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66 mustang

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Picked this up from RedBox tonight as a free rental (they were out of "Quarantine 2," which I really wanted to see, dammit...) Wasn't sure what to expect but this is some crazy, hyper violent, action packed fun. If you can imagine a Catholic "Blade" in a cyberpunk Western setting, with a hint of "Alien" for good measure, you're in the ballpark. Weird but cool.

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Reasonable horror film. Some good jolts along the way, but a shite ending spoils it.





Intriguing drama with Anne Hathaway (who's films are usually ZZZzzz...) about plane crash survivors. Well worth a watch...

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Cherry Falls (2000)


An other slasher I haven't seen before, well... it's really hard to decide if the crew (including the director) were under some heavy influence or this was supposed to be a joke or something. By the way a tipical XXI. century slasher with a high school and a serial killer who's after virgins(!) and killing them usually offscreen. Very bad movie, just forget about it.

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"Quarantine 2: Terminal"




That pesky virus that turned an entire apartment building's occupants into rabid killers in the first movie has now made its way onto an airplane, causing an emergency landing and then a lockdown of its passengers in the terminal building. The usual mayhem ensues. This direct-to-video sequel to the Americanized "REC" remake is good, nasty, infected-zombie fun.

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Human Trafficking (2005)

apart from 'Too Big To Fail' which I think is one of the 'scariest' movie, this movie is also quite the same. It's frightening because it's totally true and happening, and also the risk of this thing happened to your daughter, sister, or anyone close to you is real. By the end of the series, it's told that annually, 800.000 people was trafficked for prostitution and abuse from all over the world, a very sad story indeed. It's quite hard to look this on DVD, so your best bet is on the internet. Must watch!

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Reasonable horror film. Some good jolts along the way, but a shite ending spoils it.




watched last night and must say it was creepy and had chillbumps on me several times


As I said a page back in this thread this was very creepy and I'm glad I watched in during the day and not at night.



"Cedar Rapids" with Ed Helms, Anne Heche and John C Reily. Not a great movie by any means but still had many funny parts and is worth watching at least once especially for the scene where John C Reilly calls someone a Spider Monkey(the term used in the dinner table scene in Taledega Nights).

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'The Ugly Truth' ; this was so predictable it was kind of painful... so predictable, in fact, that even my wife saw it coming a million miles away, and she usually doesn't bother reading into movies enough to predict them. But, all that said, if a movie is still entertaining enough after being so predictable, then it can't be too bad. And I did enjoy it, even if I do really, really dislike that guy. The one with the face and the cheeks and the beard. Can never remember his name, but I just dislike him. Katherine Heigl, though, despite still being pretty annoying, looked pretty approachable in a lot of this film, and added to it's sexiness just fine.


'Water for elephants' ; not bad at all. Good ol' time tale about a brief time on the road with a circus. Good performances by all, including the guy from Twilight, and yeah, I just enjoyed this. One question, though - when did Reese Witherspoon get so flat??


'Mega Shark vs Crocosaurus' ; I did fall asleep about an hour in, but if it throws up any curveballs when I watch the end, I'll be sure to update my thoughts. Another terrible, but somehow watchable film from these Asylum creeps. I know they're awful and it's all in good "fun" I guess, but what I get really irritated at is the basics. In one scene the shark fin is 10 times the size of an entire ship, but then it jumps over the ship and it's half the size of the vessel? And the crocosaurus in the jungle seems the size of half the jungle, yet somehow it is effortlessly first taken, then loaded onto a tiny little boat. I know, I know, if I analyzed every single thing that was wrong with these films I'd have a list as long as there is data on the internet, but when there's already so much wrong with the films it'd be nice to pay a bit of attention to the basics, surely? Who knows... the annoying military lady is crazy sexy, and the brief Aussie girl was too. Otherwise, just terrible. :lol:

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'The Ugly Truth' ; this was so predictable it was kind of painful... so predictable, in fact, that even my wife saw it coming a million miles away, and she usually doesn't bother reading into movies enough to predict them. But, all that said, if a movie is still entertaining enough after being so predictable, then it can't be too bad. And I did enjoy it, even if I do really, really dislike that guy. The one with the face and the cheeks and the beard. Can never remember his name, but I just dislike him. Katherine Heigl, though, despite still being pretty annoying, looked pretty approachable in a lot of this film, and added to it's sexiness just fine.


you mean, Gerard Butler ?

yeah he's the one in the movie '300', if you remember :D

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'The Ugly Truth' ; this was so predictable it was kind of painful... so predictable, in fact, that even my wife saw it coming a million miles away, and she usually doesn't bother reading into movies enough to predict them. But, all that said, if a movie is still entertaining enough after being so predictable, then it can't be too bad. And I did enjoy it, even if I do really, really dislike that guy. The one with the face and the cheeks and the beard. Can never remember his name, but I just dislike him. Katherine Heigl, though, despite still being pretty annoying, looked pretty approachable in a lot of this film, and added to it's sexiness just fine.


you mean, Gerard Butler ?

yeah he's the one in the movie '300', if you remember :D

Yeah, that's the guy. I didn't know he was in '300' to be honest. I liked him in that movie I guess, and also in that movie where he's killing everyone from his prison cell. But I don't know who told him it was a good idea to do comedies, but he is NOT funny. This movie and the other one with Jennifer Aniston just did not need his part in them. Still, end of the day, I enjoyed the films so what do I really care? :lol:

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Tell No One (2006)

a good French thriller, based on the novel, a typical Agatha Christie/Alfred Hitchcock thing.

The pace is quite slow and many characters are involved, the twist at the end is good and somewhat unpredictable. I kinda like it but my wife feels it's pretty boring and average. The leading actor looks similar to Dustin Hoffman with a slight John Cusack touch of his face, great performance by the casts, looks like the movie is a success commercially and also well-received by the critics, but I know you've seen a better thing than this, slightly overrated maybe, but still a good watch, especially for crime/thriller fans, just make sure you have that 130 minutes.

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Date Night-Some funny stuff in here. Not a big Steve C fan, but Tina Fey is funny and easy on the eyes. The scene with Mila Kunis (SP) is too damn funny and Marky Mark's part is a hoot as well.


Iron Man 2-Decent follow up to the first movie. Mickey Rourke makes a fine bad guy.

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Tell No One (2006)

a good French thriller, based on the novel, a typical Agatha Christie/Alfred Hitchcock thing.

The pace is quite slow and many characters are involved, the twist at the end is good and somewhat unpredictable. I kinda like it but my wife feels it's pretty boring and average. The leading actor looks similar to Dustin Hoffman with a slight John Cusack touch of his face, great performance by the casts, looks like the movie is a success commercially and also well-received by the critics, but I know you've seen a better thing than this, slightly overrated maybe, but still a good watch, especially for crime/thriller fans, just make sure you have that 130 minutes.


I loved that film. Great thriller, really well done. The French do make good films.

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"Quarantine 2: Terminal"




That pesky virus that turned an entire apartment building's occupants into rabid killers in the first movie has now made its way onto an airplane, causing an emergency landing and then a lockdown of its passengers in the terminal building. The usual mayhem ensues. This direct-to-video sequel to the Americanized "REC" remake is good, nasty, infected-zombie fun.


Good film and worthy followup to Quarantine


Last watched: American Gangster

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