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Canadian Patriotism???


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I'm sorry but Ive been making a huge deal about this all over my social because I think this is truly groundbreaking, I'm being dead serious when I say this, it sincerely gives me like a flutter in my heart to see the Canadians fucking finally stepping on some necks and showing that little faggot who he works for, like it's really a special thing, it's not just a bunch of "fringe" Canadians trying to be destructive, it's the accumulation of the people who are Canada, just like it is here, and in Europe, and everywhere else, the core of what makes the country run, who would have thought that Canada might be the country who stops a world wide attempt to assemble some sort of world government, or NWO? its the last thing I ever saw coming, If the entire population wasn't in my country I would've bet that Mexico would've done something like this before Canada, and frankly I sincerely truly love watching it, and I bet everyone of them fuckers is feeling the rush I know their feeling of putting their foot down and affecting the way they live their own lives, I said before, Canadians don't do this, you know you done fucked up when you have pushed the Canadians to the point they fucking rebel, it's all over, probably the way that little pussy is feeling right now, and im glad, i heard him talk the other day and felt puke creeping up the back of my throat, he's just an establishment shill, I know there's only a few canucks on here, but for once, I truly don't feel the same way about you, I know it's not you, and your probably not going to go out and hunt some Antifa faggots down, or throw an insurrection, or anything like that, but it's like Its changed how I feel about Canada, over the last decade I haven't felt to favorably, now I see the heart of Canada is still there, and they are still basically the same as we are, I have this whole new pull of respect towards them, like how I use to feel about them, in the Steven Harper days.

I had never even contemplated or thought about Canadian Patriotism, it still sounds weird, but it is an actual thing, and it's pretty meaningless what I think, but I know almost everyone I know and talk to are excited about this, and for what it's worth, I stand with the Canadians on this, even though it's not physically, I am going to be an over vocal supporter, cause I fucking love it, it makes me happy.

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I've never had a problem with peaceful protest and while I think they are wasting their time as nothing will change...good for them....the biggest issue that has come up from this trucker protest is that what often happens with these type of situations, their protest has been hijacked by idiots (nazis , anarchists and scumbags) and that is what makes the nightly news ....film of the Terry Fox statue covered in placards, the war memorial vandalized and the swastika flag all over the place and I hear a bunch of them invaded a soup kitchen for the homeless and demanded meals and assaulted one of the homeless...so if it had been properly organized they would have policed their protest and dealt with the assholes taking advantage of their issue.....

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  • 2024 Gold Donors
54 minutes ago, Leykis101 said:

I had never even contemplated or thought about Canadian Patriotism, it still sounds weird, but it is an actual thing


One of the greatest alltime backhanded compliments. 

What were the protests specifically about BTW?

Is there a bacon or maple syrup shortage? Lumberjack rights?



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2 hours ago, Darkstone said:


One of the greatest alltime backhanded compliments. 

What were the protests specifically about BTW?

Is there a bacon or maple syrup shortage? Lumberjack rights?



You seriously haven't seen it? well from what i hear the media is doing all they can to not cover it, I saw some fucking bimbo on the Canadian version of the government mouthpiece CNN actually implying that Putin staged actors to make it look like Canadians were protesting, that's fucking grasping at straws, and I saw tonight, there was an actual fucking person that had face wrapped who was carrying a confederate flag through the crowd, they made him and chased him away, cause that's what these faggot lefties do, they send somebody to look like a white supremacist into the crowd so the left wing media can get a shot for the news and say look everyone, this is white supremacists, but this dude got ran off, it seriously enlightens me seeing miles and miles of Canadians waving the Canadian flag, semis with FUCK TRUDEAU painted on the side, its awesome,

Dusty the word protest is I think selling whats going on in Canada a bit short, pretty much every semi in the country met up to form a convoy and drive to Ottawa, it's said the convoy is 40 miles long, it's 4 times longer then the previous world record set in India, and along the way the Canadian people have formed huge groups to support the truckers as they drove through each city, standing on bridges waving the Canadian flag, standing for hours in wet slushy blizzards so the truckers would see them when they drove through, and the reason this is going on is cause they snapped, their done with being lied to, by a fucking entitled little power bottom, they want life to be normal, I didn't know truckers had to wear their masks while driving trucks, well they are going to go sit in Ottawa until either the mandates lifted, or Trudeau resigns, some truckers are more irate then others, regardless, I love it, this isn't some fringe minority, man this is a huge deal, no matter how much the media tries to fucking lie and make shit up, and not cover it, and they are, and now truck convoys are starting to form around the world, that's why I said, who would've thought? BTW not a backhanded compliment at all, lets be frank, Canadians aren't known to be patriotic, i mean Americans are patriotic, generally nauseatingly patriotic, this is US style patriotism going on in Canada, Ive never seen anything like it, now I'd like to see some Australian patriotism, wonder when that's going to take place?? Dusty?

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BTW Trudeau has attended protests before, like BLM, but these fucking peasants protesting right now are all swine, and they are nobody, and this kind of protest he does not support, damn I thought the US has fucking idiot voters, I never realized how big of a jizz stain Trudeau is, the more he talks the more I start to think somebody may have a bigger voting base of fucking retards then the US

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  • My Little Pony
7 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

Canadians aren't known to be patriotic

Yeah, that's pretty much accurate. I still wouldn't consider myself patriotic. Being Canadian is... well, it's become increasingly more confusing the older I get. 

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  • My Little Pony

Also, I got caught up in this convoy. I didn't intend to join it, I didn't even know it was happening in my area. I was trying to get into Vancouver, I thought the convoy was supposed to be heading to Ottawa. 

Anyway, it was annoying, because it turned a 40 minute drive into and hour and a half. But it was remarkably peaceful. The convoy stuck to the slow lanes, so the rest of us could pass. It still created a lot of congestion, but they weren't being assholes. Not like I've seen in other protests in the past years. And it was pleasing to see so many "Fuck Trudeau" flags. 


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  • 2023 Gold Donors
18 minutes ago, KarpetRydOFunk said:

Also, I got caught up in this convoy. I didn't intend to join it, I didn't even know it was happening in my area. I was trying to get into Vancouver, I thought the convoy was supposed to be heading to Ottawa. 

Anyway, it was annoying, because it turned a 40 minute drive into and hour and a half. But it was remarkably peaceful. The convoy stuck to the slow lanes, so the rest of us could pass. It still created a lot of congestion, but they weren't being assholes. Not like I've seen in other protests in the past years. And it was pleasing to see so many "Fuck Trudeau" flags. 


I thought you loved Trudeau

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Now farmers have joined the convoy, and the US is staging their own from LA to DC, WTF

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  • 2024 Gold Donors
On 2/1/2022 at 8:26 PM, Leykis101 said:

 now I'd like to see some Australian patriotism, wonder when that's going to take place?? Dusty?

There's a similar thing happening here, although there's zero mainstream media coverage about it.

I've posted a few videos from "Avi Yemeni" and "Rebel News" before.

In the current climate, I think that this very much qualifies as Aussie Patriotism. 

I wish I was a part of it.




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On 2/2/2022 at 3:37 AM, KarpetRydOFunk said:

Yeah, that's pretty much accurate. I still wouldn't consider myself patriotic. Being Canadian is... well, it's become increasingly more confusing the older I get. 

If I understand correctly, Canada and Australia have probably had a similar couple of years. I wasn't madly patriotic before, I guess, but was always extremely proud to be Australian and would not have had it any other way. Unfortunately that has been completely stripped away in the last couple of years and I now feel nothing but total contempt for this country.

BUT, yes, anyway, I have seen signs of some sort of convoy here in Australia too. And there are more or less weekly protests in "pretty significant" number. But sadly, it never achieves anything. I do applaud people for trying, but unfortunately I find it all quite futile. :(   

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4 hours ago, auslander said:

What a disgrace Trudeau is to get frightened by a bunch of protesting truckies and go into hiding. Do even Lefty Canadians respect that level of cowardice? 

At the risk of defending an idiot...my understanding is that Trudeau has Covid and is isolating because of it....

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Yes Dusty and G-Off, Patriotism is pride, pride in not only your country, but the successes your country has endured, the heart and soul of Australia isn't the commie governments, or the media, it's the everyday people, who make the country work, that's what makes a country what it is, people roll their eyes and make jokes about Americans because they are so patriotic, my cousins in Ireland always have smart ass comments when they come here about all the US flags, but what your seeing right now are patriots who realize whats happening and where their country is headed, and they are the majority who has stayed silent, i have kept saying it this whole time, Patriots are going to have enough and say fuck this, and realize they are who put their government into power, they work for the people not the other way around, and I thought it would be the US, that's why I love it, that's why Ive had such an erection for whats going on in Canada, now the US truckers have joined the Canadian truckers at the Montana boarder, tow companies are refusing to tow the semis so the police are refusing to do anything about it, The Fag is threatening to call in the Canadian military, I bet you they will stand down, then what will he do? I knew it wouldn't be long for the US to join in, we love this kind of shit, and if it's happening in Australia, you can be a part of it, hang an Australian flag outside your door, patriots spot each other, they have each others back, until you've truly felt patriotism, you never could understand how powerful of a thing it is until you've experienced it, it's a beautiful thing, possibly the greatest feeling of brotherhood you can experience, and the great thing about it, anybody can feel it, all it takes is something violating your life, I often say I will die before I live under communist law, i don't just say that, to live without freedom would be no life id ever want to live, and I mean that, this may be one of the greatest turns in history.

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oh dear. Its a sorry affair when you lose respect for your country. The restrictions in our country were pretty tough but I never really felt bad about it. 

Also I don't feel the need to hang a union jack outside my house to show I love my country. Brits aren't like that, but you will not find a more passionate country than us. 

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24 minutes ago, Glen said:

oh dear. Its a sorry affair when you lose respect for your country.

It is terrible, especially when your country had a legitimate claim to being the best place on earth to live, of which many of us - if not most of us - would truly have believed. 

But I know that I am definitely not alone is my hatred for what this place had become. I hope there can come a time when I feel some pride in this country again, but I think it's many, many years away, if it can be restored at all. 

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45 minutes ago, Geoff said:

It is terrible, especially when your country had a legitimate claim to being the best place on earth to live, of which many of us - if not most of us - would truly have believed. 

But I know that I am definitely not alone is my hatred for what this place had become. I hope there can come a time when I feel some pride in this country again, but I think it's many, many years away, if it can be restored at all. 

Move to Finland, the happiest country in the world!:)

We were the happiest one in 2021. 

Or maybe not, it can be pretty cold sometimes...:(


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59 minutes ago, Stefan said:

Move to Finland, the happiest country in the world!:)

We were the happiest one in 2021. 

Or maybe not, it can be pretty cold sometimes...:(


Aren't you still wearing a mask too, though? 

I don't know if you're serious - was there a poll or something to say you were legit the happiest country in 2021? In that same poll, I'd assume Australia was the bottom country? 

I'd love to come to Finland for a while if you'd have me in your bed, I mean home. And if you know how to smuggle someone out of a prison land... 

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2 hours ago, Geoff said:

... my hatred for what this place had become. I hope there can come a time when I feel some pride in this country again, but I think it's many, many years away, if it can be restored at all...

Don't like it?

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3 hours ago, Stefan said:

Move to Finland, the happiest country in the world!:)

We were the happiest one in 2021. 

Or maybe not, it can be pretty cold sometimes...:(


I dunno man, you're right next door to Russia and don't they consider Finland part of the Empire?...

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4 hours ago, Glen said:

oh dear. Its a sorry affair when you lose respect for your country. The restrictions in our country were pretty tough but I never really felt bad about it. 

Also I don't feel the need to hang a union jack outside my house to show I love my country. Brits aren't like that, but you will not find a more passionate country than us. 

Especially when a round ball is being kicked around on some green grass ;)

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1 hour ago, CureTheSane said:

Don't like it?

Nah, Geoff's a fighter. True Aussies don't bend over, drop their dacks, and ask authority to give it to them good. There are heaps of true blue Aussies out there sick of all the Karens both male and female. Most live outside the cities though but we will remind our soft hand-wringing concrete jungle cousins what it means to be fair dinkum. We will be back, just biding our time for the authoritarian types to run out of puff. 

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2 hours ago, Geoff said:

Aren't you still wearing a mask too, though? 

I don't know if you're serious - was there a poll or something to say you were legit the happiest country in 2021? In that same poll, I'd assume Australia was the bottom country? 

I'd love to come to Finland for a while if you'd have me in your bed, I mean home. And if you know how to smuggle someone out of a prison land... 

Finland, happiest country in the world. Fourth year running.



Australia just outside Top 10.

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27 minutes ago, auslander said:

I dunno man, you're right next door to Russia and don't they consider Finland part of the Empire?...


Haven't you heard 'bout the Winter War? If not, go look it up. Interesting read.

The world's deadliest sniper, a Finn called Simo 'The White Death' Häyhä. Over 500 kills.

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