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66 mustang

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A double shot of Italian horror weirdness:


"Suspiria" (1977)

Dario Argento's candy-colored nightmare about an American girl caught up in witchcraft at a fancy schmanzy German ballet school doesn't make a hella lot of sense, but it's got tons of style.


"Inferno" (1980)

Follow up to "Suspiria" moves the witchy action to New York City, where a guy comes all the way from Rome to find his missing sister and learns that her apartment building is Evil Headquarters. Just as trippy and weird as its predecessor, but I think I may actually like this one better.

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Saw American Made today. Not bad. More of the usual drug trafficking related 'epic' movies. Not as good as Goodfellas, nor is it as good as The Wolf Of Wallstreet which were made in the same vein. Still, interesting enough to keep me happy for a couple of hours.


A couple of weeks ago I saw Logan. Disappointing 'arty' take on the X-men which was kinda predictable and boring. For die hard fans only I guess

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"One Dark Night" (1983)

To gain entry into the "cool" high-school clique a mousy girl is ordered to sneak into a mausoleum after dark and stay inside till morning. Unfortunately for her (and everybody else), the body of a recently-deceased psychic inside the tomb doesn't take kindly to his rest being disturbed.

An entertainingly silly (though surprisingly light on gore and boobs) early '80s horror flick from Tom McLaughlin, who later directed my favorite "Friday the 13th" movie ("Part VI: Jason Lives").

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Woman In Gold. A true story about a woman trying to get back family paintings & treasures from the Austrian Govt who got them from the Nazis after the war. Very good story. I really enjoyed it


Kubo and the two strings. Animated tale of a little Japanese boy with lots of adventure and magic. Good movie for the kids. I liked it too. :D

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  • My Little Pony

Woman In Gold. A true story about a woman trying to get back family paintings & treasures from the Austrian Govt who got them from the Nazis after the war. Very good story. I really enjoyed it

Interesting. I'll have to look into this one.


Kubo and the two strings. Animated tale of a little Japanese boy with lots of adventure and magic. Good movie for the kids. I liked it too. :D

Great film.

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Captain Underpants, again. DOn't care what anyone says this one was thoroughly enjoyable and easily re-watchable many times over. Reminiscent of Jimmy Nuetron which I LOVED.


The Darkness=OMFG what a POS. Not even the Kevin Bacon could make this drivel watchable. Fuck why?

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"Quantum of Solace" (2008)

Daniel Craig's second turn as 007 takes James Bond to Italy, Austria, Haiti and Bolivia on the trail of an industrial criminal who plans to take control of South America's water supply.

"QoS" is generally considered to be Craig's weakest Bond outing but it's got enough butt kicking action in it to make me forgive the rather pedestrian plot.

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"Kong: Skull Island" (2017)

It's 1973 and the Vietnam War has just ended. A group of scientists and their military escorts set out to explore an uncharted South Seas island... and discover not only the giant guardian ape Kong, but lots of other huge, nasty creatures who don't take kindly to trespassers.

If you put "Apocalypse Now" and "Jurassic Park" in a blender you'd have this movie. The casting is great (esp. Samuel L. Jackson as the half-crazed military commander) and the effects are impressive, so fans of Giant Monster Cinema should find this "Kong" entertaining enough in a big, loud, silly sort of way.

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"Skyfall" (2012)

Daniel Craig's 3rd James Bond film pits 007 against a disgraced former double-O agent turned cyber-terrorist (Javier Bardem) who carries a pretty major grudge against MI6 in general and Bond's boss "M" (Judi Dench) in particular.

Sam Mendes' epic thriller is about fifteen minutes too long but otherwise it's absorbing spy-and-counterspy action.

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"Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" (2016)

Second viewing of the "Prequel" which tells the tale of the Rebellion's life-and-death mission to steal the plans for the Death Star. There doesn't seem to be much middle ground on this one among Star Wars fanboys -- they either loved it or they hated it. You can put me in the "loved it" column.

"Spectre" (2015)

007 finally learns the source of all the trouble in his professional and personal lives - a shadowy terror organization called SPECTRE - in Daniel Craig's 4th turn as James Bond. This was my 2nd viewing of "Spectre" and even though I enjoyed it to a certain extent, I think it's my least fave Bond film of the Craig era. Visually it's a flashy treat as always, but it runs WAY too damn long and is not nearly as good as the preceding "Skyfall."  

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"Godzilla: Final Wars" (2004)

An alien race known as the "Xillians" has invaded Earth and assumed control of all of its giant monsters ... except The Big G, of course. While Godzilla battles his way through his rogues' gallery of past enemies on the ground, a team of elite super-powered "Earth Defense Force" agents take on the aliens in the sky.
This 50th anniversary Godzilla flick is ridiculously overstuffed (there's enough characters and plot for about twelve movies) and it features a variety of flashy special FX (incl. the classic guy-in-rubber-suit stuff, some CGI, fancy 360-degree slo-mo ala "The Matrix," etc.) and tons of action. It barely makes a lick of sense but boy is it fun to watch.

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"Curtains" (1983)

A group of actresses gathers at a director's secluded country estate in order to audition for his new film. Soon a masked killer starts whittling down the competition one by one. 
This slow moving, rather dull slasher/mystery takes way too long to get the body count moving. I'm told that it has something of a cult following nowadays, but it didn't do much for me. Skip it.

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"Tales of Halloween" (2015)

This fun anthology film ala "Creepshow" or "Trick r' Treat" features ten fast, funny, tongue-in-cheek horror stories that all take place in the same small town on Halloween night. Segments include a jack o'lantern with an appetite, a Leatherface-style murderer who meets his match, and a Halloween night kidnapping scheme that goes horribly wrong.
Not every story is a home run but there was more than enough good, gory fun here to keep me entertained. 
Sharp eyed horror nerds will get an extra kick from spotting the appearances by B-movie royalty like Adrienne ("The Fog") Barbeau, Barry "Rocky Horror" Bostwick, Barbara "Re-Animator" Crampton and directors John Landis and Joe Dante throughout the film. A pleasant surprise. Thumbs up!

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"The Last Showing" (2014)

Robert "Freddy Krueger" Englund stars in this low-budget British thriller set in a multiplex. He's a crazed projectionist who traps a young couple inside the theater overnight and makes them unwilling "stars" in his own personal horror film. Not a classic, but not bad for an obscure cheapie.  

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    • I wonder what control they have over the releases? That have promoted the BMG individual releases. The 2009 reissues were by original label, EMI. And this boxset seems weird being issued by Cherry Red. And I have not seen the bands social media promote it at all. I wonder if the reason the BMG ones were lacking in the bonus tracks from the previous reissue was EMI holding onto the rights, but have now allowed Cherry Red to release them. I know EMI used to be the distributer for Cherry Red, so they may be more forthcoming with the material.  
    • Yep, cracking indie release of which there are so many but this one is actually really good.
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    • Enjoyed their last cd "Human Nature" remind me of a mellower Black Stone Cherry, similar to Little Caesar.
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    • Now theres a blast from the past  I'm lucky enough to possess 
    • Another i'm still awaiting the arrival of...same day release/delivery my arse Amazon  Still this is sounding like their best release thus far...they are gaining and getting better...although I did enjoy the last few albums also...but the sound/production from this one is excellent.
    • Still awaiting mine to arrive...should've been on Weds  or according to my order that was the case anyway  
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