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I Like Beer!

Blue Charvel

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Did you have a brewsky for every year of your age?


Haha, I know I joked about that last week and it certainly would've made for an interesting birthday, but if I'd drank 37 beers in one day I'd probably still be :puke: -ing!!!


I hear ya, 37 PBR's would do anyone in.


Lightweights... <_<


Except for our man Pete he can drink a whole keg by himself. :drink:


I would pay $ to see him perform that trick! :chug:


I swallow them whole, like a snake. :headbanger:

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OPEN BAR!!!!!!!!!!


Seriously, are there any words in the English language that are more beautiful than those two? I don't think so. ;)

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OPEN BAR!!!!!!!!!!


Seriously, are there any words in the English language that are more beautiful than those two? I don't think so. ;)


I second that.


Definitely third me in on that sentiment! :drink:

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Boo...large headed friend...HOORAY BEER!!

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Rehearsal dinner last night..............OPEN BAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



This is my favorite weekend EVER!!!





I believe he did say Open Bar. :)


Bob I guess we weren't invited. <_<

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Rehearsal dinner last night..............OPEN BAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



This is my favorite weekend EVER!!!





I believe he did say Open Bar. :)


Bob I guess we weren't invited. <_<



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I like beer and I'm consumed with JEALOUSY becoz I know for certain that Jez's band is playing at a beer festival this weekend......curses!!!

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I just came back from a BBQ at my brother in law's where numerous malted amber beverages were consumed during the course of the festivities. To sum up:





Ahh, I needed that.

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Just got a call that a buddy of mine is on his way to town. I've got 42 beers sitting in the downstairs fridge and I have a sneaking suspicion they are all going to be drank (and I'm going to be drunk) tonight. :drink2:

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Mmm, yea, I had myself a few malted beverages today. (urp)

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Ok that's it,. I HAVE to get a six pack this weekend.. Hey it's a Holiday damnit!!!!! :P


Only a six pack? Come ON... you can do better than that, lightweight. :P

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Open Bars... Heaven is an Open Bar.


I had a couple on the weekend, literally, though my f*cking carpet had just as many as I did yesterday. :(

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A Great weekend lined up. Saturday night we are playing the Northampton Beer Festival - Should be a great gig (well over 500 people there last year) plus free ales for the band all day, plus they are paying us as well. My mates band is playing the Friday night, so a good excuse to go then as well - I will definately have a pint or three, as there are going to be well over 80 different beers to try. I shall try out a different one each time until I fall over and carry on where I left off on Saturday. Sounds like my idea of heaven!!! Here's one for each of ya :drink:

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A Great weekend lined up. Saturday night we are playing the Northampton Beer Festival - Should be a great gig (well over 500 people there last year) plus free ales for the band all day, plus they are paying us as well. My mates band is playing the Friday night, so a good excuse to go then as well - I will definately have a pint or three, as there are going to be well over 80 different beers to try. I shall try out a different one each time until I fall over and carry on where I left off on Saturday. Sounds like my idea of heaven!!! Here's one for each of ya :drink:


That sounds like a dream gig for me...


...or nightmare for the audience if I sample too many... ;)

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Put away three last night for my brother's birthday dinner. So sweet and delicate.

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Had a couple buds over to watch the hockey game. After the first period we ended up outside talking about lawn care and drinking beer. Unfortunately we finished off an 18 pack and all three of us have to work at 6am. I should probably get my sorry ass to bed and not be sitting here finishing off my last beer. But I guess I don't mind going to work looking like Keith Richards...


Which reminds me...anyone ever hear of Larry Miller and his Five Stages Of Drinking?



It's 11:00 on a weeknight, you've had a few beers. You get up to leave because you have work the next day and one of your friends buys another round. One of your UNEMPLOYED friends. Here at level one you think to yourself, "Oh come on, this is silly, why as long as I get seven hours of sleep (snap fingers), I'm cool.".



It's midnight. You've had a few more beers. You've just spent 20 minutes arguing against artificial turf. You get up to leave again, but at level two, a little devil appears on your shoulder. And now you're thinking, "Hey! I'm out with my friends! What am I working for anyway? These are the good times! Besides, as long as I get five hours sleep (snaps fingers) I'm cool.".



One in the morning. You've abandoned beer for tequila. You've just spent 20 minutes arguing FOR artificial turf. And now you're thinking, "Our waitress is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen!" At level three, you love the world. On the way to the bathroom you buy a drink for the stranger at the end of the bar just because you like his face. You get drinking fantasies. (like,"Hey fellas, if we bought our own bar, we could live together forever. We could do it. Tommy, you could cook.") But at level three, that devil is a little bit bigger....and he's buying. And you're thinking "Oh, come on, come on now. As long as I get three hours sleep...and a complete change of blood (snaps fingers), I'm cool.".



Two in the morning. And the devil is bartending. For last call, you ordered a bottle of rum and a Coke. You ARE artificial turf! This time on your way to the bathroom, you punch the stranger at the end of the bar. Just because you don't like his face! And now you're thinking, "Our busboy is the best looking man I've ever seen." You and your friends decide to leave, right after you get thrown out, and one of you knows an ...after hours bar. And here, at level four, you actually think to yourself, "Well....as long as I'm only going to get a few hours sleep anyway, I may as well.... STAY UP ALL NIGHT!!!! Yeah! That'd be good for me. I don't mind going to that board meeting looking like Keith Richards. Yeah, I'll turn that around, make it work for me. And besides, as long as I get 31 hours sleep tomorrow ...................cool.



Five in the morning. after unsuccessfully trying to get your money back at the tattoo parlor ("But I don't even know anybody named Ruby!!!"), you and your friends wind up across the state line in a bar with guys who have been in prison as recently as...that morning. It's the kind of place where even the devil is going, "Uh, I gotta turn in. I gotta be in Hell- at nine. I've got that brunch with Hitler, I can't miss that." At this point, you're all drinking some kind of thick blue liquor, like something from a Klingon wedding. A waitress with fresh stitches comes over, and you think to yourself, "Someday I'm gonna marry that girl!!" One of your friends stands up and screams, "WE'RE DRIVIN' TO FLORIDA!!!!!"- and passes out. You crawl outside for air , and then you hit the worst part of level five- the sun. You weren't expecting that were you? You never do. You walk out of a bar in daylight, and you see people on their way to work, or jogging. And they look at you-and they know. And they say..."Who's Ruby?" Let's be honest, if you're 19 and you stay up all night, it's like a victory like you've beat the night, but if you're over 30, then that sun is like God's flashlight. We all say the same prayer then, "I swear, I will never do this again (how long?) as long as I live!" And some of us have that little addition, "and this time, I mean it!"

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