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Last movie you watched?

66 mustang

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But what was the story? Just weird.


He gets ill...they take him in to train him....then try to kill him.


Am i missing something.

Deadpool is told that his cancer will be cured, which is why he agrees to go with the 'recruiter' ... Francis tries to activate Deadpool's mutant genes, and when that doesn't work, tries to kill him (at which point, the genes ARE activated.) This is what leaves Deadpool scarred. The rest of the story is Deadpool hunting Francis as he thinks that Francis can cure him (and so give him the chance to return to a normal life with his girlfriend.) At the end of the film, Deadpool is told by Francis that there is no cure ... so Deadpool kills Francis.


Okay, so it's not Coppola or Scorcese, but I still liked it ;)

Well thats not strictly true is it cos Francis was threatening him from the moment he met him.



That's so we know that Francis is the bad guy ;)

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"Lady Cocoa" aka "Pop Goes The Weasel" (1975)

Cheap blaxploitation saga starring 70s lounge singer Lola Falana as a high maintenance gal who's holed up in a swanky casino hotel under police protection, as she prepares to testify against her mobster ex boyfriend. While she romances her hunky cop escort (who looks like Lionel Richie), some hit men eventually arrive courtesy of her old flame, and the chase is on.

This pic was dreadfully dull - almost nothing happens for its first hour! - and though Falana's nice to look at, her character is such a whiny, loudmouthed beeyotch that after awhile I was rooting for the bad guys! Ignore, delete, destroy.

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Batman vs Superman



I had the same impression until my daughter wanted me to get the "R" version, we did and as it paints a more complete picture and is superior to thePG-13 version that ran in the theaters.


Sure its no Gone With the Wind but it has its moments.

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"Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood" (1988)


It's a showdown at Camp Crystal Lake when Jason crosses paths with a troubled teenage girl who has telekinetic powers (ala "Carrie"). Finally, someone who can give him a good fight!

The seventh installment in the never ending horror series sticks to the tried and true franchise formula for most of its run time (i.e. stereotypical dumb teenagers party, have sex, get killed) but the last fifteen or twenty minutes - when Psychic Chick puts The Big J through the wringer - are some of my favorite moments in the entire "F13" saga. This is one of the few "Friday" movies that I'm not totally sick of.

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"Scream Blacula Scream" (1973)

The African vampire is resurrected by a voodoo spell in this sequel to "Blacula," and he proceeds to chomp on a whole lot of people while trying to persuade a priestess (Pam Grier) to help him regain his lost humanity.

This silly but watchable blaxploitation horror has dated terribly of course, but it's worth seeing just for the performance by the late William Marshall as the vampire - the rest of the cast seems to be camping it up but he plays Blacula completely straight and intimidating, plus his deep bass voice is totally bad-ass. Cool retro stuff.

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"Atlantic Rim" (2013)


When giant monsters rise from the bottom of the ocean and menace the East Coast, mankind's only hope is a squad of giant robots piloted by humans, including David Chokachi of "Baywatch" and rapper "Treach" of Naughty By Nature.

...in case the title (and the Z-list casting) didn't give it away immediately, this was the Asylum's cheese-and-crackers budget version of "Pacific Rim," complete with the usual terrible acting and laughable CGI effects. Lord knows I love me some giant robot action, but ten minutes into this one I was already wishing that I'd re-watched "Robot Jox" instead.

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"Slaughter's Big Rip-Off" (1973)

Sequel to "Slaughter," starring former NFL footballer "Gentleman" Jim Brown as the title tough guy and all around bad-ass. In the first film Slaughter broke up the Mexican Mob, this time it's the Southern California syndicate that wants him dead. (In a bizarre bit of casting against type, the vicious Mob boss is played by ... perennial TV second banana Ed McMahon!) There isn't much plot in this blaxploitation action flick, but a whole lot of honky heads get busted and some fine lookin' ladies take their clothes off so I was suitably entertained. As Slaughter himself might say, "Outasite, baby."

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Been doing some binge watching since we are snowed in...


Hardcore Henry ~ basically a first person shooter video game movie. No real plot other than running a muck and killing and blowing everything up. Certainly an interesting twist but at the end of the day unless you are a gamer you will see no point.


Dumb and Dumber ~ intro'd the kids to Mr Carrey and Mr Daniels epic journey in well dumbness.


Maggie's Plan ~ a pathetically dull chick flick that the wife even hated and this should have been right up her Lifetime network alley...


National Treasure 1 & 2 ~ these films are really excellent and the kids ate them up like so much ice cream. If you've forgotten they are very Indy Jones light with some Davinci Code mixed in.


Bench Warmers ~ Super silly but the kids are enamored by Adam Sandler and company and this is balls deep in that ilk.

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My last two weeks viewings are:


1) Bolt (7/10)
2) Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (5/10)
3) Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls (4/10)
4) Black Rain (6/10)
5) American Pie Presents: Band Camp (6/10)
6) Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 (4/10)
7) Accountant, The (7/10)
8) American Pie Presents: The Naked Mile (6/10)
9) American Pie Presents: Beta House (5/10)
10) American Pie Presents: The Book of Love (5/10)
11) American Reunion (7/10)
12) Bulletproof Monk (6/10)
13) Amityville II: The Possession (4/10)
14) Amityville 3-D (3/10)
15) Arthur 2: On the Rocks (6/10)
16) Amityville: The Evil Escapes (4/10)
17) The Amityville Curse (2/10)
18) A Bug's Life (5/10)
19) The Boy in the Striped Pajamas (7/10)
20) Amityville: It's About Time (3/10)
21) Blade (7/10)
22) Mr. Bean's Holiday (5/10)
23) Bring It On (5/10)
24) By Dawn's Early Light (8/10)
25) Amityville: A New Generation (3/10)
26) Amityville Dollhouse (3/10)
27) 102 Dalmatians (5/10)
28) Arthur (2011) (5/10)
29) Blade II (8/10)
and last week:
1) The Amityville Haunting (3/10)
2) The Amityville Asylum (2/10)
3) The Amityville Playhouse (2/10)
4) Annie Hall (3/10)
5) Blade: Trinity (7/10)
6) Amityville Terror (3/10)
7) 1984 (1956 version) (5/10)
8) Blue Thunder (6/10)
9) Action Jackson (6/10)
10) Brave (6/10)
11) The Blue Lagoon (7/10)
12) 1984 (1954 version) (6/10)
13) 1984 (1984 version) (5/10)
14) The Blue Lagoon (1949 version) (3/10)
15) Benji (4/10)
16) Blair Witch (7/10)
17) Assassin's Creed (6/10)
18) Brother Bear (6/10)
19) Basic Instinct 2 (4/10)
20) Bridge to Terabithia (8/10)
21) Big Red (5/10)
22) Brokeback Mountain (8/10)
23) Candleshoe (5/10)
24) Captain America The First Avenger 3d (5/10)
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  • My Little Pony


My last two weeks viewings are:


1) Bolt (7/10)

2) Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (5/10)

3) Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls (4/10)

4) Black Rain (6/10)

5) American Pie Presents: Band Camp (6/10)

6) Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 (4/10)

7) Accountant, The (7/10)

8) American Pie Presents: The Naked Mile (6/10)

9) American Pie Presents: Beta House (5/10)

10) American Pie Presents: The Book of Love (5/10)

11) American Reunion (7/10)

12) Bulletproof Monk (6/10)

13) Amityville II: The Possession (4/10)

14) Amityville 3-D (3/10)

15) Arthur 2: On the Rocks (6/10)

16) Amityville: The Evil Escapes (4/10)

17) The Amityville Curse (2/10)

18) A Bug's Life (5/10)

19) The Boy in the Striped Pajamas (7/10)

20) Amityville: It's About Time (3/10)

21) Blade (7/10)

22) Mr. Bean's Holiday (5/10)

23) Bring It On (5/10)

24) By Dawn's Early Light (8/10)

25) Amityville: A New Generation (3/10)

26) Amityville Dollhouse (3/10)

27) 102 Dalmatians (5/10)

28) Arthur (2011) (5/10)

29) Blade II (8/10)


and last week:



1) The Amityville Haunting (3/10)

2) The Amityville Asylum (2/10)

3) The Amityville Playhouse (2/10)

4) Annie Hall (3/10)

5) Blade: Trinity (7/10)

6) Amityville Terror (3/10)

7) 1984 (1956 version) (5/10)

8) Blue Thunder (6/10)

9) Action Jackson (6/10)

10) Brave (6/10)

11) The Blue Lagoon (7/10)

12) 1984 (1954 version) (6/10)

13) 1984 (1984 version) (5/10)

14) The Blue Lagoon (1949 version) (3/10)

15) Benji (4/10)

16) Blair Witch (7/10)

17) Assassin's Creed (6/10)

18) Brother Bear (6/10)

19) Basic Instinct 2 (4/10)

20) Bridge to Terabithia (8/10)

21) Big Red (5/10)

22) Brokeback Mountain (8/10)

23) Candleshoe (5/10)

24) Captain America The First Avenger 3d (5/10)

So... a lot of shit.

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  • My Little Pony

Well you don't know until you've given them a go ;)


The 7/10 films were worth watching. 8/10 films i would re-watch if i was in the right mood.

Truu. But I try sticking to Top Films of... lists when deciding.

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With my 9 year old this afternoon:


"Zootopia" (2016)
Disney's animated mega-hit about an ambitious country bunny who moves to the Big City of Zootopia and becomes its first-ever rabbit police officer. Her first assignment looks like a standard missing-mammals investigation at first, but soon she and her unwilling sidekick, a con-artist fox, discover that there's something more sinister going on behind the scenes.
It's Disney, so of course this is lushly animated, fast paced, frequently funny, and enjoyable for all ages. The near-constant "everyone is equal, chase your dreams, you can be whatever you want to be" rah-rah messages might come across a bit heavy-handed for grown ups, but the kids won't notice or care.
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Sorry but Ace Ventura When Nature Calls is f hilarious.


At least at 8/10 for me.


Jim just annoyed me in Ace Ventura. I'd never seen them so thought i'd give them a go. Both films were only 50p from a local exchange shop. Surprisingly i've not seen many of his other films but i plan to catch a few more when i can. I've seen The Number 23, Batman Forever and Bruce Almighty (which i liked)

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Well you don't know until you've given them a go ;)


The 7/10 films were worth watching. 8/10 films i would re-watch if i was in the right mood.

Truu. But I try sticking to Top Films of... lists when deciding.



I'm working through a list which contains all the films ever to be in the IMDB top 250, another list with Oscar winning pictures and i made of films i've seen as a kid/teen and their sequels i can't really remember

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"Gunn" (1967)

Blake "Pink Panther" Edwards directed this "mod" movie update of the late '50s/early '60s "Peter Gunn" TV series, with Craig Stevens reprising his role as the smooth talking, smooth-with-the-ladies private eye. Gunn is hired to determine who murdered a notorious Mob boss, but some hit men sent by the ambitious wanna-be replacement Don want to make sure the crime remains unsolved.

Gunn seems like a cool cat, but this flick was pretty dry and talky, it didn't really get into gear till the last quarter. Interesting in a retro time-capsule sort of way, but not essential viewing by any means.

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Batman vs Superman




What he said ...

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"Roger Corman's Death Race 2050" (2017)

Start your engines! It's time for the annual cross-country road rally, where colorfully costumed drivers score points based on how many pedestrians they can kill along the way. Reigning champion "Frankenstein" is back, facing off against a new crew of drivers looking to dethrone him. Mucho tongue-in-cheek carnage ensues.
This long overdue sequel/reboot (whatever you want to call it) to the classic 1975 dystopian black comedy is a ton of sick fun, it maintains the vibe of the '75 flick while giving it a 21st century update. Fans of the big-budget and far more serious Jason Statham "reboot" (and its two sequels) probably won't dig it, but if you liked the original you should get a few retro chuckles out of this one as well.
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