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I Like Beer!

Blue Charvel

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I have really been enjoying alot of the Sam Adams beers...the Cherry Wheat being my favorite..The Honey Port and Black lager is excellent also.Sam Adams makes a great beer.

Also I found a place not too far from me that I can by beer by the bottle...what a great way to try new beers without having to buy a 6pack of it...than not like it,than be out the money.

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My new beer obsession. Tasty! :chug:




Damn, I almost bought a six pack of this over the weekend but picked the Flying Dog Ale (based on that irresistible name!) instead... it's the first time I've ever seen any Leinenkugel beers out here in Jersey, though I got hooked on the stuff when I used to visit my buddy in Wisconsin years ago. Maybe I'll try it out next time I get me a hankerin' for a new beer!


I still hate beer.


That's OK... I still hate Velvet Revolver. ;)

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I need someone to drink with. I wish I lived closer to Fat Freddy so I could chill at his house. I could go to OKC, but JustJason doesn't drink. What's up with that? Still haven't heard anything from Tim yet. Friday is a time to celebrate for me. It ain't no fun if you're by yourself. Maybe I should get plastered and then go watch Spider-man 3. Watching Spider-man and seeing stuff that nobody else sees.

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I need someone to drink with. I wish I lived closer to Fat Freddy so I could chill at his house.


If you're ever in Jersey, look me up J. :drink: I got outdoor stereo speakers, I grill a mean steak and as I guess you can probably tell, I happen to like beer. :)

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I need someone to drink with. I wish I lived closer to Fat Freddy so I could chill at his house.


If you're ever in Jersey, look me up J. :drink: I got outdoor stereo speakers, I grill a mean steak and as I guess you can probably tell, I happen to like beer. :)

I heard Keith is having a party...anyone else hear that?? PAAAAAAARRRRRRRRTY AAAAAAT KEITHHHHHHS!!! :drink:

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I heard Keith is having a party...anyone else hear that?? PAAAAAAARRRRRRRRTY AAAAAAT KEITHHHHHHS!!! :drink:


Haha, what the hell? The wife will kill me and the neighbors will hate me, but who cares? PAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRTY!!!! :woot:

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My new beer obsession. Tasty! :chug:




Damn, I almost bought a six pack of this over the weekend but picked the Flying Dog Ale (based on that irresistible name!) instead... it's the first time I've ever seen any Leinenkugel beers out here in Jersey, though I got hooked on the stuff when I used to visit my buddy in Wisconsin years ago. Maybe I'll try it out next time I get me a hankerin' for a new beer!





You can't go wrong with any of the Leinenkugel brews. :drink:

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I just finished one of these tasty mo-fo's and I am thinking about heading for the fridge for another :chug:

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I drunk myself into oblivion last night. It offered some momentary relief.


Geoff , I saw what you posted on the "Pic's Of Yourself" thread and now this :unsure: .

If I'm reading this right and not intruding on your personel life, I hope everything is okay and if it ain't at the moment, just hold tight and I hope you can both sort it out and get back to where you were.

Guaranteed mate that with any marriage, there is always some bumps on the road and hopefully ones that can be soretd out.

I hope I am way of the mark with what I'm seeing but if I'm not, I 'm sure there are plenty of people here willing to to lend an ear if you want to talk :drink:

Yeah, tough times, mate, and thanks for the words. :) Hopefully it'll all work out, but I know there are a lot of top people here to chat with... plus there's beer. :drink:

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Just reading about beer almost makes me cry. I can't wait until Friday so I can get me a tasty Dos Equis with lime. It's been a nightmare of a time recently and I need to relax bad. I'm guessing that Geoff is in hard times too. The pressure is building. Need beer bad.

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I had several beers last night as I watched the footy with my brothers. They went down nice, for a while.

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This thread reminds me: I have 2 beers left in my fridge! I doubt that they will survive the night. In fact, I'm going for one right now since I have beer on my mind.

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I have loads lined up for my B'day weekend, starting this lunch time with a few cans of Speckled Hen to start the day off, then Tonight we're gigging at a rather nice pub that usually has loads of young ladies everywhere :tits: (Geoff - you would love it there mate, assured - you would be :yikes: all evening) and also serves Speckled Hen (Guess who's driving - a Clue - Not Me!!!). Then tomorrow, a gang of us are off to town to a local hostelry for some beer (Yep - Speckled Hen again) then off to a Chinese/Thai restaurant. Should be a good weekend I reckon and Yes Pete, I remember last year the advice about the White Shirt!!!! :drink:

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Last night I started with a Dos Equis XX with lime. That was around 8:00pm. The lime was really bitter so it didn't taste right. I then drank a Labatt Blue. For some reason it didn't taste as good as it normally does to me. I then ordered a Long Island Iced Tea. That is one hell of a strong drink. I shouldn't have drank anything after that. It didn't taste that great, but by the time I got to the end I didn't care. I then drank a Boulevard Wheat. It tasted just like a normal beer. I really shouldn't have drank that one though. I was sitting right at the bar when I was drinking all of that. I decided to have a seat in the middle of the room so I could let it wear off. This woman starting asking me questions about how I got there and how I planned to get home. Guess I looked pretty bad. I think that was around 9:30. I told her I was drunk and I was trying to let it wear off. She said she's tried that before and it doesn't work. She also said drink lots of water. I drank water and still nothing really wore off. At 11:00 I became tired of it so I went out to my car and called Danny from Hollywood Harlot. I talked to him for about 20 minutes. I then left because I needed to go very badly. This morning I'm still feeling the effects.


I did learn some important lessons though.

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As of right now I'm on a laptop in a hotel room in Chicago about to go to the Heaven&Hell/Megadeth show.


The point to this post is that I just had two excellent Red Hook draft beers at the Harey Carey's Resturaunt.

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I have loads lined up for my B'day weekend, starting this lunch time with a few cans of Speckled Hen to start the day off, then Tonight we're gigging at a rather nice pub that usually has loads of young ladies everywhere :tits: (Geoff - you would love it there mate, assured - you would be :yikes: all evening) and also serves Speckled Hen (Guess who's driving - a Clue - Not Me!!!). Then tomorrow, a gang of us are off to town to a local hostelry for some beer (Yep - Speckled Hen again) then off to a Chinese/Thai restaurant. Should be a good weekend I reckon and Yes Pete, I remember last year the advice about the White Shirt!!!! :drink:


Sounds like a LOT of fun, mate !! Enjoy it !!! :drink:

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I'm in Rochester, NY with my boss until tomorrow night, we just went out for a few. I had a local Scotch Ale, but it sucked (old keg syndrome), nice and sour tasting :yuck: , maybe I should've picked something that moves more quickly. Back at the hotel for now, conference reception (and more drinks) starts in an hour.


Hey Wes, have a great time at the show, I'm envious brother! :drink:


I'll be at the one in Jersey on the 19th... with all access photo passes no less! :woot:

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Actually, I think it's thirteen. Is the extra one for me Bob? :banana:

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You da man. Here's one back atcha. :chug:

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Hit 'em a little hard myself last night, hanging out with a crapload of printers from all over the world... drinking is an international sport apparently...


Now I've got to get ready for a day full of networking and presentations... :woot:<_<

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