionally raunchy parody of over-dramatic "music bio" movies (think "Walk the Line" and/or "Coal Miner's Daughter") starring John C. Reilly as Dewey Cox, a good natured doofus who overcomes every personal tragedy in the book to become a rock star. He rubs shoulders with Elvis and Buddy Holly in the 50s, the Beatles in the 60s and manages to hang on through the drug-addled '70s while every cliche of the Music Bio genre gets lovingly eviscerated... even the songs are funny! Good stuff.
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John Wick, no academy awards here just lots of shoot'em up fun. Many, many dead people!! :9mm:

Liked it

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