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66 mustang

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"Neon Maniacs" (1986)

Strangely-garbed creatures come out of a secret hidey-hole in the Golden Gate Bridge at night to slaughter random San Francisco residents. Eventually a couple of high school kids figure out that the only way to beat the murderous mutants is to spray'em with water, which disintegrates them.

...wait, what?

That's about all the info you'll get from this totally random late '80s video store favorite. There's no reason given for the creatures' existence, or why they want to kill everybody... hell, they don't even explain why they're called "Neon Maniacs." It doesn't make a damn bit of sense but at least it's not boring.
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"Robot Overlords" (2014)
Three years after Earth has been conquered by robotic aliens, a quartet of British kids run off to join the human resistance. An entertainingly low budget dystopian sci-fi flick, aimed squarely at the "Divergent"/"Maze Runner" youth crowd. It must be noted that Gillian "Agent Scully" Anderson, who plays the Mom of one of the kids, is looking quite MILFy nowadays.



Read the book a few months back...quite a no brainer, fun sci fi adventure. I'll have to get around to watching the film.

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Stefan, if u liked this check out Rec 1, 2, 3 and 4. Quarantine is the US remake of Rec. Grab Rec 1 and 2 as the 2nd one follows straight on from the first.

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  • My Little Pony



Stefan, if u liked this check out Rec 1, 2, 3 and 4. Quarantine is the US remake of Rec. Grab Rec 1 and 2 as the 2nd one follows straight on from the first.

Yeah, I was gonna say this looked like Rec. I had no idea there were four of them. Are the others any good?

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"Max" (2015)

A military dog comes home to the U.S. to stay with the family of his handler, who was killed in action in Afghanistan. While "Max" learns to bond with his buddy's troubled younger brother, they end up getting mixed up in an adventure involving some local bad guys. An all-American family friendly action movie that's sappy in all the right places. My kids liked this one a lot.
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  • My Little Pony

"Max" (2015)


A military dog comes home to the U.S. to stay with the family of his handler, who was killed in action in Afghanistan. While "Max" learns to bond with his buddy's troubled younger brother, they end up getting mixed up in an adventure involving some local bad guys. An all-American family friendly action movie that's sappy in all the right places. My kids liked this one a lot.

Oh, is that what this is about? I was hanging out with some people that were talking about this film, and they said it was about a military dog that suffered from PTSD.

And they were all like, "Oh, that's so interesting, because you never hear their side of the story."

And I'm just thinking, "Yeah, because it's a dog. And who gives a shit?"

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Oh, is that what this is about? I was hanging out with some people that were talking about this film, and they said it was about a military dog that suffered from PTSD.

And they were all like, "Oh, that's so interesting, because you never hear their side of the story."

And I'm just thinking, "Yeah, because it's a dog. And who gives a shit?"


Yeah, it does touch briefly on the "dogs can suffer PTSD just like humans can" but since this is supposed to be a kids' movie they get it out of the way quickly ...the dog bonds with his handler's younger bro, and then it dissolves into your standard kid/dog action/adventure stuff ... with a very heavy handed dose of rah-rah 'Murrica flag waving, so your mileage may vary depending on your tolerance for such things.


My kids enjoyed it, and it was relatively painless for me, which is more than I can say for a lot of so-called "family" films.

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Stefan, if u liked this check out Rec 1, 2, 3 and 4. Quarantine is the US remake of Rec. Grab Rec 1 and 2 as the 2nd one follows straight on from the first.
Yeah, I was gonna say this looked like Rec. I had no idea there were four of them. Are the others any good?

The first 2 are great and essentially 1 movie as the action and story continue seamlessly into Rec 2.

Rec 3 is a departure as its not first person and truth be told a little silly - which is OK but a different feel to the first 2. Great poster and trailer tho and not bad as a stand alone film but not up to the lofty heights of the predecessors.

Rec 4 is very good and a return to form.

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Jurassic World ; first movie my wife and I have watched together since the birth of child two. Always enjoyable stuff in this series. It was actually my wife who voiced it at the end, but I'd thought the same throughout... we were a little surprised that the special effects weren't really any better than the originals. Which is not really a dig, because I always thought they were awesome from the start. Maybe you can't do any better than that? But it was good, harmless fun.

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"Max" (2015)


A military dog comes home to the U.S. to stay with the family of his handler, who was killed in action in Afghanistan. While "Max" learns to bond with his buddy's troubled younger brother, they end up getting mixed up in an adventure involving some local bad guys. An all-American family friendly action movie that's sappy in all the right places. My kids liked this one a lot.

Oh, is that what this is about? I was hanging out with some people that were talking about this film, and they said it was about a military dog that suffered from PTSD.

And they were all like, "Oh, that's so interesting, because you never hear their side of the story."

And I'm just thinking, "Yeah, because it's a dog. And who gives a shit?"



In 99% of cases:


Dogs > Humans

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"Hot Pursuit" (2015)

By-the-numbers "odd couple" action comedy, with Reese Witherspoon as an uptight Texas cop escorting the wife of a federal witness (Sofia Vergara) to court so she can testify against a Mexican drug lord. Naturally, lots of bad guys try to eliminate them along the way. There are a few chuckles here and there and Vergara is nice to look at (which is a good thing cuz she sure as hell can't act!) but overall this flick is easily skippable.
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"Electric Boogaloo: The Wild, Untold Story of Cannon Films" (2014)

From the director of B-Movie documentaries "Not Quite Hollywood" and "Machete Maidens Unleashed," this is the story of the rise and fall of Cannon Films, the infamous low-budget studio headed by Menahem Golan and Yoram Globus - two aspiring film moguls from Israel who unexpectedly took Hollywood by storm in the '80s thanks to ninjas, break-dancers, Chuck Norris, Charles Bronson, and an unbashed love of all things schlocky and over-the-top. Loaded with cool clips from dozens of Cannon classics as well as interviews with stars and associates like Bo Derek, Franco Nero, Luigi Cozzi, Lucinda Dickey, Richard Chamberlain and more. A total trip down retro memory lane!
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"Three on a Meathook" (1972)

An entertainingly scuzzy curiosity item from the swingin' 70s which unfortunately never quite lives up to the awesomeness of its title. A group of nubile college gals have car trouble on a deserted country back road. Fortunately they get picked up by a kindly hillbilly who takes 'em back to his place to meet his "Paw"...who just happens to have a smokehouse out back and is renowned for his homemade "veal" and sausages... aaaand you can probably figure out the rest yourself.

This micro-budget grindhouse fave (directed by the late Z-movie legend William Girdler, who would later helm the blaxploitation "Exorcist" ripoff "Abby" and the cult classic "Grizzly") was supposedly inspired by the deeds of serial killer Ed Gein, and pre-dates "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" and "Motel Hell," - two other, more famous splatter flicks which used cannibalism as a hook.
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Day Off Double Feature:

"Vicious Lips" (1986)

Yeah, I know... the title sounds like a porno. "Vicious Lips" is actually the name of an all-girl rock band from the far-flung future in this utterly random sci-fi musical comedy. The gals are trying to make it to their big-break gig at the hottest club in the galaxy, but they have numerous wacky misadventures along the way including a meteor shower, a spaceship crash on a desert planet,and a battle with a mutant alien serial killer. It feels kinda like a live-action, feature length "Josie and the Pu$$ycats in Outer Space" episode... but with a whole lot of extra suck. None of the ladies can act (tho they're all kinda cute in that big-haired '80s sort of way) and the "story" feels like it was strung together from a bunch of 3 minute music video ideas. The best parts are the fictional band's songs, which are actually pretty decent '80s cheese rock. Otherwise, this movie was poop.

"Atomic Cyborg" aka "Hands of Steel" (1986)

A cyborg assassin suddenly develops a conscience and refuses to kill his target, so he runs off to the American Southwest to hide out and regain his forgotten humanity. The crooked corporation that created him then sends a series of bad guys to try and kill him. Needless to say, mucho ass is then kicked in this entertainingly awful Italian-made "Terminator" variant which even randomly shoe horns in some ultra-macho arm wrestling action (?), ala Stallone's "Over the Top" -- which came out a year after this flick! Useless trivia: longtime Italian B-movie actor Claudio Cassinelli was killed in a helicopter crash during the filming of this flick. R.I.P. big guy.
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"Revenge of the Ninja" (1983)

In the second part of Cannon Films' so-called "Ninja Trilogy," Sho Kosugi is a ninja master who relocates to the U.S. after his family is killed by a rival ninja clan. In his new home of Los Angeles (played by Salt Lake City) he tangles with a gang of heroin smugglers led by yet another ninja. By the way, "Ninja" is a fun word to type. Ninja, ninja, ninja, ninja!!

(ahem) Sorry. Anyway, just like in Cannon's first "Ninja" flick, the story here is threadbare, but the stunt work is impressive and the mass amounts of butt kicking make up for the overall cheesiness.
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"Ninja III: The Domination" (1984)

A dying "Black Ninja" possesses the body of an innocent L.A. aerobics instructor (!) and continues murdering his enemies through her... until a "good" ninja (Sho Kosugi) appears to battle for her soul in the concluding chapter of Cannon's "Ninja Trilogy."


...seriously, God bless Cannon's Menahem Golan and Yoram Globus. Only they would think of throwing the martial arts and demonic possession genres in a blender like this, adding a pinch of "Flashdance," and hitting "puree." This movie is so completely batsh*t insane that it's actually entertaining in a so-'80s-it-hurts kind of way.

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Got a couple of sneaky ones straight off the TV in the last couple of days;


Double Jeopardy ; I am sure I've seen this before, but if I have seen it full I only remembered vaguely the graveyard scene and the "climax" in the office. If you want to be technical, there's a lot of holes in the story, and you never really get the sense that the mother is genuinely that concerned about losing access to her child, but it moves at a good fast pace and I liked it anyway. Cool movie.


Captain Phillip ; what a cool film. I really enjoyed this one. Quite the ordeal to go through.

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SPECTRE ... with me Dad an' me youngest son ...

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The Fantastic Four - this reboot did not impress...I prefer the previous iteration...


Hitman Agent 47 - okay actioner but nothing memorable....


Agree on both counts.


Apparently Hitman was based on a game according to my son, which explained a lot.


I also saw The Gift - liked the way the movie developed with a few twists & turns. Jason Bateman in different role.


Criminal Activities. John Travolta is good but in a small role. Interesting movie again with some twists and turns. End is a bit of a mess. Explained most of what had happened, but didn't really tie it all up will.

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